View Full Version : Man Who Celebrates Christmas All Year Round

di marco
06-01-2008, 09:59
(taken from the bt broadband homepage)

As others pull down their festive decorations Sunday to avoid dicing with superstition, one British man will carry on celebrating Christmas -- just as he has done every day for 15 years.

Andy Park, 43, dubbed "Mr Christmas", is not spooked by the Twelfth Night superstition surrounding January 6, which says it is bad luck to leave up Christmas decorations beyond this date.

The divorced electrician will enjoy Christmas all over again, putting up new tinsel before settling in to his daily routine of mince pies, turkey, sherry and opening the presents he bought for himself.

Sunday "will be a sad day for me, because that's when everyone else will have taken down their decorations and put them in the recycling bin," said the father-of-one.

"But I will be hanging up all the new ones I have bought at bargain prices in the sales and making everything as festive as possible. I will keep on fighting for Christmas."

Park's never-ending festivities began in July 1993, when he was feeling low and put up Christmas decorations to make him feel better.

"Suddenly I was happy. I thought, this is fun. So I did it again the next day, and the day after that," he said.

"Since then my routine every day has been to get up and have seven or eight mince pies and glass of sherry for breakfast.

"After that I open the presents I've wrapped for myself. I've given myself some nice ones over the years -- one year I got a Mercedes!"

He goes to work for about three hours, and then returns home to a full Christmas dinner, complete with a glass of champagne, before watching the Queen's traditional Christmas Day address to the nation.

"People do think I'm crackers, but I enjoy treating myself and I'm the only one in the world who does it. Others have tried to copy me, but they can't last. I'm the only one who can hold out," Park continued.

"When people come to my house it turns a sad face into a smiling one, and the happiness stays with them."

However, he admitted: "My daughter used to love celebrating it with me but she's 22 now and it is a bit of an embarrassment for her."

06-01-2008, 13:42
Wow - surely celebrating Christmas every day of the year makes it less special for him when we actually have Christmas Day on December the 25th? I think the whole enjoyment and excitement at the build up to Christmas and Christmas Day itself is partly because it's special as we only celebrate it once a year... but for him, it can't be that special if he celebrates it every day..?

06-01-2008, 15:09
I wouldn't like to have Christmas everyday...it would ruin the buildup and specialty of the day for me too. Also, it can't be very good for his health....

06-01-2008, 15:19
As much as christmas is a great time of year-well that exactly what it should be, a great time of year not all year. Like youve said youd miss out on the build up. And surely the fact that hes eating all this stuff is gonna be bad for.
I do feel sorry for him though, he said he put them up as it made him he feel happy which yes is nice but its not good if he feels sad without them all the time

06-01-2008, 17:04
What a sad case! Hasn't he got anything better to do?

06-01-2008, 22:08
I live a few minutes from him! :ninja:

My dad knows him from school and he is not 43. I bet he was sad enough to lie about his age as well. My dad thinks he's about 50.

It hasn't done his health any good at all - I asked my dad about it after he got into The Sun a few weeks back and my dad said he's very fat.

There was a small bit about him in The Sun a few weeks back which said that he messed up the real Christmas Day by getting locked out of his house, burning his dinner, getting a puncture and accidentally recording a cartoon instead of the Queen's speech.

He should have better things to do - he likes to think he is a DJ too but my parents don't think many people hire him, lol!

Could have sworn his surname was Parks as well, not Park.

06-01-2008, 22:15
:eek: Well I am shocked, I do feel sorry for him though, he sounds very sad

06-01-2008, 22:16
Very, very sad.

06-01-2008, 22:18
Yeah lol I used to be sad when Christmas ended when I was younger and my mum used to tell me to go and move in with Mr Christmas :lol:

I had no idea he was divorced or had a daughter - it's just the fact that he celebrates Christmas every day that people pass around.

07-01-2008, 08:57
aww bless, that doesnt seem a very healthy diet though. I couldnt do it. I struggle with one mince pie never mind 7 or 8.

07-01-2008, 17:24
I don't know how he does it either he is more to be pitied than anything else I think . its better to keep Christmas as special and not celebrate it everyday, he can have my share as I can't stand the sight of turkey (our cat runs away at the moment when anyone mentions turkey:lol: ) or christmas cake or mince pies now .

07-01-2008, 20:38
Sounds like he has been listening to the christmas song '' I wish it could be christmas everyday'' to much lol

08-01-2008, 06:52
As much as I enjoy a Christmas dinner once a year, I would not want to eat turkey, roast potatoes and sprouts every day, and I am not that keen on mince pies. :sick:

11-01-2008, 17:38
he can have my share as I can't stand the sight of turkey
I love turkey. Val, remind me in early December to give you my recipe for roast turkey. Hubby used to hate turkey until I made it differently about 8 years ago. Now he can`t get enough of it and I have a 13 pound turkey in my freezer that I`m going to roast on Valentines day (your Birthday)

11-01-2008, 19:01
Hi Tainted Love I do love turkey just not at the moment :sick: , Ray bought a 20 pounder for christmas and it was too much for the 3 of us plus "hoover " sorry I mean our cat :lol: we are haveing roast leg of lamb on my birthday (I got a lovely one today and I'm saveing it specially :) )