View Full Version : Your Catchphrase?

23-09-2007, 16:45
Do you have a catchphrase? Or even just something that you always say
Like Janice off friends alwaysa said : Oh My God!!!!

I dont really have a catchphrase myself, however, I do say : I dont know ( alot and its worse of my acent so people here find it funy), Techinically ( I'll say that in a sentence such as techincally thats not true), Like( I just say it in sentences alot) :p

Chloe O'brien
23-09-2007, 22:56
I tend to say "Oh my Word" quite a lot and "Shut your Pie Hole"

23-09-2007, 23:07
I always call Friday, Chocolate Friday – children in my class get a treat if they have been good.

Also call mental maths – mental, mental chicken oriental maths.

Oh and when I want to get their attention, I’ll say loudly in a deep south American accent “yeeeehaaaaa Woarrrrrrrhooooooo ride them cow boy, get out of the range”

I always say you plum or you muppet, if they have been daft.

Outside work, Im really quite normal, honest. :o

samantha nixon
24-09-2007, 20:04
i have loads of different words i always say, okie dokie, you ****, plum, bob, and im sures there anoter one thats actually a sentence but cant think of it

25-09-2007, 14:43
Sorted and Like, i am terrible and they always come out in a strong manchester accent. I sound like i have walked straight off the shameless set.

05-10-2007, 19:22
I always say Oh my god and like...:D

Chloe O'brien
06-10-2007, 01:45
Another one I usually say is "There nae need" (as in what horses say "neigh need") to do or say something.

06-10-2007, 01:48
I often say say "sorted", and "oh my gosh" and "really" and "lush" alot..

06-10-2007, 16:14
Oh my god, bare, sick..

On msn: Lol..

25-10-2007, 17:59
I say "oh my God" and "cool" and "youknow". I annoy MYSELF sometimes!!! :D

26-10-2007, 00:03
I have a terrible POTTY MOUTH:angel: .. so I use alot of swear words..
I will say something like " no shxx??" "I'll be damn".. "COOL BEANS".

27-10-2007, 10:30
I always say 'how rude' all the time for everything i just can't stop

28-10-2007, 18:49
I always say 'how rude' alot too and 'SHOCKING!'

17-11-2007, 18:43
I say 'how rude' quite a bit, but I also tend to say like and 'but hey' a lot.

03-01-2008, 09:08
My saying isn`t very original but it covers a multitude of different situations.

"Aww bo**ocks"

Or even 'Aww Fer'...short for oh for **** sake


03-01-2008, 21:59
"Some little urchin has probably kifed it." Some kid has probably nicked it.

Shugar honey iced tea is another favourite when something goes wrong.

05-01-2008, 09:48
Another thing I say a lot is not even a word as such. It`s in place of 'I dunno' if someone asks me something.
Have you ever seen on some episodes of the Simpsons when Marge asks Homer something and he says 'I dunno" but he doesn`t use words its something like.."mm u u" That`s what I say too. Quite embarassing really