View Full Version : DARPA develops brain chemical to replace sleep..

04-01-2008, 20:47

If you don't want to read the whole article, basically DARPA has developed a brain chemical to replace sleep. Squirt it up your nose, and it reverses the effects of sleepiness. It has no apparent side effects, and is hoped to treat narcolepsy but also other less serious sleep disorders.

Good or bad idea? Since things like red bull fizzy drinks are bad for your health, and this chemical has no apparent side effects, should it be widely avalible for the general public?

04-01-2008, 20:49
:eek: I find this very odd and werid, I love sleep!

04-01-2008, 22:25
This might be good for me. I sleep for about 16 hours a day (can't help it). Even though I do love sleeping it does get a bit too much sometimes.

I haven't read the whole article. Is it available on prescription or can anyone buy it?

04-01-2008, 22:27
But if you took it all the time surely it would have some side effects?

04-01-2008, 22:33
I don't think it would have any serious side effects. The spray just replaces the sleep hormone in the brain so its basically a hormone in a bottle.

I wonder if I am deficient in the hormone. I'm deficient in most other things and I have metabolic problems as a result of poor quality sleep. Might have to mention this to the doctor.

There was a comment at the bottom that made me laugh
I took something like this once. It was called crack though...

04-01-2008, 22:38
lol. You see I love sleep althought it takes me well over a sleep to get into, I would be so bored without sleep though, although would come in handy when I need to stay up late to do a coursework

04-01-2008, 22:39
That comment made me laugh too :p I think it's only being tested at the moment...you could google it, personally I think it's a good idea..but it could be open to abuse through overuse, so maybe it should only be available on prescription.