View Full Version : Angels Aren't Just From heaven - 1 parter

03-11-2007, 22:03
My Interpration on the finale if Series 21 Casualty... so I wrote this ages ago, but still

Pale skin, still tinted with that slight red glow to the cheeks, deep dark brown hair, sprawled across the pillow, the coldness of the lips hidden by mask of the pastel pink lip-gloss. Her eyes shut softly, the lashes the ones stood out to anyone, lay together with a small curve, still beautifully shaped.

Almost appearing if she was in a deep sleep, but unable to curl up in the covers like she used to, she just lay straight, set in stone, her arms by her side, body rigid on appearance, but with touch floppy as a toy woollen doll.

The figment of her beauty was masqueraded by the torn green scrubs covering her body and the pale lifeless green sheet which covered her, gracefully. The tubes and wires out of every part of her body that they could be from, blood spurts around the abdomen area, where her biggest secret was kept hidden, a life that was stolen from growing naturally in the womb a place where it was safe, safe until it was old enough to breath on it’s own without assistance.

Her daughter’s life, was the most important thing ever to her, she realised she couldn’t get rid of her child – she wanted to be a mother, and go it alone, it was why it was a secret. But the return of the man she loved, his life seemed more important, life wasn’t supposed to be without him, she knew that and he knew that.

That’s why she had to save his life; she risked her baby for him.

It cost her, her life.

Now she was just this body, lying on a hospital bed.

Her loving smile was no more; her dark warm eyes weren’t ever to shine again, her daughter would never know her.

The father to her baby, whisked away from seeing his daughter, the daughter that was so premature and delicate, the child he wanted to be part of its life, the daughter that he didn’t know he had anymore.

He returned to where the child’s mother lay, Harry seemingly was also in the room, sobbing by her side, and didn’t register with Nathan’s entrance. Despite the fact Nathan had been standing close by for all of 15 minuets with tears in his eyes.

The death of Selena was getting to them both.

Nathan walked closer, and came to the opposite side of Selena as to Harry was on. He just moved his hand through a few strands of Selena’s hair.

‘She’s still beautiful’ he muttered

Harry looked up and gave a tearful nod, in such a strange moment; the two enemies seemed to have been drawn as allies in such sad moment.

‘I only ever wanted to make her happy, I failed her… Yet I always did.. will love her… but she never loved me.. It was always you..’ Nathan continued as he softly ran his hand across her jaw line. ‘I hope she knew you loved her… it would have made her happy…. Even if it was just for a moment…’

‘We.. Selena and I always knew…’ Harry’s voice chocked as the pain got too much, Nathan being there, the man that has the last piece of Selena possible, the baby, he couldn’t take that, so once again left, to find himself a place, where he could be alone and cry over Selena clinging onto something else of hers.

Nathan remained by Selena’s side, he pulled a chair up close to the bed. And for a moment buried his head in h is hands as he sobbed. For the first time in a while, his emotions weren’t just about him, but Selena and their daughter.

‘I’m so sorry Selena… I know you can’t hear this… but.. This is all my fault isn’t it.. I hurt you… I did you wrong and when we split and you found yourself with Harry.. I didn’t want it.. I, pathetic little me, I deleted a message from Harry on your phone.. If I left it, You both would be happy.. Maybe you wouldn’t be dead now.. Our daughter will still be okay.. She wouldn’t be hooked up to life support machines…’ Nathan sniffed ‘Maybe, I should have called off our engagement, before you found out my dirty secret… maybe we could have worked something out for our child, you and Harry would be happy…..’

Nathan was crumbling into pieces he was blaming himself for it all.

‘I will miss you.. I’ll miss you being here, working, being a mother, and watching our daughter grow up…. I will bring her up to the best… I can’t let her down can I? I don’t know if you knew she was a girl… if you had a name in mind… Would name her after you, but that’s pathetic… I know, she’d be like you… Intelligent, caring… stubborn sometimes… but most of all beautiful…. Maybe call her Belle, as that means beautiful…’

Whilst he was rambling away to Selena, his hands were shaking, along with his body nervously.

‘I wish you’d wake up for just one moment…. Please.. I just wish you can hear what I’m saying.. How much I care… how much I love… no-one will replace the part you have in me, in my heart… You’re the only woman that I’ve ever loved… love that was never returned… not properly.. But I’m still holding on to you.. I still need you here… it was your face that made me day a brighter one, even if we weren’t one the best of terms… I just wish I could go back, and make it all okay…. Even make it me lying there instead of you… ..’

Nathan had now reached a breaking point, standing up off his chair and throwing out the way he ran out the room, hoping to find some consolidated comfort.

But there was none.

And Selena still lay, in this supposed deep slumber which she could not awake from. But still having the refinement of an angel, her life was no more.

03-11-2007, 22:10
Awwww that was lovely. I never saw the final episode :( :angry:. But that was lovely! I love your stuff, it's so touching :).