View Full Version : Baby born in a Big Brother House

13-02-2008, 12:48
Okay I was watching the show last night about big brother round the world and saw that a baby was born on the show!!!!!!!
In the Dutch version that is, in 2005

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A contestant on the Dutch "Big Brother" television reality show gave birth on Tuesday to a baby girl in the house.

The contestant, Tanja, gave birth to a girl she named Joscelyn Savanna, according to Talpa, the television station launched by billionaire creator of Big Brother John de Mol.

Talpa, which has been accused of planning to exploit the newborn to boost the show's ratings, published pictures of Tanja, her mother and the baby on its website as well as comments from the other contestants on the birth.

The 27-year-old from the northern town of Groningen, who was already seven months pregnant when she entered the Big Brother house, gave birth in a special room and the first pictures will be shown in a special extended programme on Tuesday evening.

"We are very proud of you," said Dido, 24, as Tanja returned to the living room of the house to applause from the others.

The ruling Christian Democrats had condemned the idea of a birth on the show and Dutch authorities said the programme's makers could film the baby for only two hours a day and for a maximum of eight days in accordance with rules for child actors.

Unlike other contestants, who must stay in the house until they are either voted off the programme or finally win, the baby will be able to leave the Big Brother house with family members and will have her own room where she may not be filmed.

Versions of Big Brother first aired in the Netherlands in 1999 and have since been produced in dozens of countries worldwide, making De Mol's fortune.

I was just shocked, she was 7 months pregnant when she entered the hosue, and the specail room was there just for her to give birth in

13-02-2008, 13:27
That goes against the whole idea of Big Brother. I can't believe a new mother would want to share her baby with strangers and give birth in that environment, presumably with no family. I wouldn't want to be seperated from my baby.

13-02-2008, 16:31
Some people will do anything for 15 minutes of fame!

17-02-2008, 23:13
This is absolutly crazy. The things people do !!!

18-02-2008, 06:04
The only way this would stop if people would no longer watch it - that is not going to happen, so people will become more and more daring.