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02-09-2007, 22:29
why did you jump out of the bedroom window?

who was in the room with you before you jumped/fell??

02-09-2007, 22:52
It must have been something pretty major; it would take more than a fight to make me want to jump out of a window.

03-09-2007, 09:31
I am her lecturer and there is already was too many rumours going around about us been together which could cost me my career so I heard someone coming and so I panicked and jumped... This is my career we are talking about and been caught in her bedroom could have ruined my life

03-09-2007, 09:43
was she in the bedroom with you?

how about the gunshot that was heard from the bedroom. do you know anything about that?

03-09-2007, 09:56
was she in the bedroom with you?

how about the gunshot that was heard from the bedroom. do you know anything about that?

I heard someone come and jumped then heard the gunshot... I was going to go back but I broke my legs so I couldn't.. I didn't know she was dead until the police arrived, found me injured and Jane dead!!

03-09-2007, 10:47
was jane in the room when you jumped out of the window?

03-09-2007, 10:52
was jane in the room when you jumped out of the window?

Yes, we were talking and I heard someone, as it might have been Debs, her boyfriend or Vicky who was always jealous of how close we are, sorry were.. I jumped.... Not the smartest move but you don't think in the moment

03-09-2007, 11:17
both yours and janes fingerprints were found on the gun, who did the gun belong to and why were your prints on it?

03-09-2007, 11:19
It was jane's.. it was on her bed when I came into the room and I picked it up and asked why she needed it... that is how my prints were on it

03-09-2007, 11:49
what was her reply, why did she need it.

Were you definately out of the house when the gun was fired?

03-09-2007, 12:01
what was her reply, why did she need it.

Were you definately out of the house when the gun was fired?

she was very cagey about that.. we were talking, I saw the gun, picked it up and asked her about it and she was all quiet and cagey, then I hear someone, threw the gun on the bed and jumped..
Yes, I jumped then heard the shot!! that scared me, but of course I couldn't check it out cause I broke my legs.. I was worried for Jane.. I thought she might have killed someone

03-09-2007, 13:11
How would you describe the relationship you had with Jane?

Also, when you were talking to Jane, did she have any injuries at all?

03-09-2007, 13:15
Myself and jane had a great relationship. we were really close but not as close as others made out.. she had some personal problems in 3rd year and she came to me as confidante.. I helped her and we worked well together.. It is purely plutonic but you can't avoid rumours

03-09-2007, 13:20
What were her problems that she confided in you about? And do you know who originally started these rumours?

03-09-2007, 13:54
What were her problems that she confided in you about? And do you know who originally started these rumours?

They were personal problems she was having, I would rather not say as that was a long time ago.
I am not sure how it started but I know that I had helped Vicky with her degree too and she became jealous that I didn't have the same relationship with her as I did with Jane. Debs also became very nasty towards me too when he started his relationship with Jane

03-09-2007, 17:19
In what ways were the relationships different? I'm sure some people have been caught in the bedroom of their students before and not resulted to jumping out of a window. Do you think Debs saw you as a threat?

03-09-2007, 17:21
Myself and Deb never got on and no, you don't find many lectures in their students bedroom. As I said before, it is my career and I didn't want to risk it so I foolishly jumped out the window

Myself and Jane were best friend close, Vicky wanted the same but I just didn't get on with her.. There was nothing in my relationship with Jane except friendship but try tell Debs or Vicky that

03-09-2007, 17:30
Why didn't you get on with Vicky? She was your student just like Jane was.

03-09-2007, 17:33
Why didn't you get on with Vicky? She was your student just like Jane was.

we did get on.. but kinda drifted when the rumours started about me and Jane. I helped Vicky, like I did with jane, through their degrees but as I said before Jane confided in me more than the other students did so we became closer.
My relationship with Vicky was strickly professional but with Jane it developed into friendship. I admit, I was very attracted to Jane but I swear nothing unprofessional happen between us

03-09-2007, 23:05
Why were you in Jane's bedroom to start with? What made you go upstairs?

To clarify, you and Jane were in her bedroom before you jumped. Did you jump before or after you heard somebody in the room?

04-09-2007, 09:18
I was in Jane's bedroom cause it was a quiet place to talk. I heard someone and then I jumped.. I have been over this a million times...
I was with jane, heard someone and then jumped, then heard a gunshot... what esle do you want me to say???