View Full Version : Mistresses

09-01-2008, 10:49
Anyone catch this last night on BBC One?

It wasn't too bad a show, a bit samey, but not bad to watch.

Looks like there's some potentially interesting storylines developing.

09-01-2008, 10:51
Was going to watch this but had a friend around so missed it.. might take a look next week

09-01-2008, 10:57
Was going to watch this but had a friend around so missed it.. might take a look next week

you can watch it online for free on the bbc i player for the next 7 days!

09-01-2008, 15:15
I watched it and I really enjoyed it. Sarah Parish really acts out her character very well and I'm enjoying her storyline at the moment - it was quite tense when the son was in her surgery - i thought he might have sussed she was his dad's secret lover! She was digging herself into a bit of a hole though I thought, by taking him and his mum off the patients list...

Is it just me or do I get the feeling that woman is going to start a lesbian affair with the woman she was helping arrange the civil partnership with? And I swear there's something not right about that man, that woman met at the school...after all the money she got left from her husband, do you think he could be after her money? And what was that prank phone call about that she recieved? :hmm:

It was so obvious that woman was going to get off with that man in the workplace, the chemistry between them was pretty good though..

I don't know any character names yet so just referring to them as "man" and "woman" :lol:

Can't wait until next week's episode though!

09-01-2008, 16:38
I saw it and i enjoyed it :) I do think that it will develop over the next few weeks.

16-01-2008, 17:05
the jury's still out on this, it is very cliched to the point of ridiculousness

the only storyline that is intriguing me is Trudi's - is her dead husband actually stalking her? :hmm:

17-01-2008, 13:47
I havent managed to watch a full episode but what i have seen of it seems good, not the best show ever but it's alright to watch just to have something on

Chloe O'brien
17-01-2008, 22:08
I caught the first episode last Friday. It wasn't the best drama from the Beeb but it was okay.

17-01-2008, 22:55
i wonder if this was the "english sex and the city" that Claire King was rumoured to be starring in ages ago. If so it is nothing like sex and the city, and I wonder which role she would have been going for - Katie?

17-01-2008, 23:02
I enjoyed the second episode - the Katie and Trudie storylines are interesting me most.. I hope Trudie's husband isn't stalking her though as it would be too predictable, that plot is very intriguing, so I hope there's a twist in the story.

Shame there is only 3 episodes left. :(

24-01-2008, 08:57
Hey i been watching this drama as well and i like the line up of actors in it as well and its not to bad.

I was wondering in this weeks episode did it seem like Katie was being watched by Sam while she was in the house. Anyway does not look like it going to end well she is sleeping with him that going to have serious consquences. :hmm:

29-01-2008, 23:03
Hey is anyone else confused by tonights episode?

So by looking at next week preview it looks like Sam already knew it was Katie who was having the affair so what is his game revenge or is he geninely falling in love with her :hmm:

Also i do not understand how Sibohan is going to explain lying to her husband.:hmm:

Also does anyone know how long this programme is running for is it a 5 part drama or is their going to be another series after this one

07-02-2008, 23:05
I really love this program !!!!!!!!! Its too bad it will be over soon..
I could not believe Trudy's hubby was alive,, I wonder what she will have to do with the widows check now,, she can not very well give it to Paul, since he faked his death:hmm:
Siobhan has told Hari now,, so he knows the baby is not his.
Looks like Katie is going to be struck off for having sexual relations with a patient ???

Claire is one sexually confused lady LOL :rolleyes:

08-02-2008, 16:20
i ACTUALLY love this program :wub: I hope it comes back for a 2nd series !

08-02-2008, 17:52
I quite like it now, eventhough I missed the first few. I think its a mix of sex and the city and desperate housewvies