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Chloe O'brien
13-03-2008, 14:18
New 'Apprentice' lineup revealed:

The lineup for this year's series of The Apprentice includes an ex-soldier who has been in rehab and an IT expert who won a £1 million payout after taking a law firm to court.

The BBC1 show returns for its fourth series in two weeks, with Sir Alan Sugar once again in the hot seat.

The Sun reports that this year's 16 contestants include former soldier Simon Smith, who developed a drug habit after serving in Bosnia and Northern Ireland. He is now a satellite engineer with a wife and daughter.

A show insider told the newspaper: “He’s had a lot of ups and downs and has been to rehab - he makes no bones about it. But he’s worked really hard to get himself back on track and has a happy family life now, as his wife just gave birth to his baby girl.”

IT expert Shazia Wahab represented herself in court when she won £1 million in damages for sex and race discrimination from City firm Allen & Overy in 2003.

Trainee barrister and property developer Nicholas de Lacy Brown joins Michael Sophocles, Alex Wotherspoon, Lee McQueen, Ian Stringer, Kevin Shaw and Raef Baggi on the male roster.

The female lineup includes Lindi Mngaza, who claims to be descended from royalty, along with business analyst Helene Speight, Jenny Celerie, Lucinda Ledgerwood, Claire Young, Jennifer McGuire and Sarah Dhada, another trainee barrister.

The source added: “It’s a brilliant lineup and not been without its rows. Some of the girls didn’t get on and split themselves into two factions. To top it all, Sir Alan’s even grumpier than usual.”

13-03-2008, 19:01
i'm looking forward to this! great show, bring on more of Sir Alan's classic one liners, and a bunch of incompetant fools! :D

16-03-2008, 14:12
yey, when does it start?

16-03-2008, 17:28
My mum loves this show, she's obsessed with it :lol: I like it more towards the end, when there's less people and more competition, it's always funny when they argue and make hideous mistakes :p

16-03-2008, 17:45
My mum loves this show, she's obsessed with it :lol: I like it more towards the end, when there's less people and more competition, it's always funny when they argue and make hideous mistakes :p

Oh no, the first few weeks are great, becuase that's when you get the total morons that are totally out of their depth and Sir Alan just shoots them down and tears their dreams apart. Oooo I love the brutality of this show, it's such a winning forumla :D

16-03-2008, 18:32
I love it, does anyone know when its back?

16-03-2008, 20:22
According to yahoo answers 26th March :p

16-03-2008, 20:36
According to yahoo answers 26th March :p

That and Desperate Housewives on the same night? Oh yes it's going to be a good night for TV.

16-03-2008, 20:41
According to yahoo answers 26th March :p

That and Desperate Housewives on the same night? Oh yes it's going to be a good night for TV.

Sounds like the housewives are not the only ones desperate :rotfl: But a good TV night is rare these days

16-03-2008, 20:46
According to yahoo answers 26th March :p

That and Desperate Housewives on the same night? Oh yes it's going to be a good night for TV.

DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES!! :cheer: :p Been waiting SO long for this :p

16-03-2008, 20:56
According to yahoo answers 26th March :p

That and Desperate Housewives on the same night? Oh yes it's going to be a good night for TV.

I know its great :D :thumbsup:

16-03-2008, 21:38
they'd better not clash!

Chloe O'brien
16-03-2008, 23:45
they'd better not clash!

I don't think they will. The Apprentice is usually shown at 9pm then the interview with the evictee on at 10 when DH is normally shown.

17-03-2008, 00:14
Even if they do clash the Apprentice will definately be on the BBCiplayer and DH probably on 4oD :D

17-03-2008, 22:22
Whooo thats good and Thank god for internet technology

27-03-2008, 09:56
Did anybody watch the Apprentice last night? It was really good!

The majority seem to be up their own arses but selling fish in a london market really brought them back down to earth!


27-03-2008, 10:04
The guy who was fired (Nicholas) what a pompous ass... Raef (not sure how you spell his name) is also another one I want to see leave already. Oh and I am totally embarrassed by that Irish girl (Best sales person in Europe, does she know everyone in sales??? )

The face on Sir Alan when Nicholas said he didn't like football and he only failure was a B in french.. hahahaha. This is going to be a good series

27-03-2008, 10:07
The guy who was fired (Nicholas) what a pompous ass... Raef (not sure how you spell his name) is also another one I want to see leave already...

Adrian Chiles made fun of Raef on The Apprentice: You're Fired on BBC2. They played the clip of him saying "The spoken word is my tool." and Adrian goes "Tool being the operative word in the clip." :lol:

27-03-2008, 10:09
The guy who was fired (Nicholas) what a pompous ass... Raef (not sure how you spell his name) is also another one I want to see leave already...

Adrian Chiles made fun of Raef on The Apprentice: You're Fired on BBC2. They played the clip of him saying "The spoken word is my tool." and Adrian goes "Tool being the operative word in the clip." :lol:

Yeah I seen that.. and they made fun of Nicholas too

Had to post what Sir Alan said to Nicholas. it was the best line ever:

"You were devastated when you got in B in your GCSE French, you're going to be even more devastated now because you got a big fat F. You're fired!"

27-03-2008, 10:40
Great episode last night and some right iritating morons Alan has to bring down a peg or two!

I'm glad that the team leader brought them other two into the boardroom as they'd both annoyed me for the entire show! What a pair of idiots, thinking they are were supreme!

And that Nicolas is a prime example of someone with all these qualifications, all talk and no action. He may have a degree in law, but thats not going to get him far in a buisness contest. And what use is a degree if you're underselling Lobster by 18 quid!? So glad he went, he would have driven me mad, that other idiot to go next week!

I think the team leader did an ok job considering it was week one, and he stepped up to the challenge. It's always hard to lead a group of strangers on the first week, it could have got a lot worse. After all the mistakes in the group weren't down to him, he gave people jobs to do and they cocked up, like underseeling 130 quid of fish for 50 quid!

Great start to the series though!

27-03-2008, 15:42
If Sir Alan is looking for a worthwhile apprentice he should dispose of the 16 applicants and go for the guy who wouldn't budge from his £50 for the fish.

The problem with this programme is that it has now become a "wannabee celebrity reality" show instead of looking for real business people who can cut the ice. The marvels of television!

27-03-2008, 16:25
Yeah I seen that.. and they made fun of Nicholas too

Had to post what Sir Alan said to Nicholas. it was the best line ever:

"You were devastated when you got in B in your GCSE French, you're going to be even more devastated now because you got a big fat F. You're fired!"

That was hilarious :rotfl:

Apparentley Sir Alan doesn't want to say 'you're fired' anymore, but it's been written into his contract so he has to say it :lol:

27-03-2008, 18:59
what made me laugh was when alan said to raef 'why shouldn't i fire you?' and raef starts talking, and alan shouts 'these are just words!' - what did he want him to do?! draw him a picture?! :lol:

27-03-2008, 20:51
oh yeah and my other favourite quote "it's not as if I labelled a shark a hamster!" :lol:

27-03-2008, 22:17
I think there should be a seperate thread just for the quotes :lol: :p

28-03-2008, 10:37
"Raef's the kinda guy that would talk himself into getting sacked. He'd say something like 'I'm sorry, Sir Alan, but you're talking bollocks.'!!"

28-03-2008, 21:46
"You were devastated when you got in B in your GCSE French, you're going to be even more devastated now because you got a big fat F. You're fired!"
That was brilliant!
Loved the first epi, so glad it's back! Was waiting for this for ages, usually comes on in Jan dosen't it! :D
Ahh some of the things they say on there just cracks me up :p

03-04-2008, 00:07
the girls were USELESS this week, they made a right balls up with the pricings, loosing clothes and the nerve of them to ask for tips! I just cringed at some of the scenes

as for the firing, I think Sir Alan was wrong on this one. Jenny deserved to go, the way she spoke to Lucinda was disgusting. Nobody should speak to anyone like that in such a tone, she was rude, condesending and patronising beyond belief, how dare she speak to another human being like that.

Lucinda deserved to stay because she was bullied by Jenny, and a lot of unnecessary **** was thrown at her. If i was Lucinda I'd have smacked Jenny one or threw a glass of water on her, I can't believe she took all that without reacting!

03-04-2008, 07:14
Definitely agree. Jenny should have gone. She was responsible for the whole mess.

03-04-2008, 07:37
i get the feeling Jenny stayed because she was good TV, they need a new Katie Hopkins....but yes, if anyone had spoken to me like that at work i'd have walked. i can't believe Sir Alan didn't call her up on it when she was doing it in the boardroom.

and can i say the boys were amazing, i think that's one of the best completions of a task i've ever seen on the show.

03-04-2008, 10:12
Jenny should have gone!!! she couldn't keep control of anyone, didn't plan properly and then blame Lucinda on some stupid things.. like taken the napkins out one at the time.. Maybe if they let her do that, they would have found the missing item

How funny was Sir Alan about the 24 hotline?? :lol::lol:

and Simon with his "I say old chap, top tea" in the ritz :rotfl::rotfl:

03-04-2008, 13:25
simon seems like a top bloke and a hard grafter, a worthy candidate to win.

03-04-2008, 13:32
simon seems like a top bloke and a hard grafter, a worthy candidate to win.

totally agree. he just got stuck in and did the work... I wonder what he will make of Raef having his cuppa when he was need back in the launderette

Chloe O'brien
03-04-2008, 14:58
From the minute they tried to charge the hotel guy 4.99 an item you knew the girls were doomed and then charging a guy 15 quid for a big pile of washing was just as crazy. Have none of these people got any common sense. Jenny should have went not only for how she bullied Luicnda but calling Shazia a liar. Shazia had a system were she was recording everyone's laundry and Jenny and her favourites came in and told her to go back to the house no wonder customers lost laundry.

Simon was spot on being an ex army he had a good system but it could have gone wrong with the amount of work Rafe kept accepting more work and skiving off. Simon won't forget that.

10-04-2008, 13:48
the right guy was kicked out last night and I hope now he can spell LOSER!!!! Ian was an idiot.. Simon tried to tell both himself and Kevin to get a huge bag of tomatoes.. my god, everyone know most italian dishes are tomato based!!

Does anyone else think that Kevin in like "tim nice but dim" from harry enfield sketchs??

10-04-2008, 15:47
Does anyone think Kevin looks like Matt Lucas from little Britain? :eek:
As soon as he said 'the word L is not a word in my vocabulary' or something alone the lines I knew he was going to be THE LOSER! He did make a lot of mistakes and did deserve to be fired..

10-04-2008, 18:21
Sir Alan should have fired Boris Johnson/Matt Lucas last night, he was such a smary little so and so, full of himself.

10-04-2008, 20:25
Sir Alan should have fired Boris Johnson/Matt Lucas last night,

:lol: that's what it is- Matt Lucas doing an impression of Boris Johnson!

Chloe O'brien
11-04-2008, 11:08
Simon should never have been in the Boardroom to begin with. He's the only one with and ounce of common sense. Ian should have taken Lee or Michael into the room with him as they were the ones telling him what to do.

I thought the guys would have walked this one but they spent too much time trying to decided which type of food they were going to serve and spent far too much money on supplies.

12-04-2008, 16:50
They were hopeless in the restaurant task, the lads, my favourite quote was when raef suggested everything in an italien accent and this little voice piped up, "How do you spell accent" I was in fits. Kevin was shocking and really should have gone, i was laughing again when he was trying to count the money for 10 tomatoes.

13-04-2008, 18:37
Simon should never have been in the Boardroom to begin with. He's the only one with and ounce of common sense. Ian should have taken Lee or Michael into the room with him as they were the ones telling him what to do.

I thought the guys would have walked this one but they spent too much time trying to decided which type of food they were going to serve and spent far too much money on supplies.

I agree he should have taken Simon into the boardroom. Simon tried to advise and make Ian see sense over a number of things (he never listened to him) and he doesnt mind getting stuck in there....

Very pleased Ian went....:thumbsup:

17-04-2008, 07:06
and once again i question Sir Alan's integrity on the show this series. Claire gets rewarded for basically conducting a character assasination on Simon, but oh well, that'lll be good TV....

17-04-2008, 08:48
Grrr.. can we PLEASE get rid of Claire?! She aggrivates me sooo much.. I know it sounds stupid but she really winds me up!

Is it just me or does Helene have a look of Catherine Zeta Jones?

And I saw an earlier post about Kevin looking like Matt Lucas.. my Mum said the exact same thing and I can't look at him without thinking of 'the only gay in the village' now...

17-04-2008, 09:38
and once again i question Sir Alan's integrity on the show this series. Claire gets rewarded for basically conducting a character assasination on Simon, but oh well, that'lll be good TV....

Totally agree... Simon should never have gone. Did you watch "You're fired" on BBC2. Simon is such a nice guy... Claire should be kicked out and soon. Herself and Jenny are unbelievable... neither of these should win.

17-04-2008, 09:47
Ooo and ... omg...blank...

I have COMPLETELY forgotten her name!

The one that was in charge of the computer in Helene's team yesterday, she's really strange.. I think she should go aswell, she doesn't seem to like pulling her weight.

17-04-2008, 09:49
Ooo and ... omg...blank...

I have COMPLETELY forgotten her name!

The one that was in charge of the computer in Helene's team yesterday, she's really strange.. I think she should go aswell, she doesn't seem to like pulling her weight.

Lucinda... she wasn't pulling her weight cause she clearly said that she was not technical but Helene still put her on the computer.. even when she knew it wasn't going well at all, she never asked one of the others to take over..

17-04-2008, 09:52
That's the one thankyou! My mind went completely blank then!

Chloe O'brien
17-04-2008, 10:36
Sir Alan got is so wrong last night. Simon should never have been in the boardroom to begin with let alone be fired.

Helene's team should have been in the boardroom for.

1 Being a crap project manager and putting someone who couldn't even text or take photos on their mobile phone in charge of producing the photo's. She should have had Lucinda taking orders from customers and Helene should have taken over printing the photo's.

2 They should have been fined for not giving the customers what they ordered.

3. For lying that none of them new anything about computers. What a pile of POO!!!

Helene, Claire or Lee should have got the bullet last night. Helene for her bad management skills, Lee for being a woose and refusing to take any responsiblity and Claire for being a Bully. Those two had no intention of giving Simon any support from the begining.

This lot have to the thickest worse bunch that have been in the competition they all want to stay quiet and not take any responisblity and are thick as mince.

17-04-2008, 12:52
what an episode last night! our whole flat were screaming at the TV for the most part! Nick and Margaret were amazing, especially when she shouted "Alex!" as if he was a naughty little boy! :lol:

This year's contestants are the biggest bunch of back stabbing bitches I've ever seen! And none of them are that good tbh! I had high hopes for Simon, but Sir Alan was right, he was out of his depth.

Clare's days are numbered, she's got a gob on her, and needs to learn when to shut up, she's nasty and deserves the boot, but after Sir Alan's harsh words to her, I think her day's are numbered!

17-04-2008, 13:18
What a nice guy Simon was on 'the apprentice you're fired'.

He is a genuinely smart, nice, hard working capable guy, but he couldn't manage the backstabbers. If he had a team of normal people he would have managed them fine, being out of your depth with a bunch of lying toadies is normal - in real life they would be fired by the manager! How can you defend yourself against people who want you to fail and are prepared to lie to ensure that you do?

I could not believe it when Helene said that Lucinda hadn't told her she was useless technically! Helene has to go - who would want to work with a bullying liar? She was despicable.

The majority of this years bunch are people I would cross the road to avoid.

Well done to Simon for giving it 100%, and not calling it 110%!

17-04-2008, 13:25
Is it just me or does Helene have a look of Catherine Zeta Jones?
Sorry for reposting but I just need to know it's not just me! haha..
I was trying to figure out who she looked like last night and I saw a picture of CZJ this morning and realised it was her!

17-04-2008, 15:10
Well done to Simon for giving it 100%, and not calling it 110%!
What a relief to find someone who shares my passionate hatred for 110%!!! :cheer:

This year's Apprentice seems to be more about tv ratings than in finding a genuine worthwhile apprentice for Sir Alan. Fire the lot of them and start again.

17-04-2008, 15:15
Here Here!

I think aswell, some are just after the fame.

17-04-2008, 15:55
Is it just me or does Helene have a look of Catherine Zeta Jones?
Sorry for reposting but I just need to know it's not just me! haha..
I was trying to figure out who she looked like last night and I saw a picture of CZJ this morning and realised it was her!

It is just you!

(She has the hair - that is all, sorry!)

08-05-2008, 13:40
How cool was it last night.. both Jenny's gone!! about time Sir Alan!! but did you notice he picked who went to the boardroom last night.. would this have to do with Jenny (red head) been left out of the boardroom last week???

08-05-2008, 21:29
i think he just took them all in because the whole team (apart from maybe Alex) were so useless!

I'm glad redhead Jenny went because she was in Alan Sugar's words "a snake", but i felt the other Jenny should have been given a bit more time. I can't believe that nasty smug coniving Claire is still here and also the guy who's name i can never remember who said he was Jewish but knew nothing about Kosher. the way he and Jenny treated the staff at that sports shop was appaulling! it was like they thought you could get Morroccan people to do anything so long as you showed them some money!

09-05-2008, 08:27
I think like lost vodoo said it was probably because they were all useless and maybe a little bit to do with the way Jenny got to stay last week, i hadnt thought of that.

So glad she went, she was beginning to annoy me. Some of the things she said and did was verging on bullying, especially to that Sara and Lucinda.

Chloe O'brien
09-05-2008, 12:29
Has to be one of the best ones of the programme, Jenny and Jennifer's faces when they were fired were priceless. Alex and Claire need to go. She is just a bully and undermines every project manager. Alex is just a lazy little sh*t His war-cry is "I have worked in Sales all my life" he has hid under the radar on every task as he doesn't want to be confrontational and end up in the Boardroom.

Michael face was a picture when he had to admit to Sir Alan that he wasn't a good Jewish boy. My money is on Lee to win now.

09-05-2008, 13:35
I can't stand 'Thats what I'm talking about!' Lee. I think that Raefe although posh is the best candidate left in the competition now. He had the gumption to stand up to Lee last week when he was bullying Sara in the house after the board room. And in the main he has got on an done his job whether or not he was team leader.

The 2 Jennifer's both gone - hurrah :cheer: Mean sprited, bullying harridans the pair of them.

Being good in business doesn't mean you have to be a back stabbing, bullying , two faced bitch.

If only Michael had gone too.

This weeks episode was a classic!

09-05-2008, 19:21
I think that Raefe although posh is the best candidate left in the competition now. He had the gumption to stand up to Lee last week when he was bullying Sara in the house after the board room. And in the main he has got on an done his job whether or not he was team leader.

hear hear! my money is on Raefe. i think he should have another go at being project manager though just to see if he can pull it off again.

10-05-2008, 09:58
i think he just took them all in because the whole team (apart from maybe Alex) were so useless!

Sir Alan said on the Jonathan Ross Show last night that he decided who to call back this time because Jenny wasn't called back by the team leader last time as he would have sacked her then.

Chloe O'brien
10-05-2008, 23:06
If Alan Sugar had gotten rid of Jenny after the laundry task he wouldn't have had to call them all into the Boardroom. Shazia and Simon were wrongly booted out when she should have went weeks ago.

10-05-2008, 23:22
I'm glad Jenny C has finally gone as I thought the way she was speaking to Lucinda a few weeks ago was outrageous.

15-05-2008, 15:38
Another bad judgement from Sir Alan last night.

Yes, Sara was too pushy, however her crimes were small in comparison to the mistakes made by Helene as team leader. How anyone can judge the best product line when they have only seen half of the choices is beyond me!

And as for Michael! Slimey, fake, and totally useless! He has appealed to Sir Alan for survival so often now that I am surprised it worked last night. I really thought that 2 were going to go again. He also tell too many lies.

I agreed with Margaret when she suggested that there were reasons for all of the three in the board room to go. I would have gone with 2 - Helene and Michael.

Raef is still looking good. He didn't sell much last night, though, but at least he tries and is honest with it.

15-05-2008, 15:57
Another bad judgement from Sir Alan last night.

Yes, Sara was too pushy, however her crimes were small in comparison to the mistakes made by Helene as team leader. How anyone can judge the best product line when they have only seen half of the choices is beyond me!

And as for Michael! Slimey, fake, and totally useless! He has appealed to Sir Alan for survival so often now that I am surprised it worked last night. I really thought that 2 were going to go again. He also tell too many lies.

I agreed with Margaret when she suggested that there were reasons for all of the three in the board room to go. I would have gone with 2 - Helene and Michael.

Raef is still looking good. He didn't sell much last night, though, but at least he tries and is honest with it.

Totally agree.. Sir Alan should not have even hesitated to get rid of Michael last night and Helene made very very poor judgement on the wedding dresses... I reckon on Lee going all the way and I am coming around to Raef..

15-05-2008, 23:47
Michael told a blatant lie when he said he'd wanted to split into two groups - one for dresses, one for accessories.

16-05-2008, 09:23
I agree. How Sir Alan could even have contemplated keeping Michael on after two successive weeks of lies and proving he is not up to the task is beyond me. I have to say it has actually lowered my estimation of Sir Alan as this great business tycoon.

16-05-2008, 09:49
Michael told a blatant lie when he said he'd wanted to split into two groups - one for dresses, one for accessories.
actually he did say it in the car to Sara that is was bad leadership to not have one person see all dress... but he didn't say it to Helene

16-05-2008, 09:50
Yes, he did say that in the car, but it was his idea in the first place to split the teams up geographically rather than by subject (as it were) and Helene went along with it.

16-05-2008, 11:30
I think sara shouldnt have gone as you say Helene was a lot worse. I seem to think though that they sort of calculate between themselves. Sara was one of the quieter personalities similar to Lucinda and are more likely to go.

22-05-2008, 07:05
noooooooooooooooooo! i can't believe it, i though Raef was gonna go all the way! how are micheal and claire still in this?!

22-05-2008, 08:43
I think Raef was too much of a toff for an Eastend boy like Sir Alan.

I agree about Michael but I'm not so sure about Claire. She's got something about her - her problem is she's selfish and would rather give herself an excuse she can carry in to the boardroom than throw herself fully in to the team.

22-05-2008, 09:35
clare is great in hindsight... she spots the problems but does nothing about them at all and then says in the boardroom "oh I told you this blah blah".. Micheal is a snake and a liar.. can't believe he sold Raef out.. Raef did deserve to go on this Project but overall he has been the better team player

22-05-2008, 10:08
Sir Alan already mentioned this ''making a big deal about if you know it is wrong'' to Claire so she dosen't deserve any more chances. I think Sir Alan is basing this show on entertainment value and not about business anymore because that was only the 2nd time as Raef mentioned he was in the final 3 and he barely did anything comapred to what others have done in the past. Micheal had his last chance last time and wanted another chance yet he failed, chuck him out!
I am beginning to lose a bit of respect for Sir Alan now.

22-05-2008, 10:26
I read an interview with Nick and Margaret (Sir Alan's aides) and they said that nobody who enters the Apprentice would actually make a good apprentice... does anyone know if any of the previous winner are still working for him???

22-05-2008, 10:55
I thought Raef was going to go the distance. Michael's firing is long overdue, the guy is a total slimeball and he stresses me out whenever he's on screen with that moronic voice of his.

22-05-2008, 11:27

I haven't seen this episode yet as hubby hogged the TV watching football.

I will be watching as soon as I get home - Raef gone :( Micael still in!! :crying:

I will give my verdict tomorrow, lol

22-05-2008, 19:17
Poor Raef, he was seduced by the idea of directing a commercial and totally lost the plot. An advert is a tool for selling - not an art form.

Alex - useless
Michael - as always a slimy, lying toad.
Lucinda - too negative this week. Make your point when there is still time to have input.
Helene - weak
Claire - good presentation, reasonable ideas.
Lee - a peace maker this week between Alex and Lu. A positive chap, but his presentation was really awful.

Based on this task it is between Lee and Claire. Unfortunately I don't like either of them :(

Michael to go next - please!!

22-05-2008, 21:23
you always are spot on with your opinions Trinity, couldn't agree more! If Margaret or Nick ever left, you should take their place - you seem to know what you're talking about! :lol:

Talking of Nick and Margaret, they have been fantastic this series and really come out of their shells - their looks and one liners have had me and my friends in absolute stitches.

Chloe O'brien
22-05-2008, 23:59
Lee's poor presentation was down to Lucinda and Alex going on at him before his speach. Can't believe Michael wormed his way out of being fired again. He really is clinging by his fingertips.

I would like to see Lee and Lucinda as the final two even though I have no favourites left in the competition Alex and Helene are hopeless and spineless who are doing their best to avoid confrontation. Claire and Michael should have went weeks ago.

23-05-2008, 09:14
I have a scary feeling Lucinda is going this week.... It will be Micheal and clare in the final as much as it pains me... Lee is the only decent one left

23-05-2008, 12:41
I read an interview with Nick and Margaret (Sir Alan's aides) and they said that nobody who enters the Apprentice would actually make a good apprentice... does anyone know if any of the previous winner are still working for him???

Apprentice number one left after two years:


Apprentice number two Michelle Dewsbury only stayed for her one year contract:


Apprentice number three Simon Ambrose is still working with the propoerty arm of Sir Alan Sugar's empire. He is not exactly setting the real estate world alight....

'Last years Apprentice winner, Simon Abrose is said to have had a “rude awakening” when he took up his post at AMSPROP, the real estate division of Alan Sugar’s group of companies.
“Simon’s doing OK…He’s working on trying to sell some places for us and I think he’s had a rude awakening,” Sugar revealed. “His naivety’s been given a whack over the head, thinking that he’s got things sold but then realising he’s amongst some real sharks out there. He’s gotta learn - he’s an apprentice.”
However, despite his bumpy start, Sugar is confident that Ambrose will grow into his role. “He hasn’t sold Canary Wharf yet, but he’ll get there,” he insisted.'


I still think that Kristina Grimes was robbed!

23-05-2008, 13:22
I still think that Kristina Grimes was robbed!

thanks for the info.. and 100% agree with above statement.. she was robbed

25-05-2008, 01:01
I agree about Kristina being robbed. You can view a bit of S3 on YouTube and she was a fantastic contestant and great at thinking on her feet.

Lee's poor presentation was down to Lucinda and Alex going on at him before his speach. Can't believe Michael wormed his way out of being fired again. He really is clinging by his fingertips.

I would like to see Lee and Lucinda as the final two even though I have no favourites left in the competition Alex and Helene are hopeless and spineless who are doing their best to avoid confrontation. Claire and Michael should have went weeks ago.
I don't think Lee was the right person to do the presentation. I think his speech can come across as quite garbled. Alex would have been much better.

Chloe O'brien
25-05-2008, 02:26
None of the remaining contestants have the quality that Kristina had last year she was robbed last year, this time it was Simon who was robbed.

I think it has to be Alex or Helene to go this week as they have been hiding under the Radar since week one and haven't pulled their finger out and done some serious work to prove they are the best candidate for the apprentice.

As much as we all love to hate Michael he is the Kate Hopkins of this series. Everyone hates him but can't bear to get rid of him. claires a bullying bitch who should have went weeks ago. Lee and Airy Fairy Lucinda to be the final two with Lee winning.

27-05-2008, 14:49

Apprentice tonight at 9pm on BBC 1

27-05-2008, 15:57

Apprentice tonight at 9pm on BBC 1

Just saw this on the BBC Homepage!..
It clashes with BGT don't it :( I think I will watch The Apprentice on BBC iPlayer...

28-05-2008, 11:45
Yessssss! :cheer:

Michael is gone, justice has at last been served to slimey, liar and egotist.

If only Helene had gone too, I really thought it was going to happen...

Verdicts on the rest of them are mixed.

Lucinda, get the car right, babe - the name is on the badge!

Claire, good at selling medium priced products and works very hard.

Alex, sold an impossibly expensive car hire 4 times over, I was impressed. He has no personality, though.

Lee, should have managed Lucinda better. She needed help and was hung out to dry. He can take risks though, the expensive car was a gamble that paid off in the same way as the designer wedding dresses a couple of weeks ago. He should have thought of the team as a whole. The evening slot was a great place to sell the raffle tickets - what happened to them BTW?

Though it pains me to say it Alex and Claire for the final. Lucinda is a good manager but she flounders as a team member.

I wouldn't pick Lee, and you know what I am taliking about!

28-05-2008, 12:47
I am so glad Micheal has gone, how he escaped firing for so long was beyond me!

Lucinda, bless her, she's such a sweet soul but totally useless! She may be a nice person, but she wouldn't last long working with Sir Alan! She needs a bit of a backbone and a bit of something about her, when the going gets tough Sir Alan needs someone who can get results, now go in the corner and cry and blame it all on others.

Saying that it didn't excuse the way she's been treated the past two weeks by Lee and Alex. With that raffle idea, it was clearly hers not Alex's! And she has no experience of sales, so why Lee left her alone is beyond me!

This year's bunch are near to useless, they're just big egos who try and make out to be next to brilliant. When I'm saying Claire to win, it just shows how bad the rest are.

28-05-2008, 13:44
I can't wait for next week..I love the interview show.. one of those guys rips the contestants to shreds..

28-05-2008, 19:45
Apparently next week - the real interviews from Hell - "Look out for the moment when your least favourite candidate is so brutally done over, you feel for the first time in 11 weeks an actual spark of sympathy" [Radio Times]. Presumably that's Claire. I read that before last night's programme and thought that Michael was going to escape again. But justice was done at last!

Having said that, I can't see the final being between anyone but Lee and Claire.

Chloe O'brien
29-05-2008, 23:23
I think your right about Lee and Claire being in the final, but I wouldn't rule out Lucinda she is a dark horse with her tree-hugging ways. As long as it's not Helene or Alex that make it. Those two have been lurking around for weeks without bringing anything to the show.

05-06-2008, 08:47
OMG - what an episode.

Needy Lee lied on his C.V.

Sneeky Alex shafted Lucinda in the boardroom

Claire talked and talked, but still shone.

Helene proved that she interviewed better than she performed

And Lucinda was fired...but she will do okay, she would have taken a pay cut to work for £100K anyway - and although I loved her I think Sir Alan was right to fire her, she would not have been a good fit within his companies.

I think Sir Alan kept the four of them in not because they were all great, but because no two shone.

Lee really shot himself in the foot with his lie on his C.V. He obviously has a total chip on his shoulder regarding his lack of a university education and instead of using it as a plus - e.g. I didn't have the educational advantages of some of the contestants but I have worked my butt off and made a sucess of myself - he lied. Very sad.

Alex interviewed really badly, however the panal still liked him. I don't, who wants to work with a back stabber, even if he used to be a model and has Superman p.js?

Claire did well, the best of all the candidates bar Lucinda in the interview, but her incessant talking is obviously annoying people.

Helene, oh god- I hope she doesn't get the job.

In the absence of robbed duo Simon and Raef, reluctantly I have to say, 'Claire, you're hired!'

05-06-2008, 08:48
Can anyone tell me how old Alex is? He forgot to mention it last night! :wall:

05-06-2008, 08:54
Can anyone tell me how old Alex is? He forgot to mention it last night! :wall:


05-06-2008, 09:08
lol, i loved when Karen Brady was like so what if your 24. I was chair of Birmingham City at 23, a whole year younger".

Cant believe Lee but 2 years rather than 4 months not really an easy mistake.

and the other favourite was Alex putting Fluent in english.

05-06-2008, 09:31
poor Lucinda! :( bless her little cotton socks!

05-06-2008, 09:59
I am not suprised Lucinda got fired.. she was 100% right, you don't need to be a bitch to do well in business..

I am not sure if Clare has changed at all.. as Sir Alan said, she shuts up in the boardroom but she hasn't changed outside it. Still would like Lee to win as Helene and Alex are just not good options

Chloe O'brien
05-06-2008, 10:48
How on earth Alex and Helene have lasted this long is anyone guesed. Alex has been a backstabbing slimeball since day 1 and Helene has just been hiding in all the tasks I would not hire any them. Claire is a motormouth bully Sir Alan had it right last night she can talk but she doesn't listen. The only one out of the 4 despite his lying on his CV is Lee as he has grafted his butt of in every task.

05-06-2008, 11:07
How on earth Alex and Helene have lasted this long is anyone guesed. Alex has been a backstabbing slimeball since day 1 and Helene has just been hiding in all the tasks I would not hire any them. Claire is a motormouth bully Sir Alan had it right last night she can talk but she doesn't listen. The only one out of the 4 despite his lying on his CV is Lee as he has grafted his butt of in every task.

At least he owned up in the boardroom, and I think that if Sir Alan was going to hold the lie against him he would have gone yesterday.

I would find Clare annoying to work with definitely, but I do think that she is the best of a poor bunch.

Sir Alan's mistake's in firing Simon and Raef are going to cost him dearly.

06-06-2008, 08:26
can anyone else not believe that they kept saying Lucinda wasn't a serious businesswoman because she had an interest in aromotherapy?! its not like her degree was in it! and contary to what they were saying you can't be a dizzy silly woman and still earn £100k a year!

06-06-2008, 09:19
I agree totally, Lucinda was a smart, capable woman, and a wonderful manager. Where she performed poorly as part of a team it was invariably down to poor management on someone elses part.

Unfortunately the business world is still a chauvanistic environment, and Lu is better working for herself. She would have hated the job anyway.

07-06-2008, 20:08
I think it would be a travesty if Alex won. Claire is a much stronger candidate and would make much more of an impact within SAS's company.

Chloe O'brien
08-06-2008, 01:33
If anyone apart from Lee win then it's a fix like last year. Lee was not my favourite but he is the best hardworking candidate out of the four. Helene and Alex are only there because they hid behind others shirt-tales throughout the competition and as for Clare she only survived due to .simon and Rafe hard luck

08-06-2008, 10:27
that's the thing, sometimes i wonder why they bother with the process. the whole point of doing a '10week interview" or whatever was that they got to know they canddates as people more and how they worked in a group environment. Claire might interview well and look good on paper but she's also proven she can't work well wth other people and will happily undermine anyone else at the first chance she gets.

Chloe O'brien
10-06-2008, 12:01
The runner-up in this year's Apprentice will be offered a job by Essex County Council, reports the BBC.

The position will be created and tailored towards the strengths of the second-placed candidate from the show.

Claire Young, Lee McQueen, Helene Speight and Alex Wotherspoon will all compete for a job at Sir Alan Sugar's Amstrad firm in Wednesday's final.

Council leader Lord Hanningfield said: "Essex County Council is as ambitious as any private company. We unashamedly want the best and brightest to come and work for us.

"Perceptions need to change. Working in local government is every bit as challenging and rewarding, if not more so, than the private sector."

He added: "Sir Alan Sugar's company is based right here in Essex - so this is about the ambition of the county as a whole, both private and public sector working together, to deliver the best possible quality of life for the people of Essex."

The Apprentice final airs Wednesday at 9pm on BBC One.

10-06-2008, 12:06
judging by that news article i think i know who win's this series.

10-06-2008, 12:13
judging by that news article i think i know who win's this series.

Go on then - who?

10-06-2008, 13:31
The runner-up in this year's Apprentice will be offered a job by Essex County Council, reports the BBC.

The position will be created and tailored towards the strengths of the second-placed candidate from the show.

Claire Young, Lee McQueen, Helene Speight and Alex Wotherspoon will all compete for a job at Sir Alan Sugar's Amstrad firm in Wednesday's final.

Council leader Lord Hanningfield said: "Essex County Council is as ambitious as any private company. We unashamedly want the best and brightest to come and work for us.

"Perceptions need to change. Working in local government is every bit as challenging and rewarding, if not more so, than the private sector."

He added: "Sir Alan Sugar's company is based right here in Essex - so this is about the ambition of the county as a whole, both private and public sector working together, to deliver the best possible quality of life for the people of Essex."

The Apprentice final airs Wednesday at 9pm on BBC One.
Presumably with salary to match. As an Essex Council tax payer myself I object!

10-06-2008, 13:50
judging by that news article i think i know who win's this series.

I reckon Claire wins and Lee is giving the above position

10-06-2008, 16:14
judging by that news article i think i know who win's this series.

I reckon Claire wins and Lee is giving the above position

That would be fair given the dross left in the competition.

10-06-2008, 16:47
judging by that news article i think i know who win's this series.

I reckon Claire wins and Lee is giving the above position

Exactly! Lee is from Essex, or London? The others are northern, so doubt they'd be working for Essex Council.

And Lee & Claire are paired together in the final, so if Lee gets that job, i'd say Claire wins the apprentice.

11-06-2008, 20:53
I think Claire's gonna win tonight but I hope Helene does :D

11-06-2008, 22:17
Lee won :cheer: I was SOOOO pleased! He deserves it!

11-06-2008, 23:20
Oh no! Claire was more capable than Lee but he wanted an apprentice and he's got one.

Poor Helene on You're Fired!. The interview seemed to be tailored towards having a dig at her and Lucinda should have kept quiet and Adrian Chiles should have kept more control.

12-06-2008, 06:08
APPRENTICE winner Lee McQueen last night said he still has one task left to do — marry his sweetheart.

Former salesman Lee, 30, scooped the show’s prize of a £100,000-a-year job after an estimated nine million viewers saw the tense final head-to-head with rival Claire Young.

He says hearing show tycoon Sir Alan Sugar telling him “You’re hired” still hasn’t sunk in.

But, launching into his catchphrase “That’s what I’m talking about,” one thing he is clear about is long-time girlfriend Nicola Jellyman.

Runners-up ... Claire Young, Alex Wotherspoon and Helene Speight

Lee said: “I’ve got my dream job and I’ve already got my dream girl. I suppose now I should go down on one knee and ask her to marry me. That would really complete things wouldn’t it?”

Lee and Nicola have been together for nine years and live in a £500,000 home in Princes Risborough, Bucks.

The faithful star said he was furious with whispers that he was dating runner-up Claire, 29. He said: “I heard all these rumours but they were just that. Me and Nicola are solid.

“We have a great life together - I’m not going to jeopardise that.

“I’m a big fan of Claire professionally. I was backing her to win.

“I even started thinking how I’d quite happily ask her for a job if she ended up working for Sir Alan.”

Lee revealed he plans to splash out on Nicola as a treat for putting up with him while he filmed the BBC1 show.

He said: “One of the first things I’m going to have to do when I join Sir Alan’s company is ask him for some time off so we can go on holiday. And I should treat Nicola to something nice like some fancy new shoes.”

He also plans to splash out on his loving mum Susan, 55, who has split from his milkman dad.

He said: “When I was 18 I helped my mum buy a house because she’s always been so supportive. I know there are things that need sorting out and improving there so that’s what I’ll do.”

And he also plans to buy himself a flash motor as soon as he banks his first pay cheque.

He said: “When I was 26 I said to my mates I was going to have a Porsche 911 when I was 30.

“Well I’m 30 now and I’ve got a £100,000-a-year job so it shouldn’t be long before that gets sorted.”

Sadly, he has little contact with his dad. He said: “My dad didn’t come to the screening and he doesn’t know I’ve won . . . well I suppose he might do by now.”

Lee was a surprise winner as many thought he had blown his chances by lying on his CV.

He claimed to have been to college for two years when in fact he lasted only four months.

Lee described the “miscommunication” as “one of the biggest mistakes of my life”.

He said: “It was a massive mistake and I got a serious grilling for it from Sir Alan. I deserved that. I shouldn’t have lied. But it was a mistake and it didn’t reflect on my skills.

“I’ve got a chip on my shoulder about my education because I didn’t do very well at school.

I also once worked for four years as a catering manager at Harrow School, which was full of posh kids getting a great education. I think that might have something to do with my insecurities.

“I still had them going on to the show which is why I did what I did with my CV. But I’m glad Sir Alan saw beyond that and realised I’ve got plenty of experience and gone on to achieve at a high level.

“I think maybe he saw a bit of himself in me - he left school at 16 and has had to make his way without masses of educational achievements.”

He added winning the show had given him a “major confidence boost”. He added: “I won't let Sir Alan down. I can't wait to get stuck in. Maybe soon I'll be earning seven figures instead of six.”

Lee - who earned £75,000-a-year in his last job at Capita Group - will be put in charge of a new company within Sir Alan’s sprawling £800million empire.

He explained: “Sir Alan has bought a new business doing digital advertising and signage. I’ll be running the sales teams with one of his colleagues. It’s just want I wanted to do - start on something fresh and exciting.”

Lee said he would employ some of the other apprentices - including runner-up Claire.

But added: “She’d never work for me. In fact, I imagine none of them would work for me. How odd would that be?”

He also confessed that he had become a GAY icon since appearing on the BBC1 show.

He said: “I’ve had letters from gay blokes. One guy said he didn’t care if I won - he just wanted to spend some time with me. I’ll probably give that a miss.”

Another thing he won’t be indulging in is his famous reverse pterodactyl performance, which he demonstrated on the show. He laughed: “It’s extinct.”

12-06-2008, 08:21
Well done Lee!

I am gutted for Claire, though. They worked very well together and deserved to win the task even if their fragrance was 'boring'.

Helene was awful. She fell to pieces and is a conceited, delusional woman who believes herself to be so much better than she is. She is negative, negative, negative.

Alex, needs to concentrate on being positive and performing himself rather than putting other people down. He also deserved to go. It was the designer who had the great idea, and the name came from the bottle.

Neither of them performed well.

I would have preferred that Claire got the job, however, I think that Lee is a fantastic apprentice. He is a grafter who needed this more than Claire. I think that she will still get her chance. didn't one of the interviewers last week say that if Sir Alan didn't give her a job then she would??

12-06-2008, 09:10
:cheer::cheer: delighted Lee won.. He was consistent throughout and it was well deserved

12-06-2008, 09:29
I am so pleased Lee won, i was a bit gutted for Claire as i thought she worjed really well in the last few weeks. I was just so wanting Helene not to win. She was still blaming other people when she came out.