View Full Version : Dancing on Ice

13-01-2008, 20:36
Well its back, what did everyone think of it. Have to say I felt a lot of the females were be carried about by their partners, not a lot of skating going on, still it was week on.

13-01-2008, 20:40
I thought it was really good, Suzzane is my fav and Michael was very funny

13-01-2008, 20:43
Yes Michael had me in stitches, he was so funny. Liked Gareth too, see the boys actually skated IMHO while the girls went from one lift to another, Suzanne was good, also thought Sarah Greene wasn't bad. It can't be easy staying upright on the ice.

13-01-2008, 20:44
Oh and I loved Chris I thought he was amazing for week one.

Jessie Wallace
13-01-2008, 20:49
I thought that Suzanne Shaw and Gareth Gates were really good as was Chris Fountain, infact he stole the show, put's the other's in another league. (And i hate saying that, coz the guy's really annoying! lol)
I thought Sarah Greene was so sweet, and Michael was soooo funny, i hope they stay. I want Linda out tonight please.

Jessie Wallace
13-01-2008, 21:20
Argh, Gutted Sarah went, should have been Sam out of those two.

13-01-2008, 21:21
this show is just a pale imitation of stricly come dancing, i dont even know why i'm watching it - well I do - becuase nothing else is on! but yeah, give me Strictly any day!

13-01-2008, 21:25
Im gald sarah went, I think the right person went

13-01-2008, 22:47
Im gald sarah went, I think the right person went


14-01-2008, 06:33
If anyone should have gone it should have been Aggie

14-01-2008, 18:36
this show is just a pale imitation of stricly come dancing, i dont even know why i'm watching it - well I do - becuase nothing else is on! but yeah, give me Strictly any day!


14-01-2008, 20:18
aggy should have gone as she was the worst, probably sarah was next worse! , i like this show more than strictly dancing. i think there is more skill involved in dancing on ice. thought michael was so funny and entertaining and several dancers stood out already.

14-01-2008, 21:11
If anyone should have gone it should have been Aggie

Yeah I agree with that, but just cos its Aggie Im glad we will see her again :p

21-01-2008, 10:36
who was kicked out last night.. I missed the second part of this

21-01-2008, 12:39
who was kicked out last night.. I missed the second part of this

Natalie Pinkham and Andre Lipanov

21-01-2008, 12:42
who was kicked out last night.. I missed the second part of this

Natalie Pinkham and Andre Lipanov

I didn't think she was that bad... there was much worse than her

Jessie Wallace
21-01-2008, 13:24
Loved Suzanne last night, and Chris and Gareth were really good too. Didn't think Natalie deserved to go out, thought Tim should have gone outta the bottom too.

21-01-2008, 20:22
Hmm I thought Natalie was the right choice, she wasnt very graceful

Chloe O'brien
21-01-2008, 20:41
Michael and Suzanne are my favourite two. I don't think Natalie should have went last night as she was not the worst, but I think it was down to her to being not really famous. Aggie is probably the worst of the skaters but I think she has a lot of fans keeping her in.

21-01-2008, 20:43
Aww I like Micheal too, Im hoping he gets a lot better cos it would be nice yo see one of those guys from GMTV to show that they can do something esle :lol: We know they cant dance or sing :rotfl:

22-01-2008, 20:05
i think aggy should have probably gone again but i have a feeling shes going to get a sympathy vote. when she said im just going to try and keep going and everyone cheered i though well thats her through then isnt it!

23-01-2008, 14:19
i think aggy should have probably gone again but i have a feeling shes going to get a sympathy vote. when she said im just going to try and keep going and everyone cheered i though well thats her through then isnt it!

Thats always the case with these shows, wiht the public involved it can never be fully fair when popularity and sympathy voters

24-01-2008, 10:15
GMTV presenter Michael Underwood has been forced to pull out of Dancing On Ice because of an ankle injury.

Underwood was taken to hospital last night following a fall during training at Elstree studios.

He had been practising his new routine with professional dance partner Melanie Lambert when he tripped awkwardly on his ankle during a standard stopping maneuver.

The TV star had initially hoped it was just a strain but X-rays have revealed that the ankle is broken.

"After breaking his ankle last night, Michael Underwood can no longer compete in Dancing On Ice," said an ITV spokesperson.

"The whole team are sad to see Michael leave the competition in this way and wish him a speedy recovery."

24-01-2008, 10:24
ahh noo!! poor michael!...i actually like gareth in this show, i hated him singing * no offence * but he really went for it the first show! good on him.

27-01-2008, 20:06
Really enjoyed tonight, Aggie was useless as usual, but the others really upped their game. Joanne from Corrie was a fantastic substitute for Michael and so good, seeing as it was technically week 1 for her. Hope she goes far.

27-01-2008, 20:32
I know I really liked her as well, she has done really well since she was thrown in the deep end, I hope she does well

04-02-2008, 15:59
really glad aggie went last night, she really did deserve to go.

Jessie Wallace
10-02-2008, 22:29
Wow is there nothing that Chris can't do on the ice, he was amazing tonight. The require element tonight a 1 fotted spin twice. Most only just managed it, some not at all, Chris, kicked it with about 15 fast spin's. And the table top lift he did i actually thought was better than the one Fred and Zaraah did.

11-02-2008, 16:55
Yes he was brilliant - loving him and Gareth too, would like to see Gareth placed ahead of Suzanne - I can't warm to her at all - not sure why. All those lifts and throws that her partner does with her don't impress me, would rather see her skate on her own more - same goes for Linda, if she is not hanging out of Dan she is useless, At least Zaraah from Corrie does some solo skating.

11-02-2008, 18:25
would rather see her skate on her own more - same goes for Linda, if she is not hanging out of Dan she is useless
she seems quite indignant about it too, as if the judges are making it up when it's there for us all to see!

chris fountain is brilliant. when is it props week anyway, that's always a laugh.

Jessie Wallace
11-02-2008, 19:41
Yes he was brilliant - loving him and Gareth too, would like to see Gareth placed ahead of Suzanne - I can't warm to her at all - not sure why. All those lifts and throws that her partner does with her don't impress me, would rather see her skate on her own more - same goes for Linda, if she is not hanging out of Dan she is useless, At least Zaraah from Corrie does some solo skating.

I don't think we are watching the same skater then if you don't think Suz can skate on her own, she's fab with and without Matt. If Chris doesn't win i want her too, closing followed my Gareth.

Chloe O'brien
12-02-2008, 11:54
Tim Vincent has claimed that he will never skate again because of his experiences on Dancing On Ice.

The former Blue Peter presenter said that he was tired of performing on ice after practising the discipline for three months.

On the prospect of getting back on the ice, Vincent told The Mirror: "Not until hell freezes over. I am not exaggerating when I say I've been skating every day for three months.

"I've enjoyed myself but was surprised to get through five weeks. The way I feel I won't put on skates again."

Vincent was voted off the reality show on Sunday after losing (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/dancingonice/a89051/tim-vincent-gets-dancing-on-ice-chop.html) in the skate-off to Olympic athlete Steve Backley.

12-02-2008, 12:19
:eek: Thats a bit strong

19-02-2008, 17:05
Suzanne to win.Cant believe the score they gave her on Sunday. Should have been top easy. Dont like that Chris Fountain

19-02-2008, 17:10
Suzanne to win.Cant believe the score they gave her on Sunday. Should have been top easy. Dont like that Chris Fountain

I thought she was much better than Chris.. his "unique" move was crap compared to many others.. he just wiggled on the ice.. others did really fancy moves..

19-02-2008, 17:13
Yeah thats what i thought. Everyone else were trying different things or making up new moves and he just did that worm thing. So unimpressing. I though his whole routine was a bit crap and thought Suzannes was amazing just cant believe the scores

19-02-2008, 17:49
I agree but I still love Chris, he is still amazing :D I agree Suzannes score should of been higher, the thing is people forget that no matter what its still really hard for the person who is being lifted

19-02-2008, 18:48
chris is great, but this week's routine wasn't his best in my opinion.

can't wait for jumps next week, greg rudestski (sp? lol!) will be in his element!

20-02-2008, 17:37
I can see why Suzanne got a low score from Nicky - he felt she skates a little, then gets lifted a lot, skates a little, lifted a lot - there is not enough skating for him and I have to agree - while it takes a lot of skill to learn the lifts etc... what she is doing on the ice is not a lot - they tell off Greg and Steve for their skating or non-skating so its only fair she is "punished" too. As for Linda skating alone, that was very tentative, not what you would expect in week 5 or whatever it is, it was obvious she was not used to skating without being held.

Jessie Wallace
20-02-2008, 18:46
In regards to Suzie not skating much last week and got lifted a lot, every other week she skate, and if you look back to when it was Bonnie Langford skating, her whole routine's were lift's and not much else, yet she always got high marks, that why she wasn't soo popular with the public, coz they all said she couldn't actually skate, just was very good with the lift's etc....

25-02-2008, 18:40
am i the only one who thinks suzanne was over-scored last night?

yes the routine was well performed and technically good, but it didn't seem too challenging compared to some of the others. her jumps seemed a bit tame next to chris' and whilst she was on the ice more to me it just looked like she was skating in a straight line while bobbing her head and waving her arms!

Jessie Wallace
25-02-2008, 19:21
Nope not from me, i thought she was amazing and got well deserved scores, i did think Chris should have got atleast 1 6 mark tho.

I've been going skating a bit myself lately, and the ammount of people you hear say wow, i never realised it was this hard they make it lok so easy on TV. Even arm control is difficult, let aloone anything else.

25-02-2008, 22:33
Lol, I use to have Ice skating lessons :p

Jessie Wallace
25-02-2008, 22:41
Then you will know how difficult it actually is, even controling where you arms go! lol

25-02-2008, 22:43
Lol it was fairly hard, its harder when you learn to go backwards, the arms I didnt find to bad, once you got your balance your sorted

Jessie Wallace
25-02-2008, 22:46
Backwards is the best, i love that, especially with crossovers and then everyone trying to copy you and work out how to do them. :p

25-02-2008, 22:47
lol :p, the main thing I find in balance I think of dancing, having to hold your centre that kind of thing

25-02-2008, 22:48
am i the only one who thinks suzanne was over-scored last night?

yes the routine was well performed and technically good, but it didn't seem too challenging compared to some of the others. her jumps seemed a bit tame next to chris' and whilst she was on the ice more to me it just looked like she was skating in a straight line while bobbing her head and waving her arms!

Yes I agree, but I have to admit I am not a Suzanne or Matt fan, both seem too cocky for me. Yes she was skating more, but not with any great flair IMHO - she had the beat to the music, but she is supposed to be a dancer is she not, so the rhythm should come easy to her. I like Chris, but he's not my favourite, still love Gareth and Zaraah even though she had a bad wobble on Sunday, gutted Linda L went instead of Greg (is this another Kate Garaway senario)

25-02-2008, 23:40
I thought Suzanne was overscored aswell personally. There was no real pazazz (sp?) there for me if you see what I mean. No flair, or excitement. And even ignoring Chris trying that axle, I thought his routine was a lot better personally, or at least, I enjoyed it more.

Jessie Wallace
25-02-2008, 23:44
I don't think she'll win, but her's and Chris' were the only 2 i enjoyed last night, the others were all too dull for me, well maybe Linda's was a little entertaining, but not that much. And little Gareth tries so hard, but it just doesn't work for me, his routine the week before was better.

26-02-2008, 19:51
Im so Glad Linda went, she was dull and boring, I mean she has a soft style that makes her look like she doesnt put any effort into it

26-02-2008, 21:25
I was glad she went too. To be honest to say the others looked great skating and dancing on the ice, she just looked uncomfy.
She couldnt actually skate without her partner and to say that they are more than half the way into the competition i dont think she was nearly as good as she should have been at tht stage

26-02-2008, 21:41
I thought she was okay at the beginning but then she went downhill

Chloe O'brien
27-02-2008, 22:45
I haven't watched much of this series, maybe because it's on a Sunday and I'm usually busy getting organised for a Monday when it is on. Also the I prefer last year's celebrities they were more entertaining to watch. They should put it back to a Saturday night.

28-02-2008, 21:45
I agree Saturdays were better

29-02-2008, 16:26
i think justin is going to win BUT i like suzanne as well its a tough year

01-03-2008, 17:43
found this on the msn Dancing On Ice blog

Slice on the ice

Dancing on Ice star Suzanne Shaw has just cut skating partner Matt Evers face with the blade of her skate in an accident on the training rink. The pair were practicing their routine for Dancing on Ice's props week, when Suzanne did a handstand on top of their prop, a chair, and as she went up, her blade scraped down Matt's face. Medics have rushed onto the ice and are currently looking at whether he will need stitches or if the cut to his face can be glued, either way he has a cracking shiner. Ouch!

eeek, how scary!

i love props week though, its the best coz the stars have to be way more inventive. suzanne didn't strike it lucky getting the chair though, that's a tough one. i think Gareth Gates had the hat this year. wonder what the others have...

01-03-2008, 17:45
Ouch that sounds scary and painful We'll have to see tomorrow

01-03-2008, 20:29
oh but i come with more disasterous news...

bbc ents news

Injured Shaw may slide off show

Rehearsals for Shaw have been plagued with injuries this week
Ex-Hear'Say star Suzanne Shaw may be forced to drop out of ITV's Dancing on Ice show after chipping a bone in her ankle during rehearsals.
Shaw, who earlier this week injured her skating partner Matt Evers after hitting him in the face with her skate, will undergo intensive physiotherapy.

ITV said: "Suzanne will only take to the ice if the physio gives her the go-ahead before the show."

Last week the singer topped the scoreboard with a 27.5 score.

Shaw, who originally hurt her ankle a few weeks ago when she was trampolining in practice for an unassisted jump, collapsed in pain after the recent injury.

The singer has also cracked a rib during the show, though this failed to stop her from skating.

An ITV spokeswoman said: "She absolutely does want to perform.

"We have a responsibility to ensure that all the celebrities are fit to perform."

01-03-2008, 20:41
oh but i come with more disasterous news...

bbc ents news

Injured Shaw may slide off show

Rehearsals for Shaw have been plagued with injuries this week
Ex-Hear'Say star Suzanne Shaw may be forced to drop out of ITV's Dancing on Ice show after chipping a bone in her ankle during rehearsals.
Shaw, who earlier this week injured her skating partner Matt Evers after hitting him in the face with her skate, will undergo intensive physiotherapy.

ITV said: "Suzanne will only take to the ice if the physio gives her the go-ahead before the show."

Last week the singer topped the scoreboard with a 27.5 score.

Shaw, who originally hurt her ankle a few weeks ago when she was trampolining in practice for an unassisted jump, collapsed in pain after the recent injury.

The singer has also cracked a rib during the show, though this failed to stop her from skating.

An ITV spokeswoman said: "She absolutely does want to perform.

"We have a responsibility to ensure that all the celebrities are fit to perform."

I hope she is ok for tomorrow.. I want her or chris to win.....

02-03-2008, 12:51
Well we'll find out tonight if she can skate, I hope she can

03-03-2008, 20:51
yay greg went, happy days!!!!!

03-03-2008, 22:12
Lol Im glad Greg went, it wouldnt of been fair if he stayed

04-03-2008, 16:17
It's good that Greg has gone now, i hope that Suzanne win's the show this year.

04-03-2008, 22:35
Yeah, I think Suzanne will have a really good chance.
I though Zara was great too, hers was the best when it came to routine with props in my opinion.
But poor Suzanne, is that bone gonna be stuck there forever?!

05-03-2008, 10:55
I enjoyed Gareth's performance on Sunday.. I felt it was the best out of all of them..poor Suzanne, she really did her best and Chris is just annoying me now like Clare did last year

05-03-2008, 18:15
and Chris is just annoying me now like Clare did last year

why, for being good? heaven forbid :rolleyes:

05-03-2008, 19:17
I hope it wasnt just me but did anyone else think that 2 props was just too much? And the table was rubbish?
I know they are trying to make it better but I just thought it didnt work as well as they thought

05-03-2008, 20:35
I didnt like Chris routine. It just seemed to be more about messing with the props than it did actually skating. I think his performance has peeked and he is starting to drop now.

Although i do like Zara, i think her performance was a bit sectioned. By that i mean after each move she did she kind of stoped n then started again. Like she had forgoton what she was doing or something.

I do like Gareth, i think he i getting better every day.

Suzanne will always be my favorite. Trying different things. Not being scared to do dangerous moves and doing a great job.

06-03-2008, 10:11
and Chris is just annoying me now like Clare did last year

why, for being good? heaven forbid :rolleyes:

No.. he was good from the start.. I like seen someone who was trully hopeless or slightly competent improving week to week, like Gareth... That is what the competition is about (isn't it??)...

06-03-2008, 14:28
thats why i have stopped watching it. i like a proper comeptition not just someone who comes along who can skate fantastically from the beginning. i prefer to see rubbish skaters who really improve.

06-03-2008, 21:58
thats why i have stopped watching it. i like a proper comeptition not just someone who comes along who can skate fantastically from the beginning. i prefer to see rubbish skaters who really improve.

I know what you mean but sometimes I get soooo bored of thos who arent so good, maybe its cos I love dancing so much and love watching it as i entertains me

16-03-2008, 19:36
WOW Suzanne got 30!!!
It was a beautiful performance and that song always get me.

I like the flying but it can get boring. Still amazing those

Jessie Wallace
16-03-2008, 19:41
I flying looks like great fun, but i'm actualy with you on that Abbie, it's quite boring to watch, it's all the same thing.

Hope Zaraah goes now, and with have a Chris and Suzanne final two.

16-03-2008, 19:45
The thing with the flying one, is its interesting to watch when your THERE, not so much when your at home watching on TV

16-03-2008, 20:00
ive actually changed my opion on chris fountain since watching dancing on ice. i couldnt stand him he drove me potty i hated him but now im actually coming round to others way of thinking. hes not half as bad as it thought. i hope he wins but i doubt it due to the flying scores. if he doesnt win i hope zaarah does i dont like suzanne at all.

16-03-2008, 20:02
Chris should of 30 too!!!!!
I mean I know his finishing position fell but he did find another one!!!

Jessie Wallace
16-03-2008, 20:05
It's gotta be between Chris and Suzanne and after her performances tonight, i think she might get it, althought i'd prefer Chris to, but with every reality show the perosn i want to win always lose's so i think i should put money on Suzanne! lol

16-03-2008, 20:06
Yeah I reckon ot will be between Chris and Suzanne they were amazing

Jessie Wallace
16-03-2008, 20:18
Yay so far. Although i should have put a bet on at the bookies after the first show, as this is the two i predicted would be the final two.

16-03-2008, 20:19
Yeah I think its been set from very early on that these two would be in the final

Jessie Wallace
16-03-2008, 20:57
Well i'm glad it didn't put any money on Chris winning. Well done to Suzanne, she has improved the most.

16-03-2008, 20:58
Yeah she has been great. I loved them both

16-03-2008, 21:08
suzanne was great tonight really liked them both.. glad suzanne won..

16-03-2008, 21:36
it was a complete and utter fix tonight in my opinion. for a start they've been saying 'will suzanne beat chris?' all week to try and build up some hype around her, then they go and give her 60 when her second performance had a wonky somersault at the start and a lumpy lift in the middle, then the judges don't even acknowledge that chris had it a lot harder in the flying routines and did some seriously hard somersaults when all the girls did was waft around being swung by their partners and THEN they say his bollero wasn't personal enough! excuse me, they're copying torvill and dean's dance, how it is supposed to be personal? plus suzanne's was just full of gimmcky lifts not in keeping with the theme at all.


16-03-2008, 22:49
Totally agree - I wanted Chris to win. Him and Suzanne were pretty equal on their performances, but I found Chris's to be far less of trying to pull hard tricks out of the bag, like Suzannes lift tonight, and have more skating. And I always say it, but I think that its far harder for the male, especially for their partner to have complete faith in them, that they aren't going to drop them during a lift etc.

I noticed that both Zaraahs and Suzannes flying routines were far "lovelier" than Chris' too.

It just seemed like that lift was saved for now, to wow the voters if you see what I mean.

Well done to them all though - skating is so hard, I'd spend half my time on my backside :lol:

16-03-2008, 22:51
everyone was saying chris had the upperhand on it all because hed done ice hockey but like my mum siad ice hockey is nothing ok so hes not a stranger to balancing on ice! but to me suzanne had more of an upper hand, hello shes a 'proformer' of cause shes going to putting on a good performance shes had trained dancing from the westend show(s) shes been in and dancing in the band. i think chris should have won after all look how the judges slated him at the begining saying how he didnt have a connection with frankie. To me it was a fix and to make it worse i cant get good seats to see the tour either!!

17-03-2008, 08:27
I think both did really well as it is such a hard thing to do in such a short amount of time. I think they both desrved the final. I was watching the passion so didnt see the final dance, but they were all good in the rope on. I am just glad i didnt have to be a judge!

17-03-2008, 11:28
that was a complete fix, chris was by far the better skater through the whole competition!!!
all se did was whine and moan he just got on with it and skated!!

i would like to see her land an axle!!!!!

17-03-2008, 12:47
in my opinion i think that suzanne had the upperhand on chris because her professional skater was the male and he can throw her around and thats what the judges were all raving about whereas chris is hardly in the position to do any of that is he

17-03-2008, 17:03
Dont thinkIt was a fix at all. I prefered Suzanne all the way through but thought Chris was better through the series. Last night people were voting on their performances last night and Suzanne did much better.

But come on. People are saying "suzanne shunt win she has performed before"..."chris shunt win hes skated before"... but who cares. They both had some sort of experience but with different things.

It wasnt a fix its just how the public voted on the night (who they prefered) and it loked like they prefered Suzanne. I was glad she got 60 cos she deserved it. Her performances were clean cut. She looked like a proper skater. Cant beleive she spun like that in the ir, i surely would have puked. And that headbanger, twisting n dancey thing all done together was spectacular.

17-03-2008, 22:18
I know what you mean, they both had experience, one in skating and one in ballet dancing. Although it doesnt make them specail cos ice dancing is a different concept all together

01-04-2008, 09:11
John McCririck has revealed that he is to star on the next series of Dancing On Ice.

The betting expert said he would take to the ice as his next reality TV project, following his appearances on Celebrity Wife Swap, Celebrity Big Brother and this year's spin-off Celebrity Hijack.

The 67-year-old will be the oldest contestant to appear on the ITV show, beating this year's hopeful Aggie Mackenzie at 52.

The news follows last week's announcement that his hours on Channel 4 Racing are being cut back, which he said gives him more time to concentrate on his career as a TV personality.

However, he said he would refuse to appear in any "ridiculous" costumes, instead opting to skate in his trademark deerstalker hat, tweed jacket and sideburns.

McCririck is no stranger to skating and fondly remembers courting wife "The Booby" at Streatham ice rink in the early '60s.

But the pundit, who was booed off stage on ITV's Loose Women for his misogynistic views, had some words of warning for his potential partner.

He told DS: "The trouble with women is that they're nowhere near as reliable or as friendly as horses. And whoever's lucky enough to be my partner, I hope she knows how to make a decent sandwich and a good cup of tea because I don't dance well if I'm grumpy."

Asked what his odds would be to clinch the title, he said, "I'm more double carpet than ear'ole", meaning he is closer to 33-1 rather than 6-4 favourite in bookmakers' tic-tac terms.

The very thought of him "Dancing on Ice" make me feel slightly queasy!!

01-04-2008, 09:57
Would they have made these arrangements already seeing as the last series has only just finished??

I hope not though - can't stand the bloke.

01-04-2008, 10:58
I am hoping beyond hoping this is an April Fool??

Jessie Wallace
01-04-2008, 11:31
It has to be, it can't be anything else, they never annouce people this early and they certanly would get him to do it.

01-04-2008, 14:09
Totally agree - it HAS to be and April Fool - and in very poor taste :sick:

05-04-2008, 15:25
Was it an april fool then?

17-05-2008, 17:56
I'm going to Sheffield to see the Tour tonight, WOOHOO!

17-05-2008, 22:45
i would have loved to have saw it

18-05-2008, 00:51
It was good!
Was the last one tonight, so they were filming for the DVD.

Chris' partner, Frankie was injured so they couldn't skate together. So he did a solo and then skated with a different girl.

Was still really good though.

Chloe O'brien
18-05-2008, 00:53
Who was all skating, was it just this years skaters or was there ones from the last Dancing on Ice.

18-05-2008, 01:22
Yeah both. There was:

Suzanne Shaw
Chris Fountain
Gareth Gates
Zaraah Abrahams
Bonnie Langford
Kyran Bracken
Claire Buckfield
David Seaman
Linda Lusardi

18-05-2008, 20:39
So was Chris still really good? I imagaine his solo was amazing?

19-05-2008, 00:43
Yeah he was really good, and his solo was good.

Just a shame his partner, Frankie was injured.

17-09-2008, 15:00
Suzanne Shaw won yes?

Was Chris Fountain a runner up?