View Full Version : Week 4

irish eyes
20-12-2007, 15:47
It's the morning after the night before and Adam sleepily says goodbye to a woman he met in a bar, as the medical drama continues. He thanks her for a fantastic night, and she quickly leaves. Neither imagines their paths will cross again, or so soon.

The new agency nurse, Jessica, arrives at the ED for her first shift. Tess is disappointed to be getting only one agency nurse and, on top of that, Jessica hasn't worked in ED for five years – they don't get off to a good start. Tess is too busy to spend time showing Jessica the ropes, but Jessica proves herself a fast worker and a quick learner.

Jessica and Adam are surprised to see each other again, but are forced to work together. Adam is initially cold, but Jessica is calm and professional – albeit unnerved by the situation. Jessica's expertise impresses both Tess and Adam.

Meanwhile, Ruth has to deal with a distressing suicide case. She battles desperately to save the patient, but can't, and, through no fault of her own, the patient dies. Ruth bravely faces the patient's wife, Suki, to tell her the news. She reveals that her own mother committed suicide many years ago, and understands what Suki's going through.

To say thank you for all her help and support, Toby later asks Maggie out for dinner, but he also invites Ruth along. Maggie tries to hide her disappointment and pretends to be delighted. Ruth, however, declines the invitation. As she gets ready to go out, Maggie is shocked when her daughter, Joanne, turns up – heavily pregnant.

Greg has had a bad day and, when Tess has a go at him for asking one of her staff to baby-sit him, he goes mad. He is called to another shout, which again seems to be a waste of time. It's a little girl, Ruby, who has a sore arm, but her mother makes Greg realise it's not their fault he's having a bad day.

21-12-2007, 15:38
Meanwhile, Ruth has to deal with a distressing suicide case. She battles desperately to save the patient, but can't, and, through no fault of her own, the patient dies.
Makes a change that it wasn`t her fault. I find her character very cold and hard feeling. Kudos to Georgia Taylor for playing such a believable character who is miles away from Toyah Battersby.
(My first post by th eway - hi everyone)

21-12-2007, 16:09
welcome! :D
I agree with you, at least it's not her fault :lol: Ruth seems cold, but I like how they show another side to her, I kind of feel sorry for her now, no-one really likes her and I think she feels like she's not wanted around..

Maggie's going to have a lot of questions for her daughter :p

21-12-2007, 16:29
Thanks Twinkle :D
I love how Maggie can see through her pushy ways and doesn`t make any allowances for her when Ruth has gone over her head for the best cases a few times. I find scenes with Ruth sucking up to Adam rather hard to take...especially when she goes out of her way to make Toby look foolish.
Maggie is my fave doctor. I think she`s brilliant, and have liked her from day one.

22-12-2007, 17:03
i do feel sorry for ruth as i know she has got issues but it doesnt always excuse her behaviour and she often acts superior, especially where toby is concerned.

03-01-2008, 14:14
looks like Casualty will be going thru alot of AGENCY NURSES,, unless this Jessica person is going to stay????

03-01-2008, 16:39
I think she is, and it says she impresses Tess and Adam so she'll probably get Nadia's job

03-01-2008, 21:22
I wonder how many of those agency nurces Ruth will blame for her own mistakes?
I hope she gets found out before she kills another patient...and preferably by Maggie

03-01-2008, 21:25
Aww. I think Ruth might be starting to realise her ways.

Has she actually killed anyone through her mistakes yet? I can't remember.

I know she's horrible by blaming Nadia but I can't help but feel sorry for Ruth :ninja:.

03-01-2008, 21:27
If I was Nadia I'd be straight back inside the hospital and telling Tess exactly who had nearly paralysed a patient. I wouldn't take the fall for that :nono:

I'm not sure about Toby with Ruth and Maggie. Everytime he cooks dinner or goes out he invites both of them along. Strange :hmm:

03-01-2008, 22:53
I think Ruth gives someone the wrong medication or something like that this week. Either way she makes a mistake..who knows if she'll own up (probably not :p) I feel sorry for her but then she goes and does what she does to Nadia and blames other people etc and I get so annoyed with her! It's good she realised what she did to Nadia but I don't think she'll change her ways. I think she's just afraid of admitting her mistakes because in her mind she thinks that's failing?

05-01-2008, 01:54
Has she actually killed anyone through her mistakes yet? I can't remember.

A few months ago Ruth misdiagnosed a patient who had an eptopic pregnancy and she blamed Nadia for it. But I can`t remember if the patient died or not. The patient was a singer in a band as I recall.
I know she gave one patient the wrong medication and if he didn`t die he came close to it.

05-01-2008, 01:59
No she survived...The traffic warden was the one who came close to dying because she gave the wrong medication and he later started fitting. So..so far she's been very lucky!

Kirsty :]
06-01-2008, 01:09
I missed tonights Casualty :(
Can anybody update me on what happened tonight??
Really appreciate it if someone could :):)

06-01-2008, 04:10
Hey :) You can download BBCiPlayer and watch Casualty there now :D...but just in case you can't or something....

Ruth went out on a shout on her own because of Abs' unofficial work to rule, and she didn't hear Greg saying that the patient had already had morphine so she gave the patient another shot of morphine..luckily the new Doc sussed this but didn't blame Ruth, she blamed Ab's Work to Rule. She had a whopping great argument with Ab's (in the middle of the department, naturally :p) she really layed into him but he fought his corner well.

Kelsey boasted to Alice about this fireman she'd met on new years eve and spent the night with, turns out he was in fancy dress and he wasn't at all cute! He was a patient because he'd got his hand stuck in the turkey and he'd cut his hand because his brother tried to free his hand with an electric carving knife :rotfl: In the end, Alice and Kelsey were having chatting generally about guys and Kelsey persuaded Alice they should try internet dating :p

Harry was generally peed off with Ab's and the Work to Rule, and Marylin was going around subtly threatening the nurses with the prospect of the sack if they didn't stop the work to rule, and new receptionist Noel arrived this episode.

I don't think I've missed anything out :p

Kirsty :]
06-01-2008, 13:34
Oohhhh sounded like a good episode!
Thanks for the info :)