View Full Version : Body Image: I'm a boy anorexic

09-09-2007, 14:28
This is on tonight, 9pm BBC3. Would be interesting to see anorexia from a male point of view.

From the BBC website
I'm a Boy Anorexic

When you mention 'eating disorders' or 'anorexia', many people erroneously assume that you're talking about young women starving themselves in order to achieve the trendy 'size zero' look. However, it's not just girls who find themselves needing help to deal with this debilitating condition. At the Rhodes Farm Clinic in North London, we meet three boys who are recovering from anorexia and follow their recovery and return to the outside world.

Preview here http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/check/broadband/mediawrapper/consoles/threeplayer?redirect=console.shtml&nbram=1&bbram=1&clip1=pack4-body_image_boy_anorexic_16x9

09-09-2007, 15:00
I think im going to watch this, cos I know what they mean , I do always think og it being girls, I mean I dont suppose I always thought it was only girls but the thought of a boy having anorexia just never really corssed my mine for some strange reason, so it will be interesting to watch it.

09-09-2007, 15:03
Thanks for this, I might watch this becuase I'm worried that I might be on the brink of it myself.

10-09-2007, 22:32
Anybody watch this? I found it hard to get my head around lads having anorexia. I didn't really think that the lads looked anorexic but maybe thats because they were in the final stages of treatment and were wearing baggy clothes.

Was a bit shocked at one of the pictures of the black haired lad when he was at his worst. He looks so different from before he was anorexic to what he looks like now.

Overall though, it was a good program and it got me thinking. I saw the one about the girls at Rhodes Farm and it was made in a very different way. It was good to see it from a different perspective.

11-09-2007, 14:18
Yeh I watched it and was thinking at theh time that none of the boys looked anorexic, but im guessing that is why the were preparing to go home.