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02-03-2008, 20:20
CASUALTY actor Tristan Gemmill joined the cast in September last year and has gained a number of admirers for his role as charming and flirtateous Consultant Adam Trueman. Kindly he caught up with holby.tv to talk about his role...

Since joining the show, Adam is still quite a guarded character, how would you describe him?
Adam is self-confident, witty and brash, an excellent doctor who cares deeply about his job. He presents a strong exterior to the world but perhaps has issues and vulnerabilities that suggest there is more to him than you might first expect.

How did you land the part? Where were you when you found out you'd landed the role?
It was just one of those things - it all happened pretty quickly in the end. I was playing a cricket match when I found out. I run a team in London called Stage CC and I was heading out to bat. I made 57 then came in and found out I'd got it.

What do you think of the rest of the cast - were they all been very welcoming?
There's a real team feeling at CASUALTY. You have to have people who get on - the schedule is quite relentless and there really isn't time for egos. The gang made me feel very welcome from the moment I arrived and I have tried to carry on that warm feeling as others have joined after me.

Have you had to do any research or job shadowing for playing the part of a Consultant?
I spent an 8 hour shift shadowing a real Consultant on an ED shift. It was really quite an eye opener. My admiration for these people is huge after seeing the human misery they deal with day in, day out - don't know if I could ever do something like that myself.

How do you coping with all the medical jargon - do you find it difficult to learn?
You've just got to bite the bullet and memorise it. It helps that we have on-set medical advisers who can explain what it all means.

What about the blood and gore side to CASUALTY - are you at all squeamish?
No - not at all. That was one thing that actually surprised me - none of it really bothers me, which I didn't expect.

Were you a fan of CASUALTY before joining the show?
I was an occasional viewer - but not avid.

Who or what inspired you to become an actor?
Don't have one single inspiration. I have always been fascinated by films and the acting profession but was actually quite old before I realised that it was something I could actually do for a living.

You lived in Australia for ten years having also studied at Melbourne University. Do you still go back to Australia regularly?
I go as often as I can - I went back at Christmas to see my family, who still live there. I love the country - the attitude, the weather, the quality of life - I definitely see myself going back at some stage.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I try and stay fit. I play a lot of tennis and I collect First Edition books.

03-03-2008, 00:07
Obviously having had Tristan here with me for the week I knew all that. But thanks anyway. *Clears throat*

03-03-2008, 17:57
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :lol:

03-03-2008, 18:10
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :lol:

Whats wrong?

03-03-2008, 18:21
Obviously having had Tristan here with me for the week I knew all that. But thanks anyway. *Clears throat*

She's lying :ninja: :rotfl:

Chloe O'brien
04-03-2008, 14:49
Aw bless her little heart. you can't blame her for dreaming can't you.:rotfl: