View Full Version : Did Leon deserve to win X Factor?

16-12-2007, 22:56
Going by the series as a whole, do you think that Leon deserved to win the X Factor?

16-12-2007, 22:57
Going by the series as a whole, do you think that Leon deserved to win the X Factor?


Rhydian was far better! :p

16-12-2007, 22:59
I haven't really watched much of it. I though his performances last night wasn't that great to be honest. I could hardly hear him sing and I had the tv turned up.

TBH I don't think any of the acts were of the quality that was on last year's show.

16-12-2007, 22:59
In my opinion, no he didn't deserve to win. Niki, Beverley or Rhydian would have been the most worthy winners in my opinion, as they were all great singers and belted out some wonderful performances week after week. All 3 were consistent. Leon was rather average on most weeks, I thought, even though he gained confidence and became a good performer as the weeks went on.

Chloe O'brien
16-12-2007, 23:17
I think the acts the past two years have been poor compared to when Shayne Ward won it. From what I watched of this series Rhydian was always a far better singer and performer that the rest of the acts. I think there were better singers that got chucked out at boot camp. But only time will tell whether Leon can cut it in the music industry once the dust has settled.

17-12-2007, 00:00
if you went on the voice then i have to say no but rhydian had singing coaching is that fair i dont know

17-12-2007, 00:13
I don't think so one little bit!
Rhydian was awesome!!! LPoved everything he sang! Had the best voiuce, had "star presence".. etc.

We wee talking about it at the pub tonigh... (okay we are welsh and may be qute biased :p). We thoght that also, Leon was alot like Ray last year - only a btetter singer - but if Ray didnt make it wiht his rat pack stuff then i doubt leon wil?? i may eat my wores ain a f3w months!!

17-12-2007, 13:18
Leon may have won but i think the song choice When You Believe suited Rhydian best and Rhydian will probably overshadow him. Rhydian is the name everyone is talking about

17-12-2007, 15:32
Rhydian was better on the Final Night and sang When You Believe better

17-12-2007, 15:47
I thought Leon was weaker or the three acts but he has been good throughout. I think i dont think he should have won as i found him boring. Im my eyes SD were consistently entertaining and therefore i feel they should have won.

17-12-2007, 16:25
I think so, Rhydian is a professional singer and should not have participated, in my view. I believe that Leon is going to get better and better as time goes on and he will get voice coaching, his confidence will grow and he will be very good. Most likely he will be compared to Michael Buble all the time as he has the same style which is not to everyone's tast, I dare say.

17-12-2007, 16:26
I think deserving is a very hard topic cos in my opinion all those that made it to the final shows deserved it

18-12-2007, 22:34
I thought Rhydian was better by far. Leon will soon fade to obsecurity whilst Rhydian will go from strength to strength.

18-12-2007, 22:40
Nicki and Beverly were the only ones who deserved a recording contract out of the 12 finalists in my opinion

18-12-2007, 22:53
I thought Rhydian was better by far. Leon will soon fade to obsecurity whilst Rhydian will go from strength to strength.

Couldnt agree more! :clap:

Also Rhydian doesnt have to release the crap winner's song....:p

19-12-2007, 17:40
rhydian should have won, leon is drab and boring, no personality, need i go on!!!!!!!

21-12-2007, 21:56
Leon won and he deserved to! I luvv When you believe! Definitely Christmas No.1:cheer:

21-12-2007, 22:16
It would have got to number one anyway, reguardless of who won.