View Full Version : Torchwood series 2 - Discussion

17-01-2008, 23:00
Discuss the second series of Torchwood here :)

18-01-2008, 09:57
I loved the return, it was soooo confusing and Im also confused whos with who and who wants to be with who. Is like they all want to be together!
The previews look amazing

18-01-2008, 13:10
I missed it, does anyone know if its repeated?


18-01-2008, 13:13
yes next wednesday at 7pm I think

18-01-2008, 18:22
As I posted in the other thread about 'Spike' I thought that the kissing was OTT.

I know that this is billed as Dr Who's 'grown up big brother' of a show, but grown up doesn't have to mean gratuitous sex - gay or straight.

We could have had more of a story if there was less of the kissing, it was sloppy time wasting and not at all necessary for the story - we know that Jack is bisexual, does he have to be overtly bisexual? His fledgeling relationship with the gay Ianto was cute, sucking off Captain John's face wasn't.

Tone it down, or Captain Jack will end up as camp at John Inman's charater in Are you being served?

20-01-2008, 11:29
Trinity I agree with u all that smooching was OTT..
I just love the show,, but it gets moving in so many diretions I get confused..

Capt Jack has always been openly BI so it is no shock to us but as Trinity said,, but playing tongue hockey with such intensity was toooooo much for even me to take,, I was like:eek:

Anyway I am glad that there is something worth watching on Wednesday night when there is no East Enders on :lol:

13-02-2008, 19:41
Snap! Gay kissing...No thanks. I try to sleep after this!

I do think Owen is being harsh to Tosh though. He leads her on! Bless her.

I hope she finds someone nice :)

Looking forward to later, apart from the gay action that will no doubtedly be there:thumbsdow

13-02-2008, 19:44
Forgot about this thread, my thoughts on the last epsiode:
I really liked it. Although not keen on Rhys being there found some parts cringey and I know what you mean about Jack, Im soooo confused about him right now.
I think I have an idea what Owen was dressed the way he was in the preview
I tell you something I really liked te owen an Gwen thing, I wish they were together

di marco
22-02-2008, 22:44
owens dead! :eek: :( he was brilliant! so is martha replacing him? cos i cant really stand her, she annoys me for some reason! also on the epi before this weeks (with the guy who changed peoples memories) i thought ianto (is that how its spelt?) was really good, especially when he was having the visions/memories of killing those girls. just thought id say that seeing as i dont normally notice him much

I tell you something I really liked te owen an Gwen thing, I wish they were together

me too

23-02-2008, 18:14
OH MY GOD - OWEN :( :( He better come back to life!

23-02-2008, 19:11
wow Owen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gee...... just when I was getting to "know" the cast for this series, they go and kill one off gee whiz .............

25-02-2008, 20:17
wow Owen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gee...... just when I was getting to "know" the cast for this series, they go and kill one off gee whiz .............

i wouldn't count your chickens yet - alien catchers remember - anything is possible!!!!!!!!!:lol:

25-02-2008, 22:51
Yea I totally agree with you on that, hmmm how did Jack become IMMORTAL ??? I need some one to educate me on this one LOL:lol:

26-02-2008, 00:13
Yea I totally agree with you on that, hmmm how did Jack become IMMORTAL ??? I need some one to educate me on this one LOL:lol:

In the 2005 series episode "The Parting of the Ways", Rose Tyler inadvertently exposes herself to the energies of the vortex while attempting to activate the Ninth Doctor's TARDIS. The exposure gives her absolute power over time and space, allowing her to destroy the Daleks and resurrect fellow companion Jack Harkness, but the energies overwhelm her (which explains Jack's immortality) and she collapses. The Doctor is able to save her life by absorbing the vortex energies at the cost of damaging his cells and forcing a regeneration.

Did that help Jodi ? :lol:

Did you watch that Dr Who episode? When they had the firefight with the daleks and Capt Jack was killed. Rose tried to "start" the TARDIS and looked into the vortex, and then she brought him back to life. It seems cos of that, he is immortal.

26-02-2008, 15:32
This series has been much better than last years one. Martha has been great in it too - Though (Spoiler-tagging this in case you didn't watch the next episode on BBC3 last week...)
I think she was a bit wasted in that one. She was great in her first one, but then on the second episode, she didnt do much..

26-02-2008, 19:20
I cant believe it about Owen!!!! Im in shock.

Martha has improved

28-02-2008, 20:39
Ooooh last nights episode was goood :) I had to try so hard not to watch next week's on BBC3 :p

28-03-2008, 19:30
I loved the episode " From out of the Rain" The Ringmaster and Pearl were so creepy! Such a good storyline :thumbsup:

28-03-2008, 22:09
Tonights .... was ace :D And next week's is the last one :eek: Loooks awesome!
Loved finding out how each of them was recruited, loved all of the storylines :)
Awww Jack and Ianto :wub:

03-04-2008, 17:48
Tonights .... was ace :D And next week's is the last one :eek: Loooks awesome!
Loved finding out how each of them was recruited, loved all of the storylines :)
Awww Jack and Ianto :wub:

Can't wait for The last one! This weeks was brilliant I agree! Aww I know what you mean :love: :heart:

Mrs Bump
05-04-2008, 11:23
Loved last nights episode (I knew Captain John would turn out to be alright in the end!)

Was so sad that Tosh & Owen were killed off (though as Owen was already undead then is it really the end of him??!). It was ironic that Tosh & Owen were dependant on the other to save them and as they had this long running love affair that never was it was fitting that they died together but still apart.

The question is who is going to replace them on the team?? I suppose Martha is perfectly lined up as action medic to replace Owen, but so far we haven't got a techie replacement (although Captain John looked quiet adept... and he would create some tension amidst the fluffiness of Torchwood).

05-04-2008, 17:43
Oh my goodness :( The last episode was soooo sad!
Good episode though! I

09-04-2008, 22:32
I just caught up and well.. finsished the sereis!
It was SO sad :crying: I cried so much, I totally agree with Mrs Bump about the Tosh and Owen thing, it was nice in a werid way but most of all very sad :( I still cant believe it!
It was also starnge how like it wasnt another massive happening, like no big aliens or a massive event, it was Jacks brother that caused everything and this event that was more on a human scale- of that makes any sense

25-07-2008, 06:33
FUMING Torchwood bosses have been forced to tear up scripts for the show after star Freema Agyeman defected to ITV.

Scriptwriters spent months writing gripping storylines for Freema, 29 — who was a central character in the spin-off show.

But now the former Doctor Who star has been ditched from the five-part BBC mini-series — after agreeing to do ITV’s new British version of US crime series Law and Order.

The move is believed to have annoyed Torchwood creator and executive producer Russell T Davies.

It was him who gave Freema her big break in Doctor Who, playing scientist Martha Jones.

An insider said: “This has really mucked things about. We’ve had to go back and re-edit loads of scripts because she’s not going to be in it.”

The source added that the fact she signed for ITV added insult to injury.

They added: “They’re the Beeb’s bitter rival, so the fact she’s going over there to star in a big new project has not gone down well at all.”

The BBC said in an official statement: “As with any drama in the early stages of production, scripts evolve and change on a daily basis before being finalised.”

Freema — who was plucked from obscurity to be Doctor Who’s assistant in series three — is expected to play a prosecutor in Law and Order: London.

ITV bosses have high hopes for the adaptation of the Five hit — breaking with tradition to order a long run of about a dozen episodes.

They will start filming the show in the autumn with an “enormous cast”.

25-07-2008, 08:55
Personally, I don't rate her as an actress, so I think what is Torchwoods gain, will be ITV's loss.

Just my opinion though

25-07-2008, 09:09
I was never that keen on her, but still I cant believe she did that!!!!

25-07-2008, 09:57
I think she's an okay actress - nothing special, but to be honest i didn't like where the 'Martha' character was going.

If i were her - there wouldn't have been choice - TORCHWOOD all the way.

25-07-2008, 12:05
I know that Martha is supposed to have developed as a character, and that she is more independent and authoritative, but really underneath she still seems to be mooning over the Doctor, even though she is engaged to someone else. That isn't really realistic.

She is much more one dimentional than e.g. Gwen Cooper (who I love), and I hate to say it Donna Noble (who I expected to hate, but who grew on me - a lot!)

I am glad that Martha isn't going to be in Torchwood. I just wish that not so many Torchwood staff died in the last series!!!

25-07-2008, 17:59
I know what you mean about Marthas character developing, they say it has but I dont really see it

di marco
26-07-2008, 08:02
I am glad that Martha isn't going to be in Torchwood. I just wish that not so many Torchwood staff died in the last series!!!

i agree, i really dont like martha and was dreading the fact she might be in torchwood

26-07-2008, 10:02
enormous cast ??? well they only needed to replace 2 cast members right ????
I never warmed to Martha's character, so I personally will NOT MISS her,, but it is sad that she jumped ship,, but not sad she is not going to be on Torchwood:cool:

26-07-2008, 14:10
enormous cast ??? well they only needed to replace 2 cast members right ????
I never warmed to Martha's character, so I personally will NOT MISS her,, but it is sad that she jumped ship,, but not sad she is not going to be on Torchwood:cool:

Thats the thing though - there were only, what, 5 members of the team anyway and to then kill off 2 of them at the end of the series, its like nearly half the team.

I think it can only be a bonus really for Torchwood - its a shame that they've had to re-write so much because of her doing this, but after her "performance" in Journey's End, I'm glad she's no longer going to be in it.

Bad Wolf
26-07-2008, 14:52
good luck to her, i mean itv have such a fantastic reputation for drama!! ha ha, has anyone seen that harley street nonsense!!! i cant believe actors actually signed up for it!!! ohh and then there was that hugely sucessful thing about the royal family and er what was it - echo beach?????

bue bye career! hello panto

27-07-2008, 22:24
I feel really sorry for the BBC really. Quitting on them like that after they'd written so much was bad enough, but she seems to be forgetting that they chose her for Martha when she was like unheard of before. And she was clearly desperate to be in Doctor Who in the first place - she did play Adeola, Martha's cousin, in the Series 2 finale. I wonder how they'll actually write her out after she was seen walking off with Jack and Mickey at the end of 'Journey's End.'

Serves her right if her roles with ITV don't go as well as expected, in my opinion. Looks like she's burned her bridges with the BBC.

Chloe O'brien
28-07-2008, 00:29
If she didn't want to be in Torchwood next series she should have said so to the writers and they could have written a different plot in Dr Who. The whole point of her leaving with Jack and Mickey was it was assumed that she was joining Torchwood. If she signed a contract with the beeb she should honor it. I think she has just jumped at the first job that's come along outside the Beeb as she is miffed at the response she got taken over from Rose as the Doctor's assistant. Seh's shot herself in the foot as one day she may need a job back at the Beeb.

29-07-2008, 14:03
I heard this was reported in The Sun, so it may be that it isn't actually true. They reported that Freema had been axed during Series 3 of Doctor Who; clearly she wasn't, or she wouldn't have been in Torchwood Series 2 and Doctor Who Series 4. They reported that Billie Piper had signed a contract for a third series of Doctor Who too, which she can't have done because she was replaced by Freema in that series.