View Full Version : Week 11

irish eyes
21-02-2008, 14:33
Connie is distraught when her daughter, Grace, is brought into Holby after falling down the stairs, as the medical drama continues. Grace is unconscious and her condition is stable, but it soon starts to worsen. Sam is angry with Connie for not telling him sooner, but they both worry when a brain scan displays evidence of a cerebral oedema.

Elsewhere, on AAU (Acute Assessment Unit), Linden finally treats patient Chloe Baxter. But Maddy is confused by his strange behaviour around her and, when she confronts him, he is reticent.

After much flirting, meanwhile, Donna and Michael end up kissing. They begin to tear each other's clothes off, but a telephone call interrupts them and Michael suddenly has to leave. Donna is unaware, however, that it was Michael's wife on the phone.

21-02-2008, 15:27
I looked up cerebral edema because I wasn't sure what it was: Accumulation of excessive fluid in the substance of the brain. The brain is especially susceptible to injury from edema, because it is located within a confined space and cannot expand. :(

Poor Connie and Sam :( I hope they don't kill her off :(

I'm sure I've said this before but Donna is an idiot :p he's married..he has kids..it'll end in tears..:nono:

21-02-2008, 18:12
I wonder what the deal is with Linden :hmm:

21-02-2008, 18:16
Awwww poor Grace!!! Hope she will be okay!!! :(

21-02-2008, 18:20
I wonder what the deal is with Linden :hmm:
I read somewhere that the patient looks like his dead wife :eek: :p

21-02-2008, 18:26
Yeah I read that too. That's why he was adamant to treat her in the first place or something.

27-02-2008, 18:32
surely they cant kill off baby grace, it makes the whole previous storyline between connie and sam pointless and besides, neither of them are exactly having an easy time of it at the minute killing their kid just seems silly

06-03-2008, 11:34
Tuesday's episode
Connie struggles to cope as her daughter Grace fights for life and Elliot realises she needs Sam's support. Maddy worries about Linden's increasingly odd behaviour around Chloe, who needs emergency surgery, and Donna's plan to attract Michael almost comes to fruition, but just as they seem about to get intimate the couple are interrupted by a phone call.

Wednesday's episode
The stress of watching baby Grace's deterioration and arguing with Connie affects Sam's health, and he collapses with septic shock. A mystery man comes looking for Faye, and Joseph is determined to find out who he is, catching up with the stranger in the hospital's basement. Linden is forced to face his demons, prompting him to make a shocking confession.

06-03-2008, 16:51
Septic shock? :eek: Poor Sam. Connie and him need to sort out their differences and quit arguing.

Bless Linden. I wonder what his shocking confession is. It can't be that Chloe looks like his dead wife. That doesn't seem shocking enough...for Holby :p

I find it strange how Maddy just disappeared of Sam's radar...Chrissie kind of took over 'looking out' for him but it just seems random that she's just never around him anymore. Has anyone else noticed that? Maybe it's just me :o

Mr Maestro
07-03-2008, 00:40
I wonder what the deal is with Linden :hmm:

Don't know but he is really starting to get on my nerves. I think he is a religious nut who has issues with certain things in hospital life.

07-03-2008, 17:50
I wonder what the deal is with Linden :hmm:

Don't know but he is really starting to get on my nerves. I think he is a religious nut who has issues with certain things in hospital life.

But he sure is cute ;) :p

07-03-2008, 21:48
I wonder what the deal is with Linden :hmm:

Don't know but he is really starting to get on my nerves. I think he is a religious nut who has issues with certain things in hospital life.

I suppose his Hippocratic oath comes into conflict with his religion sometimes, like when he thought that woman was having an abortion. I guess it must be difficult to go against what he believes in in order to fulfill his duty as a doctor.

07-03-2008, 22:15
I think it's just because the patient looks like his dead wife, he dealt with the sex offender guy last episode, even though that must of conflicted with his religious beliefs.

He must of really loved his wife to react like that. Perhaps he feels guilty over her death? :hmm: