View Full Version : Hustle

the pink peril
24-02-2008, 17:21
Does anyone have any info about a new series of Hustle? The beeb website for the show is very out of date but I really feel that this series was fab and would be very surprised if they didn't bring it back for a new series. The format last time changed when one of the main characters left but the dynamic between the remaining con artists and the new man who subsequently arrived was still fab. None of the main characters seem to have appeared in any other big dramas so it doesn't look like that's the reason so if there's anyone who can throw any light on it all, that would be ace.

26-02-2008, 20:22
i watch hustle it is great but charlie is leaving in the middle of the show

Jessie Wallace
26-02-2008, 23:44
i watch hustle it is great but charlie is leaving in the middle of the show

Erm have i missed like some episode's of something, but who is Charlie in Hustle? Are you getting mixed up with Hotel Babylon?

27-02-2008, 16:32
your right whoops sorry

ill start over i like hustle it seems so easy how the team does it

06-05-2011, 09:48
'Hustle' is to be axed after its upcoming eighth series.

Show writer Tony Jordan has revealed the BBC One conmen drama - which stars Robert Glenister, Matt Di Angelo and Adrian Lester - will end with a baffling plot twist when the next series comes to a close later in the year because he is keen to quit while he is ahead.

He said: "Do you allow the show to fade away or say it's been a blast and quit while you're ahead? You want to go out like James Dean in a fast car."

The shocking twist at the end of the eighth series will leave viewers wondering whether the entire show has just been one huge con.

However, BBC bosses haven't ruled out a future return of the show - which pulled in average ratings of 6.8 million viewers during the last season - with a different cast, saying they are currently in discussions about the "continued life" of the drama.

Meanwhile, producers Kudos have hinted a future comeback could be possible, with the 'Hustle' format just being "rested" for the time being.

(C) BANG Media International


07-05-2011, 09:59
oh well, it's was fun while it lasted but the formula was getting a bit old. Nice to go out properly with a real, planned ending rather than it disappearing.