View Full Version : Week 46

irish eyes
19-10-2007, 11:21
Holby City
Tuesday 13 November
8.00-9.00pm BBC ONE

Kyla has to face the CEO following the medicine mix-up when she was drunk on the ward, as the hospital drama continues. She blames Faye for the mix-up and the pair have an emotional argument.

Meanwhile, Sam receives an SDI clinic card and Maddy pretends she has Chlamydia. Maddy eventually tells him the truth but notices Sam's results show a high lymphocyte count and makes him have it checked out.

When Locum Cardiothoracic Stuart McElroy arrives on the ward he does not make a good impression on Chrissie by changing things around. Yet his charm makes it impossible for her to argue with him, try as she might.

After admitting she needs help, Kyla attends an AA meeting. While at the meeting, she sees Stuart...

Kyla is played by Rakie Ayola, Faye by Patsy Kensit, Sam by Tom Chambers, Maddy by Nadine Lewington, Stuart by Conor Mullen and Chrissie by Tina Hobley.

19-10-2007, 19:15
After admitting she needs help, Kyla attends an AA meeting. While at the meeting, she sees Stuart...

Is Kyla going to blackmail Stuart now tht she knows his secret?

21-10-2007, 16:32
Is it just me or is anyone else getting fed up with the Kyla storyline?

25-10-2007, 10:52
what happened to Abra?:confused:

26-10-2007, 11:38
Is it just me or is anyone else getting fed up with the Kyla storyline?

Nope, I am too. She never does anything except drink and moan. Grr she's so annoying.

27-10-2007, 19:29
what happened to Abra?:confused:

Abra left when his father died to carry on his work in Africa and left Kyla in true Abra fashion by running out the back door! :lol:(Oh and turns out Abra has a son..somewhere...)http://www.bbc.co.uk/drama/holbycity/storyupdates/index.shtml?20071009

If the Kyla storyline ends soon they can have more time to focus on the patients ones! :p

27-10-2007, 20:54
If the Kyla storyline ends soon they can have more time to focus on the patients ones! :p

I think we should all start a petition to stop this Kyla nonsense. I don't think there's anyone on these boards who actually likes this storyline. It's so far fetched it really is unbelievable. Faye not reporting her for drinking at work, giving a patient the wrong medication resulting in death and drinking at work would all be sackable/disciplinary offences in the real world.

29-10-2007, 22:33
what happened to Abra?:confused:
he went back to Africa, his dad died, turns out his dad had been funding the trust running patients to holby,, so Abra left..Kyla and Ric both ran after him .. but hes GONE.. sniff sniff:crying:

29-10-2007, 22:35
If the Kyla storyline ends soon they can have more time to focus on the patients ones! :p

I think we should all start a petition to stop this Kyla nonsense. I don't think there's anyone on these boards who actually likes this storyline. It's so far fetched it really is unbelievable. Faye not reporting her for drinking at work, giving a patient the wrong medication resulting in death and drinking at work would all be sackable/disciplinary offences in the real world.

OMG I am also sick of this Kyla nonsense too,, one of my co workers showed up with a big orange injected with gin and was roaring drunk by the end of our shift,,she was reported and sacked ..( this was in the Emergency room )

30-10-2007, 22:29
If the Kyla storyline ends soon they can have more time to focus on the patients ones! :p

I think we should all start a petition to stop this Kyla nonsense. I don't think there's anyone on these boards who actually likes this storyline. It's so far fetched it really is unbelievable. Faye not reporting her for drinking at work, giving a patient the wrong medication resulting in death and drinking at work would all be sackable/disciplinary offences in the real world.

OMG I am also sick of this Kyla nonsense too,, one of my co workers showed up with a big orange injected with gin and was roaring drunk by the end of our shift,,she was reported and sacked ..( this was in the Emergency room )

Are you a nurse Jodi?
That's appalling that somebody in a position of care and trust can do that, especially in emergency medicine when you have to be on the ball all the time.

01-11-2007, 22:35
Sam learns he may have a sexually transmitted disease.
Jayne threatens Kyla with suspension.
New consultant, Stuart, ruffles Chrissie's feathers.
Kyla tries to pin her patient's death on Faye.
Sam admits to Maddy he may have infected her.
And Kyla attempts to strangle Faye. It just gets better and better :rolleyes:

03-11-2007, 20:39
not sure if pictures should be put in spoiler tags but...

http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/1926/83ea0.jpg (http://imageshack.us)