View Full Version : yes DAN in back

lady tara
19-03-2008, 18:33
yes Dan is back for maddie:wub: :wub: :wub:

lets hope he stay's:thumbsup:

19-03-2008, 18:42
Just watched the preview clip...:wub: :wub: Forgotten how darned hot he is :p I hope he stays too..:o

19-03-2008, 19:11
:searchme: Who is he?

19-03-2008, 19:22
Dan Clifford :wub: :p (aka Peter Wingfield), he had a affair with Louise (his brothers wife) and also a brief fling with Maddy. Maddy loved him but he loved Louise. When he got a job abroad he asked Louise to come with him but she didn't want to because she didn't love him. Maddy was left hearbroken bless her.

Very complicated :p

19-03-2008, 19:52
That was kept quiet. I hope he's back to stay.

19-03-2008, 20:35
OMG OMG really??? He's back??? I haven't watched the preview clip!!!!!!! *Screams*

AHHH just watched it!!! I really hope he stays and he and Maddy get together :p. Our prayers seem might have been answered Kasple?? :p. Ahhh I'm so excited now! This has made my night :p TPTB better not disappoint us now!!!!!!!!!

This causes for a celebration :lol:.

19-03-2008, 23:00
They do!! :cheer: :cheer:

Crack open the bubbly :lol:

Maddy and Dan forever :wub:

Mr Maestro
19-03-2008, 23:08
If Clifford is back does that mean we get rid of the religious one ? Hope so

19-03-2008, 23:13
I doubt it :p The actor left because he missed his family (bless him :wub: ) so I think he might be an Abra character, coming back for like 4 months a year? Hopefully longer :p Or something like that.

19-03-2008, 23:21
Hmmm good thinking!!!! He could be an Abra! I do hope this isn't like a 1 week stint! How pointless would that be!!!??? Although it will be awesome to see him and his hotness!!

I seriously can't wait! Don't care what happens, just great to see him back :lol:. Although obviously I want him and Madz to get together :wub:.

19-03-2008, 23:23
Absolutely. Forget Linden :lol: Linden's not good enough for Maddy :p Dan all the way :wub: :p

19-03-2008, 23:26
:lol: it's funny isn't it. This time last week or the week before we wanted MAddy and Linden to get together :lol:. As soon as we hear Danny is coming back it's like screw Linden :lol:.

ot that we are biased or anything! :p

20-03-2008, 16:00
If Clifford is back does that mean we get rid of the religious one ? Hope so

You want Linden to go because he's religious?

I like Linden, I think there's a lot the scriptwriters could do with him with regards to his religion and choices he has to make.

20-03-2008, 16:43
Don't think he meant he wanted him to go cause he's religious. Just maybe that he couldn't think of his name so said "the religious one". But I dunno :p.

I like Linden too.

20-03-2008, 18:58
Me too :p

Can't believe Dan's not staying :crying: I'm well upset :crying: :o

16-03-2009, 22:25
Can i just ask where did you guys see the preview clip, i can't wait to see Peter Wingfield back, he is one of my favourite actors.

17-03-2009, 02:06
This thread is a year old so the episode being discussed has been and gone.