View Full Version : Casualty: All the good staff gone?

Lizzie Brookes
17-11-2007, 16:39
Is anyone else getting slightly bored of Casualty these days? I am. I still watch it of course and its still watchable but since Harry got that stupid manager job (I liked him better as a doctor) and since Selena, Nathan, Sam, Cyd and other good doctors and nurses started to leave I find myself looking less forward to it whereas I can't wait for EastEnders on Monday since their gripping storylines with May, Stella and Steven- especially since they brought Steven Beale back I just can't wait for the next one. Anyway, back to Casualty, I wish people like Lara and Duffy would come back and between Tess and Charlie I'd rather have Charlie. I wish they's bring Duffy back and get Charlie going out with her or Maggie - not bothered which though I'd prefer Duffy/Charlie and I'd like Lara/Harry too and Hollie - I really miss her.

17-11-2007, 16:41
Well I would say yes, I cant remember the last time I watched it

Lizzie Brookes
17-11-2007, 16:46
I agree with you Abbie. The accident storylines are still pretty good but the staff are not. They either get borimg storylines or they're just well...It'd be good if Duffy, Lara and Hollie rerturned, if Tess resigned and Chrlie stayed and maybe if they came up with some good storylines for them and definitely made Harry an ordinary medical consultant again. He's tired of his new job and so are some of the viewers.

17-11-2007, 16:49
I know I mean I used to love Casualty and would always watch it or get annoyed if I didnt but then it just got boring and all the good people went , Im not joking it has been ages since I watched it I i Think its been about 2 years

Lizzie Brookes
17-11-2007, 16:51
Yeah - I still watch it because I;m still curious to know what happens and though I'd read up on it if I missed it, I'm not much enthusiastic any more but I can't wait for tomorrow's EastEnders omnibus. Do you watch anything else - other than having watched Casualty long ago that is?

17-11-2007, 16:58
Ive just lost all interest in program, its now become like a program that Ive never watched before If that makes sense
Im really liking eastenders at the moment, corrie is ok at the momment, Hollyoaks still gotta watch that, and recently I cant get enough of home and away.

Lizzie Brookes
17-11-2007, 17:02
Yeah - can't wait till the Sunday omnibus though I'll probably mute the sound and look away for the first part of Tuesday's episode as it is I must admit pretty violent though I usually ignore scenes like that and turn the sound off and it's good that it is bdeing edited out - also that means I don'rt have to wait long for Thursday's episode. I only ever watched EastEnders and Casualty - I never got into anything else. I know of David Platt because people kleep comparing him to Steven Beale though they are completely different - I hate David (read his viklipedia page and shut it down in disgust) and I have pity for Steven though I can't condone his actions.

17-11-2007, 18:03
I have to agree as well. Casualty needs an injection of life. The paramedics are awful except Jeff. Bring back Nikki and the other paramedic guys from that era, Jack on reception and Patrick Spiller, Max, Lara et al.

So basically, lets go back 3/4 years to when the show was interesting.

17-11-2007, 20:29
I used to watch Casualty religiously back a few years ago when Holly and Patrick were in it - used to love those days, and watched the repeats of that series on UKGold last year. My favourite storyline to date still remains as the Holly's stalker storyline with Tom, it was brilliant. Also, when Lara was in it with Patrick that was good as well...but since then, i've become less interested.

Tried watching the new series and I really enjoyed the first few episodes as it was really gritty and I liked the new doctor Toby especially, but then I just dipped out of it again...I don't know what it is, but it just doesn't grip me anymore, and it used to back in the days of when the characters of Holly, Patrick and Lara were in the show.

17-11-2007, 20:31
So basically, lets go back 3/4 years to when the show was interesting.

Yep :cheer: cos I loved it then :D
I rememeber I went to brownie camp and cos I loved it so much I got my parents to tape it and stuck post it notes all around to remind them :p

17-11-2007, 23:33
Simon Kaminski was great as well. I really miss those days. Tune in now and see how boring it has become now that all those great characters left.
I'm really not happy with the direction Harry is going in at the moment, it's just not him.

18-11-2007, 00:47
I loved the old Casualty, I started watching it when Lara came out of prison, and I liked her, and Simon, and Nikki, Jim, Selena etc..the storylines were great and so were the characters.
But I also love the new Casualty, I still enjoy watching it....granted, some weeks are better than others, but I like Ruth, Toby, adn Greg etc. Don't like where Harry's going either, but it still intrests me enough to watch it. :D

Jessie Wallace
23-11-2007, 17:12
the old days were the best with Tina and Max and Sam etc, i have an idea for a thread now! heehee

Chloe O'brien
23-11-2007, 23:53
I think one of the problems with the characters on casualty now is that they don't stay long in the series like the old characters used to and so it's difficult to understand why a character behaves the way they do. In the days of Duffy and Max we had a mixture of hospital life and home life with learning that Max had a heroine addict son also Duffy's doctor husband dying.

24-11-2007, 12:19
Yeah I hate it when characters do that! You just start to like them etc and then it seems they up and leave :thumbsdow