View Full Version : The american presidential election

27-01-2008, 18:04
Okay I was wondering how the elections work in America, I dont really understand it that well.
Do you think its better the way the americans do it compared to us?

27-01-2008, 21:48
American elections are a bit complicated. I've recently covered them in Politics, but to sum it up;

Primaries and Caucauses are used to decide who should stand in the election. Primaries consist of people voting in a ballot, caucauses consist of more debate etc. Primaries can be closed (Where only members of the party can vote) or open (When anyone can vote). Primaries and Caucauses happen 1 state at a time, usually, starting in Jan and ending in June-ish. On Super-Tuesday, 20 states which hold their primaries/caucauses, so we'll have a good idea of the election candidates by then.

The votes candidates receive in primaries/caucauses mean they earn "delegates", depending on the amount of votes they get. In August/September, the Republicans and Democrats hold National Conventions (You might have seen it in 2004- Theres lots of flag waving). The delegates go to these conventions, vote for the candidate they represent, and the winning candidate is confirmed.

Then the election is held in November time, between the two winning candidates, like it is done over here.

Its slightly mental, because they have open elections, to decide who goes into the elections...

It's a bit confusing, as i said, but if you watch it on the news, they're pretty good at explaining most of it.

The whole Obama v Clinton toss up in the Democrats is very interesting, i think. I prefer Clinton, but what with Obama winning South Carolina last night, i think it will be very close. Ideally, i'd like Hillary to win, and Obama to be her running mate, but they've insulted each other far too much now, i think.

And in answer to "Do you think its better the way the americans do it compared to us?" I don't know, its a tough one. I don't think its done that differently, really. Over here, the parties have elections to decide who goes into the General election. In the US, its the same, its just the election is public to everyone.

I love American politics. So much more interesting that UK politics.

27-01-2008, 21:52
So it takes narly a year to elect a new president?

I don't know much about Obama's campagne but Hilary's is very similar to her husband's. I'd vote for Hilary, the world needs a woman in charge.

27-01-2008, 21:56
So it takes narly a year to elect a new president?

I don't know much about Obama's campagne but Hilary's is very similar to her husband's. I'd vote for Hilary, the world needs a woman in charge.

Takes more than a year, i'd say. Hillary announced she was standing in Jan 2007, if i remember rightly, so thats nearly 2 years before the final election, and 1 year before the first primary/caucaus. She would have been planning way before that as well. It wouldn't surprise me if she had been planning since the last election.

Obama and Clinton are very similar, i think. But Obama has very little experience. If he stood in 2012 or 2016, i think he would stand a much bigger chance. Clinton has experience as Senator of New York, and as First Lady. So just based on that alone, i think Clinton is the better choice.

As far as the Republicans go, i don't particularly like any of them. Guiliani is probably the best of them, but he's screwed it up royally by waiting for Florida, i think.

28-01-2008, 00:16
Its pretty even at the mniute in the democratic with Obarma and Clinton, i think it will be tight to the very end.

28-01-2008, 06:58
So it takes narly a year to elect a new president?

I don't know much about Obama's campagne but Hilary's is very similar to her husband's. I'd vote for Hilary, the world needs a woman in charge.

Mr Thatcher was not very popular at the end of her time, hope that Hillary does a better job. Do you think she will pull the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, because she is a mum? :hmm:

Chloe O'brien
28-01-2008, 21:48
Whoever gets elected has got to be better than the clown who is in the white house at the moment. I think Hilary has a better chance than O'bama. I still think that America is a long way from electing its first black president.

28-01-2008, 21:53
I agree i think Hilarie has a better chance but to be honest both are quite good arguments. I think OBama is young in realtion to other presidents so that might go against hime.

28-01-2008, 21:57
Super Tuesday will be very interesting. You can usually tell the winners by then, but i can see the Democrats going right down to the last few states before getting to a winner. This will be one long race!

28-01-2008, 21:58
To be honest i havent really been following the republican so im not sure whats going on, but yeah it will be a long race. It will be very close as well i reckon.

28-01-2008, 22:32
This sounds so confusing, I knew it was complicated but not that complicated!

28-01-2008, 22:35
I don't understand politics and I don't think I'll attempt to :p I like Obama more, but to be honest any one can be an improvement on Bush :p

28-01-2008, 22:37
I didnt even know that Bush was standing down :o :lol:
I think I'll have to read your explanation again when Im concentrating more

28-01-2008, 22:58
I didnt even know that Bush was standing down :o :lol:
I think I'll have to read your explanation again when Im concentrating more

He's not standing down, as such. In America, presidents can only serve a maximum of 2 terms. Each are a fixed 4 years. He was elected in 2000, and re-elected in 2004, so he's not allowed to stand again.

28-01-2008, 23:06
Oh right, I see are they the only times he has been president?

28-01-2008, 23:11
I don't understand politics and I don't think I'll attempt to :p I like Obama more, but to be honest any one can be an improvement on Bush :p
Same here lol!. I can't stand politics, bores me to death. I'm not even remotely interested in the American elections or the British elections. That's probably really bad, and I should care, but I don't lol.

Oh and.. I don't even know who Obama is! I know who Hilary is though :D.

28-01-2008, 23:13
Oh right, I see are they the only times he has been president?

Yeah, he's been president for 8 years. He's Dad was president too (Also called George Bush, but without the W, lol), so sometimes you hear them chat about George Bush, and refer to the 80s-90s, but that wasn't the same president as the one now..

28-01-2008, 23:20
Oh right, I see are they the only times he has been president?

Yeah, he's been president for 8 years. He's Dad was president too (Also called George Bush, but without the W, lol), so sometimes you hear them chat about George Bush, and refer to the 80s-90s, but that wasn't the same president as the one now..

Oh right, Thats probably who I was thinking of too as well :lol: