View Full Version : Week 8

irish eyes
07-02-2008, 14:44
It’s Snezana Lalovic’s (Ivana Basic) first day as a paramedic. Jeff likes her, but Dixie doesn’t take to her at all. Dixie is hung-over and not in the mood to deal with a new member of staff on an ‘observation shift’. She tries to make a joke about her hangover, but Snezana doesn’t respond.

Firstly, they have a non-urgent sprain to deal with. Snezana is astounded that the patient is being taken in to ED. Dixie decides that she’s far too serious. Their next shout is a hoaxer who sends them on a wild goose chase. They get lost in woodland, and then stuck in mud. Jeff and Dixie are pushing, whilst Snezana tries to accelerate out of the mud – she reverses by accident, knocking over Dixie. That’s done it for her. When they eventually head off, Dixie tells her she won’t be getting the job.

Toby has pulled a sickie, so that he and Joanne (Maggie’s pregnant daughter) can go to the pub together. It’s an escape from the pressures of the Emergency Department. Maggie is worried about him, she’s sure he was fine that morning, and worries that he has lost his confidence following Ruth’s suicide attempt. She tries to call him, but can’t get through.

Getting drunk and flirting with Joanne, Toby is having a great time, until Joanne goes into labour. He tries to deal with the situation and calls for the paramedics, but there is a delay. Meanwhile Joanne’s contractions are coming quickly. Toby has to act. He is doing well, and the baby’s head is showing, but then something goes wrong. The baby is stuck.

Toby rightly deduces that the baby has a trapped shoulder. Thinking on his feet, he manages to buy Joanne and the baby some time, but still doesn’t have the necessary equipment.

Finally the paramedics arrive - Jeff and Dixie, with Snezana in tow. Snezana immediately says there is no time to get Joanne into the ambulance and gets the opportunity to prove herself, delivering the baby single-handedly. Dixie can’t help but be impressed, and asks where she learnt how to do that. Snezana replies that she is used to working without equipment, but won’t give anything else away.

09-02-2008, 21:53
Bit more:
Harry's in a quandary over Ruth's diary. Will he risk his career or keep quiet?
Maggie's daughter, Joanne, is about to give birth. Can a drunk Toby deliver?

09-02-2008, 22:11
Isn't the whole point of a diary for it to be private? Hmmm...

Toby and drunk just don't seem right..lets home he can deliver! :p

09-02-2008, 22:12
Yeah, it is but wouldn't you just be a little curious when somebody tries to hang themselves and their diary is on the desk? I don't know if I would read it but I can see why Harry did.

09-02-2008, 22:24
Sorry, I was talking about this, can't remember where I read it:
Harry tells Marylin that they are responsible for Ruth's situation and he suggests making the junior doctor's diary public.

09-02-2008, 22:26
Harry shouldn't do that. Friends/collegues reading it is one thing, the general public is just wrong. That would be enough for me to commit suicide or try it a second time.

Thats what is in the preview, Harry saying to Marilyn about going public.

09-02-2008, 22:28
Oh yeahh :o I feel silly now :p

I think Ruth will just feel humiliated if he makes the whole of it public...everyone will know all her personal life..if it's just extracts then I dunno...

13-02-2008, 15:10
Hmmmmm gang,,,, if I did my home work correctly , people who survive a hanging may or may not have some brain damage,,Ruth may have some short term memory loss ??????She is in coma and on a resperator ,,come on u guys u know how these medical shows play out LOL:rolleyes:

If she regains all her faculities and is gonna be peeved :mad: with Harry for reading her diary to begin with,,and is going to be SUPER PEEVED :angry: if he has shared her private thoughts,,,,I still have no idea WHY he had it to begin with??? :searchme:

13-02-2008, 16:27
Yeah how did Harry get her diary? To our knowledge he never left the hospital...:hmm: Maybe Toby put in his bag on impulse or something....:searchme:

If she survives of course Ruth will regain all her faculties :p The writers know we love a happy..ish ending :o

13-02-2008, 18:06
especially if she has more of her contract to play out first!!

17-02-2008, 18:18
Hmmmmm gang,,,, if I did my home work correctly , people who survive a hanging may or may not have some brain damage,,Ruth may have some short term memory loss ??????She is in coma and on a resperator ,,come on u guys u know how these medical shows play out LOL:rolleyes:

If she regains all her faculities and is gonna be peeved :mad: with Harry for reading her diary to begin with,,and is going to be SUPER PEEVED :angry: if he has shared her private thoughts,,,,I still have no idea WHY he had it to begin with??? :searchme:

Of course Ruth will be back to normal as soon as she comes off the ventilator. Can't believe you'd suggest otherwise :lol: :lol: Wish I lived in Holby sometimes.

Harry might have gone to her digs after she was brought in. He's a bad man for publishing her diary :nono: That would be enough for me to attempt suicide a second time.

Chloe O'brien
17-02-2008, 21:46
Maybe Abs or Toby grabbed the diary when the found her in her room.

17-02-2008, 21:47
Strange how we haven't seen Abs since they found her :hmm:

17-02-2008, 21:59
:searchme: :searchme: I can not imagine that CASUALTY would not have shown one of them grabbing the diary,, i mean the diary is a tie in with this whole story line,, also I would be really peeved knowing people were reading my most private and innermost thoughts !!!Now Harry is sending off parts of it to the newspapers ??? to embarass the NHS or what ??? for his own gain :hmm: :hmm:

17-02-2008, 22:00
Maybe it all comes out after Ruth wakes up as to who took the diary

17-02-2008, 22:42
I personally think that Harry is doing the right thing. What they've published at the moment is wrong. I feel that what Harry is doing, he is thinking about Ruth first and foremost. IMO anyway. I know it's her most private thoughts, but still.

Although having glanced at the new spoilers, seems Harry has changed his mind! Grr.

17-02-2008, 22:44
What happened to staying spoiler free :p

Actually, I've read the spoilers as well. Still no news on Ruth.

17-02-2008, 22:45
:lol: I couldn't help it. I blame Kasple.. she's not here to help me stay free :lol:. You looked last time, so can't trust you :lol:.

Plus I had a feeling it wouldn't reveal anything :p.

I had a dream last night about reading a Casualty spoiler. Don't ask me what it said.. but it didn't reveal anything, I was annoyed :p.

18-02-2008, 00:39
:eek: TRAITORS :rotfl: And while I was away aswell :lol:

*goes off to read them* :p

I had a holby dream last night, coincidentally. It was Jac, Joseph and Harry and for some reason Harry was trying to kill Joseph. and he came down on this zipwire and tried to shoot Joseph with..erm..big plastic arrows :rotfl: and then Jac said to Harry "You're meant to be dead, what are you doing trying to kill Joseph, you can't let Lady Byrne see you!" and then Lady was on a bench in the distance crying her eyes out with Joseph comforting her.

It was actually the most random dream ever. :rotfl:

18-02-2008, 00:45
:rotfl: That is REALLY random :lol:.

18-02-2008, 00:46
Ahh but your so jealous that I had dream involving Holby characters and you didn't :rotfl: :rotfl:

18-02-2008, 20:55
I personally think that Harry is doing the right thing. What they've published at the moment is wrong. I feel that what Harry is doing, he is thinking about Ruth first and foremost. IMO anyway. I know it's her most private thoughts, but still.

Although having glanced at the new spoilers, seems Harry has changed his mind! Grr.

Are you guys talking about the week 10 spoilers? I'm confused I was looking for the week 9 spoilers :o :p