View Full Version : Your greatest achievement

23-09-2007, 16:34
Ok, so I was thiking, what has been your greatest achievement so far.
It could be something you've done in life or maybe someting to do with a talent you have?
Or if you really want to show off, it could be one from either of those, or soemthing completley different

i think mine would have to my GCSE results but also my dancing on stage and my confidence growing as I was once very very shy

23-09-2007, 17:44
Same here Abbie, I think I'd have to say my GCSE results, I was so happy when I got them :)

23-09-2007, 20:59
Erm my SATs results, passing my piano exam with merit.. (trust me i was rubbish as well).. I have yet to do my GCSE's and I'm hoping that they will be my greatest achievment so far :)

23-09-2007, 21:49
Having my children .......... :)

23-09-2007, 22:01
My education. When i first started school, i was in a special unit and had learning and speech difficulties...they basically thought i wouldn't be able to achieve much in my life academic wise, but i've proved them wrong and my speech has improved over the years and i have a fantastic set of GCSE results behind me so yeah really happy and i feel it's an achievement seeing how far i've gone. :D

Chloe O'brien
23-09-2007, 22:40
My greatest acheivement:

Having my daughter and going back into education 17 years after I left school and getting my degree.

23-09-2007, 22:56
Having connor :love:

(no eneough charcaters so blah blah blah)

23-09-2007, 23:39
A lot of stuff that went on in my school years that i've come through, don't really wanna go into it but yeah :)

24-09-2007, 09:49
My greatest acheivement:

Having my daughter and going back into education 17 years after I left school and getting my degree.

ditto Kath.. having my kids and returning to education 9 years after I left and then getting my degree..

24-09-2007, 12:36
Having my daughter Nicola and passing my driving test.....

24-09-2007, 13:24
At 42 you would think I would have achieved more - but I am happy with my lot.

My kids are definitely number one on the list, I am really proud of them.

Passing my driving test - even though it was 25 years ago counts as no. 2. I failed 4 times, lol

24-09-2007, 18:56
I think mine would have to be going to a theme park and actually going on rides i wouldn't have done in a million years had it been a completely different situation.

samantha nixon
24-09-2007, 20:01
I dont think I have a great achievment lol, I'm trying to think but cant think of anththing, because I havent got any good results in school or anything

25-09-2007, 15:33
Sailing in the 24 hour race and keeping the boat going the whole time, it was a great team effort and i felt so proud to have helped, i did the dead shift 3 - 5 in the morning. That was a brilliant acheivment oh and also passing my law and geography A Level when the teacher basically called me thick and said i had no hope of getting into uni to do law. Haha, i proved her wrong.