View Full Version : Anybody interested in a DOCTORS forum?

24-10-2007, 07:01
Hope this is posted in the correct place but I cannot find anything on the soap DOCTORS, would have thought that there are plenty of bods watching the series too :hmm:

24-10-2007, 09:18
There once was a Doctors forum but it was seldom used. Rimmer gave the option to "use it or loose it", the lack of interest in the forum meant it got deleted, so please discuss anything Doctors related in the "Other Soaps" forum. :)

24-10-2007, 10:16
Thank you bondboffin, apologies for getting it wrong but I have not been using this site for very long :clap:

25-10-2007, 12:05
You weren't to know Perdita

We had a purge of forums that weren't used during last year and the Doctors forum was one of those that sadly wasn't used, so had to make way for ones that would be.

Welcome to SB's by the way.

31-10-2007, 06:14
Thanks JoJo for the welcome, I think this forum is brill.:cheer: :thumbsup: :bow: