View Full Version : high blood pressure

17-05-2005, 09:35
anyone else had pre eclampsia or just high bp in pregnancy?

18-05-2005, 12:44
Hi chance I had high blood pressure so I had to go into hospital at 37 weeks and I had Emma at 38 weeks

18-05-2005, 14:33
yeah i got it at the mo.im only 4 months but they gotta keep an eye on it as i had pre eclampsia first time around.do you remember what your numbers were?

18-05-2005, 14:43
No sorry chance

22-05-2005, 20:20
I had pre eclampsia in my pregnancy, had to have my little girl about 3 weeks early, also had raised alt (something to do with the liver)


22-05-2005, 20:24
what kinda things did you go through? did it start early? continue after you had her? what did it get up to?

22-05-2005, 20:28
I can't remember what my blood pressure went up to but it started going up at about 5 months or so into my pregnancy and i had to go to the hospital about 2-3 times a week to have it contstantly checked. I was admitted to hospital overnight at one stage as it went really high but was then let out again and managed to make it through and was induced about 2-3 weeks early, i had an epidural and everything went fine, it was a long labour but wasnt too bad as i wasnt in pain much.
Things returned to more or less normal after i had her yeah.


22-05-2005, 21:54
what did they do when you were admitted to hosp? just keep a eye on it? did you have protein in your urine too?

22-05-2005, 22:51
Yeah they just kept an eye on it, had protein in urine towards the end i think.