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02-12-2007, 12:53
Forth Edition of the 'How was your day?' thread.

02-12-2007, 12:57
I think Sharkey is dead :(.

I woke up around 12ish, to get a drink, my parents have gone somewhere. And I can't find him anywhere :S. The tank is gone, the bowl we put him in while we change the water isn't there. So I'm getting worried lol. :(.

02-12-2007, 13:01
I think Sharkey is dead :(.

I woke up around 12ish, to get a drink, my parents have gone somewhere. And I can't find him anywhere :S. The tank is gone, the bowl we put him in while we change the water isn't there. So I'm getting worried lol. :(.

OMG :eek: Is there any chance your parents would have taken him Christmas shopping with them? :hmm:

Seriously, Im really sorry, if Sharky is dead. Just think though he had a very good innings and was a much loved pet! :)

02-12-2007, 13:03

Well it's confirmed. Parents have just come home and he passed away early hours in the morning. :(. Father foud him. They buried him in the garden. But didn't wait for me :p. Aww doesn't feel the same without him, it's a lot brighter as the tank isn't blocking the light :lol: I'm not used to it :(.

02-12-2007, 13:13
I think Sharkey is dead :(.

I woke up around 12ish, to get a drink, my parents have gone somewhere. And I can't find him anywhere :S. The tank is gone, the bowl we put him in while we change the water isn't there. So I'm getting worried lol. :(.

Aww Lea. Hope He's Not Dead Cos You Love Him Much. I Would Get Worried If The Tank And The Bowl Were Both Gone!

Well Today Haven't Done Much. Got A Sore Throat:( And Though I Had Nearly Lost A Contact Lense Which I Haven't Luckily.:D

02-12-2007, 13:21
Lol I said it had been confirmed :p He is dead.

02-12-2007, 13:29
Aww, sorry to hear about Sharkey, Lea.

I've been neglecting revision finishing off the last Harry Potter book, and I have to type up a load of coursework for tomorrow. I want to put the tree up and I'm hoping to see my gran because my dad said he'd take me there on the way back from xmas shopping yesterday, but he didn't bother. I'm really worried about her and she isn't making much sense with all the medicines. On Thursday she said she didn't want to see me :(

Oh why, oh why can't they put the bus stop near the hospital?! Not like I have the money with the prices they charge, anyway :angry:

02-12-2007, 13:35
Had 2 weeks to do some Drama coursework, and guess what, I didn't.. So I will be doing it, later.. :rolleyes:

02-12-2007, 17:35
Awww Im sorry to hear that Sharkey is dead

Im so tired today, I have loads of college work to do and since we figured a way to get on the internet before its gets fixed properly I get distrated, plus I only work once a week but this week I did 3 shifts

02-12-2007, 21:18
Went christmas shopping today. I just need to order some cds from Play then I'm finished. We was going to a christmas market today but it was raining so we went somewhere else instead.

I feel ill, my cold has got worse and I'm coughing up phlegm. My kidney is starting to hurt as well :thunbsdow:

Need to start some revision. I've got a past paper to do for Tuesday which I haven't done yet.

02-12-2007, 21:50
sorry to hear that Sharkey is dead

Went to my mums yesterday my sisters and brothers were there too. helped her put christmas decorations up...
went food shopping then my sister and her mate stayed here the night...

Today just cooked dinner for us all my other sister and kids came up for a bit
after that just chilled for the rest of the day....

02-12-2007, 22:13
Sorry to hear about Sharkey, RIP

Yesterday I went to see a comedy show, Will Smith, Andrew Lawrence (no idea who either of them are) and Ed Byrne - although the other two were much funnier, it was in a chapel which was really wierd, but a great night :thumbsup: I might go in 2 weeks to another show there :)

Today my two aunts came around for lunch. I am so full now..too much chocolate and busicits..

Chloe O'brien
02-12-2007, 23:31
Yesterday I spent the day in town at the winter wonderland in the centre of town where they have an outdoor icerink and fairground rides. Spent a fortune as always, then came home and put up the tree and decorations.

Today I was at panto rehersals as Marley is taking part in a pantomine at the community centre where she does her dance class and Judo. We were there for 5 hours as the show is this week. The dress rehersal is on Wednesday, with main performances on Thursday, Friday and two on Saturday so my week is going to be hectic.

03-12-2007, 13:23
Okay my day so far has been okay, I have a big project that we are doing in english language but thats fine but In geography my teacher wasnt in, someone said that she hashas a mini stroke, I hope she gets better soon. I do feel bad for her but I cant help thinking of self sometimes only cos we have an exam in january and we only just started the last chapter

03-12-2007, 18:07
If you need any help with Geography i could help i did GCSE and A LEvel and can remember most of it feel free to ask if you get stuck.

I am still essay writing. It is driving me crazy.

03-12-2007, 18:11
Thanks well the topics Im doing at the moment are water on the land, climatic hazards, engery and life

03-12-2007, 18:12
AQA Specification A AS LEvel. I know it well.

03-12-2007, 18:14
AQA Specification A AS LEvel. I know it well.

Oh my god!!!! You are a star! My teacher wont be in for a while and we have only just started energy and life

03-12-2007, 18:20
I assume you will be doing the same as me and be doing this exam in January and then move onto Human. My MSN is in my profile if you want to add me.

03-12-2007, 18:25
Yep I must be doing the same and my exam is on January 14th :eek: Im just worried about learning the new topic and then going over everything, I dont want to have to leanr everything from a text book and our teacher sometimes explained things differently and simply

samantha nixon
03-12-2007, 21:44
If you need any help with Geography i could help i did GCSE and A LEvel and can remember most of it feel free to ask if you get stuck.

I am still essay writing. It is driving me crazy.

Hiya, Hope you dont mind me asking, but I am doing gcse geography and i really cant remeber anything for it, so I was wondering how you remeberd it all lol, as I have a mock in 2 weeks and I dont no anything :wall: Thanks :)

03-12-2007, 23:04
I have 2 philosophy mocks next week. I got 5 books out of the library to revise..:(

My computer was meant to be ready on Friday and then today. I really hope it's ready tommorow! I need to do work!
On Thursday we have the day off because of the rugby match :cheer: and Friday is review day so I only have to go in for 10 minutes! :thumbsup:

03-12-2007, 23:06
10 minutes?! Isnt that going to be really annoying, just going in for that long?

03-12-2007, 23:07
Luckily I don't live that far away from college, I got an early one so I can have most of the day to laze around. Last time I got one around 2.30 that was annoying :p

03-12-2007, 23:09
Haha I convinced one of my lecturers to let us have a 30 second silence for Sharkey :lol:. I did ask for 2 mins but apparantly that was too long :rolleyes:. Was quite funny.

Quite annoyed now though, 'cause I usually save all my work on my stick and the college system, but something that I haven't started yet and needs to be in next week (2,000 words long & planning etc), I have only saved it on the computer :|. The question that I'm writing about. So I'm annoyed 'cause I probs can't be bothered to do it tomorrow. We'll see.

05-12-2007, 17:57
Ive had a really bad day, everything has gone wrong, plus I hate buses evem more and to top it all off I got dumped

05-12-2007, 17:59
Awww what happened Abbie?

Sorry to hear about your bf. Did he say why he dumped you?

05-12-2007, 18:02
Where to start? Had a bad day college, bus was late and got stuck in traffic and then at college it sucks, everything was going wrong
And we said: we never see each other and I think it would be best to finish it so we dont fall out or anything

05-12-2007, 18:03
Awww. Sounds like it may have been for the best then? If you don't see each other much, no point really is there?

05-12-2007, 18:05
Yeah it was for the best, its just annoying that it happened on a day where evertyhing it going wrong, but its not like I didnt try to see him

05-12-2007, 18:34
Yeah it was for the best, its just annoying that it happened on a day where evertyhing it going wrong, but its not like I didnt try to see him

AW....Im sorry to hear that Tabbie....but just think you are young, pretty and now you dont have to buy him a Christmas present!!!! :lol:

05-12-2007, 18:39
Lol nice one PB you always no how to make me laugh

05-12-2007, 23:00
I can tell tomorrow is going to be a real bad day already. If it isn't then I'm shocked.

05-12-2007, 23:01
Sorry to hear about your boyfriend Abbie, I must say I haven't had a great day either...friend troubles and it's got me down, but I won't bore you with the details. :p

Why is tomorrow going to be bad Lea?

05-12-2007, 23:09
I've had the same sort of day Dave. Normally I wouldn't want to bore anyone, but I'm really pissed off lol!

I'm starting to think that one of mates is annoyed with me or doesn't want to be my mate anymore. I can kinda read her like a book. (So I think). But today she mentioned Sharkey, as she had drawn a pic before we went to paris of him stuck on the Eiffel Tower, and she showed me it today, so I was a bit annoyed, but then after like 5 seconds forgave her and was fine with her, but she was annoyed with me.

Then later she bumped into me and spilt tea on me. I was fine with it as it wasn't boiling, but she was really annoyed with me and ignored me the rest of the day :(.

She talks secretly to everyone else in the class, and sometimes I may get annoyed but with good reason asnd I can hear her say something about me to someone else, and I just laugh it off. But I really like her and I think she doesn't like me any more :(.

Then.. I usually sit by a certain mate on the bus (I'll call her Jenna), so I asked her to save me a seat tomorrow, and she was like errrr yeah okay.. but *fake name* Hannah has to sit someone, so I was like ermm okay I don't mind sitting on my own... which I don't.. but it's just the fact I've known Jenna longer than Hannah has etc.. Hannah is only sitting by her cos Faye isn't it (fake name).

I'm just so pissed off with the day, and I was crying a litty, just cause of how stressed I am with the day.

I feel like everyone is going off me and I have no idea why.

06-12-2007, 11:53
Finally finished my personal statement. It's 31 lines and the maximum is 47. Think I may have to get some more written. I was worried that I'd have to cut it down but I've got more than 1000 characters left. I need to pick it up from my teacher after school then I can send my form off.

Biology this afternoon :thumbsdow I hate it so much.

06-12-2007, 12:12
My computer's going back to the repair shop tommorow because the stupid people put half the memory it is supposed to have in :rolleyes:
I also have broken the CD drive I pushed it in too fast and the metal on the back bent so it won't go back in :o :p

Not doing much today, college is off because of rugby :thumbsup:

06-12-2007, 16:50
samantha Nixon again feel free to add me on Msn, (bear in mind it has changed from the i used to have. If i can be any help geograohy wise i will do my best.

I havent had a great day either the exam this morning was horrible, but oh well.

06-12-2007, 17:17
I hope you had a better day today Lea - I was really pissed off with my friends too, but there is actually one person who didn't get on my nerves at all. Today wasn't too bad though..

06-12-2007, 17:26
Haha I convinced one of my lecturers to let us have a 30 second silence for Sharkey :lol:. I did ask for 2 mins but apparantly that was too long :rolleyes:. Was quite funny. .
:lol: :rotfl: Your lecturer obviously has a great sense of humour. :thumbsup:

06-12-2007, 22:13
Got my statements of entry for my AS exams, ahhhh Im so nervous

06-12-2007, 22:26
What exams are you taking Abbie and when?

My first exam is my Drama practical exam on March 17th - I think we're doing domestic abuse for our play ... my whole Drama class is so bitchy though, I am really tempted to drop it after AS. We have two groups, and I really like my group, but the other group are afraid we are going to "nick" their ideas. :rolleyes: and whispers around us, and talks behind our backs etc - it's so competitive, and it's getting rather boring.

06-12-2007, 22:47
I got my statement a few weeks ago. I've got four resits and four A2 exams. I'm feeling ok about mechanics. Looking at my revision posters there's not really much to revise and it seems easier than it did last year. It's just a case of applying it in the right context. I still don't understand how to draw and resolve vectors though.

I'm running out of wall space, half of my room is already covered in physics and I've got another unit to put up later.

Rubbish day. I got my coursework back from my biology teacher, he said there's not much to do. Yeah right, only two and a half pages of ammendments to make. Ammendments that I made last time that he told me to and now he's saying its wrong. Again. :angry: He's really patronising at the moment, I'm not sure if its intentional but its getting on my nerves.

My niece is coming tomorrow for the weekend which should be good. Last time she came we both laid in bed watching "Happy Potter" as she calls it on a night and she was telling me all about Harry and the monsters (dementors), his stick (wand) and the nasty man (voldemort). It was quite funny the way she was simplifying things.

06-12-2007, 23:02
I have biology on the 9th of Jan and geography on 14th jan

07-12-2007, 12:47
I have economics next wednesday and three more asignements still to do. Argh!!!!

Although its the chrstmas ball on tuesday so i am looking forward to that.

07-12-2007, 19:20
Had a pretty good day. My physics teacher has recommended our class to take part in a enterprise thing. We have to think of an idea to make the world a better place environmentally then these experts get involved from all over the world. Last month three scientists from NASA and a student came over from America to help some students with their idea. Its a trial in our area and if its successful it will go nationwide as a competition next year.

07-12-2007, 19:53
Ohh we had that a few months back. A few classes did some presentations to some lecturers who were going to pick 1 group overall from the college to go into the competition. My group won in our class, but we didn't want to go forward for the next stage of being picked :p. Was just a bit of fun really.

07-12-2007, 22:57
Had an ok day. I found out that one of the people I knew in my year has been sent to prison though for armed robbery. He robbed a local petrol station, holding everyone at gunpoint. He's facing quite a few years in prison and I can't believe it. I used to speak to him in school and everything! I never knew he was capable of such a thing!

Chloe O'brien
07-12-2007, 23:15
Lea don't let this stupid girl get to you. Keep your chin up doll she's not worth worrying over.

My day has been okay I'm just really tired, as I have to take Marley to her pantomine nearly all week. She has done three performances this week already and there is two tomorrow. We won't get home until 10 tomorrow night. I can't wait until Sunday were I can get a long-lie in.

08-12-2007, 00:34
Today was good, I rescued the mouse that had been hiding in the kitchen all night (hazard of having cats :rolleyes:) the trains were cancelled and delayed from my station, so I got the bus, I was late to my review day appointment which was a pain but my tutor wasn't mad thankfully :p

Went to see T4 Mobile Act Unsigned tonight, which was pretty good, apart from all the standing around when they rearranged the set etc. The band everyone liked got through, and Alex Zane is actually quite cute :p My back and arms ache though, clapping in the air and jumping around for four hours is tiring :o

08-12-2007, 13:25
I am 1 essay down and 3 to go. I am dreading next week when these assignments are due. There are far too many distractions.

08-12-2007, 22:08
My day has been quite good today.

I was worried that I wouldn't find much Christmas shopping, but I think I've done most of it! Once I got started I couldn't stop :p Althought to be fair most of it is crap :p but ah well!

Quite annoyed though 'cause Jamie Owen and Derek Brockway were in a place near-ish me signing their books (where I went shopping), and my mum loves Derek (as do I), and if I had known before I could have got her a book signed! But I missed them at the shop :(. I was 20 minutes late!! Grr.

My uncle got pulled over by the police today haha. He overtook dangerously, and was slightly speeding. I hate the way he drives, it's well scary :p. I was glad the police pulled him over tbh, 'cause he learnt his lesson. :p. They only gave him a caution though luckily. He was quite nice for a cop :p.

09-12-2007, 00:23
I've been revising again, and I can actually concentrate on it now because I only have 1 day left before study leave (where some people will be in exams for Photography and 3D Art, so I won't get any homework.) Given myself a headache for the second day in a row, and I've barely started on Science, which I hate. Maths on Thursday is the first one, great. I hate my teacher and I'll do anything rather than ask for his help so I dread to think what I'll get. So much to remember for History, as well.

Other than that I've been visiting my gran quite a lot.

We haven't done a lot of christmas shopping. The attempt last week ended in me spending about £50 on myself! I don't think we've got even one person done completely.

My cousin got pulled over a few weeks ago, as well. I don't remember what it was for, because nothing he does in a car will surprise me. He must have smashed up at least three.

09-12-2007, 00:25
My uncle got pulled over by the police today haha. He overtook dangerously, and was slightly speeding. I hate the way he drives, it's well scary :p. I was glad the police pulled him over tbh, 'cause he learnt his lesson. :p. They only gave him a caution though luckily. He was quite nice for a cop :p.

My cousin got pulled over a few weeks ago, as well. I don't remember what it was for, because nothing he does in a car will surprise me. He must have smashed up at least three.

Lots of people will be getting pulled over at this time of year whether they have done something or not. People are more likely to drink drive around christmas so the cops are extra cautious.

09-12-2007, 00:47
Yeah I know, but he deserved it tbh. He always drives like a maniac. Scares the hell out of me sometimes lol. He's so impatient.

09-12-2007, 12:49
my mate got pulled over the other day as well, she was bricking it but then they told her her lights wernt on. She was scared over nothing. It is better to be cautous this tie of year though.

We havechristmas songs blasting out a CD player down the hall. I am still essay writing, but went out last night which was a laugh, stayed till losing in a bar called ras cals, who spnser the football team and therfore loads of the footy girls were out, then we went to the chippy and walked home at 3 this morning. IT was a great nght, though i am glad i went out. Although most of my hall are sleeping it off now but i have far too uch work.

Shame about Ricky Hatton, but he lasted ten rounds so i am really shuffed for him, he gave a good fight i hear.

10-12-2007, 22:04
Had an ok day. My friend split up with his girlfriend of 2 years today though, so I went out with him for a while and offered him a bit of comfort. He actually seemed really upset ( I think he was in love with her ) and he said he wanted to drink to forget it all - seems a bit depressed, but hoping he gets over it!

I bought a sixthform Christmas Ball ticket today, so will be going to that next Tuesday night - I am looking forward to it! :cheer: Hoping not to get too drunk like last time though!

Chloe O'brien
10-12-2007, 22:28
I went Christmas shopping today, spent loads of money. Spending tomorrow fighting with wrapping paper and cellotape :rotfl:

10-12-2007, 22:32
noooooooooooooo Im getting another cold :( This is so unfair
My day was really short

11-12-2007, 06:26
noooooooooooooo Im getting another cold :( This is so unfair
My day was really short

I have helped a lot of people recently with the Apple Cider Vinegar in warm water remedy, they have been amazed how quickly the cold went away again. Try it, hun, can't do no harm.:)

11-12-2007, 09:28
Apple Cider Vinegar???
Sounds kinds................yuk, lol

11-12-2007, 11:14
noooooooooooooo Im getting another cold :( This is so unfair
My day was really short

I have helped a lot of people recently with the Apple Cider Vinegar in warm water remedy, they have been amazed how quickly the cold went away again. Try it, hun, can't do no harm.:)

Mine is coming back too :thumbsdow I blame my mum, she's just come down with it.
Where do I get apple cider vinegar from?

11-12-2007, 12:07
I have managed to avoid one so far, dont know how the amount of times i have stood outside Tescos in the freezing cold playing christmas carols.

I have my christmas ball tonight, i have to wear a dress.

11-12-2007, 14:34
Well Today I Wasn't In School.
But I Phoned My Friend About The School Having Had A Fire Which Was A Hoax! What A Waste Of Time For The Firefighters! But Yeah, She Went Up Abbeyview At Lunch And Lindsay Hood, Said Our Locker Had Been Broken In To, Not That Anything's Been Taken But Seriously It Shouldn't Of Happend. I Am Soo Annoyed Now:angry: That School's Went Down Hill Ever Since Mr Grant Left.

We're Getting A New Rector As Of The Start Of The Next Term And There's A Rumor Going Around That Apparently He's Going To Make Us Wear A Skirt (I've Never Worn A Skirt To School!), Long Green Socks (Our School Tie Is Blue), No Make - Up. Hair Has To Be Up In A Pony Tail All The Time. Now I Know There Are School's That Do Have Stuff Like That. But We've Never Had To Do That. And I Don't Really Appreciate Wearing A Skirt In The Winter!

11-12-2007, 14:43
Headmasters get so annoying. We're now banned from taking Jane Norman bags to school, which is exactly what mine is. The headmaster knows absolutely nothing about fashion and even went up to the attendance officer and asked if there was a student by the name of Jane Norman on roll( :lol: ), and there isn't. So he's now banned them, because apparently it's scruffy and shows no individuality. The school uniform doesn't do that, so why bother with individuality? I thought the point of a school uniform was so that no one is any different to reduce the amount of bullying, in theory, anyway. I don't see him complaining about the numerous people with different designs of Quicksilver bags, when the girls that had Jane Norman bags all had different designs too.

I think I'm just going to take mine and position it so the design is away from him when he walks past me, because I'm on Study Leave now and have no more lessons until January, then I leave in May, and they're allowed in Sixth Form. He's only doing it because his mate said the place was a dump and looked like it had no school rules, and because we have to have Ofsted a year early because they're getting 2 more specialist statusses in 3 days.

11-12-2007, 15:44
We're getting a new head in January. I've seen a picture in the paper, she seems OK. I guess we shall have to wait and see what she's really like. I asked my business teacher if he'd spoken to her and he said he's seen her and she's fit.I couldn't think of a reply to that. He also said that there were better candidates and she wasn't his first or second choice (he was on the interview panel). I'm going to uni next September so it's only going to be five months of trouble if she is bad.

Talked to my physics teacher today about his phonecall. He said he didn't mean for me to get upset and he was sorry that it caused an argument between my mum and me. Then he said he hopes I fail in January and in June then he can teach me for another year. In his own strange way I think that was him saying he doesn't mind if I fail because he doesn't want me to leave. I can understand that, he's been a great support to me in the last two years and we're pretty close. What nobody seems to be getting is that I want to move on and do something with my life.

I went to the meeting on the engineering project this afternoon. I'd like to do it but its going to take up a fair bit of lesson time which I can't afford to miss.

11-12-2007, 16:23
noooooooooooooo Im getting another cold :( This is so unfair
My day was really short

I have helped a lot of people recently with the Apple Cider Vinegar in warm water remedy, they have been amazed how quickly the cold went away again. Try it, hun, can't do no harm.:)

Mine is coming back too :thumbsdow I blame my mum, she's just come down with it.
Where do I get apple cider vinegar from?

Any supermarket will sell it, some people add honey to it. I don't mind the taste now but the first couple of mugs did take some getting used to; however, I had plenty of stuff to eat or drink that was well worse than apple cider vinegar.

11-12-2007, 16:26
I think that was what my gran tried to get me to have once. It stank, and I refused point blank to have it! My dad also spat it out because he wasn't used to it, and said it made him worse (whether that was to stop her almost spoonfeeding any more to him, I don't know.)

12-12-2007, 21:31
Its one of my mates 21st so we are meant to be going out, i am only going for one drink then cming back, i have been carolling so i am still freezing from that. Its Stident Christmas Eve today, we are havong christmas day tomorrow, where we are exchanging presnts and things. I managed to hand three assignments in today which is a load of my mind, once this one tomorrow is handed in ill feel much better. I can feel a cold coming on, so i have just bought oranges in hope to avoid it. And Lucoxade because me thinks mwe may be up all night trying to finish this essay.

12-12-2007, 22:49
Here comes a big fat F in Maths Mock for me...

I want to move classes so I get a teacher where I actually learn in the lessons (in theory) but I can't because I'll just get hell from the kids in the lessons.

It would help if my calculator would stop playing up!

Hope you manage to get the essay finished, Katy.

12-12-2007, 22:58
I'm going to get a big fat U in the Philosphy mock - theory of knowledge- tommorow (and Friday - Religion). I wish I hadn't taken it up it's impossible :p

I had a driving lesson today, my instructor decided to scare the life out of me and directed me on the main road (after four lessons of quiet backroads) and also into the town centre. :lol:

13-12-2007, 07:47
Aww, good luck. I'm glad I hate the only Philosophy teacher in my school, or I'd probably pick it.

Lol! Not nice.

13-12-2007, 11:33
I've got a biology past paper to do for this afternoon. I've had a week to do it but I've had other revision to do and couldn't be bothered. I hate biology, I understand nothing and its a waste of time. I'm copying some answers from the mark scheme, making sure that some of them are wrong.

My niece is here again. She's outside shouting for next door's cats.

13-12-2007, 12:19
I have Equity its my last one. I am listening to music, but its due in tomorrow. I also have quite a bad hangover.

13-12-2007, 17:33
I have exams in RE and English tomorrow. I've been doing a few notes this afternoon as revision and have managed to get a lump on my hand. I always get them if I write too much too quickly, so I decided to come on here. I dread to think what sort of pain I'll be in tomorrow when I've already given myself a lump, I have almost 4 hours straight of writing to do and I can't even manage half an hour when writing fast.

Had Maths today; it was baddd! I had to take my phone in because I live at least 6 miles away from my school and away from the main bus routes, so it would take 2 busses to get me home because the taxi isn't funded to pick up twice. So because I do my exams in the Special Needs part, they look after phones and lock them in the office as there'd be students going in and out of the main part. They only went and dropped mine on the floor and the back came off and the battery came out!

I found it quite amusing in the exam though because we're the first to do the new syllabus and so it's a specimen paper that we had to do. Somehow they'd only gone and managed to write on the front of the calculator paper, "You may not use a calculator." :rotfl:

13-12-2007, 17:50
Wooooo technically on Christmas holiday now :D:D. But I'm going in tomorrow for fun :lol:. Buses pick up at 12 though so it's all good. Then I'm going to my mates for a movie day and alcohol hah.

Watched Muppet Movie in college today :cheer:. And watched a College panto which was really funny.

13-12-2007, 17:56
Lucky! I have exams every school day for the next week :( But then I should be going to my mate's house after the last one, and going shopping on the Friday. Then it's CHRISTMASSSS, but have to go back into lessons 6 days before my birthday. Hmph!

Kind of finished for 2007 now though as we're on Study Leave :)

13-12-2007, 18:53
Lucky! I have exams every school day for the next week :( But then I should be going to my mate's house after the last one, and going shopping on the Friday. Then it's CHRISTMASSSS, but have to go back into lessons 6 days before my birthday. Hmph!

Kind of finished for 2007 now though as we're on Study Leave :)

Least they're not in January- I'm spending my Christmas Break revising!

13-12-2007, 21:17
So the philosophy exam was worse than I thought. Most of the class hadn't a clue either. I made half of it up, doubt I'll pass but I have another one tommorow and religion is easier than theory of knowledge, for me.

I've got two pieces of coursework over the christmas holidays, I don't know why my teachers do this, I'm hardly going to be in the mood for doing coursework at christmas! :p

13-12-2007, 21:33
I've got two pieces of coursework over the christmas holidays, I don't know why my teachers do this, I'm hardly going to be in the mood for doing coursework at christmas! :p

You want to try finding the motivation to revise for eight AS and A2 exams over Christmas :thumbsdow

13-12-2007, 22:48
ahhhh Im stressing out, I cant find the Take That thread, well anyway my mate has gone to see them tonight, so jealous, and she rang me and left some answer phone messages, so I get to hear them :D :D :D Love it!

di marco
14-12-2007, 09:10
havent written in here in a while

we had our xmas ball the other week, east 17 played at it this year. my sis came down cos shes now 18 so she went to it too. it was good but nowhere near as good as last year i didnt think. all the toilets were out of order cos of some burst pipe or something so we had to use portaloos outside which was annoying!

had netball xmas meal last week which was really good fun. paid £10 which was meant to include dinner and half a bottle of wine but loads of my friends didnt want it so i ended up drinking about 1 and a half bottles then still went on to drink later! i won a shot on the raffle as well so it was all good lol!

had cheerleading xmas meal on mon. they were soooooooooooooooo slow! the desserts were nice though! that was quite a good night as well

came back home for xmas yesterday. its nice to be home but missing uni already lol! had my first proper sleep all this week lol before that i had about 7hrs sleep overall for 3 nights!

14-12-2007, 15:10
I went out last night to my local nightclub as it was one of the sixthform Christmas parties. It was really fun and I didn't get drunk this time (which my mum was pleased about) - me and my group of friends were dancing for most of the night and I didn't get in until about 1am so I am pretty exhausted today!

I only had 1 lesson today and that was first lesson - 3 out of my 4 english teachers are all off which is sooo annoying as we're missing so much! I was meant to have 4 lessons today, but only had 1, as the other 3 were cancelled! I did work in my freee lessons though on Media coursework.

I also went to see my little sister in her Christmas play which was really nice! :)

14-12-2007, 16:32
I feel really bad because this guy tried to ask me out -by text- and I had to let him down gently - because I don't fancy him back. He's kind of my friend as well, I sometimes spend free's in the canteen with him, which means I spent the whole of today avoiding him. I know I can't forever, but lukily I have different friends I could hang around with today.

My sisters coming back today from Uni for the holidays tonight, so that should be good :D

14-12-2007, 18:35
One lesson was a good thing then after the late night, Dave. Aww dear Katie, at least you let him down gently though. Hope you have a good time with your sister tonight.

I was supposed to meet my mate after the second exam to go christmas shopping, but mine overran and I was in no mood to go shopping as I had a bad headache after almost 4 hours of exams and my hand isn't too good either. My dad came to pick me up from school, but that didn't turn out too well either as we were going down the road when a man walked out into the road and emerged carrying a cat by it's legs - it'd been hit by a car. :(

Was not very happy in the exams today as my pen dug into my hand and I really needed a plaster. They took me out and asked if I was allergic to plasters, which I'm not and I told them so, but they said they still needed parental consent to give me a plaster. What's with that?? They finally gave me one half an hour later and I wasn't impressed to get home and find that they hadn't even got consent. :angry:

14-12-2007, 20:09
The rest of my order from Play finally arrived today. I was starting to get a bit worried, three packets were despatched on the same day and another one two days later. I got the one that was despatched second on Tuesday and then another one on Wednesday. I thought the first lot might arrive together.

Four days left if you want to order anything online in time to arrive for Christmas.

Made some chocolate crispy buns with my neice today and we did some painting. I really hate paint, it gets all over :thumbsdow:

14-12-2007, 23:50
It is so cold here, i am freezing, Im finally going homefor christmas toorrow u cant wait loads of people left today to go home so i am all lonely. Dads collecting me n the morning, spent the last two hours tidying my room. So the next time i speak to ye all i will be back in manc land.

14-12-2007, 23:52
I am absolutly boiling here :D.

Good day today I reckon. Went to college, watched the Carol service, sang a few of them :p, watched the creche dance about which was funny :p.

The came home went to my mates we watches Beetlejuice and The Santa Claus. Then played on the Sims (my first time ever) I called my sim Tim Allen haha was a bit obsessed with him at the hour. Then played a Simpsons racing game - got very competitive.

Was good laugh!!!! So hyper all day. We ate so much rubbish too.

Tomorrow is my mates birthday so going to the pub, then they're staying at mine (there's 2 of them). :D

15-12-2007, 10:57
We've had a frost every morning this week lasting past dinnertime. The temperature hasn't risen above 2 degrees all week. I don't mind it being cold though.

15-12-2007, 11:14
Dad is stuck in traffic but should be here soon then i can go home. Yippee. I am so excited mainly because i'll have a telly. Its pathectic really.

Going shopping as well, im really looking forward to that.

16-12-2007, 11:42
I've got a long day of revision ahead of me. I should really get started but I can't find the motivation.

Last week of school :cheer: We finish at Friday dinner. I just have a bit more shopping to do, I think I'll get my mum a scarf and gloves set because she's always complaining that she's lost her's.

We still haven't got our tree up. Mum is sorting the front room out today because we have had plasteres and electricians in. Dad wants to paint the ceiling before Christmas, don't know why. I've got a feeling that our tree will be going up either on Xmas eve or not at all.

16-12-2007, 13:59
Last night at work it was dead!!! It was sooooo boring.
But tonight Im playing in a concert with my cello and Im so glad its the last week of college, we finish on thursday

16-12-2007, 14:39
i don't tink i've posted in here yet...
well it's chaos as usual here, and there's stuff piling up around me but i'm really really ill and have had to take the day of work :eek:
xmas shopping is nearly all done, but i'm quickly running out of money! i'm hoping i'm better for tomorrow, because i'm going to see hard fi!!! :D:D i can't wait, so excited and not been to a proper concert since my 12th birthday! :D

16-12-2007, 18:35
Haven't done much revision today, I really can't be bothered.

Just checked the weather for this week. Its forecast -5 degrees for Thursday :eek: :eek: Its been so cold here recently that I wouldn't be surprised if it was -5. I can't remember a time when it was this cold.

I think I'm going to go for a hot shower and get into bed :D

16-12-2007, 21:33
I'm back in Manchester, Yippee its great being home, back in civilisation i have a TV and Phone Signal. ooh the luxory. Got most my shopping done yesterday which was great and ate like a pig at the wuropean market, it was great i had a pancake with chocolate and banannas and then i hat a donut and then a Hot Dog. It was great.

16-12-2007, 22:06
I'm back in Manchester, Yippee its great being home, back in civilisation i have a TV and Phone Signal. ooh the luxory. Got most my shopping done yesterday which was great and ate like a pig at the wuropean market, it was great i had a pancake with chocolate and banannas and then i hat a donut and then a Hot Dog. It was great.

Thanks you are making me really hungry now....:( lol Its great going home at the end of term, and spoilt for a few weeks, isnt it? lol

17-12-2007, 19:23
My sister collapsed at work today and had to be taken to hospital. I haven't seen her but my mum said she has a serious bladder infection and has to stay in. I'm really worried that she won't be out in time to spend her first Christmas in her new house with her boyfriend.

I played an excellent game in business today. We were supposed to be doing a revision game on a website but we found a more interesting one to do. Totally addictive.

di marco
18-12-2007, 13:57
went to see my little cousins xmas dance show on saturday. sunday i went to visit my nan. yesterday i went to bluewater to finish my xmas shopping and buy some stuff for me, think ive got everyones pressies now. and today its my bday, dont like being 20, i feel all old lol!

18-12-2007, 14:21
I am going to see my mums christmas play tomorrow at her school. I am currently sorting out the music on my ipod as i lost a load of it. Then i am seeing the footy tongiht, Quarter final v Spurs and on the way back picking my little sister and her friends up from the MEN as they are seeing Take That,.

18-12-2007, 18:49
Well, I only have 2 more exams to go now, so I'm getting Christmassy now. Been writing cards etc for Christmas for about 2 hours and now I'm tired lol. Went to go and see gran but we stopped off in town to find some last minute christmas presents, at which time someone had to ring my dad and offer him some work. So he's gone off to London to deliver 3 crates of wine with my mum in the car. Not happy as I won't be seeing gran tomorrow as he and my aunt have a meeting at the hospital, so I can't go. My dad told me to stay behind and go to see gran today, but that involves 2 overcharged busses and long walk. I don't even know the way to go to the hospital that way as it's not the way I'm used to. What great ideas he comes up with :angry:

Science exam went well and I can't believe how easy I found it as I didn't revise. We have some practical questions though and I missed such an obvious one out so I'm kicking myself for that even though it was only 1 mark. I ran out of time though which I'm not that surprised about as it was a mixture of 2 specimen papers.

Really should get to the revision and finishing off christmas stuff now.

19-12-2007, 21:24
I went to my sixthform Christmas Ball last night. It was really fun. I went to my friend's house, where my group of friends all drank a bit before going to the party. Then, we got there and they said they wouldn't serve us alcohol, but I managed to get a pint and some Stella Artois - yippee! :D I didn't get home til 1am, so I am pretty tired today.

I just went to my certificate evening, where I got my GCSE certificates - that was alright, we had a guest speaker, and he was quite interesting to listen too.

19-12-2007, 21:35
Today we had a half day cause of the 1st and 2nd year party.
I got nail exstensions is well and im still not use to them:p
Got my Party tomorrow at school which should be good fun:D


19-12-2007, 23:18
I did bad in Philosophy (not a huge suprise) but I was suprised to do bad in Biology, thought it went quite well! I know what I did wrong but my biology teacher is so patranising! Instead of making useful comments she just writes V.Poor on the front and stupid comments. But luckily my course is 70% coursework, so biology isn't a big part of it.

My cat got stuck in the sofa today. The side which didn't have a footstool in it. We had to take scissors to the sofa to get her out. :lol:

Went to a Rotary evening christmas dinner thing. It was better than usual..there was a women who brought some instruments from around the world.

Tommorow I have one lesson. at 9...:(

20-12-2007, 00:02
I have an exam at 8:45 :( Last one though. Grrr my dad is really starting to annoy me. It's not my fault my friends don't live near me (I can't see why anyone would want to live on this estate!) and yet all he does is get in a massive stress if I want lifts to be able to go and see them, and refuses half of the time. I dread to think what he'd do if he was me because he's used to seeing his mates every day. Roll on 2009! It looks like I have to get an overpriced and unreliable bus on Friday and wait around for an hour to make sure I don't miss a second bus to go shopping. Great.

20-12-2007, 15:40
Omg Katie lmfao!!! That sounds well funny. Poor cat!

Yesterday was my mums 50th lol. So went out for that. Was a good night, the pub we go to put on a spread and bought a cake and everything for her - which we were surprised at actually. Got well drunk lol.

20-12-2007, 16:44
The pub made a banner for my dad for his 50th last year, but that can't have been much trouble for them as it was on the back of an old banner about a sports event. It was only in felt pen too.

It's my mum's 50th in three weeks but I think we're just sticking to an announcement in the paper and posters all around the estate and in town for that. Me and my aunt have decided we're putting from Big Sis and Big Mouth on the announcement, lmao!

Just got back from my mate's house which I went to after my exam. I can never become a vegiterian! Ergh all I ate were spring rolls which my mate's mum bought specially for me after my mate told her I like chinese. And I wasn't impressed with those either.

We rented a DVD and watched that which was good, and played tumbling tower. Played 4 games, knocked the tower over 4 times. Woops. I think my other mate is still there which I'm a bit upset about as I would liked to have stayed for a bit longer. My dad's already had a go at me today because he couldn't find my mate's street, and I cost him £150 due to some work he had to turn down. If he'd told me in time I would have reluctantly gone in the taxi to save all the agro :angry: I want to go back to school now so I can see them again which is surprising for me.

My room looks like a bomb has hit it because my mum came in to do my feature wall without telling me and I hadn't decided which wall I wanted it on. She's done a wall and around an alcove, so it's a bit in your face at the moment.

Ran out of time in the exam which wasn't too good as I only wrote about a page and a bit for a 12 or 15 mark report. Some of those are for layout because I did higher paper, so it shouldn't be that much of a disaster. Found most of it quite easy, apart from writing so many reports in the allotted time and a few of the key terms that we haven't really done. I think I've done enough to get 2/3 for the ones I was a bit dodgy on so I'll just have to wait until January to see. No more mock exams now - woo!

20-12-2007, 18:15
My sister has just rung me. She said that her grandparents-in-law have offered to pay for my sister, her husband and child to go to Disneyland Florida and she wants me to go with them :cheer:

Just depends on the price as to whether my parents can afford for me to go :hmm: I'm willing to contribute, I don't know when I'll get another chance to go to Florida. I can't wait. We'll be going at Easter so it won't be that long to wait.

I'm so happy, its ages since I've been on holiday. Average temperature during March/April is 27C :eek: I don't really like it too hot.

20-12-2007, 18:50
day was looking so great until my darling hubster sat his fat bum on my glasses!!!! LOL

spent most of morning trying to fix them!

20-12-2007, 22:52
I've had an ok day. Nearly froze on my paper round though - it's more than freezing outside, so bitter! :eek:

Mum and dad gave me a lecture claiming my bedroom looks like a "****hole" - but as long as I can live in it, what's the problem?! It's my bedroom after all, so why should it bother them?

Chloe O'brien
20-12-2007, 23:20
Went to collect Marley's laptop today and it had dropped £60 in price since last week. Result so bought her a colour printer as well. Mad or what. :D

20-12-2007, 23:20
I get the exact same lecture over mine. My mum wants to shove all my EastEnders tapes in a skip as they're all over my floor. She says she doesn't know why she bothers ironing my clothes as they're strewn all over the floor too and I just plonk my CD's down anywhere as I change them over all the time.

Now having shopping trip gatecrashed by friend of friend whom I don't get along with. Great.

20-12-2007, 23:55
My bedrooms usually a tip :p. I cleaned it a bit on Saturday though as I was having my mates stay over. But they're used to the mess so it's not too bad with them. It looks better, but theres boxes in all the corners which i'm scared to clean out incase of spiders :p. There's heaps under my bed, which i'm scared to clean out incase of spiders.. so really it's my fear of spiders that is preventing me cleaning my room!

21-12-2007, 00:01
My bedrooms usually a tip :p. I cleaned it a bit on Saturday though as I was having my mates stay over. But they're used to the mess so it's not too bad with them. It looks better, but theres boxes in all the corners which i'm scared to clean out incase of spiders :p. There's heaps under my bed, which i'm scared to clean out incase of spiders.. so really it's my fear of spiders that is preventing me cleaning my room!

A poor excuse, my dear!!! :lol:

Just think if you dont sort out ya boxes, then you will have families of spiders moving in by the truck load! They will eventually take over your room and you'll come home one night and find them all snuggled up under your duvet!!! lol

Moral of the story - tidy ya room up pronto!!!!! :p

21-12-2007, 15:22
Oh my gosh :| Totally scared me now :lol:. I'll do my best :(.

I saw in Argos this spider zapper.. it's humane apparntly (which I don't care about ) but it looked good, like they couldn't escape.. but then my friend gavge a good point... what about when it's full.. you'll have to empty it... with god knows how many live spiders!!! EWWW !

21-12-2007, 15:53
finally finished college! i'm so happy now...
this week's been pretty good although i was ill throughout... i went to see hard fi on monday :D they were great :D i got soaked, luckily only in water :) and then the rest has been pretty good. i think because i'm in college less these days it helps a lot! and now time to relax...

21-12-2007, 16:43
Going into college yesterday was pointless, we didn't do much, everything we did I could've done at home.

Today I had a lazy day, got up late, just been listening to music all day really..
My sister said she was thinking about getting a tattoo and asked if it was ok if she got a tattoo of my name.. (I should point out that most of my family call me by my middle name Sparkle):p

21-12-2007, 16:54
Is your middle name actually Sparkle haha? That's cool. Mine's so boring :p.

21-12-2007, 18:45
Oh wow, I want my middle name to be Sparkle.

Played a quiz during tutor and my group won a Tesco Finest triple chocolate indulgence cake :wub: It was so good.

22-12-2007, 09:21
I didn't have to go in yesterday as exams had finished but it was still officially study leave. I went shopping instead, and luckily we didn't have a plus one. We thought we would though as my friend said we should be careful looking around New Look before we got the bus when she saw that the girl's mum was in there. She then ended up bumping straight into her, which was quite funny.

Will make a start on my set text today, I think.

22-12-2007, 13:23
well City lost on tuesday inthe cup i have only just goton over that. It was well gutting. I have finally done all my shopping. and wrapped all my pressies now i can relax over christmas.

and Debs y uncle sat on his glasses last night to, but couldnt bothered to go to the optitions so he has tried selotapng them together. he wont be told. Hope you get them fixed soon, its a nightmare when they break.

22-12-2007, 14:27
and Debs y uncle sat on his glasses last night to, but couldnt bothered to go to the optitions so he has tried selotapng them together. he wont be told. Hope you get them fixed soon, its a nightmare when they break.
Oculus Reparo (sp?) ;-) Sorted :D. No need to thank me.

22-12-2007, 21:44
and Debs y uncle sat on his glasses last night to, but couldnt bothered to go to the optitions so he has tried selotapng them together. he wont be told. Hope you get them fixed soon, its a nightmare when they break.
Oculus Reparo (sp?) ;-) Sorted :D. No need to thank me.

Oh my you crack me up, that was brilliant, i was thinking What?? and then i realised whrere its from. That has completly made my night.

22-12-2007, 22:00
Went to do some shopping today and I saw a friend who has gone to uni. I was surprised to see him. His mum keeps making him hair appointments to have his hair cut and it doesn't look as good as it used to. I told him so and he laughed. I thought he was going to do physics at Sheffield but he's changed his mind and gone to York to do accounting. Seems a bit wierd to me because he spent an extra year at 6th form doing AS and A2 physics plus AS and A2 ICT then he goes and does accounting. I don't think he would have any problem getting in, he has 7 A levels now.

I'm really pleased I've seen him, its strange being in physics without him. Last year there was eight of us and we used to unconciously work in twos and we always worked together and it just doesn't feel right without him.

22-12-2007, 22:09
I went round my friend, Nat's house today with 3 of my other friends. It was great fun. We played that game where you get some sticky notes and write a celeb's name on it, and you stick it on someone's forehead and they ask questions to try and guess what celeb they are! At one point, I asked if the celeb on my forehead was really camp, and they said yeah, so I guessed my friend and got it right haha! :p Kinda defeated the object of the game a little bit, but it was a good laugh.

She made us all cookies with ribbons for Christmas too which was rather sweet. I bought all my friends chocolate. We then watched the Grinch which was good!

It was a nice and enjoyable day. :)

23-12-2007, 19:16
OK day, done some revising and prepared some food for Tuesday.

I've just arranged to go out with friends on New Year's Eve. I have nothing to wear and the dress code is smart casual. Any ideas would be appreciated. I think this year will be the year to get very merry :cheer:

23-12-2007, 19:28
OK day, done some revising and prepared some food for Tuesday.

I've just arranged to go out with friends on New Year's Eve. I have nothing to wear and the dress code is smart casual. Any ideas would be appreciated. I think this year will be the year to get very merry :cheer:

Hmm smart casual, whenever I dree smart casual, I wear nice jeans nice shoes and 'going out top' if that makes sense

23-12-2007, 19:37
I'm ill :crying:. I'm hardley ever ill! This year this is my second time getting ill!!! Tbh it never went the first time, so you could say I've had a cough/cold for 2 months now!!!

I better be better by Tuesday or I will not be happy :(. We think someone over the pub on Weds gave it to us, as my friend has the flu (stuck in bed) and my mum has had it the past 3 days! She's better now though!

My friend reckons she's really bad and may not be better by New Years Eve. Which is my birthday as loads of you know. And she and my other mate were the only one's not busy that day, and the other one is quite boring, so my birthday is going to be heaps of fun! Everyone else lives miles away and my mum wouldn't let them stay over grrr!!

But yeah hope my friend gets better :angel:.

23-12-2007, 19:38
Awww lea join the club, Im so sick, I was falling asleep on the train

23-12-2007, 19:42
Awww lea join the club, Im so sick, I was falling asleep on the train

Aw....have you tried taking some covonia?!

Im fine and dandy and have avoided any kinda cold for yonks now....:D Think germs no longer live on me!!! :lol:

23-12-2007, 19:46
Lmao, haven't got any in the house :p Might get me dad to get some tomorrow :p. Although last time it didn't work :eek:.

Oh great. GOOD FOR YOU :p Joking :D

23-12-2007, 19:58
I just have no energy at all and my cold is really bad

23-12-2007, 20:02
Oh dear, not another one :eek:.

We'll have to make a sick club. We can sit here in our dressing gowns, fire on, tissues around us, tunes and hot chocolate (or in my case tea or water). Going to try stay off the cider my mum has offered to me :p.

23-12-2007, 20:05
lol im already doing some of those things

23-12-2007, 20:06
Yes I am currently doing them all :D. With the water.

23-12-2007, 20:08
I wish my cold would just go away

23-12-2007, 20:09
Don't we all :p.
But it's Christmas and I'm not going to let this cold stand in my way of having fun, eating turkey and drinking alcohol!!! ARE YOU WITH ME?????

.... tumble weed goes past ....



23-12-2007, 20:10
i've had a cold for the past 2 weeks, it's finally going! good luck with it of you have the same as me, rest and try taking echinacea- ou can get it from chemists and helps :)

23-12-2007, 20:10
Don't we all :p.
But it's Christmas and I'm not going to let this cold stand in my way of having fun, eating turkey and drinking alcohol!!! ARE YOU WITH ME?????

.... tumble weed goes past ....



Yeah, Im with you sister!!! :cheer: (even though I dont have a cold)

23-12-2007, 20:11
Im with you
*has a sneezing fit*

23-12-2007, 20:13
Nah that's what am tarking abaht. Amen sisters. (Use American accent to get full experience of that line ;))

23-12-2007, 20:14

23-12-2007, 20:18
i'm with you too, albeit no alcohol! and no turkey cos we're having lasagne... but i'm still with you!

23-12-2007, 20:20
I'm with ya even though I'm not ill :p

We're all going to be crowded round the small T.V. on Christmas day watching Eastenders because the T.V. broke! How un-Christmassy of it! :lol:
We're getting a replacement in the Christmas sales. Probably cheaper than repairing it! :rolleyes:

My mum decided to wait until today to get a turkey...bad move..no turkey! :lol:

23-12-2007, 21:20
we got our turkey yesterdayu and had a bit of a joey tribianni moment whereby we had to eat the majority of the contents of the fridge as that is the only way it will fit in it. We also took the cat to the cattery as my nana is visiting and she hates the thing. Its in that my pet hotel thingym it was really posh, they have a swimmins opool and everything. Each pet has there own room with and heater and two rooms. now everything has done.

Although i have a cold too, it just wont go i have had it this last week since i got back from Uni.

23-12-2007, 22:00
I not really done much today watched santa clause movie with my daughter
watched Miracle on 34th Street.... sister ben round watched a bit more telly and been on here...

Its my neice's birthday today she is 2..

23-12-2007, 22:13
Me and me dad were annoyed that we missed Miracle on 34th Street :p.

I went to my uncles today and watched a few Christmas movies while I wrapped some pressies (he gave me 20 quid to do all his wrapping :p). Anywho I watched... Deck the Halls - was pretty good! Mr. Christmas - that was really sad I found, rather short film too! Surviving Christmas - love that movie, quite sweet :D.

Ahhh how I love Christmas movies.

Chloe O'brien
24-12-2007, 00:11
Marley and me have both got the flaming cold as well :angry: Marley has been a bit sniffy during the last few days at school,but today the poor wee might is choked up. It never fails she's ill every birthday and Christmas. I've had a annoying cough since Saturday morning I will go to the chemist to get some corvonia and more calprofen.

24-12-2007, 00:51
Me and me dad were annoyed that we missed Miracle on 34th Street :p.

I went to my uncles today and watched a few Christmas movies while I wrapped some pressies (he gave me 20 quid to do all his wrapping :p). Anywho I watched... Deck the Halls - was pretty good! Mr. Christmas - that was really sad I found, rather short film too! Surviving Christmas - love that movie, quite sweet :D.

Ahhh how I love Christmas movies.

I missed it too - caught the last 5 mins having forgotten it was on :(

24-12-2007, 21:11
I've done something stupid. I bought my dad and my brother both DVDs for Christmas. I wrapped them both up, and then wrapped up my sister and mum's presents, and when I came to writing on the tags, I forgot which dvd belonged to who, so I've guessed...hoping I've got the right name to the right DVD, if that makes sense....oh dear...:D

Anyway, I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas! :) I've seen a bit of the family today which was nice. I think I might start pigging out on the chocolate later! :D

24-12-2007, 21:37
I've done something stupid. I bought my dad and my brother both DVDs for Christmas. I wrapped them both up, and then wrapped up my sister and mum's presents, and when I came to writing on the tags, I forgot which dvd belonged to who, so I've guessed...hoping I've got the right name to the right DVD, if that makes sense....oh dear...:D

Anyway, I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas! :) I've seen a bit of the family today which was nice. I think I might start pigging out on the chocolate later! :D

Why don't you just unwrap one side, check, and then selotape that end back down again? :D

24-12-2007, 21:44
I've done something stupid. I bought my dad and my brother both DVDs for Christmas. I wrapped them both up, and then wrapped up my sister and mum's presents, and when I came to writing on the tags, I forgot which dvd belonged to who, so I've guessed...hoping I've got the right name to the right DVD, if that makes sense....oh dear...:D

Anyway, I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas! :) I've seen a bit of the family today which was nice. I think I might start pigging out on the chocolate later! :D

Why don't you just unwrap one side, check, and then selotape that end back down again? :D

Why did I not think of that?! :eek: I just ended up guessing (think i have it right).. oh well too late now...they are hid in my sister's room and my sister is asleep.. I just hope my dad doesn't open "The Bourne Ultimatum" DVD tomorrow that is meant for my brother. :D :o Oh well, if he does, I suppose it will be a funny moment..

24-12-2007, 21:58
I've just had to witness my friend get back with her boyfriend over MSN. Not the way I envisaged spending Christmas Eve.

Anyway, hope everyone has a fab crimbo x

24-12-2007, 22:46
Aw you should be happy for your mate Kim. Tis the season of good joy and all that :D.

25-12-2007, 00:00
My mum took the old T.V. back because it still under garauntee and we have a new telly :D Which is much better than the old one :p

I did a bit of wrapping this evening, and I only got a book of art and earings for my sister...I have this whiteboard/notice board thing and stuck pictures of when we were younger on it (although the only thing I could find was bluetack because I didn't want to ruin the photos with tape) My parents liked it so I hope she does :D

My mum's Polish so we had a traditional Christmas eve meal with fish and soup..and the holy bread random relatives send over :p

Now my Dad is watching midnight mass and is humming and singing along to the hymns..ooh dearr :lol:


25-12-2007, 08:10
I would be if I thought the boy was good enough for her lol. ASBO at 14 isn't a way to impress me, lol.

My mum's taken the dogs out. I want presents! And she said she's opening hers after dinner!

My Aunt came with some last night so I have one more to open, which by what she was saying, I'd guess there was money in too :)

25-12-2007, 13:25
I've been to see my gran in hospital and she's quite happy today, which has made my christmas as she wasn't very well at all yesterday. She opened all her presents and the hospital were also giving some to the patients. They gave me a few chocolate things which were wrapped up, which I thought was quite sweet.

Just waiting for dinner now. The sausages have been scrapped so it's lamb and steak. I want turkey but my parents both hate it :( I was going to watch Bean the Holiday which my parents gave me but my mum wants to watch it with me so I have to wait until this evening.

26-12-2007, 10:53
I went to midnight mass, and nearly fell asleep, i though it i have to pray and my eyes shut that will be it i'll be asleep. Then the girl infront fainted.

Had a great christmas day although i think if i eat another thing i'll be sick. I ate like a complete pig yesterday. I am going for a walk later so that should make me feel a bit more human.

26-12-2007, 22:09
Christmas day was really good daughter did not get up till half 8 took Nicola about an hour to open all her presents.
had a few vistors for an hour, cooked the dinner did all the washing up and spent the afternoon doing what nicola wanted..
Watched the soaps and then watched parent trap dvd with nicola....

Today went out to my mums for tea along with sisters brothers and nephew..

Hope you have all had a good christmas

27-12-2007, 21:12
I went to Cardiff today and met this guy in BlueBanana (a piercing shop) - we spoke for a few minutes whilst my friend was getting her ear pierced, and then we just smiled at each other and I walked off! I didn't ask for his name or number - I feel so stupid!

27-12-2007, 21:20
I went to Cardiff today and met this guy in BlueBanana (a piercing shop) - we spoke for a few minutes whilst my friend was getting her ear pierced, and then we just smiled at each other and I walked off! I didn't ask for his name or number - I feel so stupid!

Aw.....Dave, you'll have to go back and get something pierced, sooo that you can talk to him again....lol

28-12-2007, 13:01
It's a year today that my friend died. There was a merry christmas from heaven thing in the obituries part of the paper last week. I'm going to go get a paper later.

Another day of revision. I don't think I'm going to get through all my AS resit units before my exams in two weeks. If I fail these I'm not going to resit them in June, there's just no point.

Chloe O'brien
29-12-2007, 00:56
What a couple of crap days I've had. I've been suffering a few eye infections over the last few weeks where I feel as if I have and eyelash or a bit dirt in one of my eyes. Unfortunatly it's been my stronger eye (I have a lazy eye) and it's goes all bloodshot and blurry, which means I can hardly see a thing. It happened when I was in the middle of talking to Mr Crazy Lea on MSN and I had to cut short our little convo. Sorry Dad :)

Then yesterday morning Marley complained of feeling ichy she had a small rash on her chest, come lunch-time the rash had spread all over her torso and round her back. I took her to the treatment room at the health centre and the nurse examined her. She said it was a viral infection due to her having the cold and a tempature over Christmas. Told to give her priniton and capol.

Then today went to use the phone and the flaming line was dead as a dodo, when to neighbours how as I am looking after their cat while they are away on holiday, phoned Virgin and I have to wait until next Friday before an engineer can come and fix the fault. How am I supposed to cope without my gossip line for a week :angry:

29-12-2007, 01:02
Awww sounds awful spesh the eye and Marley! Hope both of you get better realy soon!!!

But lmao at the reference to my dad :p.

29-12-2007, 01:13
I regret not making an appointment to the doctors yesterday, I now have a general ache in my throat...the last time the glands in my neck swelled up I had to take penecillin for a week. Why can't I just get a normal cold like everyone else :lol: Ah well...I'll survive the weekend :p

On the plus side I got a pair of hair straighteners today half price :D :p

Chloe O'brien
29-12-2007, 01:32
Awww sounds awful spesh the eye and Marley! Hope both of you get better realy soon!!!

But lmao at the reference to my dad :p.

I'm going to the get my eyes tested next week, so I will mention it then about my eyes as it's happend about 3 or 4 times in the last couple of months. I just lie with cold tea-bags on my eyes. Marley is getting better and her rash is fading. Say Hi to Dad xxx

29-12-2007, 01:33
You not been to the doctors about it? Get some drops or something?

:D Will do :p.

Chloe O'brien
29-12-2007, 01:48
You not been to the doctors about it? Get some drops or something?

:D Will do :p.

Lea I have a fear of eye drops in my eyes, as I used to have to get them all the time when I had to get my eyes tested regularly when I was at school because of my lazy eye. Even now I hate going to the optictians although they only squirt puffs of air into you're eye. I'm blaming aminal hair at the moment as the other night I had to clapping the cat and on two previous occasions it happend I had been clapping a dog so I think I may have got a pet hair in my eye. It looks as if someone has come up and poked me in the eye as its all red and watery.

29-12-2007, 01:49
Oh right, fair enough. Aw bless ya.

What is clapping the cat and dog by the way :s. It might be, but I have no idea what it is, so can't give my opinion :lol:.

29-12-2007, 09:47
i had a good few days doing the rounds visiting family in Birmingham and Derbyshire, its a little village in the midlle of nowhere, all i know is it takes hours to get to, but it was nice seeing everyone, plus i got a few christmas money to go and spend today. Apart from that a rather quiet nice few days. Hope everyone fees better soon if they are not well.

29-12-2007, 10:18
Dad :angry: Apparently my gran's fine now, so he can't be bothered to go and see her any more than once every 2 days :cry: I didn't want to leave her when I saw her last but he forced me. Stupid bus routes don't go up there :angry:

Aunt gave me my birthday presents yesterday, so I now have 2 weeks staring at those. Lovely. Was round her flat as it was her birthday, and they've just had an intercom put in. She didn't hear it so we were standing around outside and I had to phone her up.

When we got in I picked up the intercom phone for the sake of it, and the postman was on the other end going, "Hello?" "Hellloooooo?" :lol:

Aww Kath. Hope you both get better soon. Virgin are rubbish. We were going to get rid of them but Dad couldn't be bothered and we ended up with upgrades and a year's contract with them :angry: Telewest were far better when they owned it.

29-12-2007, 18:18
I went shopping today, not for long though, my friend had some family meal on..It was disappointing I didn't get anything! :p

I feel worse than yesterday, feels like something is pressing against my chest, it's making my breath a bit shorter, it's wierd though I don't have any other symptoms..hope I survive until Monday :p

29-12-2007, 23:55
Booked the holiday to Florida (or Florita as my niece says), 21st June for two weeks. My niece has already packed her suitcase with her Pinkys, baa baa and ratty plus her dressing up clothes. Its gonna be a long wait until we get to the airport.

My brother in law said to my sister something about getting mummy some kinky swimwear, to which my niece said "I like kinky, I want some kinky swimwear." :rotfl: I really hope she doesn't go to nursery saying that.

Went into town witha friend today to get something to wear for new year's eve. I couldn't find anything so it looks like I'm going to have to go to the designer outlet on Monday. I don't have an outfit that I can wear to the venue. It's a very upmarket pub/wine bar, kinda like Wetherspoons but a lot posher. That rules jeans and above the knee skirts out. I'm hoping to get a dress.

29-12-2007, 23:57
My brother in law said to my sister something about getting mummy some kinky swimwear, to which my niece said "I like kinky, I want some kinky swimwear." I really hope she doesn't go to nursery saying that
LMFAO that is so cute! How old is your niece?

29-12-2007, 23:59
Wow florida, hope you have a good time, I love it there :D

30-12-2007, 00:00
My brother in law said to my sister something about getting mummy some kinky swimwear, to which my niece said "I like kinky, I want some kinky swimwear." I really hope she doesn't go to nursery saying that
LMFAO that is so cute! How old is your niece?

She's three and bit. I can just imagine her telling everybody that she's getting a kinky bikini.

I'm not looking forward to a ten hour flight with her. She'll almost be four so I guess she might sit still for a little longer than five minutes.

30-12-2007, 00:01
Wow florida, hope you have a good time, I love it there :D

Which hotel did you stay in?

30-12-2007, 00:02
Wow florida, hope you have a good time, I love it there :D

Which hotel did you stay in?

Ive been six times, so what do you want to know :p?

30-12-2007, 00:06
Wow florida, hope you have a good time, I love it there :D

Which hotel did you stay in?

Ive been six times, so what do you want to know :p?

Wow, six times. I'll pm you tomorrow with all my questions if that's ok :)

30-12-2007, 00:07
Yeah thats fine. Im probably going again next year in the summer, as kinda last one with parents

31-12-2007, 17:04
I'm getting ready to go to my friend's house party tonight. I am really looking forward too it - he did have some drinking games lined up including a game called Obliteration (not sure if any of you have heard of it) but its dares include exchanging underwear with the person sitting next to you. :D Not sure if we'll be playing it but it sounds fun!

Anyway, just want to wish everyone on here a very Happy New Year! :) I hope you all have a good one! And Happy birthday Lea! :D

31-12-2007, 17:43
I havent been on here in ages to say how my day was.
Lately Ive hardly done anything, Ive just been reading and on here. I did feel really ill all yesterday and a little this morning but it passed. Im not doing anything new year, just spedning it alone. Friends are all working :(
I hoep everyone has a good new year and Happy Birthday Lea..again :D :p

31-12-2007, 18:04
Thank you to allllllll that wished me a happy birthday :D Much appreciated :D.

Haven't had much but I've had.. 30 quid off mum and dad (10 is for haircut).
10 quid off my Gramma.
small kermit cuddly toy and 5 quid off sister. LOVE the kermy lmao :p.

Getting twiglets off one of my mates, haven't had it yet.

I dare say my mates will buy me drinks tonight too :p.

31-12-2007, 18:10
Kermittt :cheer: :D

I havn't decided whether I can be bothered to go into the centre of London. It will be packed and getting home will be a nightmare..And standing in the freezing cold for hours doesn't sound that appealing :p My mum said I could have a party here but my friend said it was already organised..(although a little ringaround could've been arranged...) So I'm a bit annoyed with her...If I don't go into London it's either the pub with my parents or stay home...fun..:p

31-12-2007, 18:11
Pub with the parents is fun :cheer: Well I have fun when I go with my parents :p

31-12-2007, 18:43
Kermittt :cheer: :D

I havn't decided whether I can be bothered to go into the centre of London. It will be packed and getting home will be a nightmare..And standing in the freezing cold for hours doesn't sound that appealing :p My mum said I could have a party here but my friend said it was already organised..(although a little ringaround could've been arranged...) So I'm a bit annoyed with her...If I don't go into London it's either the pub with my parents or stay home...fun..:p

awww well if you are staying home Im here to chat to
Whatever you choose :D

31-12-2007, 19:01
pub with my paretns is run as well Lea, Happy Birthday as well.

We are going to some friends i am really excited now i am all ready. I am showing mum how to sync her ipod. Thought i wouild pay a flying visit here and wish everyone a good night. Hope you all bring in 2008 well.

Katy xxx

31-12-2007, 20:19
i'm staying in too, i'm not allowed out but i was invited :( but at the end of the week we're all probably gonna go out when everyone's back!
i've not really been up to much, just coursework and sorting stuff out- no-ones around so i can't go out. working a fair bit this week, so it'll go in no time i guess!
happy new year to yo'all! :)

31-12-2007, 20:21
i'm staying in too, i'm not allowed out but i was invited :( but at the end of the week we're all probably gonna go out when everyone's back!
i've not really been up to much, just coursework and sorting stuff out- no-ones around so i can't go out. working a fair bit this week, so it'll go in no time i guess!
happy new year to yo'all! :)
Aww dont worry there are a few of us staying in, your not the only one

31-12-2007, 20:22
didn't help when my friend in hungary rang some people we both know and told them to invite me out... when i'd already told her i couldn't go! i know she means well but it didn't help!

31-12-2007, 20:31
Kermittt :cheer: :D

I havn't decided whether I can be bothered to go into the centre of London. It will be packed and getting home will be a nightmare..And standing in the freezing cold for hours doesn't sound that appealing :p My mum said I could have a party here but my friend said it was already organised..(although a little ringaround could've been arranged...) So I'm a bit annoyed with her...If I don't go into London it's either the pub with my parents or stay home...fun..:p

I wouldn't going up London. Its really crowded, because they make some streets one-way, even for Pedestrians. And you can't get anywhere near the Thames if you turn up late. Watching it on the TV is easier. Unless you live somewhere high up, then you could just look out the window :p

31-12-2007, 20:37
I will go up into my sisters flat up in the attic (we split our house into three flats) and watch them from up there :thumbsup: :D

31-12-2007, 20:53
I can hear some fireworks, But I dont think I will bother

01-01-2008, 11:49
I had a party at my dad's mate's, but I was invited to a friend's party, which I couldn't go to due to everything going on. It wasn't too bad, but they forgot to get cheese for the burgers :( Also managed to loose at pool twice by potting the black :( The fireworks scared me a bit; I think they set lit a whole box at once!

01-01-2008, 14:41
I had a great night, paying for it a bit now, i really didnt think i drank alot but i have one huge hangover.
We had fireworks at my mates at midnight and we watched Take That on the telly on ITv and played a few games. It was a cracking entry into 2008.

01-01-2008, 15:37
Its not a new year I'm going to forget in a hurry.
Started off good. I was smashed by 10pm so I was trying to sober up. I asked somebody to get me a bottle of water from the bar so he brought me a cocktail back. I really shouldn't have drunk it but I did. He kept buying me more until a female friend (there was only us two girls there) said I'd had enough. OK, I said I needed to go outside for some fresh air so this lad said he'd come with me. We started walking and talking, I wasn't making much sense because I was too far gone. He kept telling me I looked stunning etc. We sat on a bench a talked for a bit then I got a message from another mate (we're friends with "benefits") saying he'd finished work and where was we meeting (prearranged). I wasn't in any fit state to go anywhere on my own so I ended up telling this lad about my arrangement with the "benefits" guy, including the fact that he has a girlfriend and I don't fancy him.

Anyway, I didn't text back. We sat on the bench for a bit and talked some more then he asked if he could kiss me. I was already feeling guilty about letting the benefits guy down so I said no. We went back to the bar where I found out that all the lads had bets on to see if we'd get off.

After a while we walked about a mile to one of the lads' house, him constantly asking if he could kiss me and did I need carrying (my feet were hurting). So we got there and I sat on the sofa and two lads sat either side of me. I didn't dare look at the guy because I know he can be possessive. One of them had his arm around me and I was talking to the other one. There was five of us on the sofa so we were sat really close.

I'm so confused now. I have a friends with benefits guy who I don't fancy, a guy cracking on to me who I don't like and one of the lads that we went out with who I do fancy. Unfortunately he's at uni. I only realised last night when we were sat really close and talking. I really do like him, we get on really well and we were talking all night. I don't remember what I was saying though :rolleyes:

So yeah, that was my new year. Two hours of fun then five hours spent trying to stop this lad kissing me :)

01-01-2008, 15:58
Certainly sounds interesting Jelly.. no wait.. Abigail! What you going to do :p You still going to see your friend with "benefits"?

My night wasn't that great tbh! We went to the first pub for about an hour, wasn't too bad. Then we went to the other pub and my mate decided she did actually want to go to that nightclub. So it was just me and my other mate then! That pub was hellish boring! Soooo quiet. Nice food though :p. So we went back to the other pub! Which was a bit better, had a laugh, saw the night in with Jools on the tv? :S Then at midnight all the nearby pubs (theres 3 all by each other) so we all went on the sqaure and sang Auld Lang Syne together :p Was fun. Nice food at that pub too.

My mate was wrecked - the one that went to the nightclub - so we went to meet her at about half 1 (cos we were all staying at my other mates), and she was sick everywhere! So she went to bed while me and my other mate played on her Wii. Which was fun :D.

I drank quite a lot and never got drunk which is weird :p.

Next year I'm making better plans :p.

01-01-2008, 16:00
Lol sounds very interesting but at leats you had an okay night :D

01-01-2008, 16:04
Certainly sounds interesting Jelly.. no wait.. Abigail! What you going to do :p You still going to see your friend with "benefits"?

I think so. It sounds shallow but we're both after the same thing so its not like we're using each other.
I just wish Davey wasn't at uni :crying:

01-01-2008, 16:16
Urgh i'm so tired :( My night;
went over to my friends at about 7 to get ready, did a couple of shots, then went on to my other friend's - he was having a gathering :)
Literally walked in and we started making cocktails - we all had sex on the beach by 8 ;)
Between the 5 of us girls we had soooo much alcohol it was unbelievable, the lads only drink beer so we had to stock up :D Anyways, drank, danced, played on the wii, urm i ended up spending half an hour sat outside talking to my friend about something. I ended up crashing out on the sofa by 11ish, got woken did the countdown - partayed more! Me and 2 friends bagsyed the double bed, everyone had the sofas! Ended up going to bed at about 5ish (after talking for like an hour) Then my firned decided to come in and wake us up at 7 :rolleyes:
Overall an awesome end to and awesome year - but i am now slightly tired!

01-01-2008, 17:21
Sounds like fun that Layne

Had an awesome night lastnight, had my family round (cousin/her fiance/her son/her parents) and my brother had some of his mates round but they stayed up stairs for most of it

Family got here about 6 and i already had music channels on (some top 50 cheesy pop songs with bucksfizz) we let that finish and we was generally just talking and drinking while that was on then that ended and dad put music on wi his computer, little george wasnt sleeping (too much stuff happening i think) so he stayed up and had a dance with us (which i filmed) i got slightly drunk - not too much i just felt very dizzy and was very loud (yes for those who know me well enough i did just say i was loud - it don't happen to often i know but lastnight it did) then after a few hours of disco music from dad the countdown came on tv and we put that on and then everyone sung and did that circle thing for auld lang syne (sp) i filmed this too then we went back to singing rather loudly to random songs my dad had on

Fab night never done anything like it but i loved it

01-01-2008, 19:18
I had a rather good night. I went round my friend's for his house party. I ended up getting drunk lol, but so did most people and I went upstairs and spoke to this girl from school, telling her who I'd like to get off with at the party! :o

More friends arrived and one of my friends who turned 17, ended up being sick about 5 times. :( Whilst that was happening, me and some friends went to town at 2am thinking we would be able to get a kebab to eat. We seen some people from school hanging round so we had a swig of their drinks and wished them a Happy New Year, as well as a load of random strangers walking passed us. The police were all around town so it was all a bit :eek:!

It was a good night though! :)

02-01-2008, 18:43
Leanne I was right. My cat has been having 'fun' with the local tomcats :lol: We took her to the vets because she was acting wierd. Turns out she's on heat. She's driving me crazy :p She's miawing like a pidgeon, rolling around on the floor. We can't let her out at night...so she's whining to be let out...How am I going to survive this until next Tuesday (Spay day) :p :ninja:

02-01-2008, 18:48
I am having a crap time at the moment, I feel like I cant rely on my friends and I keep isolating myself when Im at home

04-01-2008, 12:22
I'm so tired I have to stop going to bed at 4-5 :p Last night I read my book until 5.30 because I really wanted to finish it :p

I can predict my day now...I will do my science coursework and hopefully finish it, if I do I will start on my other science coursework. I will then text my friend telling her I can't come to the sleepover tonight because I have a family do, when really I mean that I don't want to come beacuse the friends that are going (and her) have developed a tendency over the past..few months to smoke weed and she's already said to me on the phone that they are going to hang out the window and smoke it and I really don't want to spend my time doing that...I don't mind drinking but. I draw the line there (she also told me she spent £40 on weed..:eek:)

I will spend my evening doing coursework, watching the telly and stopping the cat from going outside :D (I like this version of the evening much better)

04-01-2008, 16:59
Well done for saying no anyway :p. You could easily have been pressured. :)

04-01-2008, 17:10
Eek I thought I had some bad friends! I found it outrageous when my mate tried to get me to smoke a normal cigarette when I was about 13. I ought to think myself lucky one's only turned overly bitchy during the course of the last year.

Luckily I don't have much to do as we were on Study Leave from the 11th, so just a book for English Literature to read for me.

04-01-2008, 22:14
Been such a good year.. 4 days :p
On the 2nd I went ice skating with my little bro, he actually took me to the middle of the ice skating rink and was more confident than I was and it was his first time! He's only 5 :eek: Pretty funny but good! Then we went out for dinner which too was good, good looking waiter there haha..

On the 3rd I went and got my eyes tested.. Both my eyes have got worse but my right eye more. I was planning to get some Gucci glasses from the store next door but then I only bought my fcuk ones like 10 months ago so I thought I might as well leave it and save my money for something else and just changed the lens.. I think I made a good decision lol!.. After that I thought I'd treat myself and got a simple french manicure done.. :p

Today I thought I'd get my Christmas report out and reflect on it. I am really not happy with my expected grades. I want all A's & B's.. I got like.. 1A, 4 B's, 3 C's and 1D. I was thinking about what A level's I want to do and then about Uni. Came to a conclusion I so need an A in Maths, Business and ICT because I want to do that in A Level. + I found out I need an A in Maths to do an A level in that (C material at the moment so need alot of work).. And with that I can hopefully do Economics in Uni!.. I also decided I would like to go to Oxbridge..
Setting myself high standards but yeah with a bit of tution and more concentrating hopefully I can do it!

04-01-2008, 22:52
Wow, I dont have a clue what I want to do
Well Ive had a lazy few days, just revision and then watching Tv and spending alot of time on my laptop and staying up late which I really shouldnt :p

04-01-2008, 22:53
My year so far has beeb majorly boring :p. I've been on here most of it :lol: Nothing wrong with that of course :p.

04-01-2008, 22:54
My year so far has beeb majorly boring :p. I've been on here most of it :lol: Nothing wrong with that of course :p.

Lol same here, but I really wish I went shopping or something

04-01-2008, 23:07
I've been shopping twice this year. I didn't get much, a DS game and a dress.

This lad from new year's keeps texting me. He hasn't taken it well that I've blown him out. He hasn't accepted that I don't want to be with him. He's texting me now asking to meet up. Its 11pm for god's sake! He said he's low on credit so I told him to stop texting :P No reply yet. Wednesday night he was texting til 1.30am!
Just got a message, "I'm sorry, please see me instead of **** I'm sorry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx"

He keeps telling me this other lad is no good for me, he's lying, he's violent, he'll hurt me blah blah blah.
He's also been harrassing my friend for info on me, he didn't stop texting her on Tuesday and Wednesday. I feel really bad about that.

04-01-2008, 23:11
Oh dear - do you have a plan on how to tell him your not interested?

I've had an ok day - I'm having trouble sleeping lately though and I'm going to bed really late...I'm so exhausted and I've got school on Monday, so need to get back in the right sleeping pattern.

04-01-2008, 23:14
Oh dear - do you have a plan on how to tell him your not interested?

I've tried the repeated No. That hasn't worked. I've tried ignoring his messages but they're winding me up so I have to reply.

Woo, I might have got through to him. Just got a message, "ok, fine if thats what you want. Will you give me a go?" :cheer: :mad: Halfway there I guess.

05-01-2008, 18:18
I have been revising all day, I am now so boredits unreal .

Oh well casualty is on later that should cheer me up.

05-01-2008, 19:06
We (family) got a new car today! It's a Kia Picanto. Just something small. Brand new and it's.... silver! I HATE silver cars :p. Quite a nice little car though :D.

Going out tonight, hopefully should be fun.

Chloe O'brien
05-01-2008, 19:58
Happy NewYear to Everyone. No I haven't emergated to the moon, but my ways of communications have been censored over the last week. Thursday 27 December my telephone line was dead, I phone Virgin and they said that they couldn't send a engineer out until yesterday so I have been 8 days without a gossip line ( how did I cope I hear you ask!!!) then on last Saturday my PC decided to take ill. It keeps coming up with a microsoft error when I switch it on and it won't let me log into the Internet, MSN or any of my files. I am on the PC at my sister's at the moment as I can't get the comp fixed until Monday.

05-01-2008, 20:50
Aww, that sucks. I couldn't live without mine, and I don't really have anyone who's internet I can just go and use. Virgin are such a pain. My dad was almost changing but then we'd have to pay £130 to get a BT line back, which sky said they'd refund, but my dad didn't think it would happen.

I'm about half way through reading my set text, but I can't concentrate on it at the moment. I've finished the first part of the book completely so hopefully I can finish part two while we do the first part in class, which may get a bit confusing.

I'm also thinking about A Level choices like Spicy, and I know what I want to do for A Level, it's just I can't decide on an order of preference. I think I have, then I want to switch 2 subjects around. I don't really want to put in a reserve either, because I don't want to end up doing 2 lots of English by putting Language down as reserve.

I don't have my mock results back yet, and I'm really bricking it at the prospect of finding out what I got in some of them. Some I really want to know about though, but I can predict that will change as soon as the time comes. I was planning to start revision for the real things before going back to school on Monday, but I think I'll leave that until after my birthday now.

Maths is a tough one. At my school, they will let you take it with a B at GCSE, if there's enough room in the classes, but told us that unless we were willing to work hard to catch up after getting a B, we'd probably struggle. I've was thinking about Economics for Uni too, but my business teacher (head of Economics) says that there are some places that would take you without an A Level in Maths. I think I will do Business at Uni, possibly combined with Accounting.

05-01-2008, 21:26
I don't have my mock results back yet, and I'm really bricking it at the prospect of finding out what I got in some of them. Some I really want to know about though, but I can predict that will change as soon as the time comes. I was planning to start revision for the real things before going back to school on Monday, but I think I'll leave that until after my birthday now.

Maths is a tough one. At my school, they will let you take it with a B at GCSE, if there's enough room in the classes, but told us that unless we were willing to work hard to catch up after getting a B, we'd probably struggle. I've was thinking about Economics for Uni too, but my business teacher (head of Economics) says that there are some places that would take you without an A Level in Maths. I think I will do Business at Uni, possibly combined with Accounting.
I think I know what I want to do in my A levels..
1) Business Studies
2) ICT
3) Maths (mmm I hope)
4) Sociology

And I will drop Sociology in Year 13..

I got my mocks as you know and I'm very dissapointed in them but I am going to try and concentrate on it and get as much help as I can and turn it all around. Hopefully it will all work out well.
My maths teacher said that about A level maths too.. Said if I get a B then he will talk to a hundred people before making a decision to see if it's right or not.. So worried about that so the minimum target for Maths for me is a B so I have a hope!
I think I will talk to my Business Studies teacher about universities that allow you to take Economics without a Maths A level.. Surely Kim you would need a Maths A level for Accounting even if it's combined right?:searchme:
Think I will give myself a bit of a break and concentrate on my GCSE's like Abi advised me too (thanks) and then think about it later, maybe after my GCSE's!

05-01-2008, 21:43
There are routes into Accounting that don't involve an A Level in Maths; my friend's step sister is doing AAT and she's 19, and according to my friend, she didn't do any A Levels. So I looked up AAT on the internet and read something that said that some stages of the training can be bypassed if you have certain degrees. I'd rather not go into it and just stick with Business if an A Level in Maths is vital to do Accounting as part of a degree; though I did look at UCAS and not all universities had Maths A Level as a requirement on the site. I'm desperate not to do Maths because if I did, I'd want to take Statistics as the choice units, which my current teacher teaches. I really don't get on with him and I'm desperate to get out of his lessons.

Without the Maths you would restrict yourself from some of the more well known universities, but it is possible to do, as I found when I looked it up. Your teacher could be of more use than mine though as the admissions have probably changed quite a lot since she did her degree in Economics without Maths A Level... at a guess I'd say she's at least in her late 40's.

I want to do Business (Applied because it's the only one that the school offers,) Psychology, Economics and English Literature for AS Level, dropping English after Year 12. I keep changing the order of the top 3 around every 2 days or something....

05-01-2008, 21:49
That sucks about the internet Kath - it will be good to see you fully back with us soon.

I've had an ok day - been doing some schoolwork but I get easily distracted...lol, but I'm getting there with it - I've got a bit more work to do tomorrow, but fingers crossed I can get it done by Monday. I went down town to buy some books today, I bought another Chris Ryan book (I really enjoy reading his books) and I bought a Patricia Cornwell book called Blow Fly - I've read 30 pages so far and it's fab.

05-01-2008, 22:08
although I've planned to take it easier this year, It's just not happening!! I worked yesterday and then today i went for a cycle, I cycled to this water park a few miles away because I wanted to take photos but when I got there, the light wasn't as good as when I'd set off :( so I cycled to Manchester instead and then my legs gave up! I ended up waiting at the train station for ages and had to keep dragging my bike up and down stairs because they kept changing platforms :angry: (i could also say how much I hate Arriva Trains Wales at this point too, but I'll leave it for another day). Then I finally got in and just relaxed and revised and worked through some of my exercises for therapy, they aren't doing what they should though so when I next go, I'll have to ask about them :s. Tomorrow, I have work and then I gotta revise :| I really want to see my friends, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. It's really annoying because she does no work until like a month before the exams then gets A's and I work really hard all the time but only get B's and stuff :( so I'm not best pleased... mind you I only have Geography so it's not all that bad :D

05-01-2008, 22:49
You will need an A level in maths to do Accounting. Your sister's friend could be doing a foundation degree (Fds) or acess course. You can do one of those if you are a mature student or have no A levels or not enough points for the degree course. After passing the Fds you progress onto the actual degree.

I have a friend who has just started an accouting degree at York. He has about seven A levels including business and maths.

I would recommend maths to at least AS if you want to do a joint honours with accounting. You should get proper advice from somebody in the know though so you make the right decisions now instead of realising after the first year of AS you took the wrong A levels for the course.

06-01-2008, 15:49
Last day of full revison today :(
But oh my god the weridest thing happened yesterday my mum foun the keys that I lost ages ago fro my old house, right down the back of the sofa. I couldnt believe it, I mean i looked for those keys everywhere when I lost them.
Just to give you an idea how long they have been there. I have been living in my new house of 3 and half years. Lived with my gran for around 7 months and I lost them about a year and bit before we moved out of our old house. Thats like just over 5 years!!!! I couldnt believe it lol. It also had the keys for my bike lock and some little keys for a box that when we moved out my mum had to break into to open it. It had £150 in it which I put in the bank.........o the memories :p

06-01-2008, 16:07
Happy NewYear to Everyone. No I haven't emergated to the moon, but my ways of communications have been censored over the last week. Thursday 27 December my telephone line was dead, I phone Virgin and they said that they couldn't send a engineer out until yesterday so I have been 8 days without a gossip line ( how did I cope I hear you ask!!!) then on last Saturday my PC decided to take ill. It keeps coming up with a microsoft error when I switch it on and it won't let me log into the Internet, MSN or any of my files. I am on the PC at my sister's at the moment as I can't get the comp fixed until Monday.

Aww I wondered where you've been. I could never cope if my internet when now and the phone :eek: At least you could get on for a bit :) Hope it gets fixed soon.

06-01-2008, 19:27
:crying: Back to college tomorrow. I don't want to go back :p I know that I'm going to be soooo tired in the morning, I won't be able to get to sleep til at least 4. The other night I couldn't sleep til 7! I swear I'm becoming nocturnal :lol:.

06-01-2008, 19:31
:crying: Back to college tomorrow. I don't want to go back :p I know that I'm going to be soooo tired in the morning, I won't be able to get to sleep til at least 4. The other night I couldn't sleep til 7! I swear I'm becoming nocturnal :lol:.

Lol, well last night I went to bed at quater past 12, I was trying to ease myself back into a routine....well I couldnt sleep till 2 :p

06-01-2008, 19:37
My mum thinks that of me! I'm supposed to have finished my set text by now but with my gran going downhill over christmas I haven't been able to concentrate on it for very long. I'm about two thirds of the way through it, so hopefully I can catch up without the teacher knowing or not get into too much trouble for it.

I'm back to school tomorrow; don't want to go! Have a load of courseworks and my mock exams to get grades back for, and I don't want to know. Completely dreading it. I dread to think what I'll be like in August :lol:

Just waiting for my Aunt and Uncle to arrive. They're coming down with some presents because they're not sure they're going to be able to come down next weekend with them. It sounds like my Aunt's parents have given some to them too, so I could have an extra one as they don't usually do birthdays. Depends whether they're just giving one to my mum though.

06-01-2008, 19:47
I go back on Tuesday. Full day of lessons then exams on Wednesday morning and the rest of the day off. It'll be good to see everybody again, it seems like ages since we broke up. We also get a new headteacher this week. Don't know what she's like so everybody is a bit apprehensive.

I've decided to take a year out and do nothing after I leave in May. I don't think I'm quite ready for university just yet. I'm a bit concerned that after exams have finished and I don't have anything to occupy I'll have lots of time to sort a daily routine out. One that doesn't involve going to bed at 3am and getting up at 12pm then going back to bed for a few hours in the afternoon. Thats my first plan. After I've done that I might do some volunteer work or get a casual job to save some money.

Only five months left of education for 18 months :)

06-01-2008, 21:01
i'm back tomorrow and i don't want to go back so much, i've already cried so much... i'd love never to have to go back, but i guess everyone has to do things they don't like. we have a new geography teacher tomorrow, so that'll be interesting, we normally are quite relaxed but apparently this teacher doesn't do that method :( i better go to bed early so i'm actually awake for it!

06-01-2008, 21:07
I really don't want to go back either. I've enjoyed my time off, but ahh well.. my 1 Drama and English teacher isn't going to be in for a whole term, so we have a new teacher..should be interesting..

Today, I've been trying to find some motivation to do some school work - I've done a little bit, but not all that much... I am going to finish my essay in my free lesson tomorrow.

06-01-2008, 21:42
its alright for some, some of us only had xmas day and boxing day off :p

Jessie Wallace
06-01-2008, 21:43
Some of us didn't even get them off! :p

06-01-2008, 21:43
its alright for some, some of us only had xmas day and boxing day off :p

:eek: Im guessing you mean you :p So why did you only get those days off?

06-01-2008, 21:47
just the only days i was entitled off in my job. we did finish a bit earlier over the xmas week though so its not so bad i suppose lol

06-01-2008, 22:02
I went to bed at 5.30 last night, the whole settle self into routine again didn't go to plan :p

I worked for 9 hours straight today, that'll teach me for leaving my science work to the last day :rolleyes: On the plus side I don't have any coursework to do...:D until I get the next one...

I've booked my driving theory test for the 21st so I have to really revise for that, my mum won't take me out driving until I pass my theory test..:thumbsdow :p

06-01-2008, 22:11
Yes it is quite hard isn't it :p Whenever I go to bed "early" (about 2 :lol:) I end up watching a DVD in my room.. maybe it wasn't the best idea to get a DVD player for Christmas :p. Tonight, I'm going to try hard-ish though :p. Go to bed about 1 (not too early not too late) and TRY and sleep.

Whenever I try too hard to sleep I end up thinking about things like on TV and stuff though. Anyone else find that?? The other night (the night I couldn't sleep til 7), I was lying in bed trying to remember the name of the woman who plays Tanya in Eastenders! I was there for about an hour going through the alphabet when finally I remembered who it was!!! How bad is that :lol:?

Gooooooood luck for your theory Kasple!!! I'm sure you'll pass with flying colours :D:D

06-01-2008, 22:14
Lol yes lea I know what you mean, you cant think to hard when it comes to sleep, you've just got to let it come natutally which I find frustrating

06-01-2008, 22:25
I know what you mean too Lea, I once recognised this girl off waking the dead and then it came to be hours later that it was the girl off the Petit Flou adverts :lol:

I actually find thinking about stuff like T.V. etc helps me get to sleep :p If my mind is relaxed (or tired enough) I can fall asleep easily.

06-01-2008, 22:27
Last night was awful, I was getting really stressed I couldnt sleep and then I got myself upset over some other stuff and after crying for a bit, I dunno I guess I just managed to gradualy calm down and relax and then sleep

06-01-2008, 22:29
Awww really? *hugs*

Last night I slept like a log. But I was rather drunk and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light :p.

06-01-2008, 22:30
Well when your drunk that happens, i wondered where you went

06-01-2008, 22:33
Stress really is something that doesn't make you sleep. The past few nights, I've thought about and stressed certain things and I haven't been able to get to sleep until 2am. Trying having a warm bath, a nice cup of tea, and a lovely read of a book, and i'm sure you'll quickly doze off. :) (it works for me anyhow).

06-01-2008, 22:34
Tea actually isn't good to help you sleep. Contains caffiene - not as much as coffee, but still. You should try hot chocolate or horlicks, but not many people like horlicks it's an acquired taste.

06-01-2008, 22:35
:sick: Nope dont like horlicks
But hot chocolate is good :)
Another thing that bothers me when I sleep is my retainer :(

06-01-2008, 22:35
Tea actually isn't good to help you sleep. Contains caffiene - not as much as coffee, but still. You should try hot chocolate or horlicks, but not many people like horlicks it's an acquired taste.

Arr yeah forgot about the caffeine...maybe the tea isn't so much of a good idea then. :D

06-01-2008, 22:37
I love horlicks. Yummmy.
Aww do you have to wear a retainer? Is it uncomfy??

:hmm: Maybe that's why I don't sleep that well.. I have a good 8 cups of tea at least throughout the time.. most days I have more. Maybe I should give it up for lent :p

06-01-2008, 22:41
Well I got my brace off in august and now I have to wear a retainer for a few months I think. Its not really uncomfortable I just hate it being there

07-01-2008, 10:49
Tea actually isn't good to help you sleep. Contains caffiene - not as much as coffee, but still.

Tea actually contains more caffeine that coffee but it takes ages for all the caffeine to diffuse out of the tea bag into the water. There's a random fact for you :D

Went to be at 10.30pm last night. Didn't sleep until 3am. I don't know why I bother, I know I can't sleep much before 1am anyway.

Got a shedload of revision to catch up on today. Haven't done any since Friday which I'm feeling a bit guilty about. At least all my resist are out of the way this week then I can concentrate on the A2 modules. Which I haven't started revising yet :eek:

07-01-2008, 17:40
Wooo finally found a job :D. It's in a chippy :rotfl:. Only til March anyway cos I want to go back to my old job then. But still... money :D:D.

Not a baaaad day. Was good to catch up with everyone. My mate bought be a birthday pressie... which is... a Kermit phone sock :D:D Love it.

Just sorted through my chocolate I got for Christmas haha. Out of 2 boxes (Roses and Minature Heroes) I've only got 1/4 of the box that I actually like :p. So family had the rest of them :D.

07-01-2008, 17:42
Congrats on the job. I worked in a chippy for a while. The work was ok but I hated smelling of chip fat every day. Plus my boss was a bit of a perv :thumbsdow