View Full Version : Bill Spoilers 20th September

03-09-2007, 21:37
Thursday 20 September 2007
Sergeant Callum Stone (Sam Callis) and PC Will Fletcher (Gary Lucy) examine an abandoned car and discover clues to the owner’s identity including a drinks receipt from a bar, and a mobile phone. Stone visits the house of the registered keeper, Simon Winstanley (Stephen McGann) who confirms that the mobile belongs to his missing wife Ella (Emma Samms).

Later, Stone and Will talk to the owner of the bar, Yevgin Kucuk (Kristian Kiehling) who shows them CCTV of Ella and a friend drinking at the bar the night before. When Stone is informed that the last call Ella made was to her personal trainer Craig Blundell, he and Will head to Craig’s flat where they are stunned to discover him stabbed and Ella in a state of shock. When Ella is taken in for questioning, she insists that she wasn’t having an affair with Craig but spent time with him as he made her feel young. She admits that she got drunk and went to his flat but found him injured. The case takes a dramatic turn when the prints on the knife are confirmed as husband Simon’s, and Will is shocked to find himself and Stone trying to stop Simon from committing suicide…

Elsewhere, PCs Sally Armstrong (Ali Bastian) and Tony Stamp (Graham Cole) are called to a registry office, where Terry Newman (Neil Madden) is creating a disturbance. He tells the officers that he urgently needs his birth certificate so he can get married in Australia, but claims someone has obtained it by using his details. When Sally and Tony investigate his allegation, they discover that an account has been opened in Terry’s name in order to receive benefits. They visit the registered address and discover there are number of different names collecting benefits from the same property. The PCs soon realise that the landlord, Julian Marshall (Jake Norton), also works in the **** and Crown pub – Terry’s local before he emigrated. When Terry tells the officers that his wallet had recently gone missing in the pub, DC Mickey Webb (Chris Simmons) decides it's time the team should go undercover…

:cheer: *****ANOTHER KIDDIECOP FREE EPISPODE*******:cheer: