View Full Version : Holby Blue meets Holby City

19-02-2008, 21:55
I wasn't sure where to put this, so please move if it's in the wrong place :)

The new series of Holby Blue kicks off with an intriguing murder at Holby City. Ruthless registrar, Jac Naylor, is accused of stabbing a man on duty and the evidence is stacked against her. Can DI John Keenan break her hard-rock exterior?

Personally I can't wait for this! Looks like it will be really good :D I wonder who did it? (I'm so gunning for Faye :lol:)

19-02-2008, 22:36
Casualty and Holby City cross over. Holby City and Holby Blue cross over. Wonder when the Casualty and Holby Blue cross over will be.

I haven't really watched Holby Blue. I think the Black Widow may have something to do with this too :hmm:

19-02-2008, 22:58
I don't watch Holby Blue grrr. So now I'm gonna have to watch it :lol:. Sounds really good! I don't think it will be Jac. And like you both said I reckon the Black Widow will have something to do with it!!!

19-02-2008, 23:35
:eek: It was really good last series :p I hope they give it a weekly slot like Holby and Casualty :D

Can you imagine if they did a Holby City at Casualty at Holby Blue crossover :lol:

I don't think it will be Jac either..she doesn't seem like the murderous type. Probably just a case of wrong place wrong time.

20-02-2008, 18:44
I hope Holby isn't moved to a Thursday again.

20-02-2008, 18:48
:eek: Oh yeah I'd forgotten about that..and it's an extended run this series - 12 weeks! :S

20-03-2008, 21:13
Quite an alright episode. I felt so sorry for that girl :( First beaten up, then raped :(. That Alan deserved it if you ask me though.

Glad it wasn't Jac :p. Joseph should be feeling very sorry right not. How could he think she would have killed someone :p. I thought it was really sad when Jac cried lol! I had a tear.. or two :lol:. Excuse - time ;-).

Don't think I'll watch Holby Blue again. Wasn't that great. I found the characters very boring - apart from that guy who's with that Kate woman. Don't know his name.. he was the acting DCI? Kacey Ainsworths character I found the worst, very bad acting in my opinion! She just didn't seem real.

20-03-2008, 21:50
Who was the killer then?

20-03-2008, 21:57
Who was the killer then?
Some random. No one you'd know if you didn't watch it. That's what disappointed me about the conclusion. But it was quite interesting.

20-03-2008, 22:07
Aww watch it with me Lea :o :lol:Kacey Ainsworth is a bit rubbish in it :p But she was pregnant in real life so she won't be in it for long :p

Poor Jac, I just wanted to hug her *sniff* Joseph should be ashamed of himself! :nono: Lola was great. Go her :p

The patient thing was a bit random, I would've thought they'd do some flashback when the patient was talking..? So we could've seen Jac talking to her or something...bit more explanatory..if that makes sense :p :searchme: But Alan deserved it, at least now he can't attack more women.

20-03-2008, 22:16
Yeah makes sense. I was expecting a flashback too!!!

And lmao I'll think about it :p. That guy that was kinda making fun of the black guy annoyed me too!!!

20-03-2008, 22:23
His statement made me laugh :p :lol: And when the policemen made the guy think there was a dog there :lol: He got what he deserved in the end though :p

21-03-2008, 09:53
I had never watched it before, but quite enjoyed it.

22-03-2008, 10:13
Same and i only watch Holby City a little bit as well, but ti thought it worked well. I thought it was clever how at the end there were the holby blue people in the hospital.