View Full Version : Holby City Video Exclusives

14-03-2008, 00:49
Now that the BBC Holby site has been re-vamped, they have video interviews with cast members. I'm assuming it's every month, but I don't know.

Thought we could discuss them, and tell those who don't check the website all the time, when there are new ones up! :D. (Any spoilers they may subtly say, discuss in tags, as this is in general)

Last month it was Tina Hobley (Chrissie).

I thought that was really interesting at the time. Saying a bit about how she felt about the Stuart/Chrissie storyline.

This month it's.... my Luke Roberts (Joseph).

It's really interesting I think.

I like the part where he says Joseph still holds a torch for Jac - I put this in tags, just incase they do get back together at some point!

I like that in this interview Luke is totally different to Joseph, which I think shows his acting skills. As you can see a very clear comparison in the mannerisms, speech, looks (strangely!). I love that about Luke!!

I think they should have either Nadine Lewington (Maddy), Tom Chambers (Sam), Paul Bradley (Elliot) or Amanda Mealing (Connie) next!!

14-03-2008, 16:11
:eek: Your Luke? :lol: :p

Love Luke in this interview :p He is so different to Joseph! Just as cute :wub: :p

I want Rosie Marcel (Jac) next because I want to find out if she says the same as my Luke :p in her interview. Then Nadine, and so on and so forth....

I hope the Casualty website gets updated soon...I would love the video interviews like this on there!

14-03-2008, 17:09
Yeah it's about time the Casualty website gets updated!! I thought that one would have been first tbh!!

The videos and stuff are so much faster on the Holby site! I can actually watch :D.

14-03-2008, 20:24
I do think they are really interesting and I love it when we see the difference between the characters and actors

07-04-2008, 00:29
Video Exclusive with Jaye Jacobs

Don't miss next week's exclusive backstage interview with Holby's naughty Nurse Jackson, aka Jaye Jacobs. Find out if Jaye's a party girl in real life and why she thinks Joseph is Donna's ideal love match.

Joseph? Donna's ideal love match? :lol:

07-04-2008, 13:37
Jaye was on This Morning on Friday. I missed the interview but she won Beat The Stylist.

02-06-2008, 17:46
When's the next video exclusive going to be? I thought they were going to be every month but the last one was in April now it's June...:searchme:

02-06-2008, 17:51
I know! Although... Jayes was a week after the 7th of May.. so maybe it will be up in the next 2 weeks??

14-06-2008, 16:21
I don't see a video exclusive up yet :(

24-06-2008, 21:48
Wooo! :cheer: