View Full Version : Week 6

irish eyes
17-01-2008, 13:12
Abs tells his colleagues they are calling off the work-to-rule, while Tess reassures the department how vital they all are, as the medical drama continues.

David, the father of an autistic child, is unwell, disorientated and can't see. As he stumbles away from the playground where his son is playing, his condition worsens and he ends up being taken to Holby ED. His son, Joe, meanwhile, causes an accident in the play area and, along with a young girl, Lily, is also taken to Holby ED.

Adam struggles to deal with Joe and argues with Jessica over his treatment. There is still a spark between Jessica and Adam, but Jessica tells him she is not looking for a relationship.

Elsewhere, Ruth tries to impress Marilyn Fox but, unbeknown to her colleagues, she is also taking caffeine pills. She deals well with Lily, performing a complicated procedure expertly, but a misdiagnosis in the condition of David has repercussions no one could foresee. Having made an initial assumption, Ruth ignores a colleague's opinion and decides on a particular course of treatment. She is later shown some medical notes, which illustrate her mistake, and the team question why she didn't ask their advice.

That night, Ruth writes up her diary, unable to face the situation she has created, and decides on a drastic course of action.

Abs is played by James Redmond, Tess by Suzanne Packer, Adam by Tristan Gemmill, Jessica by Gillian Kearney and Ruth by Georgia Taylor.

17-01-2008, 16:28
No! It's Alice and Adam :p

Don't like the sound of the drastic action Ruth is going to take...:S

17-01-2008, 17:17
Yeah Adam and Alice :(. Silly Jess!!


I still feel rather sorry for Ruth. I know she's a bit of a bitch with all her mistakes, but I dunno.. One day she's going to crack though :p She's already really insecure.

24-01-2008, 00:11
Bit more....
When Ruth makes a mistake and the team find out, she decides she can't take any more. Toby and Abs are shocked by what they find when they go to her house

24-01-2008, 00:15
:eek:. She's gonna take an OD isn't she. I reckon anyway.

Aww :( Hope she's okay :D.

24-01-2008, 00:30
Yeah :(...they'll find her just in time I reckon :p No mention of the actress leaving so hopefully she will be ok :D

24-01-2008, 11:43
NO! Well, yeah that would make a great storyline if she did OD. I'm starting to like Ruth now so I don't want her to die, even though she doesn't.

Maybe Toby and Ruth will get together after he saves her life.

27-01-2008, 19:53
Ooh Toby and Ruth I like the sound of that :p

Has anyone watched the Coming up clip on the Casualty website? :eek:
Why can't it be next Saturday already :crying: :p