View Full Version : Who would you like to kiss under the mistletoe?

05-12-2007, 11:09
As the title suggests, pick one celebrity who you'd love to share a Christmas Kiss with.

Mine is probably Eva Green:


05-12-2007, 11:10
Brad Pitt... no contest here

05-12-2007, 11:33
Gerard Butler........... hands down !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wub: :wub:

05-12-2007, 11:43
george clooney or richard armitage, or my husband of course, cough cough!!

Chloe O'brien
05-12-2007, 12:21
Kiefer Sutherland :wub: :wub:

Ray Stevenson

Richard Armitage

Goran Visnjic

David Morrissey

Rupert Perny-Jones

I could go on you know..................................

05-12-2007, 12:45
James McAvoy
Joaquin Phoenix
Jamie Lomas (Warren in Hollyoaks)

05-12-2007, 12:54
Jack Ryder - obviously :thumbsup: :wub:

05-12-2007, 14:01
Johnny Depp without a doubt :wub: If he's not available I'll take Daniel Radcliffe.

05-12-2007, 15:13
James McAvoy
Alex O Loughlin

05-12-2007, 16:23
Andy Garcia and the guy playing Henry VII in the Tudors :cheer: :cheer:

05-12-2007, 17:03
Just one?? :eek:.
Johnny Depp :D.

Or Luke Roberts, David Tennant, Donny Osmond, Simon Cowell or Paul O'Brien.

Yeah I could go on. But Johnny over all!

05-12-2007, 17:45
Yeah i could pick a load of celebs!!

Ill go with Russell Brand

but can i alos kiss leland chapman, robbie williams, the hoff and brad pitt :wub:

05-12-2007, 18:02
Jake Gyllenhaal or Phillip Olivier...:)

05-12-2007, 21:04
Erm ooh i dont know *cough* Simon Cowell *cough* or Kent Riley i dont really fancy him but he is very cute and the acsent gets to me!! :p

05-12-2007, 21:06
:rotfl: Love your coughing there ;).

Who is Kent Riley by the way?

05-12-2007, 21:18
Donny Osmond

:eek: Oh my word, he is as old as the hills, isnt he?

Someone at work likes him and they are 50!!!

05-12-2007, 21:53
:rotfl: Love your coughing there ;).

Who is Kent Riley by the way?
Me too :p and erm he's in Hollyoaks plays a guy called Zak Ramsey he's cute not too good looking tho mehh im weird new crush of mine *hopes lea dont going looking for pics*. 8-)

05-12-2007, 22:14
Donny is 49 :p. 50 on the 9th :lol:. He's just so gorgeous though :( And has a lovely voice :wub:. I love him. Obsessed with him, thought you would know that, everyone else probably does :p. Anyway, Johnny Depp and Simon Cowell aren't exactly young, you never picked me up on them :lol:.

Oh Bree I am soo going to look for a pic :p. Doesn't look too bad actually Bree :p.

05-12-2007, 22:23
Donny is 49 :p. 50 on the 9th :lol:.

Anyway, Johnny Depp and Simon Cowell aren't exactly young, you never picked me up on them :lol:.

Yeah, I didnt pick you up on them cause, I (A) couldnt get over you liking Donny! and (B) the others are slightly young and cooler (esp Johnny) than Donny!!!! :lol:

05-12-2007, 22:27
I think you should watch a lot of Donny stuff on YouTube. Then tell me he's not fanciable :p. I'm quivering with excitment just thinking of him :lol:. I bought an album of his aswell :p.

05-12-2007, 22:29
I think you should watch a lot of Donny stuff on YouTube. Then tell me he's not fanciable :p. I'm quivering with excitment just thinking of him :lol:. I bought an album of his aswell :p.

Oh dear, im sure in this day and age there must be some sort of medication or therapy (maybe electric shock therapy) that you can take for this erm, problem...lol

05-12-2007, 22:32
Oy behave! I'll have you know he was very loved in his day :p.

You should watch clips of the Donny and Marie show :p Well funny. He looks so fine in them :wub:.

Therapy would include... "Donny Plus Therapy".. which is what makes you like Donny moreeeee!!!! If possible.

05-12-2007, 22:34
Oy behave! I'll have you know he was very loved in his day :p.


Yeah and there you have it ^^^^^Took the words right outta my mouth, sister!!! He is a HAS BEEN.:lol:

05-12-2007, 22:35
Lmao. Neverrrrrr :p. I just said that as you said back in the day there would have been therapy. He's very much still alive in his field :p. Did you not watch his gameshows Pyramid Game and the other one on BBC2 that I can't remember the title of as it was rubbish and I only watched it to see Donny. :hmm:. IDENTITY!!! That's it! How cool was he in that..

"Is that your identity" *Leanne melts*

05-12-2007, 22:38
[QUOTE=Frosty the Snowman;544763]Lmao. Neverrrrrr :p. I just said that as you said back in the day there would have been therapy.:.[/[QUOTE]

I said that you need therapy NOW...to get over this crush on an eldery uncool gentleman with big teeth....:lol: (Im joking he isnt that old, but still for someone your age, its a huge age gap....)

05-12-2007, 22:39
Doesn't look too bad actually Bree :p.
Glad you agree you have taste Leanne and just for that i'll say Donny dont look to bad fot his age well my mum dont seem to think so anyway!! :p:lol:

05-12-2007, 22:46
Age gaps mean nothing. When it's love it's love. Although don't think Donny will leave his wife GRRRRR!!!!!!

Haha thanks Bree. I know you love Donny really ;)

05-12-2007, 23:06
Not Really but i just wanted to make a point that he aint bad for a 50 year old sorry 49 year old. :p

05-12-2007, 23:16
Mark Harmon, or Will Peterson (with his beard) or Martin Shaw, or ... the list is endless....


06-12-2007, 00:21
Michelle Ryan but the list is endless

06-12-2007, 09:16
As the title suggests, pick one celebrity who you'd love to share a Christmas Kiss with.

Mine is probably Eva Green:


Good choice Bondboffin even though i am female i actually think Eva Green is stunning.

Sorry i can not choice my list is endless :lol

06-12-2007, 10:21
Rob James-Collier
Kiefer Sutherland
Stephen Lord
George Clooney
Heath Ledger
Jake Gyllenhaal

I could go on and on...........:lol: :lol:

Chloe O'brien
06-12-2007, 12:12
Rob James-Collier
Kiefer Sutherland
Stephen Lord
George Clooney
Heath Ledger
Jake Gyllenhaal

I could go on and on...........:lol: :lol:

You can't have KIEFER he's MINE :D

06-12-2007, 22:19
I have to say James Blunt also...can't believe I forgot him!

07-12-2007, 09:34
Rob James-Collier
Kiefer Sutherland
Stephen Lord
George Clooney
Heath Ledger
Jake Gyllenhaal

I could go on and on...........:lol: :lol:

You can't have KIEFER he's MINE :D

Ok, I shall leave him to you, lucky thing.:D It is Christmas, after all.

di marco
07-12-2007, 15:21
marcus patric no contest! though there are loads of other celebs i wouldnt mind kissing as well

07-12-2007, 15:52
ooh tough call probably Jody Latham from Shameless or Rolando Bonachi the City player.

07-12-2007, 16:08
Besides my darling sexy Gerard Butler,, I wouldn't mind having a serious snog with Antonio Banderas too.. and Sir Sean Connery if he is around :rotfl:

07-12-2007, 21:16
Johnny Depp or David Tennant :wub: