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28-02-2005, 11:44
:eek: you watch he BE bacK before you Can say 'HELLO PRINCESS'

28-02-2005, 15:23
Sorry but I don't think he will. It would be ridiculous.

28-02-2005, 15:26
This time I very much doubt it.

Lizzie Brookes
28-02-2005, 21:16
Fraid not. We all saw him lying and remember Chrissie bashed his skull in with Pauline's doorstop.If he survived that he'd be a medical miracle.

28-02-2005, 21:20
Medical Miracle? Too right! He would need an extra thick skull for starters...

04-03-2005, 21:10
There are rumours (probably false) on another talkboard that John Yorke is considering bringing back Den. It's true he was incensed that KH killed him off, but would he go so far as to resurrect him a second time? Well, it's happened once ...

Trevor survived being hit over the head with an iron, so maybe the doorstop didn't do for Den after all? And during the night he climbed out of the cellar and made off (Chrissie was hardly going to rummage about the next morning to make sure he was still there).

There is a literary precedent for this. In Lady Audley's Secret (a well known 19th century sensation novel), Lady Audley's secret is that she thinks she has killed her husband by hitting him over the head and pushing him down a well. But unbeknownst to her, he survived and climbed out. Maybe JY has been indulging in some sensation fiction.

I'd love to see Den come back, silly though it might be.

04-03-2005, 21:32
I highly doubt this is true.

04-03-2005, 21:39
I hope that he does not come back to life.

04-03-2005, 22:39
No it would be silly, all we've seen lately is Chrissie crying over where Den is buried, so she clearly knows he is dead. It was interesting tonight though, when Sam said that Den gets his revenge even when he's dead. It's something to do with Sam and a plan she's going to have in the future. Den is gone forever!

05-03-2005, 01:22
That would be silly and cheessyy!Plus where did u get rumours from?

05-03-2005, 09:15
yea den could come bak but i highly doubt it
Den: 'ello princess - ehem - Chrissie
Chrissie: :eek: AHH! DEN! YOU'RE ALIVE!
Den: And ill get my revenge. You took my princess away from me and tried to murder me and now i KEEEL YOU

*eastenders music*

05-03-2005, 10:12
yea den could come bak but i highly doubt it
Den: 'ello princess - ehem - Chrissie
Chrissie: :eek: AHH! DEN! YOU'RE ALIVE!
Den: And ill get my revenge. You took my princess away from me and tried to murder me and now i KEEEL YOU

*eastenders music*

:D :D :D

05-03-2005, 11:37
how can he come back to life with all that concrete on him, unless he got away that night before they concreted him and crisse didnt know

Mr Humphries
05-03-2005, 23:21
Hang bloody on for one bloody minute, we never saw where chrissie hit him !!!! Yes she did be we never saw where ! To many holes in it for my liking plus this is soap land after all and to be honest he is resposible for the ratings nobody elses! Yes the new moons are good, the millers will be good when developed more, pauline dot etc are the main stay of the program, but the trash like Zoe, Stacy, The Toucan cars lot it is just to much.

Bring den back, least we would be able to see the whole mitchell clash, the revenge on chrissie and sam. I just cant bear to see the Mitchells back in The Vic. Ive watched EE for more years then I care to remember and the only one not related to the Mitchells or the watts was poor old Eddie Royal oh and pat and frank I suppose. but i just want to forget pats awful outfits then.

05-03-2005, 23:56
Den is a very complex character. I was never a fan of his but I did think it was a mistake for tptb to let him go. However, I think he is dead. We may not have seen them bury it but the scripts between Chrissie, Sam and Zoe have confirmed it for us. If anything it would be rediculous to ressurect him for the second time. I was in shock (and pleased) when I heard that he was comeing back in 2003 but to bring him back again after 'dyeing' would make a complete mockery of the show and reach the boderlines of desperate, not to mention unrealistic. Den is dead and buried.

As for the Mitchells, I cant stand them myself. The only one I liked was Grant. Sam's the worst though. Phil gets on my nerves thinking he owns the sqaure and his heavy breathing is so not scary.

05-03-2005, 23:57
Already a post on this - Merging :)


08-03-2005, 16:23
Let's face it ,it's up to the new producer,but it could be done,the three thought he had no pulse but he obviously had cos he grabbed chrissys leg two minutes later so do they know the difference between a corpse and a unconcios man,i think not.

08-03-2005, 16:31
Dear god no, I so hope this isn't true. Den Watts is and should remain dead..

he's been annoying since he came back, they tried to pick up ratings bringing him back and for the 1st "Hello Princess" episode it worked but I think his return failed to be the success they hoped for.

New ideas, new scriptwritters, that's what's needed ;)

09-03-2005, 12:22
checkout the webcam, filming right NOW

09-03-2005, 18:46
If soaps didn't have ridiculas storylines sometimes then they would just become boring,i mean i live on one of the estates where shameless is filmed and beleive it or not it's realistic of our estate but most people think it's fiction,but think on this one there's not an area in england that has 3 murders in 2 months of men over 30 and all 3 go unsolved,if EE was realistic johnny Allen and the 3 witches would all be locked up by now and the boys in blue would be making appeals for help concerning Paul Trueman.

11-03-2005, 15:46
I really hope they don't bring him back it would be too stupid for words. I for one was happy when they killed him off I never saw the big deal when they brought him back the first time- maybe because I'm too young to remember the days pre 'first death' but as a character he really annoyed me. The only thing I was bothered about when they announced he was leaving was whether Chrissie was staying. If he did manage to survive getting bashed on the head by that door stop then as someone has already said he would be a medical miracle :rolleyes:

15-03-2005, 13:43
He is a person, not a cat... doubt if he has 9 lives... It think the bash on the head did the trick.. surely he would not have gotten out of the cellar and left the foundation perfect before they brought in the concrete... It would be completely insane for EE to do that... unless they do a dynasty and Den was in the shower all along or he is only in a coma and this is all a dream

15-03-2005, 16:41
It was Dallas not dynasty,and why not it's only a soap.