View Full Version : Come dine with me!

14-09-2007, 00:05
I have to say I love this program!!! :love:

Im not sure whether its cause I havent been out much this week, due to being ill, or the heavy medication Im on, but its totally great viewing and sooooo entertaining! :D

The best bit is the voice over chap, I love his witty commentary.:bow:

Anyone else admit to watching this TV gem?! :thumbsup:

14-09-2007, 09:11
i have to agree i love it!!!
i have been watching it for ages

14-09-2007, 13:47
I have seen all of these - it is such a laugh. Some of the receipes are great - others not so.

This week there is a girl called Chyna who is sooooo rude! It was hysterical the other night when she had so much to drink that she couldn't stay awake for pudding.

I also think it is really interesting seeing inside all these peoples homes. The other week they were in Glasgow - and boy were there some upmarket places! The old woman who lived in a penthouse flat with it's own lift cooked a fab meal that was relatively trendy. It is great how people surprise with their menus and turn stereotypes on their head.

I also loved the episodes a few series ago in Ayrshire. They had a white witch who lived in a lodge house at Prestwich cemetary on.
