View Full Version : Favourite CSI

31-01-2008, 14:03
Whats your favourite CSI?

31-01-2008, 14:04
I love all but my favourite is CSI NY

Chloe O'brien
31-01-2008, 15:12
Got to be the Vegas but New York is a close second.

31-01-2008, 16:06
CSI NY is the best

01-02-2008, 00:28
For me personally, Vegas has moved into second, behind New York. Miami is still 3rd.

02-02-2008, 15:00
It used to be Vegas. That's a very close second. My fave at the moment is Miami :p.

02-02-2008, 18:14
For me personally, Vegas has moved into second, behind New York. Miami is still 3rd.

I hate to say it but Vegas has gone to second place for me too ... CSI NY has been on fire recently and I am loving the whole 3.33 thing with Mac!

As im spoiler free for it the suspense is killing me!

Chloe O'brien
02-02-2008, 23:15
Grr I missed half of tonights episode as my mate was on the phone and she can talk the hind legs of a donkey. I think possibly Grissom will leave at the end of this series or maybe the series will end alltogther. CSI NY has gone from strength to strength over the last couple of years compared to the first series, which was pretty poor for CSI standards but they really can match anything that Vegas can do, not just the main cast but the lab rats and pathologist can hold there own.