View Full Version : Andrews promises "shock" Sayid 'Lost' episode

12-02-2008, 12:42
Naveen Andrews has revealed that viewers will get to see a different side of his character in Lost.

In the show, the actor plays Sayid Jarrah, an Iraqi soldier from the Gulf War who is not averse to using extreme torture methods to get the information he needs. "You'll see him in a completely different light," said Andrews of this week's episode. "It threw me for a loop when I read the script. I was genuinely surprised about the direction they took with Sayid on that one."

In the episode, airing on Sky One this Sunday, Sayid is seen with a new love interest. "He's obviously somebody who's used to violence but he's a romantic as well," Andrews told Digital Spy, adding: "Strangely enough, you will see where his loyalties lie as well. It should be a bit of a shock actually."