View Full Version : Week 7

irish eyes
24-01-2008, 13:42
Ruth, who is struck with grief and depression following last week's fatal misdiagnosis of a patient, is found hanging in halls of residence, in tonight's edition of the medical drama.

As the department tries to come to terms with what has happened, Harry reflects on what could have been done differently. He has Ruth's diary, and reads back over her last few months in the ED department. Her driving ambition to be a doctor is clear, but also her loneliness and increasing exhaustion.

Harry learns that Ruth had been shadowing a team in Histology, and had become close to the lead doctor – jokingly referring to him as "Dr Doom". However, she had misread his friendship and had found his rejection hard to take. At the same time, Ruth had also befriended a patient, Rachel, who passed away. Whilst trying to cope emotionally, Ruth was also doing long, hard shifts in the ED.

The team gather in the pub to drown their sorrows, and talk about life and death, their regrets and how they could have helped Ruth more.

Tess and Harry are still at work and, as Ruth lies in a coma, Harry says that they all let Ruth down and that the hospital let her down, too.

Ruth is played by Georgia Taylor, Harry by Simon MacCorkindale, "Dr Doom" by Rhys Thomas, Rachel by Clare Perkins and Tess by Suzanne Packer.

24-01-2008, 14:00
wow that should be a good story. i know she had problems etc but didnt see that she would go that far.

24-01-2008, 15:24
Does she die? I really hope not

24-01-2008, 17:19
Oh no that sounds like she dies :( :( I really hope she doesn't too.
Jeez...hanging..I thought she'd just OD on pills or something...:( I sense this is going to be a *reach for the tissues* episode!

Edit. I didn't read the 'in a coma' line. There's hope! :)

24-01-2008, 17:32
Oh my god!!! I am absolutly shocked!!! :lol:! Would never have expected that!!!
Deffo tissue episdoe! I really hope she doesn't die!!! :(

Yeah hopefully Kas!!

24-01-2008, 17:36
In an ideal world she'll wake up, everyone would make up, she would move in with Maggie and her and Toby would get together :) :p

24-01-2008, 17:39
Tess and Harry are still at work and, as Ruth lies in a coma, Harry says that they all let Ruth down and that the hospital let her down, too.
I think this might be a turning point for Harry also?? In reguards to his position, or his views. I think he'll try change things.

24-01-2008, 18:05
Oh yeah..I hope so. Harry's leaving pretty soon isn't he?

24-01-2008, 20:18
I didn't see the bit about the coma. There's hope :)

24-01-2008, 23:01
i hope it changes Harry i really dont like how he has become.

25-01-2008, 14:21
Woah that was something I never expected to read.
Even if Ruth does pull through, she might not be allowed to carry on with her medical training will she?

25-01-2008, 16:18
It probably depends on what the outcome of the patient she misdiagnosed is, but I doubt they'd discipline her now? :hmm: I would've thought if she lives, she'd go back to work but obviously with a lot more support from the rest of the team.

25-01-2008, 17:26
Sorry StarsofCCTV, I should have been more specific.
When I said I doubt if Ruth might not be allowed to carry on with her medical training, I meant that because of her attempted suicide she might be seen as a risk that because of her highly stressful line of work, and she might be tempted to try suicide again.

25-01-2008, 17:33
Oohh I see, its ok :p

I think that she will..I doubt she'll carry on living on at halls because of that, I suspect Maggie will ask her to stay with her? :hmm:
If she survives, after this the team will probably support and watch her very closely!

25-01-2008, 17:54
Does this happen next Saturday?

25-01-2008, 17:58
I think that Ruth hangs herself and Toby and Ab's find her next week (It'll end on a BIG cliffhanger like with them just finding her) and repurcussions of it and flashbacks are the week after

25-01-2008, 18:00
When are the week 8 spoilers released?

25-01-2008, 18:01
Next Thursday I think....I'm divided over whether to look at them or not because I don't think I want to know whether she survives or not :p

25-01-2008, 18:01
Abigail you're not allowed to read them :lol:.

Me and Kasple have forced ourselves and we WON'T read them. I refuse to let you read them either :).

KASPLE YOU ARE NOT READING THEM! Don't even contemplate over it :lol:.

25-01-2008, 18:03
Ok, I'll resist the temptation. I really will :D

25-01-2008, 18:03
*hides* Ok ok :lol: :p

This will take all of my willpower :lol: I don't think I've not read the spoilers for like 2 years :p :lol:

25-01-2008, 18:04
If I suspect either of you have read it. There will be trouble. :ninja:.

25-01-2008, 18:11
:ninja: We won't :p

I think I need to go to *compulsive spoiler reading anonymous* :lol:

Chloe O'brien
25-01-2008, 23:01
It's amazing what a few weeks and a couple of good storylines can do for a character. Not so long ago Ruth was probably one of the hated characters to appear in casualty over the years, as everyone saw her as a snooty stuck up bitch. Now we are seeing that Ruth has a heart and felings like everyone eles she just shows her emotions differently to others. No doubt over the next few weeks Ruth will become one of the much loved members of the casualty staff. I hope she sticks around for a while. It would be a shame if she was to leave the series early.

25-01-2008, 23:24
Well said! It's strange how the stories and emotions of a character make you like them more!

I like how the scriptwriters have given her a great role so far and this storyline is carrying that on, Nadia for example didn't really make much of an impact but Ruth is great, I hope she doesn't suceed with this suicide attempt and stays for ages :p

25-01-2008, 23:25
I think her contract is for a year, I remember her saying in an interview that she was staying for at least a year.

25-01-2008, 23:25
Yeah I agree too.

I also like how the writers have developed her character like this. You could slowly see her cracking I reckon.

26-01-2008, 00:19
I also like how the writers have developed her character like this. You could slowly see her cracking I reckon.

Yeah they built it up with her father, and the mistakes she made and Nadia..etc, you can see how this would tip her over the edge. I like how the writers have given her a great storyline to come into, and have followed it, she hasn't just disappeared into the background like other characters have.
I sure hope she survives :) :p

26-01-2008, 22:04
Me too.I didn't think that she'd try and hang herself.Sounds interesting.xx

29-01-2008, 18:55
Does this happen next Saturday?

I got the TV guide today and I think this week is where Ruth is found and gets treated and next week is the flashback episode :p It just there's a picture of her in the Resus room so I dunno :p

It's quite a good interview from Georgia Taylor so I thought I'd put it on here anyways:

Casualty's junior doctor Ruth Winters has never been easy to like. She's cold and career driven, which hasn't made her very popular amongst her hospital colleagues.
'She's incredibly amitious and a real grafter' says Georgia Taylor, who plays Ruth. 'But socially she's useless.'
Where some people work to live, Ruth lives to work, which is why, when she makes a fatal error this week, she can't cope with the consequences.
'A patient comes in whom she assumes is a drunk,' explains Georgia. 'He's incoherent and stinks of alcohol. Ruth misdiagnoses him and misses the fact that he has a serious illness. It's not treated quickly and, as a result, he dies.'
Appalled by what's happened, Ruth snaps and, when she gets back to her halls of residence in a distraught state, she attempts to take her own life. Will anyone get to her in time to save her? (I find it quite funny that they say that and then put a picture of her being treated in the ED right next to the interview :lol:)
Looking back at Ruth's life, it's no wonder she takes such drastic action.
'She's never been praised or felt loved,' explains Georgia. 'Her father is an alcoholic who was abusive to her mum, and her brother, we find out, is in prison, while her mother eventualy committed suicide. I was lucky enough to have a very happy childhood, so I can't imagine the impact all that would have on someone.'
To fill that emotional hole, Ruth has put her all into her career, 'She's had no relationships, so there's something lacking,' says Georgia. 'It's like a pressure cooker that builds and builds. She already has a catalouge of mistakes behind her - I certainly wouldn't want her looking after me!'

29-01-2008, 19:19
This is pretty random, just a picture on the homepage and no text or interview or anything http://www.holby.tv/

30-01-2008, 17:01
This is pretty random, just a picture on the homepage and no text or interview or anything http://www.holby.tv/

:rotfl: Look Toby's appeared..only Ab's was on there yesterday (for me) :p Still nothing on it though..:lol:

30-01-2008, 18:44
They were both there when I looked at it yesterday. Seems a bit strange they haven't put anything else up.

Chloe O'brien
30-01-2008, 21:39
This is from this weeks Radio Times. Get the hankies ready.

Before A Fall

There have been many times in Casualty's history when it's been guilty of being too obvious dramatically. It's as if it thinks the viewer has to be led by the hand through every situation because we won't understand subtlety and can't cope with sophisticated techniques. But just occasionally the show plays a blinder. And tonight's episode is one such occasion. It starts out in a typically humdrum way with first a girl being brought in after a playground accident and then a mumbling middle-aged man who appears to be an alcoholic, although no-one can be quite sure as he's so disorientated. But then events take a shocking turn. However, even more startling than what happens is the way it's handled. The final minutes, played out in slow motion and with no sound other than mournful background music, are astonishingly effective.

30-01-2008, 22:38
It sounds intriguing.xx

30-01-2008, 23:49
Next week's spoilers are released tomorrow. It's going to be hard to stick to our pact and not read them or watch the preview on Saturday after this week's episode.

30-01-2008, 23:52
This weeks episode looks so good! But sad :( *Goes and buys tissues*

I know! I'm going to have to superglue my hands over my eyes or something :lol:

30-01-2008, 23:54
I'll try not to get them "mixed up" with the Holby spoilers :lol:

The final minutes bit sounds excellent.

30-01-2008, 23:55
Glad I read this. I forgot about it :lol:.

DONT YOU DARE READ THEM. Either of you!!! I'm counting on you both :p. We can get through this together!!

31-01-2008, 17:50
I've resisted the urge to go look so far :p They're not on SB's so far :p But I'm not going to check on holby.tv :p promise :lol:

31-01-2008, 19:35
There isn't a spoiler for the 16th.Perhaps its Test the Nation or some such cr*p!!xx

31-01-2008, 19:51
:eek: Nooooo :( I hope not! I hate it when they do that! :nono:

31-01-2008, 19:53
So the episode where we find out what happens isn't going to be on when it should be? :eek:

31-01-2008, 19:58
Unless they are late posting a spoiler,I think we might have to wait a bit longer,sigh.xx

Chloe O'brien
31-01-2008, 23:10
I know a small spoiler for the 9 Feb that I found in Radio Times. if anyone wants to know.

31-01-2008, 23:11
NO! Not in here. Me, Lea and Kasple and staying spoiler free for that week.

31-01-2008, 23:12
NO! :p.................

31-01-2008, 23:13
I think she will say no. I think I might be tempted to look if it is put in spoiler tags.

31-01-2008, 23:15
Yeah, that's why I edited it :p already knew the answer :lol:

Please don't put it in spoiler tags :p I WILL read it :lol:

01-02-2008, 17:10
Sorry for the double post :p
They have an article up! :p But it's basically the same as the one I got from the TV guide, but it says we find out whether she lives or not next week! No spoilers that aren't already in this Week 7 spoiler thread though so we are safe Abigail and Lea :p

02-02-2008, 21:27
Bit more, don't know if these have already been posted in this thread.

Harry finds Ruth's diary. Will it reveal why she tried to take her own life?
Adam's on the rebound. Will Zoe press the right buttons?

Adam and Zoe :nono: Its ADAM and ALICE!

02-02-2008, 21:36

I would also accept Jessica and Adam...just..:p

02-02-2008, 21:37
How is Adam on the rebound when he slept with Jessica once?

02-02-2008, 21:47
On the rebound :p If he gets off with Zoe he'll just regret it, she doesn't seem like the commitment type..and..hang on a minute, is this supposed to be the episode where they talk about their regrets in not helping Ruth..etc? And Adam's trying to get off with someone...:nono: :p

Maybe there is no spoilers for the 16th because they don't want us to find out whether Ruth survives or not? :hmm:

04-02-2008, 23:32
No doubt there will be a lot of soul searching and the staff blaming themselves for what happened. But Ruth kept her private life and her working life completely seperate so no one really knew her.
No one blamed Ruth for the patient dying either...it was unfortunate that he fell into a display of wine and reeked of alcohol. Even Zoe said that anyone else would have had the same diagnosis.
It seems to me that Ruth was a ticking time bomb and was only a matter of time before she took her own life. If not next week then next month.

05-02-2008, 22:27
Has anyone seen the advert for next Saturdays?! Oooh...looks so good :D :p

If anyone can find it post in on here please :p

05-02-2008, 22:35
Yeah please post it here!!! I didn't realise a preview was gonna come on after Holby so started doing some work and missed it!! Realised what it was just at the end :p.

05-02-2008, 22:39
Has anyone seen the advert for next Saturdays?! Oooh...looks so good :D :p

If anyone can find it post in on here please :p

Yeah please post it here!!! I didn't realise a preview was gonna come on after Holby so started doing some work and missed it!! Realised what it was just at the end :p.

Ah hem. What happened to staying spoiler free for this week? :nono: :nono:

05-02-2008, 22:41
It doesn't say whether she dies or not! :p Anyway I didn't plan to watch it :p the BBC made me *puppy eyes*

05-02-2008, 22:42
Yeah snap :rotfl:. I blame work o_O.

I bet you watched it Abigail :lol:.

05-02-2008, 22:42
I missed it.
I don't think she will.
Any spoilers for this week. I'm not going to read them, I just want to know :p

05-02-2008, 22:45
Nope, none so far as far as I know! I still think the BBC decided not to release them because they didn't want anyone to know if Ruth survives or not...

07-02-2008, 14:49
Week 8 spoilers are up. I've looked but haven't read them, well only the first couple of words before I reaslised they were for Casualty.

07-02-2008, 16:45
If it doesn't say whether Ruth survives or not, can we read them? :p

07-02-2008, 16:48
How are we to know though :p. Without reading them :p

Oh its harder than I thought it'd be not to look :lol:.

07-02-2008, 16:51
I was hoping someone who had read them could tell us in this thread :o :p

Or we could plead on the shoutbox :p

07-02-2008, 16:52
Good idea!!!
So if anyone reads this.. before we find someone else lmao..
Can you read Week 8 and tell us whether it says anything about Ruths fate... but don't tell us what it is if it does :p. Cheers.

07-02-2008, 22:35
Lea I promised and now I deliver :p
http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t236/sparkle_w/th_Movie.jpg (http://s161.photobucket.com/albums/t236/sparkle_w/?action=view&current=Movie.flv)

You may now worship at my feet :rotfl:

(Btw - how mean is the surgeon?! Awww poor Ruthio :()

08-02-2008, 18:39
Good idea!!!
So if anyone reads this.. before we find someone else lmao..
Can you read Week 8 and tell us whether it says anything about Ruths fate... but don't tell us what it is if it does :p. Cheers.

no it doesnt say anything which would let you know about ruths fate.
it also says that casualty will not be on 23rd february but will be back on 1st march.

08-02-2008, 18:49
Woo! Thanks so much :p Now I can go look :p

Oooh I hate when they skip a week! Why couldn't it be next weekend when I am away :p :lol:

09-02-2008, 18:36
They need to spin this out a bit to get maximum mileage out of it.xx

09-02-2008, 18:41
Yeah...I guess they couldn't just have her in a coma for only a week because it wouldn't be realistic...still sucks though :o :p

09-02-2008, 18:43
Oooooooo I didn't see Pookies post til now :p *Runs off excitedly to read*

09-02-2008, 18:45

Nothing we havn't heard before really but I thought I'd put it on here anyways :p

It's touch and go for Ruth in a poignant episode of the long-running medical drama.

The impact of Ruth's suicide attempt sends shockwaves through the department, causing every member of staff to consider how they treat colleagues. As Harry gets an insight into Ruth's world by reading her diary, he starts to blame himself for not supporting her.

Will Ruth make it out of her coma?

09-02-2008, 18:46
I think she'll live :p

09-02-2008, 18:52
I do too :p I hope so :o

09-02-2008, 20:10
the only thing is realistically even if she did survive she would not be at work for a long time but you can bet if she does survive she will be back as if nothing has happened in a few weeks! thats tv for you!

09-02-2008, 20:12
Yeah...although they could make her recovery longer than an average tv one, like if she goes to stay with Maggie then they could carry on the Joanne storyline as well showing her recovery :hmm:

09-02-2008, 20:14
Where has Ruth actually been staying?

10-02-2008, 01:41
Student halls..

10-02-2008, 13:14
it looked worse than a prison cell!!

11-02-2008, 15:23
i Hope ruth doesn't die!!!! im going to miss this episode aswell :(.
So if ruth comes out of her coma i wonder how she'll cope then!? - and harry reading her diary! thats cant be good!!

11-02-2008, 17:03
You could always catch up on the BBCiplayer :D

11-02-2008, 17:10
Yea BBCiplayer is a godsend.. if you have a decent computer :angry:.

Get someone to tape it for you though Peff!!! You CAN'T miss it! :p

11-02-2008, 17:36
Lmao why don't you let it play through once and then it might play better the next time? I'll encode it but I have to do my history first :p

What date do we find out whether she survives or not? :p

11-02-2008, 17:37
lmao fine I'll try that ! :p

And hmm I dunno. Hopefully soon. Don't think I can go much longer spoiler-free for Cas.

11-02-2008, 17:39
I know! I so want to look so badly :p The only thing stopping me is the pact :p :lol:

11-02-2008, 19:50
The BBC are helping us the the pact. I haven't read anywhere about whether she survives. Other messageboards are saying the same.

11-02-2008, 19:59
Oh...I could've sworn there was a spoiler in the current episode discussion sarevealing Ruth's fate..

But yeah, glad the BBC's keeping tight lipped about this :p The pact must not be broken :p

11-02-2008, 20:00
Yeah, I posted that. It wasn't really a spoiler as such, it was about her contract, indicating that she may survive. Maybe I should edit it.