View Full Version : Recurring Dreams

20-01-2008, 21:49
Have you ever had a recurring dream?

Mine is very weird and I had it loads when I was younger.
It was me with a group of friends and for some reason we were outside this creepy castle and the gates had sharp spikes, its a bit blurry but then someone pricks themselves on the spike and then that person was trapped in whoever was standing closest. But weirder than that, like say it was me that got pricked I would be trapped in a friend but you see my face like for example on the arm of who I was trapped in. And that person still had full control.
It really freaked me out I was so scared.

20-01-2008, 21:57
In the nodding off stages I quite often dream about being on a pirate ship.. just about to walk the plank.. then I wake up suddenly. Scares the hell out of me :lol:. I thought everyone got this dream.. till I asked people and no one does :p.

20-01-2008, 21:57
I have recurring locations.

I had a pretty scary one last Friday about a guy called Morse. It started out with something to do with WWII then I mentioned something about communication with no email or phone and this German guy goes running off.

Next bit is this German guy walking backwards chanting things about Morse across a bridge near to me during the night. Morse was stood at the bottom of the bridge then the German turned round suddenly and said "Morse plays with barbie girls." Sounds funny but the chanting bit freeked me out.

20-01-2008, 21:58
In the nodding off stages I quite often dream about being on a pirate ship.. just about to walk the plank.. then I wake up suddenly. Scares the hell out of me :lol:. I thought everyone got this dream.. till I asked people and no one does :p.

:lol: Awww lol, No I dont get that dream either

di marco
20-01-2008, 21:59
i used to have a recurring dream when i was younger which was quite odd. the background was bright red and everything else in the dream was black like a silhouette. and i was really small so were the trees and there was this fence which was just a bit taller than i was and in the pen was this huge wolf (which was a lot bigger than anything else in the dream) and it would jump over the fence and run after me. nothing else ever used to happen, everytime all it was was me looking through the fence at the wolf then the wolf jumping over the fence and chasing me!

20-01-2008, 22:00
Do any of you remember your first nightmare?

Mine was in a cave with a big ravine and a tiny ledge up high where I was stood and there was a pink monster chasing me.

20-01-2008, 22:02
Do any of you remember your first nightmare?

Mine was in a cave with a big ravine and a tiny ledge up high where I was stood and there was a pink monster chasing me.

My first nightmare was my recurring dream

20-01-2008, 22:03
Has anyone had that thing where your half asleep and then your stomach drops? Like on a rollercoaster? I get that occasionily :p

My first one was a green blob thing,...was chasing me through this random minature house...

Nowadays I don't seem to have recurring dreams. Just really random ones!

di marco
20-01-2008, 22:03
Do any of you remember your first nightmare?

Mine was in a cave with a big ravine and a tiny ledge up high where I was stood and there was a pink monster chasing me.

My first nightmare was my recurring dream

yeh same here

20-01-2008, 22:03
I've never really had a nightmare... the pirate ship dream is probably my nightmare to be honest :lol:.

My dad has really bad nightmares like EVERY night. It's annoying, I can hear him screaming in my bedroom. It scares the hell out of me when it wakes me up!!

di marco
20-01-2008, 22:04
Has anyone had that thing where your half asleep and then your stomach drops? Like on a rollercoaster? I get that occasionily :p

yeh i get that and the falling sensation, its really odd

Nowadays I don't seem to have recurring dreams. Just really random ones!

yeh me too

20-01-2008, 22:05
Has anyone had that thing where your half asleep and then your stomach drops? Like on a rollercoaster? I get that occasionily

Probably the Pirate ship dream again :o. That's like that just as I'm about to walk off the plank.

I used to always get a pea dream too.. where this old man with a beard would throw frozen peas at me :s. I thought that everyone had that dream aswell. But I was young and naiive back then. Haven't had that dream in ages. Used to be like every night when I was little :lol:.

20-01-2008, 22:05
Has anyone had that thing where your half asleep and then your stomach drops? Like on a rollercoaster? I get that occasionily :p

Yeah I get that, its really odd!

20-01-2008, 22:06
i always seem to dream that im pregnant. funny thing is im not preganant or even know anyone that is pregnant. in one dream i gave borth on a flor in a corridor of some school, and my dad was arguing with a stranger over what i should call it and when i told him what id call him he sed no hes names scott. i dnt even know anyone calld scott nore does my dad. i havent had it for a long time though so hopefully i wont be having it anymore or a baby anytime soon for that matter.

20-01-2008, 22:06
I have nightmares pretty often. I had one about snakes on Tuesday night. I hate snakes, especially when the fall on my head when I'm asleep.

Stars, that means that you're worried about something or someone letting you down, I think.

20-01-2008, 22:10
i always seem to dream that im pregnant. funny thing is im not preganant or even know anyone that is pregnant. in one dream i gave borth on a flor in a corridor of some school, and my dad was arguing with a stranger over what i should call it and when i told him what id call him he sed no hes names scott. i dnt even know anyone calld scott nore does my dad. i havent had it for a long time though so hopefully i wont be having it anymore or a baby anytime soon for that matter.

That is pretty strange, I have random dreams. I once dreamt that my friend at dancing was pregnant and then last week it was so random and wasn't even by my doing but b=me and her pretended that she was pregnant as a joke to our other dancing friends, it was very funny :lol:

20-01-2008, 22:11
What are dreams?

20-01-2008, 22:12
What are dreams?
Very good questions, I know its something to do with our subconcious

di marco
20-01-2008, 22:14
What are dreams?

cant remember now but for gcse we looked it up for our performing arts piece

20-01-2008, 22:15
What are dreams?
Very good questions, I know its something to do with our subconcious

The dream, guardian of sleep, provides disguised satisfaction for wishes that are repressed while we are awake; dream interpretation is the "royal road that leads to knowledge of the unconscious in psychic life."

Dream interpreter thing http://www.dreammoods.com/

20-01-2008, 22:15
I use to have this recurring dream when I was younger...in it my mum and dad bought this really old gothic looking mansion/castle and we were looking around it, and I wasnt best pleased about moving, especially since this place had its own graveyard! :eek:

Every time in this dream, even though I tried to resist, I would be pulled towards this one particular grave...I dont knows who it was, cause I would have my eyes closed as I was drawn nearer....:eek: :eek: It scared me, I can tell ya!

20-01-2008, 22:18
I use to have this recurring dream when I was younger...in it my mum and dad bought this really old gothic looking mansion/castle and we were looking around it, and I wasnt best pleased about moving, especially since this place had its own graveyard! :eek:

Every time in this dream, even though I tried to resist, I would be pulled towards this one particular grave...I dont knows who it was, cause I would have my eyes closed as I was drawn nearer....:eek: :eek: It scared me, I can tell ya!

That is scary!!!! Did you have it alot?

20-01-2008, 22:23
I use to have this recurring dream when I was younger...in it my mum and dad bought this really old gothic looking mansion/castle and we were looking around it, and I wasnt best pleased about moving, especially since this place had its own graveyard! :eek:

Every time in this dream, even though I tried to resist, I would be pulled towards this one particular grave...I dont knows who it was, cause I would have my eyes closed as I was drawn nearer....:eek: :eek: It scared me, I can tell ya!

That is scary!!!! Did you have it alot?

On and off for a year or so. Then my mum died, and it stopped. So not sure whether it was a like almost a premonition or something. :hmm:

If it ever came back I would be worried!!! :eek:

21-01-2008, 07:04
Used to dream a lot that I was at a fun fair and sitting in a seat of a caroussel which then came off as it was spinning round and I end up flying through the air. I used to wake up either sitting up in bed or even standing next to the bed a couple of times. I will not go on any rides at fun fairs since then.

21-01-2008, 07:27
I don't often remember my dreams but there is one reoccurring one that I have. There's a lot of walk across barren landscape, and then walking along along a path around a mountain. There is one point where the path has disintegrated and to get across I must jump. But the drop is huge. Its looking down into a valley and the only example I can give is it must be like looking down from Mount Everest. But I always make the jump and end up walking back accross more barren landscape, but only this time there is more euphoria. Weird dream.

21-01-2008, 20:33
I use to have this recurring dream when I was younger...in it my mum and dad bought this really old gothic looking mansion/castle and we were looking around it, and I wasnt best pleased about moving, especially since this place had its own graveyard! :eek:

Every time in this dream, even though I tried to resist, I would be pulled towards this one particular grave...I dont knows who it was, cause I would have my eyes closed as I was drawn nearer....:eek: :eek: It scared me, I can tell ya!

That is scary!!!! Did you have it alot?

On and off for a year or so. Then my mum died, and it stopped. So not sure whether it was a like almost a premonition or something. :hmm:

If it ever came back I would be worried!!! :eek:

Hmm that is odd, do you believe in premonitions and stuff like that

21-01-2008, 21:00
i totally believe in that people who have died or are seriously ill come and talk to you and give u messages. it happend 2 me the other week. my best friend sister died new years day nd we were all cut up nd for some reason i dreamt we were where she died nd noone could see me or my friends sister, and she was telling me things and saying things i never new she would have said to me and when i told my best friend she said her sister was giving me a message to give to them all. also one of my oldest nd close friends passed away suddenly last sunday and then this sat nite i see her in my dream too and i was trying to warn her she was going to die because we had gone back in time ,its soo freaky how dreams have such a big inpact on your life.

21-01-2008, 23:20
I use to have this recurring dream when I was younger...in it my mum and dad bought this really old gothic looking mansion/castle and we were looking around it, and I wasnt best pleased about moving, especially since this place had its own graveyard! :eek:

Every time in this dream, even though I tried to resist, I would be pulled towards this one particular grave...I dont knows who it was, cause I would have my eyes closed as I was drawn nearer....:eek: :eek: It scared me, I can tell ya!

That is scary!!!! Did you have it alot?

On and off for a year or so. Then my mum died, and it stopped. So not sure whether it was a like almost a premonition or something. :hmm:

If it ever came back I would be worried!!! :eek:

Hmm that is odd, do you believe in premonitions and stuff like that

I wouldn't have said particularly, but I think our dreams is the brain trying to making sense of our sub consciousness.....