View Full Version : Opinions Changed towards any characters?

22-02-2008, 18:10
A lot has about since those 100 days ago when they were a bunch of strangers that crashed and survived the flight of Oceanic 815.
Of course we all had or initial thoughts on characters but so much has happened, have your opinions towards certain characters changed?
Who dont you like anymore?
Who do you like now?
Who do you really wish they would just kill off?
Who do you think we should see more of?
Who do you think we see too much of?

22-02-2008, 18:44
You talking about Lost? I can't get into that programme so unable to comment.

22-02-2008, 19:14
Who dont you like anymore? Jack and Kate, they are both whiny and annoying at times.
Who do you like now? Always liked Hurley,Sawyer and Sayid.. Love Locke and Ben, excellent characters.
Who do you really wish they would just kill off? Julliette
Who do you think we should see more of? Jin and Sun
Who do you think we see too much of? Jack and Kate

24-02-2008, 17:59
Who dont you like anymore? im not too sure about desmond, he's just a little too wierd!

Who do you like now? i think theres something more to juliette than she's letting on, im not saying she's good or bad, just that i think theres more to see!

Who do you really wish they would just kill off? Locke, i hate him!

Who do you think we should see more of? Sun and Jin, i wish we could see more about the pregnancy and the mystery surounding the woman who concieve on the island and why they seem to miscarry, and yet clair, who concieve in the real world, was able to give birth with no complications!

Who do you think we see too much of? I hate to say it but i think Jack and Kate, they really are so boring when you see too much of them, they are atr the centre of almost every episode and everyelse are all overshadowed. this on/off romance they havent started yet, for some reason, is so frustrating, i dont think they make that good of a couple anyway!

03-03-2008, 16:31
Who dont you like anymore? ben and locke
Who do you like now? sawyer, kate and hurley
Who do you really wish they would just kill off? ben
Who do you think we should see more of? sawyer
Who do you think we see too much of? jack

03-03-2008, 19:45
Hehe I agree, I dont like Locke anymore, even though I never really have, I just cant stand him

03-03-2008, 20:50
i wish ben would be killed off but we saw the future when sayid was working for him, so aww well

03-03-2008, 22:13
Yeah, I dont really like Ben but then again Im more interested by him cos of all that is happening