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06-03-2008, 02:08
Has anyone else watched this? I love it :cheer: :p Some of it was filmed near where I live! :eek: :p

But yeah I couldn't sleep so I watched it on the BBC iPlayer, I loved Alice's driving instructor "But I thought you said go mental" :lol:The carjacking was hilarious :rotfl: and the builders at the end :lol:

Love this show it makes me laugh so much :p

31-03-2008, 15:17
Yeah I love this too.

It's ridiculous some of the situations Alice gets herself into. Like last week's episode when she picked Cleo's bag up by accident and then got arrested for possessing a gun, and then they apparently lip-read her from the security cameras saying "That fascist c___t should be executed" when she'd actually said "That fashion can't be sexy and cute."

It's got to be the best drama on BBC at the moment. :D

05-04-2008, 22:22
I watched this tonight and loved it. Found it really funny especially with that woman and the dog lol! :D At the end, I realised the series has been written by the genius that is David Renwick, who also wrote the fabulous Jonathan Creek, and he is such a talented writer, so I will probably grow to love this series.

06-05-2008, 06:28
EASTENDERS actress Charlie Brooks will be appearing in BBC sitcom Love Soup next week.

Charlie, who returns to Albert Square as Janine this autumn after four years away, appears in the romantic comedy series' penultimate episode on May 10

She will play Denise, the wife of Mackenzie Crook's character Marty.

TV boss Maxine Newman (Helen Lederer) wants to cast Marty in Douglas' (Mark Heap) new comedy, but Douglas is wary of the wayward actor, who he describes as "a mad person - every time you read about him he's either being arrested or stretchered out of a night club somewhere".

When Marty and Denise invite Douglas and Alice (Tamsin Greig) round for dinner, the evening takes a bizarre and life-changing turn ...

Love Soup, May 10 on BBC 1 at 10:10pm

From The Sun

09-05-2008, 19:25
EASTENDERS actress Charlie Brooks will be appearing in BBC sitcom Love Soup next week.

Charlie, who returns to Albert Square as Janine this autumn after four years away, appears in the romantic comedy series' penultimate episode on May 10

She will play Denise, the wife of Mackenzie Crook's character Marty.

TV boss Maxine Newman (Helen Lederer) wants to cast Marty in Douglas' (Mark Heap) new comedy, but Douglas is wary of the wayward actor, who he describes as "a mad person - every time you read about him he's either being arrested or stretchered out of a night club somewhere".

When Marty and Denise invite Douglas and Alice (Tamsin Greig) round for dinner, the evening takes a bizarre and life-changing turn ...

Love Soup, May 10 on BBC 1 at 10:10pm

From The Sun
That should be interesting. And I can't believe there's only two episodes left. I'm gunna miss it when it finishes.