View Full Version : Connor in child-swap storyline

26-10-2007, 14:00
Following yesterday's revelations about Liam Connor becoming a Coronation Street vigilante when nephew Ryan is apparently stalked by a paedophile, the Daily Star has more spoilers about the same plot today.

Apparently the alleged "paedophile" is Nick Greco (played by Robert Horwell, previoiusly seen in The Bill and Doctors). Greco's son Alex was born on the same day and in the same hospital as Ryan - and Greco and his wife believe they took the wrong child home with them, and Ryan is, in fact, their son.

Poor Michelle! Kym Ryder hinted recently that her character was in for a lot of angst. She's lost her husband and her brother, and now faces the prospect that the son she's raised may not be hers. An insider told The Star: “Can there really be anything more traumatic for a parent to have to endure?”

From Corrie Blog

article on digital spy

article on daily star website

isn't this a bit ridiculous? :hmm:
thoughts welcomed!

26-10-2007, 14:28
This is simular to that tv programme Torn. It sounds good though i like the connors and i think Ryan could be really good.

26-10-2007, 15:17
It does sounds a little crazy but it could be very interesting and make a good storyline as well

26-10-2007, 18:02
not keen on this myself. it all seems a bit convoluted...

27-10-2007, 08:33
Interesting storyline, hope it gets sorted quickly with a DNA test and does not go on and on though.

Johnny Allen
27-10-2007, 09:27
oh no I dont think this is going to work at all, after having him for 14 years or so suddenly some other parents think Ryan's there's oh please,

27-10-2007, 15:32
oh no I dont think this is going to work at all, after having him for 14 years or so suddenly some other parents think Ryan's there's oh please,

yeah It will be interesting to see how the parents come into it and why they think that abiut Ryan but after it starts I think it may become an interesting storyline

27-10-2007, 15:49
Reminds me of Neighbours with Bree lol.

27-10-2007, 23:21
This is simular to that tv programme Torn.yeah i thought the same. to me this sounds like they've thought 'right we need to start a new storyline in the show' and just came up with anything no matter how random it is if you get what i mean.

28-10-2007, 00:05
Oh please....hasnt this woman suffered enough? (I dont watch Corrie btw) - and they say EE is all doom and gloom.

28-10-2007, 14:38
Reminds me of Neighbours with Bree lol.

Yes, just what I thought! Neighbours often gets copied a lot.

29-10-2007, 14:36
I think it is a silly story, it's not like it is a common thing they need to write a story on to portray it, infact it will probably scare some soon to be mothers :rolleyes:

01-11-2007, 18:50
seems a bit to strange, maybe if he wasnt a pedofile the story line would be a little better.

02-11-2007, 11:44
Its really unrealistic as well. I remember reading in the irish independant about two lads this happened to, and they realised after like a week at the hospital and were switched round. Its a bit long being 15 years.

02-11-2007, 15:50
It is actually not that unrealistic, I have heard this story from a couple of people who this happened to when they were born.:eek: Luckily, the mothers realised straight away that they were not given their own baby by the nurses and they went home with the correct baby.:thumbsup: I just hope that they don't drag the story out for ages and get a DNA test done quickly to establish whether Ryan is Michelle's birth son or not.

02-11-2007, 18:32
what was the point of finding a boy who looks exactly like Michelle and Liam to then say that he's not biologically his mother's child?

03-11-2007, 06:43
You are right, I have always wondered how they managed to find somebody looking so convincing as a son. But perhaps his father was a dark haired good looker too and he is meant to look like him rather than his mum?:searchme: