View Full Version : Steve to take another break

21-05-2005, 17:37
Phil Mitchell well Steve McFadden is going to be having another 2 month break to continue panto shortly after returning!!!!

Source: DS (Website)

Taking the pee if you ask me :thumbsdow

21-05-2005, 17:48
They shouldn't give him a break. He's only back.

21-05-2005, 18:02
Hardly worth him coming back.

21-05-2005, 18:03
yes thats right cos there was an advertisment in last nights manchester evening news for captain hook ,starring steve mc fadden i can't remember if it's the palace theatre or the opera house but tickets go on sale this week

21-05-2005, 18:33
If it ture for some reason however much John yorke wants to get the show back on track i dont think he will put up with cast member leaving all the time when it suit them i could be wrong they could be fine with it but at the end of the day everyone has a job to do however much they are popular no is one is bigger then the show at the end of the day :hmm:

Everyone deserves a break though :)

21-05-2005, 18:39
he had probably agreed to do it before john yorke cos under kh all the mitchells were to be axed,so steve prpbably thought he wasn't going to get his job back,and we can't blame the actors if the managment don't do their job proper and put their feet down,thats the problem with ee they seem to let a certain few get all their own way and ee suffers through this.

21-05-2005, 18:50
i wish he wud just get back to EE, we need an exciting story line!

21-05-2005, 19:21
I would boot him out. The show needs less disruptions.

21-05-2005, 19:42
Another break?! No point bringing him back at all if you ask me.

21-05-2005, 20:14
I'd much rather see Babs back as Peggy than him. I know she's coming back but it's her return I'm looking forward to more than anybody elses.
Pat's living in her house and the Watts are currently in the pub well Chrissie with Sharon and Dennis before long so I hope the way Peggy reacts to it all isn't a letdown.
I'm hoping for some firey scenes.

21-05-2005, 20:17
Peggy isn't going to be best pleased with Sam either! Now the Mitchell's don't own the Arches, the Pub or the Snooker hall!

21-05-2005, 20:40
She's off when her contract expires in November anyways!!
The Mitchells are just losing it if you ask me. They'll only be Peggy and Phil once Sam's gone and Phil doesn't seem interested or rather Steve doesn't because otherwise he would be signing a contract to stay for atleast a year without leaving again.

21-05-2005, 21:59
I used to find the Mitchell's interesting when Kate was first on the scene... and the Louise story and stuff but all the 'Mitchell Empire' talk is so over rated, they're plain old boring imo :thumbsdow

21-05-2005, 22:22
They could do with Grant back to spice them up.

21-05-2005, 22:26

21-05-2005, 22:27
See I didn't watch it then lol :o, but I'm guessing he proved quite popular in his day.

21-05-2005, 22:33
He would liven things up a bit, mind you I am still looking forward to Peggy. Can't be bothered with Phil if he's just going to go again.

21-05-2005, 22:36
Walford Queen - sorry for changing subject - where were you all this time :D

Sam Nixon Fan
21-05-2005, 22:43
how come that actor gets so much special treatment think its quite shocking there should be the same rules for everybody of the main body of the cast!! its not as if the actor is anything special and i think its worng that they are going to soo much trouble to accomodate him either hes back in eastenders or hes not!

21-05-2005, 23:36
Totally agree

21-05-2005, 23:47
Walford Queen - sorry for changing subject - where were you all this time :D
On-leave for personal reasons :)

22-05-2005, 10:23
I'm not looking forward to Peggy's return, I much rather have Phil. Although I think it "could" be a mistake to bring the "mitchells" back.