View Full Version : Bill Spoilers 19th & 20th March

04-03-2008, 13:43
Wednesday 19 March
Answering a call out to a nearby estate by concerned neighbour Suzy Plummer (Jan Graveson), Sergeant Smith (Alex Walkinshaw) attends to pensioner Ivy Murray (Janet Whiteside), who has been attacked and burgled. DCs Stevie Moss (Lucy Speed) and Mickey Webb (Chris Simmons) talk to Suzy who claims not to have seen anything, but neighbours reveal that Ivy had recently been arguing with two hoodies, Lee Weaver (Daniel Edwards) and Vinny Chapman (Elijah Baker).

After further investigation, the officers discover that Suzy, Lee’s mother, is handling stolen goods from a recent spate of burglaries in the area and selling them on the internet. A sting is arranged and the officers are shocked when a local Housing Association officer, Ian Simpson (Jim Pyke), turns up to buy the goods from Suzy and tries to make a run for it. He is later questioned and admits to the burglaries, but insists that he didn’t break into Ivy’s house.

At the hospital, Ivy tells her son, Robin (Martin Herdman) and trainee Kezia Walker (Cat Simmons) that she remembers arguing with Lee and Vinny at a bus stop before heading home where she was attacked. Lee and Vinny are brought in for questioning and Vinny says Lee threatened her and he went to Ivy’s house afterwards to make sure she was okay. Vinny tells Stevie that he didn’t think anyone would believe him as he’s used to being seen as a teenage trouble maker. The real culprit is soon uncovered and the officers are shocked at how deceptive appearances can be.

****Kiddiecop free episode****

Beth Undercover:rotfl: :rotfl: :thumbsdow :thumbsdow

Thursday 20 March
PC Beth Green (Louisa Lytton) ****Kiddiecop alert****is excited when an opportunity arises to go undercover much to DS Max Carter’s (Christopher Fox) concern. Katy Taylor (Gemma Stone), arrested for possession of skunk, gives Beth****Kiddiecop alert**** the name of her supplier, Craig McKee (Richard Simons), and says that he will be at a party that night. Beth,****Kiddiecop alert**** undercover, attends the party as Katy’s friend and when Katy disappears, pirate radio DJ Lenny Jones (David Ajala) takes a shine to Beth. ****Kiddiecop alert****

Lenny, unaware she is a cop, helps her to look for Katy and the young officer is stunned when she sees Katy in a backroom with Earl Clarke (Chris Jarman) holding a gun. Beth ****Kiddiecop alert****claims she wants to buy drugs but Earl is suspicious. Max finally gets through to Beth ****Kiddiecop alert****on her mobile and tells her to get out as quickly as she can. After the pair leave, uniform raid the party and PC Tony Stamp (Graham Cole) arrests Craig. Outside, Lenny gives Beth****Kiddiecop alert**** his number and kisses her passionately.

Back at the station, Craig admits that he works for Earl but Lenny is the one they should be talking to about the way Earl operates. Beth ****Kiddiecop alert**** is called into a meeting with DCI Jack Meadows (Simon Rouse), Sergeant Nikki Wright (Gillian Taylforth) and Max where she is forced to stand up for herself, much to Nikki's admiration. She is adamant Lenny isn’t a drug dealer, but Max insists she call him to arrange a date.

Later, while Beth****Kiddiecop alert**** and Lenny have a drink together, Earl unexpectedly turns up to tell Lenny to fix the rig for the pirate radio station and suggests that Beth****Kiddiecop alert**** goes with him. Later that night, Beth****Kiddiecop alert**** is terrified when she and Lenny open the door and find themselves looking down the barrel of a gun.

What a load of nonsense sending a probationer into a dangerous undercover situation:lol:

04-03-2008, 15:27
Why don't they just rename Thursday's episode "Beth goes undercover and saves the day (again)."