View Full Version : Sandi Thom admits to drug past

03-02-2008, 21:48
Sandi Thom has admitted that she took drugs when she was younger.

The Scottish singer, who found fame with her debut single 'I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker' in 2006, told Real Radio that she had "got the t-shirt" when it came to rock 'n' roll excess.

Thom said: "Drugs and rock 'n' roll have gone hand-in-hand for, like, decades. I will admit I've been there and done it and got the t-shirt.

"But I'm 26, so I'm a bit older and now I'm kind of out of that. I still go and get all drunk and stuff, but it's always kind of tame. It's all in the name of good fun."

When asked what "t-shirt" she had worn, she commented: "All but one, that is all I'm going to say."

06-02-2008, 10:34
"I wish I was a Skunk rocker with power up my nose"

Ha Ha, I love it when little miss perfects turn out to be as bad as the rest :D

06-02-2008, 14:16
Lol ^^^

Well I think everyone has something bad about them or a bit of a past, no one to perfect

06-02-2008, 15:21
The important thing is to come to your senses and realise that doing drugs is bad for you and everybody around you, before you walk around looking like a skeletton and robbing others to pay for your habit. Best not to start at all though.

06-02-2008, 18:01
yeah i think everyone has a past. It just most of us it doesnt get published in the papers.