View Full Version : Happy Families

13-10-2007, 16:27
Do you all remember Hinston High? Well...that script basically went rubbish in the end, but i've spent since last summer, on and off, trying my best to improve the script and i'm going to post my improvements here. It's the same characters and kinda the same storylines (but they'll change over time) but i've wrote it in a different way. Hope you enjoy. :)


Jack and Alicia are in the living room. Jack is reading a newspaper. He suddenly puts it down and focuses his attention on his wife.

Jack: When did Christina say she was coming home?

Alicia: I don’t know…late I think…I said we would leave the key out for her if we’ve already gone to bed..

Jack: Late? Is that all she said? She knows that I prefer her to give me a rough time of when she’ll be back!

Alicia: Relax love…Christina is 19 years old, she can look after herself! She’s classed as an adult now…

Jack: Adult or not, she’s still our daughter! Where is she anyway?

Alicia: She’s with that new boyfriend of hers, you know, Sean…

Jack: A new boyfriend already?! Her last one was a disaster! I thought we told her not to get a boyfriend so soon after Jake…

Alicia: Yeah well, when did a teenage daughter ever listen to what her parents say!?

Jack: Well she’s going to end up getting hurt again!

Alicia: And that’s all part of life, I remember I went through my fair share of heartbreaks before I met you…

Jack: Well this Sean bloke better not break her heart like Jake did or there will be trouble!

Characters are the same as before and can be seen here: http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=55502

13-10-2007, 16:37
Ohhh fantastic this is a good start (glad it is kinda back - but with improvments of course)

13-10-2007, 19:46

Jack, Alicia and Sam are sat at the kitchen table eating breakfast. Christina enters the kitchen, holding her head in despair.

Alicia: What’s wrong with you love?

Christina: Nothing, just a headache that’s all…

Sam: It surely has to be only one thing…a hangover!

Christina: Oh brother, you can be so intellectual by working out peoples problems sometimes! (Sarcastic)

Alicia: Just sit down and eat your fry – up love!

Sam: Too late….it’s probably gone cold now!

Christina gives her brother a daggered look before sitting at the table and tucking into her breakfast.

Jack: We didn’t hear you come in last night love….

Christina: And? Is there a problem with that?

Jack: Yes there is…you know me, Christina…I like to know exact details of where your going and what time you’ll be back…

Christina: I’m not a kid anymore dad! I can look after myself!

Jack: Your still my little girl Christina! They say young women are really vulnerable to different crimes…

Christina: And I really couldn’t care! Live life to the full, not caring about any consequences and treat every day like it’s your last…you know that’s my saying!

Jack: Yes! And you know I don’t agree with it! Your new attitude Christina is leaving me with a very sour taste in my mouth!

Alicia: Please…could we maybe leave this until after breakfast?

Jack: This needs to be brought up now love! The family are gathered round the table and we’re bringing an issue up together!

Christina: For goodness sake! We’re a family and your treating this issue as some sort of formal debate over the dinner table! I’m sick of it and I wouldn’t mind if we talked about it later as I have a killer hangover!

Jack: Fine by me, but we’re not escaping this subject…

Christina looks at Jack, her father, disapprovingly…

13-10-2007, 19:48

Tanya is in the kitchen at the table, downing a bottle of water and taking some paracetemol. Her husband, Luke walks in.

Luke: Rough night was it!? (Rolls eyes)

Tanya: Please Luke…do me a favour and don’t give me the third degree!

Luke: You deserve more than the bleedin’ third degree!

Tanya: Look, I just got carried away with the drink a little last night, that’s all…

Luke: Looking at the state of you now, it seems you got more than carried away!

Tanya: Please don’t shout at me love! I’m trying to nurse a splitting headache here!

Luke: Well it’s your own fault you’ve got a splitting headache isn’t it!? For the third time this week, the THIRD time! I think it’s about time that you pulled your finger out!

Tanya: Me!? Pull my finger out!? You should be doing that! After the grief I’ve been through with you cheating on me, I deserve to relax and have fun!

Luke: You’re just using my silly little affair as an excuse for not getting off your backside and not getting yourself a job! You use it as an excuse to get drunk every night of the bloody week!

Tanya: It was more than a silly little affair! You kept a sordid secret from me Luke and when I found out, I was devastated, I was torn apart inside! I need time to recover!

Luke: I’ve had enough of this Tan! I’ve had it up to here with you! Every day, I’ve had to do the cooking, the cleaning, taking the kids to school, bringing the money home for the family, and what do you do, nothing! Absolutely nothing!

Tanya: You deserve to be rushed off your feet after what you did to me! I haven’t fully forgiven you Luke, so I’m glad to know that you’re suffering from the pressure of providing for this family!

Tanya storms out of the kitchen. Luke slumps onto the kitchen chair and huffs.

13-10-2007, 20:17
Ohhh naughty Luke, and Tan clearly isn't happy with him

14-10-2007, 16:01

Julia knocks on the Campbells’ front door. Tanya comes to the door weakly. It is clear that she has been crying. She opens it, and Julia sees that Tanya has been crying.

Julia: Oh Tan love, what’s wrong?!

Tanya: I’m really not up to visitors right now….

Julia: I only called to invite you over for a coffee.

Tanya: I think I need something stronger to be honest!

Tanya starts crying.

Julia: Oh dear Tan, do you want to talk about it?!

Tanya weakly nods. Julia steps in and gives Tanya a hug.

Julia: Now come on, we’re friends…you can tell me what’s wrong…

Tanya: It’s just me and Luke that’s all…

Tanya and Julia enter the kitchen. They both sit down at the kitchen table.

Julia: Have you had another bust up!?

Tanya: You could say that and I feel like it’s all my fault!

Julia: I know your having problems with the drink love…

Tanya: It’s not the drink Ju! It’s my husband! I still haven’t got over him cheating on me! He hurt me so much, he really did hurt me! When I found out, it felt like my heart had been ripped out of my stomach! The feeling I had was unbearable, I felt I wasn’t wanted by my own husband, you don’t have a clue how that made me feel!

Julia: Have you tried talking to him about it?!

Tanya: We try and bloody talk but it always develops into a bleedin’ slanging match! I don’t know why I bother!

Julia: You love him though…deep down, don’t you?!

Tanya: Of course I love him! I love him so much, but what he did, hurt me and the drinking helps me ease the pain….

Julia: The drinking doesn’t help you in the long term though, was that what the argument was about?

Tanya: Yeah, he’s sick and tired of me getting drunk all the time!

Julia: It doesn’t do you no good Tan!

Tanya: Please don’t you start giving me the third degree too!

Julia: I’m not! I’m just trying to help you out as a friend…getting drunk every night will damage you in the long term!

Tanya: Well it’s my life and I can drink as much as I want too!

Julia: If you carry on drinking Tan, it’ll push your family further away!

Tanya: Look I appreciate your advice Ju, but I really want you to leave now, I need time on my own….

Julia: Well if you ever need to talk, you know you can always call round…

Julia smiles at Tanya.

Julia: I’ll let myself out…

Julia gets up from the kitchen table and leaves the Campbells house through the front door.

14-10-2007, 16:03

Luke is waiting outside Lee and Tina’s school in his car with Emily sitting in the back playing with her toys. Lee and Tina appear. Luke pulls down his windscreen.

Luke: Hey kids.

Tina: Don’t patronise us.

Lee: Dad, me and Tina are walking home.

Luke: But I came to pick you up especially.

Lee: Well sorry.

Tina: Where’s mum?

Luke: Down the pub drinking.

Lee: I don’t believe this. Mum getting drunk again.

Luke: She might just be going for a few drinks.

Tina: Oh please! We know what she’s like and you caused it by having an affair.

Lee: Let’s go Tina. See you later Dad.

Luke: See you later.

Luke pulls the windscreen up and drives away as Lee and Tina walk away from the school.

14-10-2007, 16:20
Awww Julia sounds like a propper friend :wub:

14-10-2007, 22:20

Jack enters Christina’s bedroom where she is lying on her bed listening to music. Jack goes to the CD player and turns it off.

Christina: I was listening to that!

Jack: We need to talk…

Christina: I still have a hangover!

Jack: You can’t use that as an excuse to try and avoid speaking to your own father!

Christina: I’m just not in the mood for one of your lectures dad…

Jack: My aim is not to have a go at you love, I just want us to talk in a mature way…

Christina: How can we speak in a mature way when you still treat me like a child?!

Jack: Chris! You must understand that in my eyes, you’re still my little girl…

Christina: I want to stop being treated like a child! I’m an adult now, 19 years old…

Jack: I just like to know where you are and what time your going to be back whenever you go out that’s all…

Christina: Yeah I know that dad, but I just want some independence now…I’m at the age where I can look after myself and I don’t need to tell you where I’m going, when I might be back!

Jack: Mum told me you were with your new boyfriend of yours….

Christina: His name is Sean, I went out with him last night and some of his friends…

Jack: Don’t you think it’s a bit soon Christina to go out and get another boyfriend, you’ve just got over your last conquest…

Christina: Look dad! I’m young and Sean is a really nice guy…

Jack: You said that about your last boyfriend and look how that turned out! He turned out to be a love cheat who was just stringing you along! Are you sure that this new Sean bloke isn’t like that as well?!

Christina: Who knows, but he comes across as being nice, I have to take a chance! I have to take the risk or what’s the point?

Jack: I don’t want my daughter to be messed about that’s all!

Christina: So what’s the real issue here eh!? My new boyfriend or me staying out late and not telling you what time I would be back?

Jack: There isn’t a real issue here, not anymore…just next time, tell me where your going and what time you’ll be back…I may come across as being protective but that’s just the way I am…

Christina: Well just loosen off me a bit yeah?

Jack: I’ll try…I know you’re an adult now, but like I said, I still see you as my vulnerable little girl…

Christina: Dad please! I’m far from vulnerable!

Jack: Just be careful with your new boyfriend Chris because I know you’ll end up with your heart broken again…

Jack leaves Christina’s bedroom.

15-10-2007, 21:07

Alicia is in the kitchen, ironing some clothes. Jack comes through and heads for the kettle.

Jack: Want a cuppa?

Alicia: Oh yes, I’m completely parched! Shouldn’t you be heading off to work soon anyway?

Jack: I don’t need to go in ‘til later…remember I changed my shifts love?

Alicia: Oh of course, sorry love, it completely slipped my mind…

Jack: I cook evening meals at that restaurant now instead of daily lunches...must say that the evening meals are much more fun and a lot more ambitious than those daily lunches I had to cook!

Alicia: Did Christina get off to college ok?

Jack: Yeah fine, we had a little chat earlier too…I let my feelings known to her…

Alicia: About Sean?!

Jack: Don’t worry, I told her lightly that I didn’t approve!

Alicia: Good as long as you didn’t stick the knife in or this place would have turned into a battleground like the last time!

Jack: But seriously love, this new guy might not be right for our daughter and besides it is too soon after her last boyfriend…

Alicia: She’s at that age now though Jack, she’s going to have lots of relationships that end in heartbreak but it’s all part of growing up after all!

Jack: I just don’t like seeing her hurt that’s all! I told her to be careful with this new boyfriend of hers!

Alicia: Well just back off away from it, you know what happened last time!

Jack: Yes disaster struck, I know! I shouldn’t have punched her last boyfriend, it was uncalled for but he was messing her about! Christina was in tears and I couldn’t bear to see her like that! My actions were justified at the time as I was looking out for my own daughter!

Alicia: Really?! I’d say your actions were far from justified! He ended up in hospital because of you! Sometimes I wonder if you are the man I married!

Alicia storms off from the kitchen.

15-10-2007, 21:11

Alicia is in the living room. Jack enters and sits down besides Alicia, cuddling her. Alicia puts her magazine down and looks at her husband.

Alicia: What?

Jack: Is it a crime to give my own wife a cuddle?!

Alicia: Look I’m sorry…

Jack: It’s ok…I’m sorry too…you were right, punching Chris’s ex boyfriend was far from justified…

Alicia: Well I’m sorry about my comment too, you are definetly the man I married and love! You do know that don’t you?

Jack: Of course I know that, we’ve been married for 14 years now and I know we’ve had our ups and downs, the subject of Chris’s ex boyfriend being one of them but we’ve pulled through, still loving each other…I know you love me, and I know that I love you too!

Alicia and Jack kiss.

Alicia: Just promise me, don’t kick off at Christina’s new boyfriend even if he does turn out to a bad ‘un!

Jack: I promise you that but I’m telling you now love, I don’t approve as I know our daughter will end up getting hurt again…

Alicia: I know that but try and be happy for her eh?

Jack: Ok I’ll try…

Jack and Alicia gaze into each others eyes and smile.

15-10-2007, 21:17

Luke is staring at the clock as Lee and Tina are watching television.

Luke: It’s 9pm now.

Tina: And?

Luke: Well I better see if Tanya is ok.

Tina: She’s only across the road having a good time and she’s a fully grown adult. I am sure she can look after herself.

Luke: Well after last night’s performance, I highly doubt it.

Tina: Your just trying to stop her having a good time.

Luke: I’m not, I am just looking out for her, making sure she’s safe.

Tina: You mean hoping she won’t do anything stupid?

Lee interrupts.

Lee: Yeah dad, maybe you should check how Tanya is doing over the pub.

Tina: Who’s side are you on?

Lee: I am not taking sides. I am just looking out for mum. Something your doing less off when each day passes by.

Luke interrupts.

Luke: Look I know what I have done in the past was wrong. Your mum deserved better than that and I am trying to make amends now but like I said it’s all in the past and that’s where I want it too stay.

Tina: What you did to mum was unforgivable.

Luke: I understand that.

Tina: And you can’t admit what you did. You cheated on mum! You had an affair!

Luke: I know.

Tina: With her boss! I still can’t believe that!

Lee: Well it’s reality Tina, now accept it.

16-10-2007, 20:08

Tanya comes down the stairs, weakly. Luke is at the bottom of the stairs, an angry look on his face.

Tanya: What? You going to roll out the red carpet for me?! If not, I wouldn’t mind if you moved out of the way so I could walk past…

Luke: Your not going anywhere until you hear me out!

Tanya: Well go on then, I’m all ears!

Luke: I didn’t hear you come in last night…

Tanya: Well I was quiet coming in!

Luke: You didn’t get drunk again did you?

Tanya: I just went down to the pub for a few drinks, I wasn’t off my face so don’t worry!

Tanya barges past her husband. Luke looks at his wife, concerned.

16-10-2007, 20:12

Luke is in the kitchen making a cup of coffee. Tanya comes downstairs and enters the kitchen.

Tanya: Thought I heard you come in…shouldn’t you be at work?

Luke: I’m on my lunch hour…12 until 1, you know that…

Tanya: Oh wow, that the time already! I completely lost track…

Luke: Well, you being a lady of leisure and all that, it’s hardly surprising…

Tanya: Meaning? I’m still going through a hard time!

Luke: You’ve used that excuse for the past 3 months Tan! It’s not going to wash with me no more!

Tanya: Getting over your husband having an affair is tough Luke!

Luke: Yes, you’ve fed me that line at least a million times!

Tanya: You treated me like a piece of crap on the back of your shoe, so now I’m treating you like a piece of crap on the back of my shoe! Now, make me lunch and a cup of tea!

Luke: A cup of tea?! Wow…I never thought I’d hear you say that! I thought you would ask for a proper drink…sure you ain’t got a stash of vodka in the fridge!? Or you sure you don’t want to go down the pub and get drunk on whisky?!

Tanya gets up from the table and slaps Luke across the face.

Tanya: You have no right to raise your voice to me, not after what you’ve done! I think I do need a drink now! Sod lunch…

Luke: And who’s going to pick up the kids from school today?

Tanya: Lee and Tina walk home!

Luke: What about Emily?

Tanya: I’m not picking her up! You are…I’ll probably be out of my head by 3pm anyway!

Tanya playfully laughs as she leaves through the back door.

16-10-2007, 20:15

Christina enters through the back door. We see Jack and Sam at the kitchen table as Alicia serves tea.

Alicia: Ahh…your just in time for tea love...chicken curry with rice…

Christina: I’m not really hungry to be honest…

Alicia: Oh come on….I made enough to go round!

Christina: Ok then…give me a little bit…

Christina sits on a chair as Alicia serves the tea. Alicia sits down and the family are all seen tucking into their tea around the dinner table.

Sam: How was college today sis? I bet you were working hard to the bone!

Christina: Atleast I go to college and get an education! What have you done all day?! Lounge around…doing nothing!?

Sam: Yep, just the way I like it! Stayed in bed ‘til 12…haven’t really lifted a finger with the exception of opening a dvd case and putting someone’s certain dvd in their dvd player oh and accidentally scratching it….sorry!

Christina: You did what?!

Sam: Look…I didn’t mean too!

Christina: Did I even say you could borrow any of my dvds from my room?!

Sam: No, but…

Christina: But you just did it to hack me off right!? What will it be tomorrow eh?! Ruining my cd collection or will you actually bother to get a job?!

Sam: Eh! I’ll get a job as soon as the right one turns up!

Christina: You’ve used that excuse for the past 6 months….your like a broken dvd!

Sam: Oh very witty sis! Very witty!

Christina: I’ve had enough thanks mum…

Christina leaves the kitchen as Sam grins.

Alicia: Do you really have to wind her up like that Sam?

Sam: Sorry…I can’t help but find it entertaining though!

Alicia rolls her eyes as Sam continues to grin.

16-10-2007, 20:56
:rotfl: Sisterly love, great stuff :D

17-10-2007, 22:29

Christina enters the living room where Jack and Alicia are watching television.

Alicia: Oh are you alright love?

Christina: Yeah I’m ok…I know this is all short notice and stuff and I hope you don’t mind but I’ve invited my new boyfriend round for dinner tomorrow…

Alicia: Oh, well, you could have told us first love!

Jack: Hmm….I’m sure I’m going to have a wail of a time getting to know him!

Christina: He’s not that bad…honestly dad…

Jack: I hope not! I can usually spot a bad ‘un from a mile off!

Christina: Yes, well Sean is a good man…

Jack: You’ve only known him 2 minutes!

Christina: Well it’s just a feeling I get that’s all!

Jack: And you are right, it is a bit too short notice! You could have consulted me and your mother first before making arrangements!

Christina: I’m sorry…I’m just really keen for you to meet him, and he really wants to meet you too!

Alicia: Well ok then, I suppose there’s no harm in it, I’ll just have to cook for an extra person tomorrow night…what time is he coming round?

Christina: About 6ish tomorrow…thanks mum, thanks dad…

Christina leaves the room. Jack looks at Alicia, a disapproved look on his face.

17-10-2007, 22:31

Alicia is in the kitchen making a cup of tea. Jack enters and gets himself some cereal.

Alicia: Morning love…

Jack: Morning…

There’s a pause.

Alicia: What’s wrong? You aren’t your chatty self…

Jack: I just don’t know what to make of the new boyfriend that Christina is on about!

Alicia: Look, when he comes round later for dinner, just give him a chance yeah?

Jack: Hmm…ok…I just can’t help but feel he’s going to mess our daughter about that’s all!

Alicia: How can you form judgement on him when you haven’t even met him yet!?

Jack: It’s just a feeling that’s all! He may turn out to be a nice lad, but I do think I’m kidding myself!

Alicia: I know that Christina inviting him over for dinner was far from ideal, but he’s obviously keen to meet us! I’ve got the impression that he is really serious about Christina, so serious that he wants to meet us too and get to know us!

Jack: I hope your right…but they’ve only known each other 2 minutes as far as we know, so how can they both be serious about each other?!

Alicia: Jack! You just need to stop being so negative! When Sean comes round tonight for dinner, please put a smile on your face or at least a forced smile so you can show to Christina that you’re happy for her!

Jack: I’ll try my best…I’ll just have to hope tonight goes well for Christina’s sake…

Alicia: For Christina’s sake, please don’t get into an argument with him, not like you did with her last boyfriend!

Jack: Look, I’ll make the effort with getting on with him tonight, I promise!

Alicia smiles, pleased with her husband.

17-10-2007, 22:35

Luke is outside the school gates in the car. We see Emily in the back seat. Lee and Tina are walking out of school. Luke toots his horn.

Luke: Oi kids!

Lee and Tina walk over to the car.

Tina: Don’t patronise us!

Luke: Do you want a lift home?

Tina: No we’d rather walk wouldn’t we?!

Luke: Oh come on! I’m here now, you might as well jump in!

Lee: How come mum didn’t pick up Emily today?

Luke: I just decided to pick her up today again that’s all…

Tina: We’re not stupid dad! Mum’s on the drink isn’t she?!

Luke: Look ok..

Tina interrupts.

Tina: And it’s because of you not being able to keep your trouser zip shut!

Luke: Look just get in the car and I’ll take you home!

Tina: Like I said, I’m going to walk instead! Lee?

Lee: Well I’m going to take advantage of the opportunity and get in the car…

Tina: Fine, whatever floats your boat!

Tina walks off.

Lee: Just ignore her dad, she’ll get over it…

Luke: Will she? I cheated on mum months ago and too me it remains in the past, she can’t seem to let go….

Lee: What you did was bad though…cheating on mum like that, I’m surprised she forgave you!

Luke: She hasn’t yet…fully…

Lee: It’s effected us all in different ways dad, you may be able to say it’s all in the past, but some people can’t let go to what you did just like that!

Lee gets into the car. Luke ponders on what his son said.

18-10-2007, 21:24

Luke is watching television. There is a knock on the front door. He opens the front door to see Nina holding Tanya as she can barely walk.

Nina: Sorry…I had to carry her home, she’s off her head!

Luke: Jesus Christ Tan!

Tanya: Oh shut ya trap…your such a pooper when it comes to fun!

Luke: No I’m just sensible when it comes to fun!

Nina lets go of Tanya as she pukes up all over the front lawn.

Luke: Guess I’ll have to mow the lawn again tomorrow, just like I have to do everything round the house! Thanks for bringing her home Nina!

Nina: No problem, I just hope she gets some rest and sleeps it off ok!

Nina leaves the Campbells’ front garden. Luke grabs Tanya by the arm.

Tanya: Oi! Your hurting me!

Luke: Another day of heavy drinking was it?! Your so predictable Tan!

Tanya: Oh just get lost will you!

Tanya breaks free from Luke’s hold but collapses onto the front lawn. Tanya moans as she rolls on the floor and Luke looks in disgust before shutting the front door on her.

18-10-2007, 21:27

Lee and Tina are at the kitchen table eating breakfast. Luke is making a cup of tea – he has a slightly angered look on his face.

Tina: We heard mum yesterday…sick all over the front lawn…

Luke: And? What do you want me to say about it!?

Tina: I’m worried about her dad and it’s all your fault!

Luke: Look, I want to put what happened in the past and move on, I’m sorry for what I did, but we all need to move on and forgive and forget…

Tina: You may be able to do that but we can’t!

Luke: Well why am I here now then eh?! If mum didn’t want me no more, she’d have chucked me out on the streets! So really, she has forgiven me….

Tina: Well she made a mistake…she’s in drunken states most nights of the week because of the affair you had behind her back! And you’ve hardly shown that your sorry!

Luke: I’ve told her that I’m sorry! But, well you know what mum’s like…she’s difficult…

Lee: It’s down to you dad to sort mum out! We are really worried about her…her constant drinking is going to take its toll on her, I just know it!

Luke: Look don’t worry, I’ll get everything under control…mum’s just going through a rough patch at the moment that’s all…she’ll get over my affair, it’s just going to take some time that’s all!

Tina: And you shutting the front door on her yesterday whilst she was sick was you keeping things under control was it?!

Luke: She was off her head Tina! Just trust me…mum will be ok…

Luke starts drinking his cup of tea. Lee and Tina continue to eat their breakfast.

18-10-2007, 21:35

Alicia is in the kitchen. Christina walks in through the back door.

Alicia: Alright, good day at college?

Christina: Not too bad…phone got taken off me though as I was texting Sean!

Alicia: Oh Chris! You know you can’t let your personal life interfere with your college work! These studies are important…you do want to try and get into university next year don’t you?!

Christina: I’m not so sure now mum…I keep changing my mind every 2 minutes…university does have its advantages, don’t get me wrong, but it’s just the money and the depressing thought that I will most likely get into debt!

Alicia: Well you still have time to decide yet…

Christina: Yeah and mum, you don’t mind Sean coming round for dinner tonight do you?

Alicia: Well love…you did make it all a bit short notice didn’t you?!

Christina: Yeah sorry…it’s just well I desperately want you to meet him…partly so you can stop judging him and dad can stop labelling him as a “bad ‘un!”

Alicia: I am not judging him love, not when I haven’t even met him yet!

Christina: But dad disapproves of him doesn’t he?! You might as well admit that!

Alicia: Well, I wouldn’t say disapprove is the right word…more that he’s got a few doubts that’s all…

Christina: Well, as long as he doesn’t kick off when Sean comes round for dinner…that’s all I ask…

Alicia: He won’t Chris, he promised he would give Sean a fair chance…

Christina: I just don’t want to have déj* vu that’s all! Remember what happened when Jake came round for dinner?!

Alicia: Yes of course I remember, that event is hardly going to slip my memory is it?! It was particularly eventful!

Christina: (horrified) He punched Jake in the face!

Alicia: Yes I know, it was uncalled for but he was angry! He was cheating on you Christina!

Christina: That’s not a good reason!

Alicia: Just relax ok?! Everything is going to be fine, I’m going to put a turkey in the oven and cook a roast dinner for all of us…

Christina: Thanks mum. (smiles)

Alicia: I want to make this dinner special…I think it’s a nice way to introduce your new boyfriend to the family…I just hope he’s a decent man!

Christina: He is mum! I just have a good feeling about this one!

Christina leaves the kitchen, excited as she waits for Sean’s arrival. Alicia looks on, hoping Christina isn’t setting herself up for a fall.

20-10-2007, 12:05

Christina heads up to her bedroom, where Sam has just come out of the bathroom.

Christina: Haven’t broken another one of my DVDs today I hope?!

Sam: Nah I moved onto your CD collection! (laughs)

Christina: You better not have!

Sam: Jeez, chill! I was only having a laugh! I didn’t expect you to get my joke though as I bet your too busy quaking in your boots over that boyfriend of yours coming round for dinner tonight!

Christina: How did I know you were going to bring my new boyfriend into this?! You’re so predictable Samuel!

Sam: Sorry…but I am right aren’t I?! Your afraid that dad will kick off again like last time?!

Christina: Just get stuffed!

Christina goes into her bedroom and slams the door. Sam has a grin on his face, amused at teasing his sister.

20-10-2007, 12:07

The Weatherbys are sitting in the living room as a family, awaiting Sean’s arrival. Christina is all dolled up, determined to impress her boyfriend. Jack looks at her, disgusted.

Jack: Did you really have to dress up like that for tonight!? (at Christina)

Christina: What’s the problem?

Jack: It’s just a bit revealing…that’s all…

Christina: Fine! If you don’t like it, I’ll get changed into something else!

Alicia: Eh, now come on! I thought there were going to be no arguments tonight!

The family fall silent, then Sam makes an outburst.

Sam: Are you sure this boyfriend of yours hasn’t stood you up?

Alicia: Sam, shut it will you!?

Sam: What!? I’m just being realistic! Look at the time, wasn’t he meant to be here at 6?! It’s nearly half past now!

Alicia: You’re not being realistic, your just trying to rub Christina’s nose in it! Now enough!

Sam: Ok…sorry…

The doorbell rings. Christina gets up from the sofa, excited.

Christina: Ooo! I think this is him!

Christina leaves the living room to head to the front door. The rest of the family look on, hoping the dinner will be successful.

20-10-2007, 12:11

Luke enters the bedroom where we see Tanya lying in bed, her eyes half open. Luke angrily opens the curtains where the sunlight is streaming in.

Tanya: Jesus Luke! Why did you do that for?!

Luke: You have to face the world sometime Tan…not be stuffed up in this bedroom all day nursing your latest hangover!

Tanya: Any breakfast going?

Luke: I’m late for work so I was about to be leaving…

Tanya: Put some toast in the toaster before you go babe…

Luke: Don’t “babe” me! The kids are out of their mind with worry with you and your drinking!

Tanya: And did you explain to them how it’s all your fault?! You drove me to it Luke! You drove me to it!

Luke: You drove yourself too it! You have to stop this Tan, you have to stop treating me like your slave and start treating me like a husband again!

Tanya: Why should I?! You cheated on me! Do you know how that made me feel?! It made me feel unwanted, useless…thinking I couldn’t offer what my husband really wants!

Luke: It’s not like that at all Tan, I’m sorry about the affair…but I made up my mind in the end and decided I wanted you…you’re my wife after all and I love you!

Tanya: Not good enough Luke!

Luke: What can I do eh?! What can I do to make it up to you?!

Tanya: To be honest, I really don’t know… you hurt me so much Luke and the drinking helps the hurt go away…

Luke: Just please stop the drinking at least! You’re worrying the kids! If you carry on like this, you’ll drink yourself into an early grave!

Tanya: I can’t promise you that, every time I think of your betrayal, it just makes me turn to the bottle!

Luke: Oh stop being so melodramatic!

Tanya: I’m not being melodramatic! I’m being serious! I don’t think you realise how much you hurt me Luke!

Luke: I’m off to work!

Luke storms out of the bedroom.

21-10-2007, 12:41

Christina opens the front door where we see Sean. A hunky man with a smart black shirt on, with some of his top buttons undone, showing some of his body and smart trousers. He has his hair spiked up, with a bag in his hand and he looks into Christina’s eyes and kisses her.

Sean: Well, well, you’re looking gorgeous tonight babe!

Christina: You don’t look too bad yourself!

Sean: And I have a surprise for you…

Sean takes his hand from behind his back and reveals some flowers.

Christina: Oh Sean, you shouldn’t have!

Sean: I also bought some presents for your family too…you know, just to win them over…

Christina: Sean, really! You shouldn’t have! They’ll like you…just stop worrying!

Sean: I hope they like me…I really hope they do!

Christina: Come into the living room, I’ll introduce you to them all!

Christina takes Sean to the living room. Sean tries to keep a cool face on him.

21-10-2007, 12:45

Christina enters the living room with Sean at her side. The family look at Sean, intrigued.

Christina: Mum, dad, Sam….this is Sean…

Sean: (uncomfortable) Hi…it’s good to meet you…

Alicia: Very good to meet you too!

Sean: I really hope to make the right impression on all of you…I’m serious about Christina…

Jack: How can you be when you’ve only known her for 2 minutes?

Sean: I treat all the women I go out with, with respect Mr Weatherby…

Christina: Oh Sean, call him Jack! You aren’t in the classroom now!

Jack: She’s right, please call me Jack…

There’s an uneasy pause.

Sean: I’ve bought presents for all of you…I know it may sound silly, but just call it some introductory presents…

Sean starts digging in the bag.

Jack: I didn’t know you were Santa Clause! In fact, I didn’t think it was Christmas!

Alicia: Jack, please…

Sam: As they say, gifts can’t buy you friendship…

Christina: Just ignore him Sean! Leave the bag down there…we’ll see the gifts later!

Alicia: Right well Sean, you can sit down here whilst I check up on the food in the kitchen…

Alicia gestures for Sean to sit down. Alicia gets up and leaves the living area. There is an awkward silence.

Christina: Do you fancy coming upstairs Sean? (flirty)

Jack: Hang on a second! You two aren’t going anywhere! I thought the whole purpose of this dinner was to get to know your boyfriend, Christina!

Christina: Well strike up some conversation with him then!

Jack: Ok then…what line of work are you in Sean?

Sean: Oh I’m not really in any work at the moment…I…err…

Sam: (interrupts) Well that’s a problem solved already…you can become a Santa Clause! You did a wonderful job getting us presents and delivering them here!

Christina: (angry) Sam!

Sam: I’m being serious…they pay good money apparently…it’s ideal as Christmas would be soon!

Sean: Thanks….I’ll bear it in mind…

Sean smiles at Jack and Sam nervously.

21-10-2007, 12:55

The phone rings. Pat is busy cleaning the cafe and hears it ringing.

Pat: (to self) Fine! I'll get it then shall I?!

Pat goes to the phone and picks it up.

Pat: Hello?....Hello? Have you got the wrong number or something?

The caller hangs up. Pat puts the phone down, and walks back into the cafe to continue cleaning.

22-10-2007, 15:23
Tanya is bugging me somewhat, i agree Luke shouldn't have cheated but get over it

22-10-2007, 21:58

Pat, Dave and Felicity are in the upstairs flat above the cafe, watching television. The phone rings.

Pat: Jesus! Not again!

Pat gets up and goes to the phone and answers it.

Pat: Hello?....hello?...is there anybody there? Have you got the wrong number?!

The caller hangs up. Pat puts the phone down angrily. Felicity comes into the hallway.

Felicity: Who was that?

Pat: I don't know...i think they got the wrong number...

Felicity: Didn't you recieve a call like that earlier?

Pat: Yeah i did, but i'm sure it's nothing...

22-10-2007, 22:01

As Pat sits back down, the phone rings again. Pat rushes to the phone and abruptly answers it.

Pat: Hello!

There is a pause - no reply.

Pat: For goodness sake! Do you have the wrong number or what?! Speak to me!

Again, nobody replies.

Pat: Bloody hell...this isn't funny! If you keep calling me like this, i am going to ring the police!

The caller hangs up. Pat slams the phone down. She turns to Felicity who is in the doorway.

Pat: Let's hope that is the end of that!

22-10-2007, 22:04

Alicia is in the kitchen, preparing the food. Christina enters.

Alicia: How’s it going in the living room?

Christina: Alright I suppose…Sam can’t stop making arsey comments though! But what can I expect from my brother?!

Alicia: He just likes teasing people love, I still hope he grows out of it! (laughs)

Christina: Yeah well…it’s going alright I guess…dad seems ok about him…can’t make any proper judgement yet though…

Alicia: Well for a start, I think he’s a lovely man! Buying us all presents was so thoughtful of him! He really shouldn’t have! He has a generous nature which is nice in a man…

Christina: I’m glad you can see the good in him mum, thanks…

Alicia: You never know dad and Sam may grow to like him by the end of the night too!

Christina: That is just wishful thinking mum!

Alicia: But I bet I put your mind at rest didn’t I?! Me approving of him and all that…

Christina: Yeah you did!

Christina smiles at her mother.

22-10-2007, 22:09

Jack and Sean are alone in the living room. Sam has gone upstairs.

Jack: Sorry, I don’t mean to be blunt or anything…but what are your intentions towards my daughter?

Sean: What do you mean?

Jack: Don’t play the comedian with me! Your going out with her… you must want her for something!?

Sean: Well ok, if I’m honest, sex! That’s what we want…we both want sex! Isn’t that what every relationship wants?! (laughs)

Jack: (angry) I’m warning you now! You better not mess my daughter about or there will be trouble! You mark my words!

Sean: Look seriously, I’m not going to mess her about! She’s a nice girl, she doesn’t deserve to be messed about!

Jack: Too right she doesn’t! You know her last boyfriend ended up cheating on her and he met his face with a brick wall…I apologise I don’t mean to be blunt again but that is what happened!

Sean looks at Jack, scared.

Sean: So you better not mess with her right?! Coz I can sense the same thing happening to you if you do!

Sean’s phone suddenly rings. He looks at his phone nervously.

Sean: (nervous) Sorry… I have to take this call…

Sean leaves the room and walks towards the front door and answers the phone and whispers into the phone. Jack senses the nervous tone in Sean’s speech and body language and stands by the living room door to listen in.

Sean: Look I told you to stop contacting me! I don’t take it anymore alright?! I’m off it…I’m off the coke for good!

Sean hangs up angrily. Jack is shocked by what he hears. He rushes to sit down back in his armchair as Sean enters the living room.

Sean: Sorry about that, it was my mum…

Jack: Is there anything wrong?

Sean: She is just a bit under the weather at the moment that’s all…she just rang me to say how she was feeling…

Christina enters the living room.

Christina: Dinner is on the table!

22-10-2007, 22:12

The Weatherbys are sat at the dinner table tucking into dinner.

Sean: This is very nice Mrs Weatherby…

Alicia: Oh thank you…I’m experienced cooking a roast dinner… I cook it every Sunday! I just thought I’d make it again today, seeing as you were coming round, a bit of a special occasion really.

Sean: Well it is delicious…

Jack: Don’t try and get my family on side…I can see right through you!

The family look at Jack, shocked.

Alicia: Jack…please!

Jack: I heard you on the phone! Have a quick snort before you came here did you eh!?

Christina: Dad! What the hell are you going on about?!

Jack: Your boyfriend…”Saint Sean” is in fact a drug dealer!

Christina: What!? He’s not!

Jack: Your going to believe your new boyfriend over your own father?!

Christina: Well I know what your like! You see the bad in everyone!

Jack: And I’m sorry but I can’t help that!

Sean: Look this is crap, I don’t take drugs!

Jack: Oh yeah?! And I’m the bloody Queen!

Christina: This is ridiculous dad!

Jack: It’s not! I heard him on the phone most likely to his dealer, he said he was off the coke!

Christina looks at Sean for a response.

Sean: I don’t take drugs! I never have done!

Alicia: Jack! I thought you promised to be civil tonight!

Sean: Maybe I should just go?!

Sean gets up from the dinner table.

Christina: No Sean please stay!

Sean: I think it’s best if I go…it was nice meeting you all…

Sean gets up from the kitchen table and leaves.

Alicia: Look what you’ve gone and done Jack! I thought you were going to make an effort!

23-10-2007, 22:36

Pat has just recieved another phone call. She puts the phone down angrily and heads back to bed. Dave and Felicity are behind the living room door. They both face each other.

Dave: Bleedin 'ell! Another one!

Felicity: That must be like the 4th prank call tonight!

Dave: I'm sure it's just a load of kids playing a practical joke on us or something...

Felicity: No...it's more serious than that, i just know it...

Dave: Well what are we going to do about it?!

Felicity: I don't know, but mum seems pretty stressed...and not just because of these prank calls! Working at the cafe has just been getting on top of her i think, and this prank calling will just make things worse....before long, she's going to blow her top! I think we should get the police involved...

Dave: Surely not! It's only happened tonight!

Felicity: And?! How many prank calls have we recieved?!

Dave: Well....quite a few...

Felicity: Exactly! The only way this is going to stop is if we contact the police!

Dave: The police are useless these days! If you want a crime solved, do it yourself is what i say!

Felicity: No...we contact the police, this is the only way it'll get sorted out...

Dave: Shall we see what mum thinks before we actually do anything?

Felicity: Maybe it's best if we do actually..

Pat enters the living room.

Pat: What are you both gassing about?!

Felicity: Mum...i thought you were going to bed...

Pat: Well I couldn't sleep actually...not after all those calls, there's no point going to sleep when I know i'll just awaken again by another phone call!

Felicity: Mum...we were just talking about that actually, me and Dave think that we should contact the police...

Pat: The police?! Oh no, we can't be doing that...

Felicity: Why not?!

Pat: A few annoying phone calls in one night..the police aren't just going to take it seriously are they!?

Felicity: Mum! It's called intimidation and harassment!

Pat: Just don't worry about it please! I'm sure they'll get bored of calling eventually..

23-10-2007, 22:39

The phone rings again. Pat rushes to pick it up.

Pat: Right i've had enough of this! I'm calling the police!

Frank: You don't need to do that...it's me Pat, Frank....Dave's father...once your husband...

Pat: Oh dear god! :eek:

Pat nervously slams the phone down. She breathes heavily, and her hands are shaking..

23-10-2007, 22:41

Christina goes after Sean as he prepares to leave through the door.

Christina: Sean! Wait!

Sean: I knew this was a mistake! I knew this whole thing was a mistake!

Christina: What!? You mean us?!

Sean: No, I mean this whole dinner thing! I knew it was a bad idea!

Christina: My family will come round I’m sure of it!

Sean: Look I’ll call you tomorrow yeah?

Christina: I’m sorry the dinner had to end like this!

Sean: It’s ok…

Sean and Christina kiss.

Christina: I love you…

Sean: I love you too…

Sean leaves the Weatherbys house through the front door.

24-10-2007, 22:19

In the kitchen, Alicia is clearing away the remains of the dinner. Jack is leaning against a kitchen cabinet.

Jack: Don’t you believe me?!

Alicia: You promised me Jack! You said you wouldn’t cause a scene tonight!

Jack: I promised I wouldn’t get into a fight love! Did you see my fists flying!? No!

Alicia: But you still ruined the dinner with your ridiculous accusations!

Jack: Why do you think they are ridiculous?! Don’t you believe your own husband?!

Alicia: You hated Sean before you even met him! You hated Christina’s last boyfriend before you even met him! In fact, you’ve probably hated every single boyfriend that Christina has ever had!

Jack: And do you know why that is?! Eh?! Do you know why?!

Alicia: Go on then! Why?!...

There’s a pause. Jack looks at Alicia uncomfortably and remains silent.

Alicia: Sean is a nice bloke! He’s generous and kind!

Jack: But that doesn’t mean he isn’t a drug dealer! I overheard him on the phone!

Alicia: Maybe you heard him wrong?! I know how paranoid you can get Jack!

Jack: I know what I heard Alicia!

Alicia: Well he doesn’t strike me as the type love…

Jack: I am telling the truth…I wouldn’t lie about something like this!

Alicia: You’ll have to prove it Jack! You’ll have to prove to Christina that Sean is a wrong ‘un!

Jack: How am I meant to do that?!

Alicia: Try using your imagination and whilst your at it apologise to her too! She wanted this dinner to be perfect tonight and you ruined it! I’m off to run a bath…

Alicia leaves the kitchen. Jack huffs in annoyance.

24-10-2007, 22:23

Jack enters Christina’s bedroom. Christina is lying on her bed reading a magazine.

Christina: What do you want dad?

Jack: I’ve come to apologise about tonight…I’m sorry…

Christina: Mum sent you up here to do that didn’t she?!

Jack: She didn’t send me up to do anything! I’ve come up because I personally wish to apologise!

Christina: You ruined that dinner for me…I wanted it to be perfect but you wrecked it! Now I wouldn’t be surprised if Sean ran a mile!

Jack: It’ll be good if he did! He isn’t right for you Christina!

Christina: No man is ever right for me dad! Not as far as you’re concerned…

Jack: I’m looking out for you Christina and I’m not just assuming he is a bad ‘un! I know he is! I heard it with my own ears, Sean talking on the phone about drugs!

Christina: Dad! He wouldn’t do drugs! He isn’t the type to do that kind of thing!

Jack: Let’s face it Chris, you’ve only known him 2 minutes!

Christina: Why should I believe anything you say?! You were negative about this whole thing! You hated the fact that I had another boyfriend…you hated Sean from the start!

Jack: That isn’t true! Your exaggerating Christina, you are completely exaggerating!

Christina: Am I?! I would say I’m spot on myself! After all, you have a record of ruining dinners don’t you eh?!

Jack: I’m telling the truth love! Why would I lie to you?!

Christina: To protect me! Your so paranoid dad and you have to stop! Every boyfriend I’ve had, you never approve of them!

Jack: And have you ever thought why that is?! I love you Christina, my instinct is to protect you!

Christina: But you have to learn to let me go dad, I’m a big girl now…

Jack: Your still my little girl Christina, no matter how old you are…

Christina: No matter what you say dad to try and split me up from Sean, it’s not going to work…he is my boyfriend, we are a couple and I think I’m in love with him!

Jack: In love?! That’s a laugh! You’ve known him for no more than 5 minutes!

Christina: (shouting) Just get out dad! Get out of my room!

Jack obeys Christina and leaves her bedroom.

24-10-2007, 22:34

Pat nervously slams the phone down. She breathes heavily, and her hands are shaking. The phone rings again - she picks it up.

Pat: For goodness sake Frank! What the hell are you playing at?!

Frank: I thought it was about time I got in touch..

Pat: You have to leave us alone Frank! You made your choice...you left me in the lurch, now stay away!

Pat slams the phone down.

25-10-2007, 09:19
Ohh good stuff, I don't want Jack to be right but i think he is

25-10-2007, 18:34

The early hours of the morning. The phone rings again. Pat rushes out of the bedroom in her nightie and sleepily picks up the phone.

Pat: (tired) Hello...

Frank: Pat...it's me...sorry, i know it's a bad time to call.

Pat: A bad time!? It's more than a bad time! It's 4am!

Frank: I know and I usually wouldn't call at this hour but we need to talk!

Pat: No we don't...there is nothing to talk about!

Frank: Oh yes there is...

Pat: After all these years?! You made your decision Frank..you left me when I was pregnant with Dave, and that was your choice!

Frank: I know, but i want to get to know him now, i want to get involved in his life!

Pat: Well your 19 years late!

Frank: I'm sorry Pat...19 years ago...i was a different man, but now i've changed!

Pat: Well I believe that people never change!

Frank: Well I have! And now i want to get to know my son!

Pat: Who do you think you are?! You left me 19 years ago, remember that afternoon when I told you I was pregnant with Dave!?...you said you were going home as you had a surprise for me...and that was the last I ever saw of you! You *******! You left me and I had to bring up our own son on my own!

Frank: You had Felicity..

Pat: Felicity was only little! You broke my heart Frank...and now you think you can swan back into my life again, 19 years later?! I will not allow it!

Frank: Well i'm afraid you can't stop me from seeing Dave because i'm going to pay a visit very soon and tell him exactly who I am!

Frank hangs up. Pat puts the phone down, a horrified look on her face.

25-10-2007, 18:39

Christina comes out of her room and heads downstairs to get a cup of milk. She enters the kitchen and turns the light on, where she sees Sam drinking a mug of tea.

Christina: What the hell are you doing up this time?!

Sam: I couldn’t sleep…

Christina: Not like you! You usually sleep like a rock!

Sam: What are you doing up?

Christina: I couldn’t sleep either… not after what happened tonight…

Sam: I’m sorry about that…

Christina rolls her eyes.

Sam: No Chris! I’m being serious…this isn’t one of my sarcastic and annoying moments! Sean seemed like a nice guy, dad was in the wrong…

Christina: He’ll do anything to wreck my life!

Sam: Don’t you think your going a bit too far there?!

Christina pours herself a glass of milk and sits at the table by her brother.

Christina: No, not at all! He’s ruining my life Sam because he’s so bloody protective of me!

Sam: He’s protective of all of us! We’re family after all…

Christina: Does he go out and purposely ruin your relationships?! Is it normal for a father to ruin their children’s relationships?! Wreck their happiness?!

Sam: Well, come on, your saying it like it’s the end of the world! You and Sean are still together, it’s just that dad clearly doesn’t approve that’s all…he isn’t trying to ruin your relationship Chris, he’s just looking out for you as a father!

Christina: By telling me that Sean is on drugs!?

Sam: Well he could be telling the truth…I don’t think dad would lie!

Christina: But I can’t imagine Sean on drugs! He just isn’t the type Sam!

Sam: But to be fair, you haven’t known him for very long…

Christina: I think dad must have heard wrong or something…you know what he’s like, sees the worst in everything!

Christina finishes her milk and puts the cup in the sink.

25-10-2007, 18:41

Alicia and Jack are lying in bed together. The sunlight is bursting through the curtains.

Alicia: You apologise to Christina yesterday?

Jack: Yes I did, don’t worry…

Alicia: Good…

Jack: But just because I said sorry doesn’t mean I will change my opinion on Sean and forget what I heard on the phone!

Alicia: Please Jack, I want to put last night behind us! I can’t bear to see you and Christina at each other’s throats! So just drop it ok?!

Jack: I can’t drop it Alicia! Not whilst she is going out with him! The only way I’ll drop this is if Christina finishes with him!

Alicia: Just let her be happy Jack!

Jack: He’s involved in drugs for goodness sake! If she carries on going out with him, she’ll get involved in drugs too and I can’t let that happen to our daughter!

Alicia: Are you sure you didn’t hear him wrong when he was speaking on the phone!? He seems a nice chap, not the type to delve in drugs!

Jack: And you can make that assumption over one night of dinner can you?!

Alicia: It’s called first impressions!

Jack: Well it wasn’t the first impression I got! I know what I heard!

Jack gets out of bed and starts to get changed.

25-10-2007, 18:52
I really want him to be wrong now, good stuff Dave :cheer:

26-10-2007, 22:15

Luke comes home from work late. He enters through the back door and sees Tanya lying in a heap on the kitchen floor - a bottle of vodka in her arms. She is looking sleepy and very drunk.

Luke: Jesus Christ! Why Tan!? Why!?

Lee and Tina enter through the back door with Emily.

Tina: Hiya..

The kids look at Tanya's state with shocked looks on their faces.

Tina: Oh my god! I thought you said mum would be ok dad!?

Luke: Yeah, well...i was obviously wrong..

Tina: Well you have to do something about it! Before it gets worse!

Luke: Why me eh!? Why do I have to deal with everything?! I'm not the only person in this family!

Tina: I'll tell you why...because you caused this in the first place!

Lee: I don't think Emily should be listening to you two arguing like this! (to Emily) Come on Ems, i'll put the tv on..

Lee leaves with Emily. Tina carries on talking.

Tina: You caused this mess by having an affair! You caused mum to turn to the drink, and it's up to you to sort it!

Luke: No! I can't stand this anymore! I'm off out, deal with mum yourself! I'm sick to the back teeth of her downing vodka and getting pissed!

Luke storms out of the house. Tina looks on, horrified.

26-10-2007, 22:25

Luke has entered a nightclub. He is at the bar, drinking a drink. A woman comes over to him.

Gina: Hey...i seen that you were alone...

Luke: Yeah...what do you want?

Gina: (sarcastic) Wow! You certainly know how to chat up a woman!

Luke: I'm sorry, i'm just in one of those moods...i've had a bad day..

Gina: And you thought you'd drown your sorrows here? Wise choice..

Luke: What's your name?

Gina: Gina...and I work here as a barmaid..

Luke: Really? Well i'm sure you keep the clubbers happy with your good looks!

Gina: Well thank you! What's your name?

Luke: Luke...

Gina looks at Luke's hand and sees his wedding ring on his finger.

Gina: Married I see!

Luke: Sometimes I wonder why I still am...i've been having trouble at home, long story but my wife has gone off the rails and i feel like my marriage will be over pretty soon..

Gina: Oh dear, was that why it was a bad day?

Luke: Yeah..

Gina: Well i'll stay here and cheer you up!

Luke: Shouldn't you be working?

Gina: Nah, it won't hurt if i have half hour or so off.

Luke: Ok, well can I get you a drink?

Gina: Sure. :)

Luke and Gina smile at each other.

26-10-2007, 22:29

The Weatherbys are eating breakfast around the dining table.

Christina: I just wanted to say dad…I’m sorry about last night, but I was thinking, maybe you misheard Sean over the phone?

Jack: I know what I heard Chris! That lad is trouble!

Christina: But dad he isn’t the type!

Alicia: Could both of you please just drop this?! Today is a fresh new day and yesterday is in the distant past and it’s going to stay there ok?!

Christina: Fine…anyway, I need to go to college or I’ll be late… be back later!

Alicia: Have a good day love!

Christina leaves the kitchen. Alicia turns to Jack.

Alicia: I thought you promised to drop the whole Sean thing!

Jack: Well who’s bringing it up now eh?! It’s in the distant past, never to be talked about again!

Jack rolls his eyes and leaves the dining table.

27-10-2007, 22:06

Christina gets her phone out of her bag and rings Sean. The scene cuts between these two characters talking on the phone.

Christina: Hey babes, I’m sorry about last night again…

Sean: It’s ok…I understand if your family don’t approve of me!

Christina: They’ll come round! They will have too! We’re a couple!

Sean: It doesn’t matter if they don’t babes, it’s just me and you that matter…you didn’t believe all that stuff your father was saying did you?!

Christina: About the drugs?!

Sean: Yeah I’ve never touched the stuff! Your dad must have misheard me on the phone or something! I told him my mother was ill, and I told her about getting some prescription drugs from the chemist!

Christina: That explains it! It explains why dad misheard! For goodness sake why didn’t you say that last night?! It would have solved everything straight away, and there would have been no arguments!

Sean: Sorry…I just wanted to leave…the atmosphere was a bit awkward, I just wanted to go…

Christina: It’s ok, I understand! Me and my family can be a family from hell when we are at each other’s throats!

Sean: It’s ok, it’s all over now, you can explain to your father what I just said and we should sweep it under the carpet and move on…

Christina: Yeah, anyway, I was wondering babe, if you wanted to go out tonight? You know for a drink or something?

Sean: That would be great! Shall I pick you up from college?

Christina: Yeah I don’t see why not…make an evening of it eh?

Sean: Yeah, why not?!

Christina: Speak to you later then, love you babe…

Sean: Love you too…

Sean hangs up the phone and runs his hands through his hair, stressed. We see Christina hanging up her phone and walking into a lesson at college.

27-10-2007, 22:10

Jack, Alicia and Christina are sat eating their supper at the table.

Alicia: I’ve tried ringing Christina 5 times now but she still hasn’t picked up! I thought she said she would be home for her tea…

Suddenly Christina enters through the back door.

Alicia: And where the hell have you been?!

Christina: Out with Sean…

Alicia: Oh yeah? And you didn’t think to call us to tell us then?!

Christina: Well it was all a bit short notice really!

Jack: You promised you would be home for your tea Christina! You betrayed our trust!

Christina: Oh please! You don’t have to be so melodramatic!

Alicia: A phone call to say where you were would have been nice though…

Christina: I’m not an adult anymore though mum, I don’t have to tell you my exact movements for every minute of every day!

Jack: You’re still our daughter!

Christina: Oh by the way, Sean explained about the whole drugs thing…

Jack: Oh yeah, so he owned up to being a drug dealer then?!

Christina: No…you got the wrong end of the stick dad as per usual! He isn’t doing drugs at all…his mum is ill and he was telling her to get prescription drugs from the chemist!

Jack: Oh clever! Very clever!

Christina: What do you mean by that?!

Jack: Well he obviously bloody made it up! You weren’t a fool to believe him were you!?

Christina: I think he’s telling the truth…I trust him dad!

Jack: Well my own daughter is a fool! I thought you would have been able to spot that he’s messing you about based on your past experience!

Christina: How dare you dad!

Jack: I don’t want you to get hurt Christina which is why I am asking you to split up with him!

Christina: What!? I can’t do that! I’m not going to do that!

Jack: He’s a bad’ un Christina! You’re going to get hurt if you stay with him! I know what I heard, he said he was off the drugs!

Christina: You’re a liar dad! You’re just trying to make me split up with him!

Jack: I’m protecting you Christina, I’m just protecting my own daughter, that’s all I’m doing!

Christina storms out of the kitchen.

27-10-2007, 22:12

Alicia is making a cup of tea in the kitchen. Jack enters.

Jack: A load of rubbish on TV now so might just head off to bed…

Alicia: Why did you have to cause such a scene eh?!

Jack: I’m just looking out for our daughter love…

Alicia: Don’t “love” me! You’ll be sleeping on the sofa tonight!

Jack: You what?!

Alicia: You heard me! You’re making a bed out of our sofa tonight! Christina explained the whole thing you heard about Sean but you still couldn’t accept it could you!? I just wish you could be happy for our daughter for once!

Jack: I would be happy for her if she chose the right man!

Alicia: But the thing is, she can’t choose the right man can she?! Every man she ever goes out with is a bad’ un in your book!

Jack: I’m just overprotective that’s all, it is in my nature…

Alicia: Well try and stop being so overprotective or you’ll push our daughter further away! Try and get some sleep on the sofa!

Alicia leaves Jack in the kitchen alone, carrying a cup of tea in her hand as she goes…

28-10-2007, 21:13

Harry comes in from work. Jenna is in the kitchen, cooking dinner.

Jenna: Good day at work was it love?

Harry: Yeah not too bad…same old, same old…what you got on for tea?

Jenna: Your favourite so you should be able to guess!

Harry: Oh it has to be lasagne right?

Jenna: Oh love, you guessed right!

Harry and Jenna kiss.

Jenna: By the way, I was thinking about what we talked about this morning…

Harry: Oh yeah?

Jenna: About our romantic weekend away?

Harry: You got any places in mind?

Jenna: I was thinking going to the country…maybe rent out a cottage?

Harry: Sounds lovely!

Jenna: And I think, while we’re there, we should make an effort to try for a baby…

Harry: (shocked) Try for a baby?!

Jenna: Yes…look Harry, we’re not getting any younger and I always liked having kids! And you know, having kids, it might bring us closer together!

Harry: Oh…I don’t know…

Jenna: Come on Harry, how hard can it be?! We’re going to go on a relaxing trip away to the country, in a cottage, no one else in sight, it’ll get us both in the perfect mood!

Harry: Ok…well we’ll see how things go yeh?

Jenna: Yeah.

Harry and Jenna share a hug. We see Harry’s face – he looks unsure…

28-10-2007, 21:20

Christina comes down the stairs and grabs something from the cupboard. Jack is sitting at the table reading the newspaper.

Jack: Not having a proper breakfast?

Christina: I’ll be late if I hang around…

Jack: No you won’t…I’ll be taking you to college today…

Christina: Why? Your always the one going on about how I should walk to college as it’ll keep me fit!

Jack: And I will be picking you up from college too and bringing you straight home…

Christina: Oh I get it! Trying to stop me from seeing Sean eh?!

Jack: I want you to split up with him Christina, he is no good for you!

Christina: I’m sick and tired of this dad! He isn’t doing drugs, he is a nice guy all round and I’m going to make you see that!

Jack: Take off your rose tinted glasses Chris! Now get in the car…

Christina: You’re treating me like a child dad and I’m sick of it! I’m walking to college…

Jack: I trust you to be back home and not hanging out with that boyfriend of yours!

Christina: See you later dad…

28-10-2007, 21:23

Christina gets her phone out and rings Sean. The scene cuts between these two having a conversation.

Christina: Sean…I need you to come round later…

Sean: What for? Did you tell your dad about the drugs thing?!

Christina: Yeah but he still doesn’t believe me! He thinks your wrong for me Sean and I want you to prove him wrong which is why I think you coming round is a good idea…

Sean: You think so? I don’t want to start any other arguments again…

Christina: Look, trust me! I’m determined for my house not to turn into a battleground…all I want you and my dad to do is resolve some issues…

Sean: Prove I’m not a druggie you mean and that I’m actually good for you!

Christina: Well I suppose you’ve hit the nail on the head there…

Sean: I’m not so sure…

Christina: Please Sean! Do it for me…it’ll mean the world to me if you try and get along with my dad…

Sean: Ok…ok…I’ll come round later but I’m not promising any miracles!

Christina: I’m not asking you to turn my dad into some kind of saint who’ll instantly like you…I’m just asking you to try and make him see sense…let him see that your not a bad person…I would really like him to see you in a good light!

Sean: Yeah I understand…

Christina: My father is a really difficult person to get around…he sees everything in a negative light…

Sean: Well I hope I can get round him…

Christina: I hope so too…come round at about 7pm…is that ok?

Sean: Yeah sure…

Christina: And hopefully by this time tomorrow, my father will approve of you!

Christina puts on a brave smile. Sean nervously laughs at the other end of the line.

Happy Families will continue on Friday.

02-11-2007, 19:44

Kat and Chloe are both behind the bar at lunchtime serving the punters. It has gone quite quiet.

Chloe: We had a bit of a busy phase there!

Kat: Yep, and as you were busy serving, i bet you didn't notice who walked through those pub doors and bought a drink off me. :p

Chloe: Who?

Kat points out Greg who is drinking at a booth with fellow mechanics from the local garage, Tom and Max.

Chloe: Oh Greg...

Kat: You've liked him for ages Chlo! It's about time you asked him out on a date!

Chloe: But he's not interested in me! I just know he isn't.

Kat: You don't know for sure! It's better to try and fail, rather than not try at all...then at least you'll know for sure if Greg likes you back or not..

Chloe: I suppose your right..

Kat: So go over there and ask him out on a date!

Chloe: Why me? Why not him!? If he was keen, he would make the first move and ask me out!

Kat: Maybe he's too nervous?

Chloe: Well I'm nervous too!

Kat: But I know that if you don't ask him out anytime soon, your feelings for him are going to explode!

Chloe: Oh don't be so melodramatic!

Kat: Do it Chlo!

Chloe rolls her eyes at Kat.

Chloe: Ok...i'll ask him out on a date, but if it blows up in my face, it's your fault, you encouraged me to do this ok?!

Kat: Right, whatever...

Chloe walks over to Greg, Tom and Max.

Tom: Oh alright Chlo..

Chloe: Hiya, I was just wondering Greg...

Greg: Wondering what?

Chloe: Wondering what you were up to later? I thought maybe we could go for a few drinks or maybe have dinner or something..

Greg: That would be great, i'm not doing anything tonight and that new restaurant has opened up in town...I think they've got some good prices for dinners down there.

Chloe: Well that's that sorted then!

Greg: What time shall I come and get you?

Chloe: Whatever time suits you.

Greg: 7pm ok?

Chloe: Fine...well i'll see you then..

Chloe walks away, breathing a sigh of relief. Greg has a pleased look on his face.

02-11-2007, 20:04

Chloe and Greg are sat at a table on their date eating their dinner.

Greg: I must say you look lovely tonight!

Chloe: Well I did want to make an effort, you look quite nice too!

Greg: Thanks..well this isn't my best look, I had to rush home from the garage...Tom and Max made me work overtime, i bet they did it on purpose as they knew I was going on a date with you!

Chloe: Aww they are both lovely lads really! I've known them for quite a few years now, they are both a pair of jokers! How are you getting on with them?

Greg: Oh they are both great people, i've only been here a few months but I can safely call them my best friends, I like having a laugh with them at work, and I do live with them too...you'll never believe it but Tom actually spends approximately half an hour in the bathroom every morning trying to gel his hair the way he wants it!

Greg and Chloe both laugh.

Chloe: I never knew men could be so feminine!

There's an awkward pause. Greg and Chloe both finish off their meals.

Greg: That food was nice!

Chloe: Yeh very..

Greg: Why did you ask me out on this date anyway? I'm just curious that's all..

Chloe: Well I enjoy your company..isn't that obvious?

Greg: I enjoy yours too...we both get on really well, don't we?

Chloe: Yes we do..

Greg and Chloe both smile at each other. The waiter comes along and interrupts them.

Waiter: Are you both ready to pay the bill now?

Greg: Oh yes...i'll pay for this..

Chloe: No i'll pay for this!

Greg: No I insist! I'll pay!

Chloe: No i'll pay for this meal!

Greg: No seriously Chlo, i'll pay!

Chloe: Ok you win! :p

02-11-2007, 20:11

Alicia is at the bar. Nina comes over to her.

Nina: This certainly is a surprise! I don’t usually see you in here…

Alicia: For about the third time in my life, I actually feel liking having a proper drink!

Nina: Oh dear…what’s happened?

Alicia: Problems with the family…

Nina: Oh I see…do you want to talk about it?

Alicia: No I don’t want to trouble you with my problems! You’ve got work to be doing anyway…

Nina: Kat and Chloe can mind the bar for a while…I’ll come and sit with you and you can talk about it if you want…

Alicia: Really…I don’t want to burden you with my problems!

Nina: You wouldn’t be! We’re friends Alicia, you’ve always been there for me when I’ve had problems and you’ve helped me through, I’d like to return the favour back to you for once!

Alicia: Well I wouldn’t mind someone to speak too…I swear I am going to explode if I keep my family troubles to myself for much longer!

Nina: What are you having?

Alicia: I’ll just have a vodka and tonic please!

Nina: I’ll bring it over and on the house too!

Alicia: Oh Nina! You don’t have to do that!

Nina: It’s my pleasure…sit down, I’ll be over now…

Alicia sits down at a booth. Nina pours Alicia a vodka and tonic and comes and sits down by Alicia.

Nina: Now…spill all your problems out to me…

Alicia: It’s just family trouble really…my advice to you now is for you and Mike not to have kids! They cause more problems than anything else!

Nina: What is it?

Alicia: Christina’s got herself a new boyfriend, his name is Sean, and he came round for dinner, but of course, you know what Jack’s like…

Nina: He didn’t approve?! See I know him all too well…

Alicia: Well you’ve known him for years, you know how negative he can be!

Nina: So Jack doesn’t approve of Christina’s new boyfriend and it’s causing problems?

Alicia: Yes that’s the bottom line of it really…me and Sam think he’s alright, seems like a decent man, but well Jack got paranoid…thought he heard Sean on the phone talking drugs but of course, he got his wires crossed!

Nina: So what’s happened now?

Alicia: Can’t you work it out for yourself?! You know what Jack’s like, he always stands his ground! Hates to think he’s in the wrong and this situation is no different…

Nina: So he still thinks Sean is a drug dealer?!

Alicia: Well he thinks he is no good for Christina, in fact, no man is good for Christina according to him! But you know, what teenage girls are like, they’re going to have a dozen boyfriends and they are going to get heartbroken…it’s all part of life really…

Nina: Tell me about it! I was just like your Christina when I was her age, had my heartbroken by a dozen blokes! It happens to all us girls! It’s all part of growing up…

Alicia: Exactly, I was the same and I try and tell Jack this but he doesn’t listen! He doesn’t seem to understand!

Nina: I’m sure he’ll come round…

Nina gives Alicia a hopeful smile.

Alicia: We’ll see…we’ll see…

04-11-2007, 13:16

Jack is in the living room reading a newspaper. Christina comes downstairs and enters.

Jack: Hmm…you look rather anxious…like your waiting for something to happen…

Christina: You’re a wonderful judge of character dad! If you must know, I’m waiting for someone to come round!

Jack: It’s not who I think it is, is it?!

Christina: Dad…please, give him a chance! At least give him a chance!

Jack: I don’t believe this!

Alicia enters the room.

Alicia: What’s going on?

Jack: She’s only gone and invited her boyfriend round! Wanting to deliberately cause a scene!

Christina: You’re the one who is most probably going to cause a scene! I want you to see the good in him dad!

Jack: I’m sorry but I heard enough with his phone call!

Christina: Dad! You can’t base him as an individual on one phone call that you didn’t even hear correctly!

Jack: I heard perfectly clear thank you very much!

The doorbell rings.

Christina: Oh that’ll be him now!

Christina goes to answer the door, but Jack grabs her arm and pulls her back.

Jack: I’ll answer it!

Christina: Your going to give him a chance then are you?!

Jack: No I’m going to bloody tell him to sling his hook! I don’t want a druggie setting foot in this house!

Christina: Dad!

Christina follows Jack as he rushes to open the front door. Jack opens the door to Sean with Christina and Alicia standing behind him.

Jack: My daughter wants to finish her relationship with you…

Christina: Oh my god dad!

Alicia: Jack! What you’re doing is so childish!

Jack: (turns to Alicia) Childish?! I’m looking out for our daughters needs Alicia! I’m doing a lot more than you are!

Alicia: I’ve had enough of this! Enough of it!

Alicia storms out of the front door.

Christina: Sean, I love you!

Jack: Love!? You’re a child! You don’t know what love is! (turns to Sean) And you! You probably don’t even know what bloody day it is with the drugs you snort!

Sean: (edges towards Jack in a threatening pose) I’m not on drugs! I bloody told you!

Jack: Oh turning nasty now are we?! Finally showing your true colours! Get off my property!

Sean suddenly clenches his fist, draws it back and punches Jack in the face. Jack, dizzy, falls to the floor.

Sean: Don’t worry I’m leaving!

Sean leaves the Weatherbys’ front garden.

04-11-2007, 13:27

Christina looks at Jack who is picking himself up from the floor after Sean punched him. He wipes his bloody nose and heads to the kitchen. Christina follows, concerned.

Christina: Dad! Are you ok!?

Jack: What do you think?! That Sean has proved to be a right nutter! He showed his true colours there Christina, can you see that he is no good for you now!?

Christina: Well you’ve hardly given him a chance! As soon as I introduced him, you were negative about him! Saying how he was no good!

Jack: Well I was right wasn’t I eh?! He’s on drugs, I heard him on the phone and now he’s just punched me! He’s proved what a violent thug he is!

Christina: Sean is not a violent thug! Why do you always see the bad in people dad?! I just don’t get you! I don’t get you at all…

Jack: I’m just paranoid Christina…I know when someone isn’t all they seem…let’s say I’ve had experience…it takes a lot for me to trust someone...

Christina: What do you mean by that?!

Jack: It’s to do with my upbringing Christina…now I really wouldn’t like to talk about it if you don’t mind…

Christina: Dad, you can’t just tell me that!

Jack: It’s a touchy subject for me!

Christina: So you mean the way gran brought you up is because of the way you act now?! How you don’t trust people, the way you’re negative about everyone apart from yourself!

Jack: I was brought up with negativity Christina!

Christina: I don’t get it!

Jack: Do you know why you have never known your grandfather?

Christina: Yeah because he died! He died before I was even born!

Jack: And I was bloody glad too!

Christina: Dad! Why do you say that?!

Jack: You’re forcing me to relive my past Chris and I really don’t want too!

Christina: Tell me dad! Anything to make me understand why you’re so negative about everyone! Why you’re so negative of Sean!

Jack: Your granddad, my dad abused my mother, your grandmother…

Christina: What?!...But…

Jack interrupts, tears in his eyes.

Jack: You don’t understand what I had to go through…I witnessed something so awful, so terrible…and I hope to god you will never have to go through it Christina!

Christina: Is this why you’re so protective of me!? Why you never trust anyone!?

Jack nervously nods.

Jack: I had to put up with gran’s screams every night…all the time, I went to bed, 8 ‘o clock on the dot… never before, never after, just 8 ‘o clock exactly, I had to go to bed…I did as I was told…but every night, all the time, I heard her scream…probably about an hour after I was sent to bed…I heard the screams, it never changed, happened all the time! And the next morning, I would come down the stairs, see gran making my packed lunch for school, bruises visible on her face and she used to make up the same excuse everyday and do you know what it was?! She slipped…slipped and fell…but I knew! I knew what granddad did to her! And I never forgave him, never! He hit her, treated her like some animal in a zoo! I’ll never forget what he did! Never forget!

Jack wipes the tears from his eyes.

Christina: Oh my god!

Jack: Then you know the rest…that’s why Christina I can never trust anyone in my life anymore! That’s why I’m so negative about individuals, it’s because of what I’ve gone through! I’m sorry, it’s just the way I am… now don’t you dare make me bring that up again, you hear! Don’t make me bring it up again…it was a horrible part of my young life…

Jack grabs a tissue from the kitchen drawer and leaves. Christina sits at the table, frozen by her father’s revelation.

04-11-2007, 14:13

Chloe comes out of the bathroom after having a shower. Kat is in the kitchen making a cup of coffee. She turns round to speak to Chloe.

Kat: So come on then...you still haven't told me, how did your date with Greg go?

Chloe: Really...there is nothing to tell!

Kat: Oh come on Chlo! Tell me all the details!

Chloe: Nothing happened...we just went to the new restaurant in town and enjoyed each other's company...that was it..ok?

Kat: Ok..

Chloe sits down and turns on the television.

05-11-2007, 23:00

Greg, Tom and Max are talking whilst working on a car.

Tom: So how did your date go with the lovely Chloe?

Greg: It actually went quite well, better than I thought it would...we just went to the new restaurant that has just opened in town, they do nice food down there..

Tom: And?...

Greg: And what?

Max: Do we really have to spell it out to you?! What happened between you and Chlo?! We don't care what the new food at the new restaurant tastes like!

Greg: Nothing happened, it was just a rather friendly date to be honest, where we got to know each other a little better..

Tom: Argh that's a shame that nothing happened!

Max: Not necessarily...you know, it's good to take things slow..no harm in it at all, and Chloe really is a wonderful woman...me and Tom have both known her for years. Are you serious about her Greg?

Greg: Well I do really like her and I think it would be good if I took things slow with her...like you said, there's no harm in that...I just don't want to rush things.

Tom: That's very wise and mature of you!

Greg: The only thing is...i don't know what to do next..

Max: What do you mean?

Greg: Well, you know, the date was lovely...but then we just said goodbye to each other at the end of it all...where does it go from here?

Tom: You need to find out where you stand with her mate!

Max: And if I were you, I'd best do it quick! Chloe is a wonderful girl and it won't be long until another man is eyeing her up, so you best get in there first, and find out where you stand...before someone else takes her away from you!

Greg ponders on what Max has said, with a thoughtful look on his face.

05-11-2007, 23:06

Kat sits down by Chloe who is watching the television.

Kat: Are you ok?

Chloe: Yeah...i'm sorry about earlier, I bit your head off a bit didn't I?! I didn't mean to be moody...i'm sorry..

Kat: It's ok, but something must have made you moody, what was it? Your date with Greg did go well didn't it?!

Chloe: Yeah it did...he's lovely, has a nice personality and I really enjoyed his company..it's just nothing happened at the end of our date and I'm suppose I'm just a bit dissapointed by that..

Kat: Maybe he's just shy, or he wants to take things slow and not rush things..

Chloe: Maybe...but the main reason why I was in a bit of a mood earlier was because there was one question running through my mind...where do I stand with Greg now!? Nothing happened at the end of our date...we just said our goodbyes and that was it! What next?!

Kat: You shouldn't be asking me that question...you should be asking Greg that question..

Chloe: Yeah your right..

Kat: Anyway, I best get ready for my shift at the pub.

Kat leaves the sofa. Chloe has a pondering and thoughtful look on her face.

05-11-2007, 23:09

Alicia comes in through the front door. Jack rushes into the hallway.

Jack: There you are! Where have you been!?

Alicia: Like you’d care! You were too busy squabbling with Sean too worry about me!

Jack: Alicia…I’m sorry…

Alicia: Sorry doesn’t cut it Jack! Do you remember what you said to me?! I wasn’t looking out for our daughter’s needs, you were doing a lot more than me that’s what you said!

Jack: I didn’t mean that! It was in the spur of the moment, I didn’t mean to say that!

Alicia: Just quit with your excuses! You have to be careful Jack…if you carry on with your silly little vendetta against Christina’s boyfriend, our marriage is finished!

Alicia storms upstairs. Jack looks on, gob smacked by what Alicia has just said.

08-11-2007, 21:33

Greg has come round to Chloe and Kat's flat to take Chloe on another date. He rings the doorbell and Kat lets him in.

Kat: Well..well..where will you be taking Chloe tonight?

Greg: It's a surprise...i'm not revealing anything, i'm afraid.

Greg sits down on the sofa. Kat sees Chloe enter the bathroom.

Greg: Is Chlo getting ready?

Kat: Yeah she'll be out in a minute...she's going to a lot of effort! Getting dolled up, wearing a dress that she hardly ever wears, just for you!

Greg: Do you mind if I just use your toilet?

Kat: Erm..yeh sure..

Kat grins as Greg enters the bathroom. He enters and Chloe turns around and screams, as she is half getting changed. Kat closes the bathroom door and locks it.

Greg: (to Chloe) Oh my god! I'm so sorry...I didn't even know you were in here!

Greg tries to open the bathroom door to leave but it's locked.

Greg: What? It's locked! What's going on!?

Kat: You two aren't coming out of there until you admit you fancy the pants off each other! :D

08-11-2007, 21:46

Greg and Chloe are locked in the bathroom together. Chloe has put a towel around herself and sitting on a toilet seat, whilst Greg is sitting on the floor.

Chloe: For goodness sake Kat! Let us out!

There is a pause. No reply.

Greg: She must have gone..

Chloe: Brilliant! Trust her to do an immature thing like this! :rolleyes:

Greg: What are we going to do?

Chloe: Well your not going to see me climbing out the bathroom window with just a towel around me! You can jump out the window and risk breaking your leg if you want, or you could just stay here and wait to get out!

Greg: I enjoy your company too much for me to break my own leg! So I suppose we'll just have to make the most of our time alone..

Chloe: But you had a date planned for us and everything, and now Kat has gone and buggered it all up!

Greg: It's ok...I suppose we'll just have to stay here..

Chloe: I'd never thought i'd have a date in a bathroom, sitting on a toilet seat!

Greg: I suppose stranger things have happened...besides it's not about the setting, it's about the company that you share..

Chloe: Yeah your right..your such a sweet guy, you know that right?

Greg: Well if I did, i'd be extremely arrogant wouldn't I?! :D

They both laugh.

Chloe: I bet Kat is still here! Listening in on us...on our conversation! I wanted our date to be private..

Greg: I suppose we best pucker up then so we can get out of here, and enjoy a private date!

Greg and Chloe both smile before leaning in and sharing a passionate kiss.

08-11-2007, 22:00

Jack and Sam are sitting in the living room watching television.

Sam: Are you alright dad? You seem a bit on edge tonight..

Jack: I'm just worried about Christina that's all...i just don't feel comfortable with her being out this late.

Sam: I'm sure she's fine.. Sean will be looking after her.

Jack: Don't even get me started on Sean! Just talking about him has caused enough trouble as it is!

Sam: She'll be fine though dad, you could always give her a ring if your unsure?

Jack: I tried earlier, but her phone's off! God knows what she's doing...but what I do know is that she's spending too much time with Sean!

Sam: He's her boyfriend dad, you can't expect much else!

Jack: But we are her family, surely we're more important?!

Sam: Dad...surely you know that having a social life is important too!?

Jack: Yeah I know that...I just feel she should be spending more time with us, that's all...we're her family!

Sam: Dad, she's grown up now. She won't be staying at home every night with all of us, watching television and trying to work out a word out of the vowels and consonants on Countdown!

Jack: I realise that she's grown up but she's still my daughter and your her brother! Sometimes, I feel that she takes us all for granted..every moment we spend together as a family is precious!

Sam: Everyone takes their family for granted dad...it's like that saying, you don't know what you've got until it's gone... she just wants her independence dad, she doesn't want to be crowded by us all the time, so let her have her independence!

Jack: When was the last time we played Scrabble all together eh!? It's about time we all pulled together and became a family unit again!

10-11-2007, 11:38

Pat is on the phone whispering to Frank.

Pat: I told you to leave me and my family alone... can't you get that in your head?!

Frank: Can't you get it into your head that I want to see my son?!

Pat: For christ sake Frank, you made your choice when you left me when I became pregnant with Dave! How many more times do I have to tell you that?! Just piss off out of our lives ok!?

Frank: No it's not ok! I have the right to see my own son!

Pat: Well if you do turn up, he won't be very pleased to see you, I can tell you that now! He's grown up without a father, and when you come on the scene, it's going to be the worst family reunion that you could ever have!

Frank: He may not be happy to see me...but atleast I would have the decency to turn up and tell my son who I am and make the effort to get to know him!

Pat: Somehow, I don't think he will make the effort to get to know you! :rolleyes:

Frank: I'm sure he'll have questions to ask me atleast...like why I left..

Pat: And you can say that you pissed off to Spain or wherever you went..right?

Frank: It's not as simple as that... I just wasn't ready to settle down and have a child that's all..

Pat: And you didn't love me did you!? That's another reason why you left wasn't it eh?! Just admit it...tell me, you didn't love me!

Frank: I'm not going to explain myself over the phone...I just rang to tell you that I'm not too far away now..i'll be in Hinston very soon to see my son..

Frank hangs up. Pat puts the phone down, a paniced look on her face.

10-11-2007, 11:46

Luke is at the bar of the nightclub where Gina comes up to him.

Gina: Well...well, fancy seeing you here again.. :p

Luke: I couldn't hack things at home...the wife is drinking again..so I thought I'd come down here and relieve myself for a while..

Gina: Well you've come to the right place! :p

Luke: I wanted to see you again as well..

Gina: Oh yeah?

Luke: Yeah...your just a breath of fresh air from my wife..I enjoy your company...will you share your company with me again?

Gina: Well I'm meant to be working behind the bar..

Luke: Come on, one drink won't hurt will it?!

Gina: No I guess not..

Luke: What are you having? I'll pay for these..

Gina: I'll have a vodka and coke please. :)

Luke and Gina both give each other seductive smiles.

10-11-2007, 12:00

Greg and Chloe are still locked in the bathroom together after sharing their kiss.

Greg: So where does that leave us now?..

Chloe: Well that kiss must have meant something..

Greg: It shown to me that you must quite like me if you kissed me..

Chloe: I do like you Greg...no I mean, I more than like you...I really like you.

Greg: So do I..

Chloe: So what's going to happen now?

Greg: How about we give things a go eh and see how it goes?

Chloe: Ok..as long as you promise to take things slowly..

Greg: We'll take things at your own pace don't worry. :)

Greg and Chloe look into each other's eyes and share a kiss. Kat opens the bathroom door.

Kat: I knew you two were made for each other! :)

Kat gives a smile of delight.

11-11-2007, 19:15

The Weatherbys are sat around the dinner table, eating their tea. Christina comes down the stairs and enters the kitchen.

Christina: I'm just off to see Sean..

Alicia: But love your tea's here on the table!

Christina: I'll get a bag of chips on the way to Sean's house or something..

Alicia: You need to eat a proper meal love!

Christina: I bet it's gone cold now anyway..so you might as well sling it in the bin.

Jack: To be honest, I don't see why you have to go out and see Sean...can't he cope without seeing you for one night?!

Christina: We're in a relationship dad...i've got to keep him interested...or our relationship will just fizzle out!

Jack: And what about us?! We're your family!

Christina: I know that..and I know spending time with the family is important, but well I want to spend time with Sean too.

Jack: Your family should be your top priority Chris! We're more important! What do you and Sean get up to anyway eh!?

Christina: You really want to know!? What do you think dad!? We don't play tea parties! :rolleyes:

Jack: No I mean, he's not leading you astray is he...he's not pressurising you to do certain things..

Christina: Dad! Sean's a good man...he doesn't pressurise me to do anything I don't want too.. anyway I need to go..

Christina leaves the kitchen. Jack follows her into the hallway.

Jack: Are you sure you know what your doing with him?

Christina: Dad..i'm fine really.. you should stop worrying..but atleast I know now why you do worry, because of what happened to you.

Jack: Christina! Don't you dare bring that up!

Christina: Sorry..

Jack grabs his daughter's arm.

Jack: You promise me never to bring up what I said to you.. ok? I don't know what came over me telling you about my childhood..

Christina: Dad, I promise! Now just let go of me!

Jack refuses to let go of Christina.

Christina: Dad!

Jack: I don't know if I should let you go Chris.. I know I promised not to go against Sean again, but I know what I heard over the phone, he does drugs! And now your getting more and more involved with him...I don't want him getting you into the habit!

Christina: Dad! Your a liar!

Jack: I'm not a liar Chris! How dare you call me a liar! :angry:

Christina: Your just making this up to split me and Sean up.. you don't want me to be happy, every father of a child wants them to be happy, but with me, you don't want me to be happy at all! You want my life to be a misery!

Christina tries to get out of Jack's grip but Jack grabs hold of her and hits her across the face.

Jack: Your not going to leave this house!

Christina holds her cheek with her hands, trying to recover from her father's punch.

11-11-2007, 19:24

Lee and Tina enter the living room where they see their mother, Tanya passed out on the sofa.

Lee: Another heavy drinking session I see..

Tina: Lucky that Emily's not seeing this!

Lee: Is she ok?

Tina: Yeah, I just read her a bedtime story and now she's fast asleep..

Lee: What are we going to do about mum though Teen!? She can't carry on like this...she's drinking herself to death!

Tina: And it's all dad's fault too! Where is he anyway?! He should be here looking at what he's done to mum!

Lee: Teen! You can't blame everything on dad! This is partly mum's fault too..she doesn't have to drink, she just chooses too.. because it blocks out the pain..when in fact, it only makes things worse...

Tina: Do you think she has some kind of drinking problem?

Lee: I'm not sure but she relies to heavily on alcohol and we need to do something, before she digs herself into an early grave!

Lee and Tina look at their mother passed out on the sofa, with concern.

11-11-2007, 19:30

Greg and Chloe are in the pub, sharing a drink. Kat suddenly rings the bell from behind the bar.

Kat: Everyone..listen up..Greg and Chloe both have an announcement to make..

Wolf whistling can be heard all round the pub.

Greg: Great..why did Kat choose to do this?

Chloe: I don't know...she's just happy for us I suppose..

Greg: Yeah, well...I would rather our private lives didn't have to be announced and discussed in a packed pub!

Mike: So come on...what's the announcement?

Greg: Just to say that me and Chloe have become an item..

Kat holds up a drink.

Kat: To Greg and Chloe...let's hope their relationship lasts! :)

The pub toast to this.

13-11-2007, 19:39

Jack: Your not going to leave this house!

Christina holds her cheek with her hands, trying to recover from her father's punch.

Christina: Oh my god! You hit me!

Jack has a stunned expression on his face, confused by the actions he took.

Jack: I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me..

Christina: No father hits their daughter like that!

As Christina says this, Alicia walks into the hallway.

Alicia: What? Did I just hear right?!

Christina: You heard perfectly clear! Dad just hit me! (points to face) Right here!

Alicia: Jack! Please say this isn't right!

Christina: You think I'm lying?!

Alicia: Jack! Is it true!?

Jack: (nervous) Yeah...I just hit her..

Alicia: Jesus! My husband wouldn't do a thing like that..

Jack: It was the spur of the moment! I was just trying to keep our daughter under control that's all!

Alicia: And hitting her is the answer is it?! Hitting our own daughter is the answer!?

Jack: No of course it isn't! It wasn't intentional, I didn't mean to hit Chris..it just happened!

Christina: Well I'm not going to let it happen again, I'm calling the police!

Jack: You what!? Chris, don't be so stupid!

Christina: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't call the police and report you for assault eh!? I wouldn't be surprised if I get a bruise!

Jack: Because I'm your father and surely you wouldn't want to see your own father behind bars would you!?

Christina: If it stops you from hitting me, then yes!

Jack: For christ sake, what just happened was a one off! I can assure you it'll never happen again! I just lost control of my actions, I'm sorry..

Alicia: What you just did to our daughter Jack was right out of order! Chris, get upstairs! I want you away from your father!

Christina heads upstairs, giving her father an angered look.

Jack: You don't seriously think I'm going to hit Christina again, do you?!

Alicia: I don't know what to think Jack...I thought I knew you...never thought you'd lift a finger to anyone, but I was obviously wrong! This whole Sean business has changed you!

Alicia storms off upstairs. Jack is left to reflect over his actions.

13-11-2007, 22:26

The morning after the night before. Jack wakes up and heads down the stairs, where he sees the rest of his family by the front door with their suitcases, preparing to leave.

Jack: Where are you off too?!

Alicia: We're all leaving...

Jack: What!?

Sam: What you did to Chris was out of order dad!

Jack: I know and I said I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hit her!

Alicia: Yes..yes..you've said that but that won't stop us all from leaving...

Christina: I don't want to be at the risk of being used as a punchbag by my own father!

Jack: Oh Christina! Don't be so bloody ridiculous, i love you, your my daughter! I would never want to hurt you!

Christina: You could have fooled me!

Jack: Where are you all going to go anyway?

Christina: I'm going to stay at Sean's..

Jack: Your doing what?!

Christina: I knew I'd get that reaction, but you can't stop me! It's my life, I can do what I like..

Jack: What about you two?

Alicia: Me and Sam will find a place to stay...but for now, the most important thing you need is space, to reflect over your own actions..

Jack: No I don't want space! I want my family! Please don't go! What can I do to stop you?!

Alicia: Nothing Jack..you can't do anything...our minds are all made up..

Sam: You were so desperate to keep us together dad as a family, but your actions only succeeded in pushing all of us further away..

Christina: Bye dad.

Christina, Sam and Alicia all leave through the front door. Jack rubs his hands through his hair in stress, before breaking down into tears over losing his family.

15-11-2007, 18:22

Christina is at her boyfriend, Sean's house.

Christina: Are you sure it's ok I stay here?

Sean: Course it is...your my girlfriend Chris! I wouldn't turn you away in your hour of need now would I?!

Christina: I know..I'm just really sorry about this, I didn't want to cause any problems by moving in here, I'm just desperate that's all..

Sean: To get away from your father?

Christina: Yeah, obviously...I mean, look what he did to me! I've got a bruise appearing by my eye now!

Sean: Are you sure you don't want to go to the police? Or alternatively, are you sure you don't want me to go round there and sort your dad out?..Because what he did to you was sick, no dad should hit their own daughter like that!

Christina: It's ok Sean...really..I just want you to stay out of it..

Sean: Wasn't the reason why he hit you in the first place because of me anyway?!

Christina: Yeah...but, I still don't want you to go round there and do anything stupid just for my sake!

Sean: Your my girlfriend Chris and I love you...I should protect you, not just stand back and watch whilst your father hits you!

Christina: It'll never happen again Sean...I can assure you of that, because I'm never setting foot back in my family's house again...it's me and you for life now babes..

Sean and Christina share a kiss. As they do, Sean's father, Dean enters the kitchen.

Dean: Well, well...who do we have here then?

Sean: Oh dad, I've been meaning to introduce you to my girlfriend..

Dean: Aahh this is the girl you've been talking about for hours on end!

Sean: Christina, this is my dad. Dad, this is Christina...

Christina gives Dean a shy smile. Dean looks at Christina closely.

Dean: Nice to meet you Christina...it's good to finally see you in the flesh, as I've only known you through Sean's words..

Christina laughs politely.

Christina: It's nice to meet you as well...

Sean: Dad...you don't mind if Christina stays here for a while do you?!

Christina: I've been having trouble at home...long story, but well, I don't want to explain it all really..

Dean: Go ahead and stay here! I ain't stopping you. :)

Christina smiles, pleased that she has Dean's approval.

15-11-2007, 18:57

Luke and Geena are at the nightclub together.

Geena: You just can't keep away can you? :p

Luke: I can't help it if your so bloody irresistable!

Geena: Shall we go upstairs? It's a lot quieter up there..

Geena squeezes Luke's bum before they head off upstairs. They go upstairs into a bedroom.

Luke: Whos room is this?

Geena: What does it matter? Just take your clothes off! I've been gagging for you since I first clapped eyes on you!

Luke: That feeling is perfectly mutual.

Luke and Geena give each other seductive looks, before Luke and Geena lean in for a snog, and undress each other, falling onto the bed...

15-11-2007, 21:34

Jack is in the pub, drinking and drowning his sorrows. Mike walks over to him, after picking up some pint glasses.

Mike: Don't you think you've had enough for one night?

Jack: I don't care how much I've had...I need to forget everything that has happened!

Mike: I think you need to make your way home mate...

Jack: What's the point in making my way home when I'm going to an empty house eh?!

Mike: Look Jack, I'm your friend...you know you can tell me anything..

Jack: You mean, you want to know why my whole family upped sticks and left me!?

Mike: No, I don't want to know! I just think it might help you if you have someone too talk too.. I don't mind listening...

Jack: Really Mike, thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass...if I told you what I did, I can safely say you'd never want to speak to me again!

Mike: Is it that serious?!

Jack: Yes, or my whole family wouldn't have left me!

Mike: Just do yourself a favour and go home Jack! Your not helping yourself, staying here, buying drink after drink and drowning your sorrows!

Jack: What else am I meant to do eh!? I want to drink to forget! I want to forget about what I did, I want to forget about my whole family leaving me!

Mike: I know what you could do...you could try and be a proper man, and fight to get your family back! Instead of moping around this pub, getting yourself drunk like some pathetic loser!

Jack: (Angry) Your calling me a pathetic loser?!

Mike: You are one if your just going to let your family drift away from you! Get out of this pub, get sober and go and get your bloody family back, because I know that's what you want, or you wouldn't be here drinking yourself into misery otherwise!

Mike's words make Jack sink back into realisation again.

Jack: Your right Mike, I'm not going to give up, I'm going to get my family back where they belong! And that's with me! In that house, over the road!

Jack finishes his drink and leaves the pub, a determined look on his face.

16-11-2007, 20:22

Geena is laying in bed, awake whilst Luke is at the side of the bed getting changed.

Luke: You know, this was a mistake..

Geena: You weren't saying that last night!

Luke: I'm married for christ sake! This should have never happened! I'm sorry Geena, I don't mean to mess you about, but last night was a one off...it will never happen again..

Geena: Well we're both in the same boat..

Luke: What do you mean?

Geena: There's something I forgot to tell you...I'm married too..

Luke: Your what!? :eek: This is some joke right?!

Geena: I'm not laughing Luke..

Luke: Why the bloody hell didn't you tell me this before?!

Geena: Because I know you wouldn't have been the slightest bit interested in me! Everytime I flirt with a bloke, we get to the bedroom, then he would leave because of seeing the ring on my finger!

Luke: Well if your married...what are you doing cheating on him?!

Geena: I could ask you the same question!

Luke: But I told you why..I've got problems at home with the wife, she would choose the bottle of vodka over me!

Geena: And me and my husband have a **** marriage! He's always away on business and I'm left here to deal with the club, he's in charge of this place and I just get lonely..

Luke: So that's why you flirted with me and slept with me? Because your alone?

Geena: I really like you Luke, I'm not just using you for company! I enjoy your company as well.

Luke: Well I've had enough of your company I'm afraid...I'm leaving here and I'm not coming back!

Geena: But why!? We're both married Luke and I'm not backing out on you!

Luke: It's risky that we're both sleeping together, when we're both married! If we carry on seeing each other, we are going to get caught out sooner or later!

Geena: You say it like you speak from experience...

An awkward pause.

Luke: You know nothing about me Geena...and you won't have the chance to find out anymore about me, because I'm leaving...us sleeping together was just a one off, I don't want to see you again...I'm sorry...just make sure your husband doesn't find out about us right!?

Luke leaves hastily. Geena has a devastated look on her face.

16-11-2007, 20:43

Luke arrives back home, where Tina and Lee are at the kitchen table, eating breakfast.

Lee: Dad! We wondered where the hell you got too! Staying out all night like that, what the hell were you thinking?!

Luke: Stop treating me like some schoolboy! I'm your dad, and I spent the night away from this house, to give myself room to breathe, give myself time to think about things!

Tina: Which can be translated as dad slept with his latest bit on the side!

Luke: It's not like that at all! What's your problem eh!?

Lee: The problem is you decided to stay out all night, whilst we were left looking after Emily and keeping an eye on mum, who once again looks like an absolute wreck!

Tina: Go on dad! Go in that living room and see what you've made mum become!

Luke: You can't blame Tan's drinking all on me for god's sake! Everything seems to be my fault in your book!

Tina: You were the one who had an affair! You were the one who betrayed this whole family...

Luke: For christ sake! I don't need to listen to this!

Luke exits the kitchen, and peeks into the living room where he sees Tanya laying on the sofa, looking a drunken wreck.

Luke: (to self) Jesus! You need to stop this Tan!

16-11-2007, 20:53

Felicity and Dave are behind the cafe counter. They look at their mother, as she is wiping some tables.

Dave: Do you think mum's ok? You know, after all the phone calls..

Felicity: She seems to be acting rather strangely...she's been a bit on edge lately...

Dave: Because of the phone calls?

Felicity: Maybe...I'm not sure, we should chat to her about it Dave, I feel a bit guilty talking about our own mother behind her back!

Dave: We're just sharing our concerns that's all..

Felicity: Ok, but we need to find out what's bugging her...something is, she's not just being her usual self!

Dave: If those phone calls are bothering her, we should call the police about them..

Felicity: Yeah, anything to get our old mother back with us..

Felicity and Dave look over at their mother, concerned looks on their faces.

18-11-2007, 17:48

Pat is at the cafe counter. She finishes serving the latest customer, when Felicity pulls her out into the back room.

Pat: What is it?

Felicity: Mum...there's something wrong isn't there?

Pat: What are you talking about?

Dave: Don't play games with us mum, we know there's something up and we want to know what it is!

Pat: Really, you two, I don't have the faintest clue on what your on about!

Felicity: Then why have you been acting so strangely eh?

Pat: Acting strangely? How have I been acting strangely!?

Dave: You just haven't been your usual self mum.. your usually, chatty, outgoing...but these past few days, you've been quiet, uptight..

Pat: Well I don't mean to be! It's just the time of the month that's all..

Felicity: Mum please! Me and Dave have both grown up now..giving us excuses and us being gullible enough to believe them, won't wash with us no more!

Pat: (growing angry) Look, you two, I swear there's nothing wrong, so just leave it ok!?

Dave: There you go...your being uptight!

Pat: (angry) Oh will you two just pack it in! I've got customers to serve in the cafe! :angry:

Pat goes to leave.

Felicity: It's the phone calls isn't it?!

Pat turns back round to face her children.

Pat: The phone calls have stopped...there's nothing wrong!

Pat rushes back out into the cafe. Felicity and Dave look at each other, worried about their mum's behaviour.

18-11-2007, 18:02

Jack is speaking to Alicia and Sam at a local B&B.

Alicia: Just say what you have to say and leave ok?

Jack: Look, I've come to say I'm sorry..

Sam: It shouldn't be us you should be apologising too, it should be Christina!

Jack: I know that! But I know that my actions have affected you two as well..

Alicia: Sounds like you've been thinking deeply about your actions!

Jack: I have been and I know I was wrong...I'm sorry..

Alicia: Is that all you have to say!?

Jack: No.. I want my family back as well..that's why I'm here, to take you both back home!

Alicia: Well it's not going to happen...we're staying put, here!

Jack: But I thought you were only going away until I thought about my actions and I have done! I love you Alicia...I love my whole family, and I want us all back together in the same house, because every moment we spend together is precious.

Sam: Come on mum...dad's being genuine here, he's sorry and he's thought about what happened, now let's get out of here, I'm tired of living in this dump that is called a B&B! :rolleyes:

Alicia: Ok...we'll come home with you, but that doesn't mean your fully forgiven! Not by a long shot, you've got a lot of making up to do with Christina!

Jack: That's if she'll come home..

Alicia: And if she does come home..I want you to drop this vendetta against her boyfriend, because this is what caused you to hit Christina in the first place!

Jack: Ok..ok..well i'm going to ring Chris now and see if I can get her back home..

Alicia: Me and Sam are going to head upstairs and pack our things..

Jack: Ok love.

Alicia and Sam go upstairs to pack their things. Jack gets her phone out, and rings Christina. She answers and the scene cuts between these two having a conversation.

Christina: Dad...what the hell do you want?!

Jack: I'm sorry about hitting you Chris.. I want you to come home, so we can be a proper family again!

Christina: Piss off dad! I'm never coming back home, not after what you did to me!

Christina hangs up. Jack puts his phone back in his pocket, hurt by his daughter's response.

18-11-2007, 18:10

Jenna and Max are talking outside the pub, when Tanya comes stumbling out.

Nina: Tan! Just go home...you've had too much to drink..

Tanya: Fine, i'll piss off then! Give everyone a break!

Tanya stumbles across the road, clearly very drunk, trying to avoid falling over.

Jenna: Jesus! Do you think we should help her make her way home!?

Max: No...just leave her, she'll only lash out if we try and help her.

Jenna: That woman has a serious problem...everytime I see her, she's swigging from a bottle of vodka!

Max: It's all her husband's fault though...he was the one that played away, he really hurt her..

Jenna: Yeah, but she's in control of her own actions surely!? She needs to get sorted out, before she gets liver failure!

Jenna walks off. Max stares at Tanya, as she struggles to get the key into her front door.

20-11-2007, 20:53

Harry and Mike are chatting in the pub.

Mike: You want the usual?

Harry: Yeah...just the pint of lager please mate..

Mike: Ok..haven't spoke to you in a while actually, how are things?

Harry: So...so really..

Mike: So so?

Harry: Well you know, the usual...going to work, then getting back home to the wife.

Mike: I see..

Harry: But between me and you.. she keeps banging on about having kids, which is starting to annoy me..

Mike: Kids!? Wow, even me and Nina haven't considered that yet! I couldn't imagine me and Nina having kids, couldn't imagine them living in this pub!

Harry: Yeah well, count yourself lucky that Nina isn't pressurising you to have children! I have had it up to here with Jen going on about kids! She acts as if it will be the end of the world, if we don't have a baby!

Mike: Do you actually want kids though?

Harry: No not particularly...but I don't want to be honest because I know I'll just hurt Jen..she's so happy about the prospect of having kids that I don't want to shatter her dreams..

Mike: So your just going to lie about your feelings!?

Harry: What else can I do? I don't want to hurt her!

Mike: I'm sure she would value your honesty though Harry, it's a bad idea to lie to her like this! Be honest with her and tell her you don't want children. She may not like it, but at least your telling her the truth.

Mike walks over to serve another punter. Harry ponders on what Mike has said.

20-11-2007, 20:59

Tanya is at the bar, clearly drunk. Nina walks over to her concerned.

Nina: You've had enough now Tan..I think it's time that you go home..

Tanya: I'm staying here! This is my home!

Nina: Come on, I'm taking you home! The state your in, you probably think the grass looks blue!

Nina grabs hold of Tanya and supports her as she stumbles to the door.

Nina: Are you ok Tan?

Tanya: No..I feel...I feel quite dizzy..

Tanya loses her balance and collapses to the floor.

24-11-2007, 11:41

An ambulance is outside the Cat Flap Pub. Paramedics are seen taking Tanya into the ambulance on a stretcher. The locals are all watching on. Luke suddenly comes running over, with Lee, Tina and Emily in tow.

Luke: (to Nina) What the bloody hell's happened!?

Nina: It's Tan...she's had to much to drink again..

Luke: And you didn't think to stop her!?

Mike: (to Luke) Don't you dare blame this on my wife!

Luke: Well you own the pub don't you!? You didn't think to stop giving her drinks, if you used your common sense and not let Tan drink herself into oblivion, then this might not have happened!

Mike: Your just trying to shift the blame onto us! It's your fault that your wife is in this state!

Lee: Please...both of you, stop arguing! Mum's in a right state and we have to be there for her dad!

Tina: He's right though dad, you did put mum in this state!

Luke: Don't you bloody start again! Go on, get back into that house now, put Emily to bed and read her a bedtime story or something! I don't want you coming to the hospital, so you can just look at me with daggered looks all the time!

Tina: I can go to the hospital if I wish! She is my mum after all!

Luke: You do what your father says, now get back into that house..

Tina: I don't have to do what you say, not after the way you treated mum!

Luke: I'm going to lose my temper in a minute, now get back into that bloody house before I go mad with you! :angry:

Tina looks confidently at her father, then tosses her head away and turns, and walks back into the house with Emily.

Lee: Dad...can I come?

Luke: You go as well.. I'll ring you when there's news on your mother.

Lee turns and follows Tina and Emily.

Luke: (turning to see the locals watching) What you all looking at eh!? Have you got nothing better to do!? The show's over, now all of you just piss off!

Luke gets into the back of the ambulance to be at Tanya's side. The ambulance speeds off to the hospital.

24-11-2007, 11:48

Harry comes up the stairs, and talks through the bathroom to Jenna. We just hear Jenna's voice.

Harry: You alright love?

Jenna: Yeah..

Harry: I'm off to work now, I'll see you later..

Jenna: Ok, have a good day..

Harry goes back down the stairs and leaves. We cut to the bathroom, where Jenna is sitting on the toilet seat, holding a pregnancy test in her hands. She looks down at it, and the test reveals positive...

24-11-2007, 12:07

Luke is waiting outside Tanya's cubicle. The doctor walks over to him.

Luke: Is my wife ok?

Doctor: Yes, she's fine...she's just recovering now, she should count herself lucky though, it could have been a lot worse! She just reacted badly to the drink that is all.

Luke: When will she be able to come home?

Doctor: Hopefully we'll discharge her this afternoon with no problems.

Luke: Thanks doctor. :)

Doctor: You can go and see her now if you want...she's awake, just recovering. :)

The doctor leaves. Luke walks into Tanya's cubicle. He sees Tanya, looking tired and weak.

Luke: Jesus Tan! You look like you have one killer hangover!

Tanya: Well that's why I'm in here isn't it!?

Luke: Do you remember what happened?

Tanya: I remember nothing..

Luke: That's because you drank yourself into oblivion! You know, it could have been a lot more serious Tan!

Tanya: Yes, the doctor already said! Just change the subject!

Luke: No i'm not going to change the subject! The kids are worried sick about you, the locals are worried sick about you! Do you have any idea what worry your causing!?

Tanya: I can understand the kids being worried, but the locals!? Your having a laugh aren't you, I'm common tripe to most of them!

Luke: Don't talk rubbish!

Tanya: It's true...we are always the family they are talking about!

Luke: And do you wonder why!? It's because of your drunken antics!

Tanya: And your silly affair!

Luke: We have to stop this Tan...I don't think you realise how serious your drinking has become! I think you have a problem..

Tanya: A problem? I don't have any problem..

Luke: You do and you need to face up to it!

Tanya: Look, I'll keep my drinking more under control next time, alright?

Luke: No it's not alright! If you carry on your drinking, your going to ruin your health and I don't think you seem to realise that! Everyone else does, and that's why everyone is worrying, but your blind to that fact! Your completely blind Tan, and if you carry on, your going to drink yourself to death and it'll all be because of me having a fling with some cheap tart!

Luke leaves the cubicle, frustrated. Tanya ponders on what her husband has said.

24-11-2007, 12:47

Sean is putting some toast in the toaster. Christina is sitting at the kitchen table.

Sean: What's wrong with you this morning? You've hardly said a word since we got up!

Christina: Sorry, I've just been thinking that's all..

Sean: Thinking about what?

Christina: About my dad..

Sean: Oh Chris! He's not worth thinking about!

Christina: How can you say that!? He's my dad, despite what he's done, I still love him deep down!

Sean: He doesn't deserve your love Chris, not after what he did.

Christina: I just feel guilty about hanging up on him the other day when he phoned..

Sean: You shouldn't be feeling guilty! He's the one that should be feeling guilty, he was right out of order hitting you like that!

Christina: I know, but I might know why he hit me..

Sean: How do you mean!? There's no reason to justify him hitting you!

Christina: I just feel I should go back home and give him a chance, talk things through..

Sean: Are you mad!? You can't go back home Chris, he's hit you once and he'll hit you again! Men like that never change Chris, they always have a violent streak to them..I want you to stay with me, I love you Christina, and I'll never forgive myself if I let you go back home and he hits you again or does something worse..

Christina: I have to take a chance Sean! He's my dad!

Sean: It'll be the end for us though Chris, your father hates my guts...we'll be finished, I love you Christina, I really do and I don't want to lose you.

Sean and Christina kiss.

Christina: Ok, well I'll stay here for now then. :)

Sean and Christina hug. Sean has a pleased smile on his face.

24-11-2007, 12:53

Christina and Sean are in the living room, watching some television. Christina's mobile phone suddenly rings and she answers it.

Christina: Hello.

Jack: Chris, it's me..

Christina takes the phone away from her ear in a panic.

Christina: (To Sean) It's my dad on the phone!

Sean: You know what to do Christina...tell him your not coming home, you know it's for the best..

Christina puts the phone back to her ear.

Christina: What do you want dad?

Jack: What do you think!? I want you to come home!

Christina: Forget it, I'm not going to come home, I'm going to stay at Sean's for now.

Christina abruptly hangs up. Sean smiles at Christina, pleased she has followed his orders.

26-11-2007, 20:20

Harry and Jenna are sitting at the kitchen table, eating their tea. Harry looks exhausted, whilst Jenna has a smile of glee on her face.

Harry: What are you so happy about?

Jenna: I've got some news Harry, and I wanted to tell you at the right time!

Harry: Well we're both sat down at the table eating our tea, so maybe now is the best time to say...what is it?

Jenna: I'm pregnant!

Harry starts choking on the sausage in his mouth.

Harry: Your what!?

Jenna: Pregnant Harry, you know...I'm having a baby! :rolleyes:

Harry: How the bloody hell did that happen!?

Jenna: Really love, do I need to tell you the tale of the birds and the bees? :rolleyes:

Harry: No I mean...we've hardly done it! How can you be pregnant!?

Jenna: We've had sex Harry! That's how I got pregnant, I suppose we were just lucky as we've only done it once or twice, sometimes it takes ages for couples to concieve..

Harry: (annoyed) I don't believe this!

Jenna: (oblivious to his mood) Neither can I! It's such brilliant news isn't it!? Oh Harry, i'm so happy! It's like my dreams have come true, we're going to have a baby! We need to get over to the Cat Flap and tell everyone the good news! :D

Harry: Hang about... I don't want anyone knowing!

Jenna: Why not!?

Harry: You could tell everyone and then end up losing it! You'll look like a fool if that happened!

Jenna: Oh love! Stop being so cynical!

Jenna smiles at Harry, happily. Harry doesn't look impressed.

01-12-2007, 11:14

Jack knocks on the Gallaghers' front door. Sean answers it, with a surprised look on his face.

Sean: Didn't expect you to be knocking on my front door! You really do have a nerve coming round here!

Jack: I've come to see my daughter actually, we need to talk..

Sean: Well i'm afraid she doesn't want to talk to you!

Jack: I'd prefer it if I actually heard those words from the horse's mouth.

Sean: Look, I know why your here...to get your precious daughter back home, but I'm afraid it's not going to work, you're wasting your time..

Jack: Christina will see sense! She'll know that her family is worth more than you and come back to her rightful home..

Sean: I wouldn't be so sure about that..she's decided to stay here, didn't you get the message over the phone when she rang you!? :rolleyes:

Jack: You think a phone call is going to make me give up on my own daughter! Anyway, I've just come round to talk to her, I'm her father for god sake! You can't prevent me from talking to her!

Sean: When I've finished with her Jack, she'll mean nothing to you..you won't be her father, once I've got my way, she'll think that she no longer has a father!

Hearing these words, Jack angrily punches Sean in the face. Sean falls back, surprised by Jack's reaction.

Jack: You really couldn't give a crap about my daughter could you eh!?

01-12-2007, 11:23

Jenna has forced Harry to go to the pub with her.

Harry: I really don't think this is a good idea..

Jenna: Like I said, your being pessimistic!

Harry: It's not just that, I want to keep our private lives private! I don't want everyone knowing our business..

Jenna: Harry, everyone in this pub are our friends! They would want to know our good news..

Nina suddenly rings the bell, where the whole pub fall silent.

Nina: Ok everyone...Jenna has told me that she and Harry have a very special announcement to make, so please don't keep us in suspense, tell all! :D

Jenna starts talking with a beaming smile. She holds Harry's hand, as Harry tries to force a smile on his face.

Jenna: Well we just wanted to tell you all that I'm pregnant! Me and Harry are expecting a baby! :D

Nina: Jen! Congratulations! :D

The whole pub start cheering and clapping for the happy news. Mike looks over at Harry, guessing he isn't very impressed with this news.

01-12-2007, 11:29

Pat comes out of the pub, leaving the celebrations of Harry and Jenna's good news to answer a phone call.

Pat: Yes..Hello..

Frank: I'm coming Pat...I'm on way, and I'm going to tell Dave who I really am..

Pat: Frank!

Frank hangs up.

Pat: Frank! You can't do this!

Pat smashes her phone against the concrete floor.

Pat: (to self) Jesus!

01-12-2007, 11:46

We see a middle aged man standing at the cafe door. He is Frank - Dave's real father. Pat opens the door.

Frank: Surprise! :)

Pat: Jesus Christ, your Frank!?

Frank: Yes.. Dave's real father, and I'm here to see him..

Pat: Just get lost will you!? I don't know why you've decided to interfere in my life now!

Frank: I don't want to interfere with your life, I just want to get to know my son! I want to make up for lost time..

Pat: Well like I've said countless times before, it's too late!

Pat tries to shut the door on Frank, but Frank overpowers Pat and barges into the cafe.

Frank: Got a cup of coffee going?

Pat: You've got a nerve!

Frank: Asking for a cup of coffee!? It's cold out there now, I need something to warm me up..

Pat: Just get out! Leave! I don't want you here!

Frank: But Dave might want me to stay here, he might want to see his father..

Pat: He's only ever mentioned you once Frank, and that's when he was a young boy, wondering where his father was!

Frank: And what did you say?

Pat: I told him that you were dead..

Frank: You told him what!? :eek:

Pat: What was I meant to say eh!? That you buggered off abroad and couldn't give a **** about your own son!? That would have really helped wouldn't it!? And besides, when you left, you never gave any hint whatsoever that you might come back!

Frank: Well it's about time he knew the truth wasn't it eh!?

Pat: He's going to hate me if he knows your alive!

Frank: Serves you right for lying to him then doesn't it!? I don't know what's worse, me leaving in the first place or you lying to your own son!

As Frank says this, Dave walks into the cafe.

Dave: Lying to me!? Mum?

Frank: It's about time he knew the truth Pat, and if your not going to tell him yourself, I will..

Pat looks at Frank and then at Dave, a paniced look on her face. She realises she has no choice.

Pat: Dave..this is your father, Frank..

Dave looks at Frank and then at his mother, in utter shock and amazement.

01-12-2007, 12:02

Luke and Tanya are walking towards the car. Tanya has just been discharged.

Luke: Are you feeling ok?

Tanya: Really, I'm fine! And when I get home, I don't want a fuss alright!? I'm perfectly capable!

Luke: We're not saying that you aren't, we just all want to look out for you that's all, take care of you..

Tanya: I can take care of myself! I don't need looking after!

Luke: Ok, but just promise me to give up on the drink a little yeh?

Tanya: Your speaking to me like a child! I'll do what I want Luke, I'll drink whenever I like..you think a trip to the hospital is going to stop me drinking!?

Luke: You put your life at risk Tan! You were lucky, it could have been a lot more serious!

Tanya: Just drop it Luke, yeah!?

Tanya gets into the car. We see Luke with a concerned expression on his face.

03-12-2007, 18:21

Pat: Dave..this is your father, Frank..

Dave looks at Frank and then at his mother, in utter shock and amazement.

Dave: (confused) My father!? But my father is dead!

Frank: Your mother lied Dave! I'm your father..

Dave: What!? But my mum wouldn't lie!

Frank: Well I'm afraid she did...I walked out on you and your mother.. and she told you that I was dead!

Dave: Is this some kind of joke!?

Dave looks at Pat, to try and get an answer. She has a nervous look on her face. Dave's face turns to anger.

Dave: Don't tell me it's true!

Pat: It's true..

Dave: He's my father!? But you told me that dad was dead!

Pat: Well I lied alright!? I'm sorry!

Dave: You lied! How could you mum!? When I asked you about him, I wanted a truthful answer, but you lied!

Pat: Look your dad pissed off abroad! What was I meant to say eh!? I didn't want to upset you..

Dave: Upset me!? You upset me by telling me he was dead!

Pat: I didn't want you to think that your father didn't want you!

Dave: I can't believe you lied!

Pat: (to Frank) See what you've done!

Frank: I didn't want to start any fights, I came back to get to know my son! It's your own fault that you told him I was dead!

Pat: If you didn't turn up, he wouldn't have found out the truth! You made your choice years ago when you decided to leave, so why didn't you stick with it eh!?

Dave: I just can't believe this...I just can't! I can't get my head round it!

Frank: You just need time to take it in..

Pat: (to Frank) You're just here to cause havoc aren't you eh!? Thought you would throw a spanner in the works!

Frank: It's not like that! This would have been easier if I you didn't lie about me being six feet under!

Pat: I was doing what I thought was best! I thought you pissed off forever!

Frank: Well you were wrong, so don't blame me, if your own son disowns you!

Dave is sat down, struggling to come to terms with his father turning up. Pat looks at Frank, clearly very upset.

03-12-2007, 18:46

Luke gets a phone number from a phone book and dials the number into the phone.

Luke: Hi..I would like to sign up for a drinking class...yeh, Tanya Campbell...every Tuesday afternoon? Yeah...11 Hinston Street, ok that's great, thanks..bye now..

Luke hangs up. Tanya comes into the room.

Tanya: Who was that?

Luke: Look Tan, I was thinking..

Tanya: Who was on the phone!?

Luke: I've signed you up for some drinking classes, that's who I was speaking too...I was speaking to the drinking specialist who runs the classes..

Tanya: What!?

Luke: Look I know you might react badly to it at first, but it's for your own good!

Tanya: You went behind my back to phone some shrink for me!

Luke: Tan! It's not like that!

Tanya: What was like it then!? How could you?!

Luke: You need help...I'm just looking out for you!

Tanya: I don't need any help at all! I'm fine and I don't understand why you don't see that!

Tanya storms out, angrily. Luke is left frustrated.

04-12-2007, 18:58

Tanya is sitting at the kitchen table, reading a magazine. Tina comes into the kitchen, and pours out some orange juice in a cup. She sits down next to her mother.

Tanya: Shouldn't you be doing your homework or something?

Tina: Mum...I've come to talk to you..

Tanya: Oh dear, what's the problem? You've only ever wanted to speak to me when you have some kind of problem! So come on, spit it out, tell me everything...that's what mothers are for! :D

Tina: Mum, this isn't about me! It's about you..

Tanya: What do you mean?

Tina: You know what I mean mum! I've been talking too dad, he's really concerned about you, well, we all are..

Tanya: Look there's nothing wrong with me! Just drop it yeah!?

Tina: No I won't drop it! Mum, why can't you see that you have a problem eh!?

Tanya: I don't have a problem!

Tina: You do and it's about time that you seen that! If you carry on, your going to drink yourself to death! And all because of dad and his affair! I can't believe he's resorted you to this!

Tanya: It helps me blot out the pain that I got hurt by your father, can't you see that!?

Tina: No I can't see that! You drinking just makes things worse! Surely to get dad back, you shouldn't be drinking yourself into oblivion!? Your wasting your life away by getting drunk every night of the week, and we are left to worry and pick up the pieces! If you carry on like this, your gonna lose me and probably the rest of this family...is that what you want!?

Tina storms out of the kitchen after giving her mother a lecture. Tanya is left to ponder on what her daughter has said.

09-12-2007, 11:31

Dave is sat down in shock, following the revelation that Frank is his father. Pat and Frank are sitting down opposite him. Frank keeps composed, whilst it's clear that Pat has been crying.

Frank: Not going to open the cafe today?

Pat: What do you think eh!?...Of course i'm not! I don't want the residents in here finding out about what's been going on!

Dave: Oh yeah! We wouldn't want anyone else finding out that you lied about my father being dead! :rolleyes:

Pat: Please Dave, don't make me more upset..it's hurt me that your father has turned up in the first place, I don't need you having a go at me as well..

Frank: What do you expect eh!? You lied to your own son!

Pat: (to Frank) You should be the one that he's having a go at! You were the one who left us after all, so dpn't try and pin all this on me with the white lie I told!

Frank: (to Pat) It was more than a white lie!

Dave: (interrupting, to Frank) All I want to know is why you left!

Pat: He left because he didn't want me or you!

Dave: Enough mum! I want to hear this from the horse's mouth.

Frank: I left because I couldn't handle the responsibility of becoming a father, it's not that I didn't love you or your mother..

Pat: If you loved us, you wouldn't have pissed off to Spain, simple as that!

Frank: I was scared alright!? That's why I left you both! The day I left, I didn't even know if I could go through with leaving, I loved you both...but I couldn't get my head round, being in a family...I wasn't ready for that commitment, I needed to get away.. think about things..

Pat: For 19 years! How pathetic! :rolleyes:

Frank: I was pathetic, yes! Now I look back, I don't know why I even left you both...coming back today, made me realise how much I truly left behind, and back 19 years ago, I suppose I didn't know how much I was leaving behind, but believe me, I've changed!

Pat: People never change! No matter how hard you try Frank, you will never change! To me, you'll always be the one that left me in the lurch with Dave, left me to cope all on my own! Do you know how much hurt I felt!? Those first few months of having Dave, I felt so cheated, so hurt! I loved you, loved you so much, and you betrayed me, it hurt so much that I nearly felt like giving up, but I knew I had to stay strong, for Dave and Felicity's sakes, which is why I never gave up!

Frank: You have to believe me though, I have changed! Back then, I was an idiot, I didn't know how much I hurt people and I wasn't facing up to responsibility, but now I'm back, the complete opposite to all I've said and I want to get to know my son, if he'll let me..

Frank looks at Dave, hopeful. Dave looks on, trying to take in everything that has been said.