View Full Version : Shameless Series 5

02-01-2008, 09:30
DId an one see it last night. I thought it was good it felt different to other series i don't know why. I liked how they didnt focus on too many characters and just focused on Frank adn Lip.

02-01-2008, 13:44
yh i watched it, thought it was great as all of the series are. good how they done the ghosts about frank.

02-01-2008, 18:04
brilliant loved every minute to it - great start to the series

02-01-2008, 18:06
it's definatley not the original shameless, but it's better than last series

loved Frank's speech at the beginning to introduce to series, and Lillian's sub plot was hilarious!

02-01-2008, 18:10
loved Frank's speech at the beginning to introduce to series!

thats the only bit i didnt like they need to bring back the original

02-01-2008, 22:57
It was OK but still not good enough im afraid. I'll give it time!

03-01-2008, 00:09
Lol just caught the end of it and it seems crazy!!!!

03-01-2008, 10:59
I think next weeks looks good as well with mimi mcguire. Did you here her in the advert,

" I'm a bulimic afraid of vomit "

04-01-2008, 22:01
Cant believe Lip and Carol Fisher are gone

08-01-2008, 22:17
"Is this her? She'd do me!"

"She effin' wouldnt!" :D

09-01-2008, 09:27
I enjoyed it again last night, it was weird aseeing Frank and Paddy getting along. Loved the bites with Norma and Shane and that dog. It was brilliant.

09-01-2008, 09:41
I enjoyed it again last night, it was weird aseeing Frank and Paddy getting along. Loved the bites with Norma and Shane and that dog. It was brilliant.

is that the show for e4??

09-01-2008, 10:33
loved it last night with all Mimi's one liners

"how dare you use the ****ing f word on me"

"i'm a fat ****er, i'm a ****ing fat ****"

"i'm a bulimic that can't stand vomit"

I'm really liking Frank's opening to the series each episode.

09-01-2008, 21:23
Last nights was better than the first episode imo

11-01-2008, 15:09
I hope Lip returns.

Is Shelia also returning this season?

I hate Monica and Norma i hope they leave

I love Mimi Maguire she is a great character i hope rumours of her death are untrue she is my favourite character at present. Episode 2 way better than episode 1 :cheer: :cheer:

18-01-2008, 06:53
I was in stitches when the pub was turned over when they got locked in the celler, it was hilarious. Poor Karen, being married in with that lot.

Oh and i wish they would use Yvonne more often she is hilarious, the scene with her daughteter and the pregnancy tests, "What you doing knicking from the shop" "and Don;'t have sex" She is brilliant.

Mr Maestro
20-01-2008, 22:31
Can't bear the Maguire's, they have taken over Shameless and it's all just rubbish now.

21-01-2008, 15:46
I actually quite like the McGuires. Especially Mickey he is brilliant. I know its not like the old days but i still enjoy it but thats my personal opinion.

I see it more as a different show now. I like Karen more now as well i hated her in the begining.

24-01-2008, 10:42
I Can't believe Debbie, she gets more and more shocking every year. I couldnt believe it was her who planned the kidnap.

30-01-2008, 11:20
I don't think I like Shameless anymore. It's not the same show and I just don't like it.

There doesnt seem to be any direction for it. It's just like each episode everyone will do crazy things, there's no running storylines, and there's far too many characters.

Yes it has some funny parts, but not enough to sustain my interest.

30-01-2008, 14:26
I'm loving the Maguires more and more i think they be overtaking the Gallaghers

04-03-2008, 23:48
Aww love at last for Norma? :) tonights was quite good actually, i sat there for the whole hour without moving lol