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04-03-2005, 23:54
Weren't they a lovely couple, it was so sad when Jamie died, Sonia was heartbroken. It's strange because everything has changed so much, Sonia's now with Martin, but I do miss them together.

13-03-2005, 10:06
it was so sad when Jamie died, :( he and Sonia had so many plans, I watch from Oz, and here Jamie has not long died, so we are quite behind UK. Am waiting patiently now for Sonia & Martin to tie the not,

18-03-2005, 17:08
it was sad when jamie died i cried

19-03-2005, 21:44
it was so sad when Jamie died, :( he and Sonia had so many plans, I watch from Oz, and here Jamie has not long died, so we are quite behind UK. Am waiting patiently now for Sonia & Martin to tie the not,

Yeah it was sad when Jamie died, although it seems such a long time ago now, so much has changed. I'm afraid you will have quite a while to wait yet before Martin and Sonia get married. It's about a year from when Jamie dies, that Martin and Sonia get together.

It's quite strange they ended up getting married. I'm looking forward to the Chloe storyline now.

20-03-2005, 01:37
Yes, it got me wondering how Sonia ends up marrying Martin after all that happened, Chloe storyline sounds interesting, are you allowed to divulge briefly what happens or is that done on the spoiler board? I am so far behind that any board is a spoiler to me!

20-03-2005, 15:44
I can tell you what's happened so far. In the last episode, Sonia read in the local paper that Chloe's adopted parents have died in a car crash (Chloe being Sonia & Martin's daughter). There's a lot more drama in the upcoming months. Possibly a custody battle, Sonia is going to be a lot more keen than Martin to get involved in Chloe's life. I think I can say that Sonia visits Chloe next week in the UK.

21-03-2005, 03:03
Thanks Lil Mo, although I have a while to go yet until I see even Sonia and Martin marry, let alone they get Chloe back. It would be great if she did as she really wanted her back before Jamie died, with Pauline's help, that was so sad the way it ended it up, but thanks to Dot, she was so supportive of Sonia. Is your fav character Lil mo? (re-your screen name?)

21-03-2005, 19:12
Yes Little Mo is one of my favourite characters, Kacey Ainsworth is such a great actress and has been given some amazing storylines. I also like Billy I think they make a great couple.

I also like Sonia's character, she's another one who has been through a lot, and at such a young age.

21-03-2005, 19:57
Hi Birch, I'm still wondering what changed and made Sonia fall in love with Martin. Sonia and Jamie were such a sweet loving couple,they really had a special bond between them. You will see Martin grow up and mature making Sonia see him in an entirely different way. Hopefully there love will grow and get stronger to face some interesting storylines ahead for both of them.

21-03-2005, 21:04
Yes I hope that Martin and Sonia go the distance too. When you watch them on screen now you can't believe they are the same people as we saw 3 or 4 years ago.

Jamie and Sonia did have a very special bond between them, but somehow I see Martin and Sonia as a more mature relationship. When Jamie and Sonia were together they looked after one another, and we saw Martin as the wayward one. Now Martin and Sonia have grown together.

I have felt Jamie has always been somewhat of a child, and Martin even more so, but we have seen Martin grow up, and I think maybe Sonia would be too mature for Jamie now. I think it's because Jamie had such a traumatic childhood, losing both his parents at such a young age, it changed him. He was very often as supportive as he could be towards Sonia, but he was never as headstrong as she was.

21-03-2005, 21:08
I agree, Lil Mo was doing some great storylines when Trevor was alive, the way he used to beat her, she was a different person when he died in the house fire, so sad that Tom had to die too, Sharon was so in love with him. She was a different person when he was finally gone, not like some timid little mouse she was when he was around. Have noticed that since her and Billy got back from honeymoon their storylines have got quiet. Sonia has also had good storylines, but it's a wonder that in some of them the writers haven't written Carol back into them, a girl does need her mum, after all, and she has had to rely on Jim and Dot for support!

21-03-2005, 21:26
Yes I do miss Carol, and I think she could provide some much needed support too Sonia. She's got 4 children and had an abortion, she's been through a lot. I think she could really help Sonia. Carol was great, and she always tried to do her best, by her children. The way they portray her now, as someone who couldn't care less, doesn't strike true too me.

21-03-2005, 21:35
yes, it does seem really strange that Carol would go away and not be concerned about Sonia. Her granddad is nice but he could never replace Carol as a mother.

21-03-2005, 22:21
No he couldn't. I really miss Robbie too. He was a great brother too Sonia, and I was so sad when Dean Gaffney was made to leave EE. Robbie and Sonia were not only family but best friends too. They had a great relationship.

21-03-2005, 22:41
I thought Robbie was a great guy too,Sonia and him were so close. She was lucky to have him around. I even miss Wellard. Robbie was so sweet with Wellard I thought some day he would make a good dad. Everyone in the square liked Robbie too. I hate to lose a good caring character.

21-03-2005, 22:50
Robbie is now being a dad to Anish (Nita's son), he seems to care about him very much. He was great with Chloe too, after Sonia gave birth, he spent loads of time with her, he helped Sonia out a lot. You could trust him with your life, he wouldn't hurt a fly.

I really hope he will be back soon.

21-03-2005, 22:57
Robbie did come back for what seemed a second for Sonia and Martins wedding, I was disappointed he didn't stay longer in the square. I thought they should have at least let him stay a while and spend time with Dot and Jim.

21-03-2005, 23:05
Yes I did see that episode, it was disapointing Robbie couldn't stay longer. But it was nice to see Robbie and Sonia back together for a short period, however brief.

I want him back permanently, he can help Sonia through her troubles. I know Martin is there to do that, but I think it would help to have somebody who has been there since the beginning.

22-03-2005, 07:34
Jim was good for Sonia in her times of need, as too was Dot, but nothing like having her Mum around, wow I didn't know Robbie was made to leave, he was the only one there for Sonia who understood her

22-03-2005, 23:15
Jim was good for Sonia in her times of need, as too was Dot, but nothing like having her Mum around, wow I didn't know Robbie was made to leave, he was the only one there for Sonia who understood her

Yes Robbie was axed from the show. I remember an interview Jack Ryder did on a chat show (I think Jonathan Ross or Parkinson). He said Dean Gaffney was devestated when he was told to leave. I'm not sure if you know this but he has 2 twin daughters in real life, and they were very little at the time. He was very worried about the finances & leaving the job he had been in since he left school.

Dean Gaffney has been in a few things since leaving EE. There was a reality show set in a bar, I think it was called Cocktail or something like that. And I didn't see it but there was some kind of comedy sketch on the other night with a celebrity audience, and I was told he was on that. My mum told me he was very funny in it, he was made to sing God Save The Queen over and over again.

I do miss Robbie, he was great to Sonia, and it's just not the same without him. Please EE bring him back!

26-07-2005, 20:51
the day jamie died i was crying

26-07-2005, 20:59
I've been watching the old episodes and we just got to the part where Jamie found out Sonia gave birth,so it won't be long before I see Poor Jamie die again. I'm sure I'll cry again this time too,its just too sad!

03-08-2005, 21:05
I was 10 when Jamie died and couldn't bear to watch it. I was in my gran's dining room talking to my second cousin!

03-08-2005, 21:18
wasn't it just too sad,he was a great character,at least I'll get to see him once again. Can you believe Sonia married the man who ran down poor Jamie?

03-08-2005, 23:54
i did not like jamie at all! he was so annoying. i didnt liek sonia when she was with him either. and shes growing on me but i still aint keen on her. i was glad when jamie died!

04-08-2005, 12:54
the day jamie died i was crying
And me lol i was shoting at the tv dont die

04-08-2005, 13:51
I didn't like jamie either but i was still crying when he died.....im such a sap

04-08-2005, 16:31
wasn't it just too sad,he was a great character,at least I'll get to see him once again. Can you believe Sonia married the man who ran down poor Jamie?

Never in a million years did I think that Sonia would forgive Martin, let alone marry him!

17-08-2005, 17:47
it broke my heart i nearly cried

17-08-2005, 18:03
jamie and sonia = beauty and the beast, ill leave you to decide which is which

17-08-2005, 21:45
jamie and sonia = beauty and the beast, ill leave you to decide which is whichlmao

24-08-2005, 18:16
Never in a million years did I think that Sonia would forgive Martin, let alone marry him!

lol i know, me neither. and especially what went on between them, like they had chloe then the whole Pauline wanting to have chloe live with them after Sonia gave her away. and how sonia gave chloe away to have a good life and so she wouldnt have to see her, not have a ruined life with pauline and have her growing up infront of her face.

i couldnt believe that sonia got with martin after he killed her fiance! but maybe that makes their love seem stronger, (In a weird way) i wonder what Jaime would say to his fiance marrying the man who killed him.

I cried when Jaime died, it was christmas day! and the fact that everyone knew he was gonna die made it worse, watchign all the mitchells crying, i think the only ever time i've felt sorry for them! that song that played 'stand by me' how sad! :crying:

26-08-2005, 21:34
i did not like jamie at all! he was so annoying. i didnt liek sonia when she was with him either. and shes growing on me but i still aint keen on her. i was glad when jamie died!

Ooooh snap! :cheer:

02-01-2006, 12:58
i never watched it with jamie, but from all the classic clips and everything i gathered that he wasn't actually all that nice. was he?

03-01-2006, 01:12
Yeah, he treated her alright, although he did play away once or twice. They were much more entertaining than Sonia and Martin (Ferrairas mark 2) lol

26-01-2006, 20:58
I cried when Jaime died, it was christmas day! and the fact that everyone knew he was gonna die made it worse, watchign all the mitchells crying, i think the only ever time i've felt sorry for them! that song that played 'stand by me' how sad! :crying:

i did that too. i was 10 i think and i had buckets under me. i still see him die while mo and billy kiss and "when the night has come" and doctors rushing in sonia saying "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooo" ahhh makes me cry now!!!

its soaplife for sonia to actually forgive him, even though its her one true love.

09-02-2006, 09:42
Anyone who knows me will tell you i love Jack Ryder he is stunning and im an extremely big fan. Jamie was a fab character i couldnt believe they killed him off.

Jamie and Sonia were a fab couple but why the hell have Eastenders made her marry Martin i mean yeah alright Jamie told her to forgive Martin but how many people in the real world would marry the person who killed the person who was meant to be the love of their life.

I know its been a while since Jack hasnt been in Eastenders but as i say i am still a fan and i do of course still have Jamie/Jack pictures on my wall

I hope you mean Sonia is the beast in that comment by the way