View Full Version : LOST Current Episode Discussion (Sky)

30-01-2008, 12:18
Lost starts back on Sunday 2nd Feb.. discuss current episode here

American Lost has a discussion thread in spoiler section.

03-02-2008, 23:05
OMG OMG OMG !!!!!!!!! I love it everything feels right again now and im soooo glad this show is back, after I have waited 8 months for this moment.
Firstly loved the hurley episode as a opener and its always been jack and soooo loooking forward to flashforwards. I cried with hurley and Calire being sooooooo sad and Charlie was back, I thought maybe he was going to be alove but no he broke my herat again!!!!! Even locke looked sad at the moment in an ugly kinda way.
I liked the joke about Jack growing a beard :lol: His beard was scary I mean his flashback hair attacking his face is not good.
Kate and Jack I love them and them at the cockpit brought back soooo mnay memories was a nice touch.:wub:
oooo And the jacob thing was scary.
There were so mnay nice moments, I though the epsiode was intense but the noce moments were just great for the characters we love :D
Overall Im like omg, but I kinda make more sense of it now and know whats going on which I like, I had to keep explaining stuff to my dad

And please all members who watch this lets discuss it this season, I never get a proper discussion and I can talk forever about lost :D :p

04-02-2008, 09:30
Ok.. Hurley said he was one of the oceanic 6.. does that mean only 6 of them got off the island??? we know of 3 (jack, kate and hurley) and who is HE when hurley said "he wants us to go back" and Charlie was saying "they need you".. so who are they and why only 6 off the Island.. god I missed lost, has me asking a million question again

04-02-2008, 21:01
Lol well yeah only 6 people got off the island and I think they need to go back has something to do with the other losties that we know on the island, the HE well thats a good question

05-02-2008, 09:47
I watched it again last night and Hurley heard and saw Jacob.. didn't Ben say only special people can see and hear him???? Maybe Hurley ability to see dead people (Dave and Charlie) allows him to see Jacob.. roll on next week!!!

05-02-2008, 17:39
Hmmm yeah good point, but I think Jacob looked like someone who wwe have already seen.....
Plus Hurley had been in the mental institute before the island and before he heard the numbers so I think there is more to the reason why he can see Dave and Charlie

10-02-2008, 22:11
Great ep tonight! It's all getting very confusing though...!

10-02-2008, 22:13
Great ep tonight! It's all getting very confusing though...!

Really? I loved it and yes it was confusing but I thought it made sense at the end.
Im soooooo in love with lost right now, its my highlight of the week :D

11-02-2008, 09:22
Great ep tonight! It's all getting very confusing though...!

at least we now know where the plane crashed.... why do they want Ben.. what has he done to them???? again more questions than answers...

11-02-2008, 09:43
We also know that the team want soemthing to do with dharma, remember charlotte with the polar bear?
And that might not be wear the plane crashed, cos remember it said they were dead and well...........they're not

11-02-2008, 15:57
We also know that the team want soemthing to do with dharma, remember charlotte with the polar bear?
And that might not be wear the plane crashed, cos remember it said they were dead and well...........they're not
And they found the pilot and the cockpit underwater....

11-02-2008, 16:05
We also know that the team want soemthing to do with dharma, remember charlotte with the polar bear?
And that might not be wear the plane crashed, cos remember it said they were dead and well...........they're not
And they found the pilot and the cockpit underwater....

That is so true.. the pilot got eaten by a monster... did Ben set this all up? and why would the crash lead them to Ben?? do they know he is behind all of this? who is the bladie guy that was talking to Naomi and he was also talking to hurley in the mental hospital...

11-02-2008, 20:36
I think Ben has something to do with it, I think Ben may also be linked to that Oceanic guy

12-02-2008, 09:33
I think Ben has something to do with it, I think Ben may also be linked to that Oceanic guy

I wonder who his contact is on the boat??? The pic of the airplane seemed wrong.. the tail section landed in the water but not the front part..and the plane looked intact (to a point). Wonder who set that up? Ben? did he want them to think all the survivors are dead so they would leave him alone?? so many many questions

12-02-2008, 10:41
I watched Lost last night and found it confusing but wanted to carry on watching. I cant wait for next week now to find out why they want Ben

12-02-2008, 10:45
I watched Lost last night and found it confusing but wanted to carry on watching. I cant wait for next week now to find out why they want Ben

Was this your first time watching Brenda?? or have you followed the last 3 seasons?

12-02-2008, 11:31
No I have watched it from the 1st series. I just want answers the same as everyone else

12-02-2008, 12:17
I think Ben has something to do with it, I think Ben may also be linked to that Oceanic guy

I wonder who his contact is on the boat??? The pic of the airplane seemed wrong.. the tail section landed in the water but not the front part..and the plane looked intact (to a point). Wonder who set that up? Ben? did he want them to think all the survivors are dead so they would leave him alone?? so many many questions

I think Micheal, the oceanic lawyer would be too obvious, and Walt is back, I think it about time we see Micheal :D

13-02-2008, 21:58
I love this show, but I don't get it! All the theories I used to have have been shot to pieces, I just wish Sky would do some sort of marathon where they started the series on a Saturday and show nothing else until Sunday night when the series would have finished and we'd know a bit more! I can't stand this week gap malarky.

I think the key is either Ben or Hurley, but I don't know why. I also don't believe Ben and the Others are as evil as we're being led to believe, but then I'm wrong about a lot of stuff, so we shall see!

Grrr...only 4 days to go until the next puzzler!

16-02-2008, 20:05
I love lost too, have since the very first ep, but i have given up trying to work out what is happening etc, and just truely enjoying all that is being shown, because i truely believe the whole of Lost is like a giant jigsaw puzzle & every so often they throw us a new piece that still makes the story no clearer to us, there is no way the makers of lost are going to give the story away until the very last ep of that very last series - i believe we are going to need every piece of the puzzle to see the whole picture.....sorry this is just my opinion :searchme: :searchme: :searchme:

16-02-2008, 22:41
I love lost too, have since the very first ep, but i have given up trying to work out what is happening etc, and just truely enjoying all that is being shown, because i truely believe the whole of Lost is like a giant jigsaw puzzle & every so often they throw us a new piece that still makes the story no clearer to us, there is no way the makers of lost are going to give the story away until the very last ep of that very last series - i believe we are going to need every piece of the puzzle to see the whole picture.....sorry this is just my opinion :searchme: :searchme: :searchme:

I understand what your saying, however I think we are getting answers to some storylines, its only the bigger picture that will come out in the end

18-02-2008, 10:05
Ben is off the island!!! I wonder how that happen and how come Sayid is now working for him... this is getting better and better!!

20-02-2008, 14:26
I'm ill and fell asleep last night right in the middle of last night's ep :angry: Really annoyed! What happened? I did see the end...There is something not quite right with that Ben.

20-02-2008, 16:13
I'm ill and fell asleep last night right in the middle of last night's ep :angry: Really annoyed! What happened? I did see the end...There is something not quite right with that Ben.

Read this thread, Ive posted the episode guides

21-02-2008, 22:38
Thanks! Still utterly confused - why is Sayid working for Ben? Who is RG? Why does noone know Penny?

The last time I spent so long trying to work a mystery out was Harry Potter!:rotfl:

21-02-2008, 23:11
Lol well, even us who saw the episode dont know why he is working for Ben, or who RG is or why they all dont know Penny, but thats probably becayse they werent hired by her.

25-02-2008, 09:26
Right I have like a million questions after last night

1) why does Kate have aaron and why is she saying it is her son
2) where is Sayid and Desmond if the helicopter never made it to the boat
3) why is Jack saying only 8 survived the crash and 6 have returned
4) who is the other 2 of the oceanic 6??

ok so it wasn't a million but I would like that much answered

Just wanted to add another one to this:
Do you think Jack knows Aaron is his nephew???

25-02-2008, 19:39
Interesting question about Aaron being Jack's nephew! I'd forgotten about that. It would explain his weird attitude towards seeing him.

25-02-2008, 22:20
Right I have like a million questions after last night

1) why does Kate have aaron and why is she saying it is her son
2) where is Sayid and Desmond if the helicopter never made it to the boat
3) why is Jack saying only 8 survived the crash and 6 have returned
4) who is the other 2 of the oceanic 6??

ok so it wasn't a million but I would like that much answered

Just wanted to add another one to this:
Do you think Jack knows Aaron is his nephew???

Interesting question about Aaron being Jack's nephew! I'd forgotten about that. It would explain his weird attitude towards seeing him.

Okay well....

1) I think something has happened to Claire so Kate had aaron, she might of been closest to claire, it also helps her case
2) Well will probably find out next week, I reckon its to do with island 'stick to the same exact bearing'
3) 8 could of survived 2 might of died
4) Unless aaron is being counted? Maybe they say 8 survived and some died, in some kind of survival story, they might of said something abouit the deaths of boone and shannon?

I think both of you are right, well thats what I though staright away, I mean his dad has an affair and then he has a half sister claire who has a maybe, it might be too much for him.......

26-02-2008, 09:47
Interesting question about Aaron being Jack's nephew! I'd forgotten about that. It would explain his weird attitude towards seeing him.

Unless he betrayed Clare and doesn't want a reminder of her??? or he doesn't know Aaron is his nephew.. Maybe he had clare make a choice either her or Aaron leave the island??? This is lost, anything could happen

26-02-2008, 19:21
It has to be soemthing to do with Jack knowing about their connection

10-03-2008, 11:36
Good episode last night.. not great.. I am beginning to doubt who is helping Ben on the boat now changed to the following:

It think it is Locke's dad. Ok Sawyer killed him and locke left him to follow Ben but we all know the power of the island and we also know that locke's dad works for Widmore corp. It would explain why ben told Locke he should sit down

Ben is freaky telling Juliette he owns her.. and the comment by Harper saying "you look like her" who is her????

10-03-2008, 21:43
I know Ben was freaky and scary!!!
Glad to see all main characters at least speaking in it last night.
Hated the Jack and Juliet kiss
I still think its Micheal

17-03-2008, 22:42
Whoooooo Micheal AND loved the flashback and flashforward, truely unique

18-03-2008, 09:17
Whoooooo Micheal AND loved the flashback and flashforward, truely unique

that was really good cause I was totally fooled even up til the end where he said he was only 2 months married.. I thought he got off the island and then dumped Sun.. but then I saw her at the grave and realised what was going on.

18-03-2008, 18:21
I know! Plus then I went on the internet to see when the last year of the dragon was like that guy said in the shop, in was 2000 so it was definetly a flashback

20-03-2008, 20:58
1st ever post so be gentle :)

Did anyone else notice the date on Jin's grave? It was Sept 22nd 2004, the date the plane crashed. Could this mean he is still on the island?

21-03-2008, 13:56
1st ever post so be gentle :)

Did anyone else notice the date on Jin's grave? It was Sept 22nd 2004, the date the plane crashed. Could this mean he is still on the island?

Welcome :D
Yeah I noticed that, I think he is, all of what Sun said you can interpret it to mean hes on the island

25-03-2008, 10:29
1st ever post so be gentle :)

Did anyone else notice the date on Jin's grave? It was Sept 22nd 2004, the date the plane crashed. Could this mean he is still on the island?

Welcome :D
Yeah I noticed that, I think he is, all of what Sun said you can interpret it to mean hes on the island

We know 6 got of the island but we don't know if those who didn't died or just are left behind. (I am hoping left behind cause Sawyer and Locke are not off the island)

25-03-2008, 19:56
I reckon they will have left behind.
What did everyone think of sundays episode, how good was that?

26-03-2008, 09:26
I reckon they will have left behind.
What did everyone think of sundays episode, how good was that?

amazing.. I have no idea why Sayid would have brought Micheal to the Captain?? Unless he is already working for Ben now and not just in the future.

Is Rouseau dead??? I hope not and who attacked them anyway???

26-03-2008, 14:58
I dont think shes dead, we have more to see form her.
I was shocked at Karl, I would of liked to see where he came from
I think either Sayid has a plan or he really has it in for Micheal

27-03-2008, 09:53
Lost is getting better and better........

Can't wait for this week's episode.

27-03-2008, 10:02
Lost is getting better and better........

Can't wait for this week's episode.

you will be waiting a while.. it is on a break until end of April due to writers strike..

Lost is getting more and more exciting each episode. They give you just a bit of information and then have you asking more question...

27-03-2008, 10:05
Noooooooooooooo! I hate it when they leave it on a cliff hanger. I wanted to find out if Rousseau was alright.

27-03-2008, 10:08
Noooooooooooooo! I hate it when they leave it on a cliff hanger. I wanted to find out if Rousseau was alright.

Me too.. I want her back story.. how she got there, and I am beginning to think the "sickness" her crew got was the illness that Desmond has but that would have to mean she has a constant on the island to survive this illness.. I wonder if it is Ben (this is pure speculation on my behalf not a spoiler)

27-03-2008, 14:24
Oooo good point about the sickness, I forgot that, that needed addressing

14-05-2008, 17:00
This thread is dying since the strike and now Ireland gets it before we do.
Anyway last epsiode aired on Sky one. Something Nice back home- I loved it, all I can say in Jate :D
Plus Rose was funny called Charlotte "Red"
She also mentioned how people dont get sick on the island but Jack did :hmm:

01-06-2008, 22:54
WHoooo Finale has aired so we can talk
Finally we know who was in the coffin! :D
And the island moving, that was moving in time, so If I listened correctly thats why it appeaered to disappear
I felt so sorry for sun, amazing acting, Im still hoping Jin is alive but its pretty obvious Micheal is gone :(
And we saw Walt again!! :D Awww how hes grown

02-06-2008, 08:59
Amazing episode.. I was picking my brain all the way through wondering who Jeremy was.. and then it was LOCKE :eek::eek::eek:
Can't wait for next season.. where did the island go??? did anyone watch the program after??? It was wrecking my head who Widmore was and it was good ole Jim from Neighbours...

02-06-2008, 09:15
i loved it!!!

i knew as soon as ben handed over the island to locke he was in the coffin.

Where has the island gone?? I cant wait til next year to find out and they probbly wont explain it even then

02-06-2008, 09:47
Awww I didnt watch the program after :(
The island: Well you know that Vault was used for time travel and in the Orientation video is said it was gonna use the bunny to move it in time, i cant remember how long for and if it was backward or forward but it said in this time the bunny would apppear to disappear, I think thats what happened but on a larger scale. SO they have moved the island through time and not physically

02-06-2008, 09:48
Awww I didnt watch the program after :(
The island: Well you know that Vault was used for time travel and in the Orientation video is said it was gonna use the bunny to move it in time, i cant remember how long for and if it was backward or forward but it said in this time the bunny would apppear to disappear, I think thats what happened but on a larger scale. SO they have moved the island through time and not physically

the show after said the island is moved through space and time so we don't know where or when it was moved too...

02-06-2008, 09:51
Yeah so thats the same thing isnt it, basically time travel, so it depends how far in the future the island has been moved to, so for all we know it has been 3 years for those who got off the island but maybe a year for those who didnt

02-06-2008, 09:53
Yeah so thats the same thing isnt it, basically time travel, so it depends how far in the future the island has been moved to, so for all we know it has been 3 years for those who got off the island but maybe a year for those who didnt

Just wondering.. the other boat with Daniel, was that near enough to the island to get moved with it???

02-06-2008, 09:56
I think it was in the island perimeter if you like. I mean when they looked dow to try and find the island you couldnt see the boat, just the freighter, so maybe they got moved with it
The thing is Daniel knew about it too! He knows too much :p

02-06-2008, 09:58
daniel knows a lot.. he knows the second protocol.. he knows about the constant like Desmond... next season is looking to be a good one already and we have another year to wait for it

02-06-2008, 10:00
:( I know, I dont think I can wait that long
And it will be interesting with the others getting back to the island and us finding out what happened to those on the island. Im very interesting by Charlotte noe that she said " Would it makes sense if I told you Im still looking for where I was born " :eek:

03-06-2008, 19:43

Season has finished. All episodes can still be discussed here though.