View Full Version : Desperate Housewives - Season 4 Spoilers

31-08-2007, 21:47
YouTube - Desperate Housewives - Season 4 Promo

Season 4 begins in the US on September 30th. Above is a catch up/preview that's being shown in America to promote the new season.

02-09-2007, 15:13
looks like that's the new housewife and family near the end of that trailer, I'm sure I recognise the actress from somewhere.

03-09-2007, 17:08
looks like that's the new housewife and family near the end of that trailer, I'm sure I recognise the actress from somewhere.

She is played by Dana Delaney (from China Beach, Presido Med and Kidnapped)

Nathan Fillion (from Firefly and Serenity) plays her husband

25-09-2007, 13:00
Now You Know
Sun Sept 30 9/8c
The neighborhood is shocked when news about Edie spreads though Fairview, Lynette battles with the effects of chemotherapy, and a new family moves to Wisteria Lane, on the Season Premiere of Desperate Housewives.

02-10-2007, 13:06
09/30/2007 - "Now You Know"

Season 4, Episode 1

We find out that Edie's "suicide attempt" was actually carefully staged for Carlos to catch her in the nick of time and that she's been hanging onto the beam until she hears him arrive. She's already let go when Mrs. McCluskey calls him back outside, insisting he move his garbage cans this minute. Fortunately, Mrs. McCluskey spies a dangling Edie through the window and Carlos rushes to save her just in time, as she'd planned.

At the hospital, Carlos assures her friends that Edie is fine. They wonder if they should bother Gabrielle on her wedding night and Carlos looks stricken and runs off.

After Gabrielle's wedding and her hookup with Carlos, the two of them had arranged to run away and now she's packed her bags and is waiting for his call. Carlos tells her he can't leave Edie when she's in the hospital and that their plan will have to wait a few weeks. She angrily informs him she'd rather try to it make work with Victor and hangs up.

The next day, she's alarmed to find Victor showing a realtor around her house and insists she's not ready to sell it yet.

Susan is convinced that after a month of wedded bliss, Mike just isn't as happy as he could be, but he assures her he's perfectly happy.

All of Wisteria Lane gathers to see who the new neighbors are and Susan is thrilled to see it's her old friend, Catherine Mayfair.

Orson chides Bree, who's still pretending to be pregnant, that she has to stop "roughing up" everyone who wants to touch her stomach for good luck.

Susan goes to see her doctor about her irregular periods and is informed he's busy, would she mind being seen by his new partner? She agrees, but is taken aback when she realizes it's Dr. Adam Mayfair, Catherine's husband, whom she just met the day before. She reluctantly submits to an exam. He hints that she might be experiencing signs of menopause and wants her to take a blood test to be sure. She declares she's not nearly old enough for that yet. That is, until she sees that he just graduated from med school 10 years ago, and she agrees to take the test.

At Catherine's housewarming party, she tells Mrs. McCluskey that her best times were when she lived on Wisteria Lane with her first husband, Bill, but Mrs. McCluskey remembers how they took off in the middle of the night without saying goodbye.

Still moody from her visit to the doctor, Susan bursts into tears and confesses her possible diagnosis to Mike, who assures her that it doesn't make any difference to him since they'd already agreed not to have children.

At the party, a distracted Bree doesn't realize that she's accidentally gotten a large fork stuck in her fake belly! A neighbor notices and thinks that the barbecue sauce is blood. Orson, thinking fast, says that it's a trick fork they purchased at a magic shop and sticks it back into her belly to prove it's harmless! After this near miss, Orson wants to end the whole charade, but Bree tells him they can't turn back now. She messed up with Danielle and she wants a second chance to raise a child right.

Lynette is keeping her cancer a secret and trying to live her life as usual, but when another mother hounds her about not doing her share for a school gala, she has no choice but to take off her wig and declare, "I have cancer." Now that all her friends have seen her bald head, she reassures them that she's not going to die. They scold her for not telling them sooner and she proposes a pact, "No more secrets. From now on, we tell each other every shocking detail of our lives." They all make the same promise, but no one else comes clean.

Edie gets out of the hospital and announces that she and Carlos are talking marriage. Gaby is upset at this news and Carlos swears it's not true but she doesn't believe him.

Gabrielle suggests that she and Victor go away together for a few weeks and rediscover what made them fall in love, but he can't free up any time in his schedule until April.

Carlos tells Edie he's going to the Scavos and when she asks to come, he says she needs to give him some time alone if their relationship is going to work. Of course, he's really sneaking off to see Gabrielle.

Edie finds him asleep on the couch in the morning and he says he got in late and didn't want to wake her. She says she trusts him and she just wishes that he'd trust her more, like telling her about his offshore bank account with $10 million. The threat is clear: She'll turn him in if he ever leaves her.

Adam goes over to Susan's house to tell her the good news. She's not going through menopause in fact, she's pregnant! Mike overhears and sweeps her up in his arms. He tells her he's never been happier.

Julie is troubled by the fact that Dylan, Catherine's daughter, who was her childhood best friend, doesn't remember her or anything else about Wisteria Lane. When Julie asks her what her first memory is, she says it's a "creepy dream" about having a guy in her bedroom who tried to grab her. Julie asks if she's ever talked to anyone about it, but Dylan says Catherine discouraged her. Julie tells her mother that Dylan is not the same girl she knew.

Adam finds Catherine brooding in the room that Dylan wants for her own. Adam assures her that even if Catherine remembers what happened there, Dylan won't. Catherine says she won't allow it. Adam asks if they made a mistake coming back and she answers, "Did we have a choice?"

09-10-2007, 12:56
10/07/2007 - "Smiles of a Summer Night"

Season 4, Episode 2

Tom is being so maudlin and emotional during Lynette's chemotherapy sessions that she kicks him out, saying he's depressing her. All her friends, even the new neighbor, Katherine, offer to be her replacement chemo buddy, except for Gabrielle. Lynette confronts her about her evasiveness and Gaby reluctantly agrees to show up. But when she does, she keeps leaving the room to fetch things for Lynette. Finally, she admits why hospitals make her nervous: Her father died of cancer when she was five years old and her mother always told her to smile so her father wouldn't see her tears. She tells Lynette she can't fake a smile with her because she's so scared of losing her. Lynette hugs her and insists she won't. The next session is a lot more fun Gaby holds a "chemo party" for her and invites all of Lynette's friends.

Over breakfast, Julie asks to go to a late party in the neighborhood and Susan says yes, but Mike thinks it's a bad idea, since he knows the house and thinks it's going to be a wild one. Susan flip flops and finally takes Mike's side, ordering Julie not to go. Then she tells Julie she can go after all, but only if Mike doesn't know. Susan and Mike are having a "date night," and she proudly shows off her new, bigger pregnancy breasts. He mentions that he drove past the party in question tonight and he's glad Julie's not there since it looked like it was out of control. Susan panics and announces they need whipped cream to make their night complete, then throws on a sweater and jeans over her lingerie and runs to get Julie.

When she arrives at the house, thank to her new boobs and her attire, she's mistaken for a stripper! Once she clears up that misconception, she drags her daughter home with her. A frustrated Julie tells her she's tired of her mom being so inconsistent. Mike is waiting up for them, since someone from the party called, concerned that Julie had left with a stripper. After Julie comes clean, Mike tells Susan she can raise Julie any way she wants, since she's her daughter, but he hopes they will make decisions together for their child. She agrees.

Dylan is surprised when Mrs. McCluskey mentions having known Dylan's father; she was always told her father left when she was a baby. Julie encourages Dylan to find out more details.

A luncheon goes sour when Katherine sabotages Bree's plans by bringing her own dessert and hiding Bree's. When everyone swoons over Katherine's pie, Bree is convinced she's going to lose her reputation as the best homemaker on the block,. She nicely asks Katherine for the recipe, but Katherine won't spill her secret. Bree still has a key from the previous tenant, so she sneaks into the Mayfairs' house when they are out to steal the recipe. While there, she overhears an argument between Dylan and Katherine over the mystery surrounding Dylan's father. Dylan wants to know where he is and when Katherine says she doesn't know, she accuses Katherine of being "the monster." Katherine tells Adam that Dylan shouldn't be complaining after all she's done for her and Dylan points out that Dylan doesn't know what she's done no one does. A chastened Bree returns home and Orson asks if she found out Katherine's secret. "Yes, and it had nothing to do with pie," she tells him.

Gaby and Carlos continue their trysts at her house, but are nearly caught by Edie when she wonders why Carlos is taking so long on his "jog." Gaby wants him back, but insists he dump Edie before she will leave Victor.

It's Edie's birthday and she shows up in a new sports car, which she happily tells Carlos is his present to her! He tells her he can't afford an $80,000 car and that if he dips into his offshore accounts, the IRS will be all over him. She agrees to return the car and he tells her she can pick out something else for him to give her, as long as it's not too extravagant.

His gift ends up being a card that reads "Yes," which is his force fed answer when Edie proposes. Realizing there's no way out, he grudgingly says, "We're engaged." Deciding he won't let Edie ruin his chances to get back together with Gabrielle, he pays a hit man to get rid of the problem.

17-10-2007, 10:44
4/2007 - "The Game"
Season 4, Episode 3
Bree, Lynette and Gabrielle all make excuses to avoid Susan's game night. But when Bree tells Lynette and Gaby about Katherine's dirty little secret, they call Susan back and RSVP, and they all insist that she also invite Katherine since they're hoping to get her tipsy and loosen her tongue.

Susan is uncomfortable going to see Dr. Mayfair, so she asks Bree for the name of her obstetrician. Bree tries to put her off but finally just picks a name out of the phone book. Susan is surprised when the place is crawling with junkies and lowlifes.

Gaby is getting tired of having to sneak around to meet Carlos, but he assures her that Edie will only be a problem for two more weeks. Meanwhile, Victor is gleeful when a political rival's wife is caught shoplifting. He tells Edie he's relieved he won't ever have to worry about her causing a scandal.

When Adam and Katherine go over to Susan's for charades, Julie encourages her to do some snooping. Julie picks the lock on the forbidden room and starts trying to prompt Dylan's memory with her old stuffed toys.

Edie plans to announce her engagement at the party, but Carlos orders her not to. Undeterred, she flashes the engagement ring she bought herself without Carlos's knowledge. Angry over news of the engagement, Gaby tells Carlos she's fed up with waiting for him. In fact, she can get anyone she wants. She immediately starts flirting with Adam. Carlos calls the hit man and tells him he needs to step up the plans for Edie. Edie overhears Katherine jealously chewing out Adam and tells her not to worry, since Gabrielle has a reputation.

Susan shows up late to her own party. She had her tires slashed and her cell phone stolen while in the crime ridden neighborhood that Bree sent to her. She's furious with Bree for sending her to someone who was obviously not her doctor and Bree says she's sorry, but she can't explain.

Lynette is too nauseous to keep any food down so her mother, Stella, offers to score her some marijuana but Lynette won't hear of it. Lynette decides to skip the party but finds the strength and her party spirit when Stella feeds her brownies laced with pot. She stuns everyone when she points to Edie and then mimes being hung. The clue is the movie "Hang 'Em High." The jig with the brownies is up when Stella realizes that they got brought to the party and she gets Tom to retrieve them from before anyone else eats one. Lynette is furious Stella for drugging her without her permission, since she vowed to never be stoned around her kids the way she was when Lynette was a girl. Stella is undeterred, saying that seeing Lynette happy and laughing and eating was worth it.

Gaby spills her drink on Adam and tries to wipe it off. Katherine warns her to leave her husband alone, saying she knows all about Gaby's "reputation." When Gaby says she has no idea what she's talking about Katherine explains how she treats men as playthings, including her teenage gardener, to the shock of everyone in the room, including Victor. In retaliation, Gaby blurts out that Bree saw Katherine slap her daughter. Katherine admits that, yes, she lost her temper with Dylan, but that it's because her first husband was a horrible man who did "the worst thing a father can do to his daughter."

Orson tells Bree he's had a call from the convent: Danielle's had a fall and might lose the baby. Bree decides she has to go to her side, brushing away Susan's demands for an explanations about the "scuzzy gyno." The doctor calls back and Bree cries at the news that Danielle and baby are okay.

Susan comes over to call a truce and wants to know why there's been so much distance between them since Bree got pregnant. Bree lies that there've been some complications with the baby and she didn't want to tell anyone. Susan assures Bree she's not mad. She's freaking out herself because she caught Mike building a crib so early it could be considered a jinx. Susan is happy that they're friends again and happily talks about what it will be like to see their new babies grow up together.

Gaby tries to reassure Victor that her affair with John is long over and "not a big deal." He's busy trying to figure out how to "spin" the revelation, saying it is a big deal to him. She tells Carlos it's back on since she not only loves him, but the way he loves her, especially compared to Victor. While Gaby is upstairs, Victor asks Carlos how he refrained from killing John when he found out about the affair. He adds that with money, it's easy to make anyone disappear.

Meanwhile, we finally see the office of the "hit man" Carlos has hired: He's not a hit man at all, but an accountant!

Katherine catches Julie and Dylan in Dylan's old room and forbids her to see Julie again. Adam finds Katherine boxing up the possessions there. She's decided that making the room off limits was a mistake and now she's getting it ready for her aunt. He wonders why she told everyone what she did about Dylan's father and she says she wants everyone to be uncomfortable, because uncomfortable people don't ask questions. Alone in the old bedroom, she pulls up the rug and sobs over what looks like a bullet hole in the wooden floor.

Chloe O'brien
17-10-2007, 20:30
Can't wait to see Lynette stoned she is mental enough. :lol:

#1 Eastender
17-10-2007, 22:51
oh my god...these first few episodes soud really excited, i cant wait to see them on screen only a few more months to go...oh the anguish lol

24-10-2007, 13:01
10/21/2007 - "If There's Anything I Can't Stand"

Season 4, Episode 4

Susan is slow to catch onto the fact that her new neighbors, Bob and Lee, are a gay couple. When they mention a Raphael, she pretends to be okay with what she assumes is a threesome, before she realizes that they're talking about their dog. Susan tries to make up for her terrible first impression by bringing Lee "homemade" cookies. He asks if they have nuts in them, since he's horribly allergic, and Susan has to confess they're actually store bought cookies, heated up to appear fresh. He tells her to keep them.

Julie brings Raphael home, saying she found him wandering in the street. She's going to return him next door, but Susan hatches the brilliant scheme to keep him until the neighbors miss him, so she can look like a hero and make them like her at last.

When Susan hears Lee calling Raphael, she graciously offers to look for the missing dog. She goes inside to get water for Bob and Lee after their strenuous search, intending to miraculously produce their dog. But Mike comes home and opens the garage letting Raphael out right in front of his owners! And he's gotten into Mike's paint and ruins Bob's $2,000 Dolce suit, which Mike now has to pay for. When Susan laments that she just wanted them to like her, he orders her to let it go since he can't afford any more of her apologies.

Lynette finds that her libido has returned, but Tom is put off by the sight of her bald head after her old wig won't stay in place. She goes shopping for a new wig, since it's the only way she's going to get sex. Gaby convinces her that she should take the opportunity for a little role playing. Lynette surprises Tom with a sexy red wig, introducing herself as "Brandy, the slutty cheerleader," and Tom jumps her.

When Tom asks for a repeat visit from Brandy, Lynette says that one of the kids gave the wig a terrible haircut and Brandy's not coming back. He buys a black wig, hoping for "Brandy's even sluttier sister, Candy." Lynette is offended that she's not enough for him anymore and he admits that it was a relief to pretend for one night she wasn't sick. He says it hasn't occurred to her that her cancer affects him too. She's upset to realize she's become one of those, "selfish, whiny sick people," and agrees to give Candy a whirl. He tells her tonight their fantasy can be that they're just Tom and Lynette, instead of a hero and a cancer patient.

Edie is not terribly upset to learn she has crabs, probably from a tanning bed. Carlos tells Gaby, who is horrified. Not only does it mean he's still sleeping with Edie, but that Victor likely has crabs too. Gaby plays her own game of dress up with Victor, donning a sexy nurse outfit to administer the nasty smelling anti crab treatment. When he notes that it smells "mediciney," she assures him it's a blend of essential oils and to sit still for at least five minutes.

A scooter arrives for Danielle, a gift from Rex's mother, Phyllis. Andrew wants to keep it but Bree insists they give it away. Bree tries to discourage her friends from throwing her a baby shower, but Andrew, upset over the scooter, helps them surprise Bree after all. The biggest surprise: he invited Phyllis!

Bree's former mother in law takes it as a sign that Bree wants to be friends again, but Bree soon snaps and points out that since it's a surprise party, she had nothing to do with the invitations. Phyllis realizes she isn't wanted and decides the only thing to do is retrieve the sable coat she once gave Bree. Andrew has unthinkingly steered Phyllis to her closet, the very one where Bree keeps her false pregnancy stomachs.

Bree has no choice now but to tell her that Danielle is the one who is pregnant and that she's at a nearby convent. Phyllis calls Bree a bad mother for letting her unwed daughter get pregnant and boasts what a good mother she was. Bree replies that Rex is the one who really hated her. An angry Phyllis runs downstairs to spill the beans to the guests, but at the last second, looking at Bree's stricken expression, she merely says that she has to leave. Bree quietly thanks her. But Phyllis goes straight to the convent and tells Danielle she's come to spring her.

At the party, Gaby assures Carlos that Victor doesn't suspect a thing and that she finds almost getting caught exciting. He warns her that if Victor catches them together, he'll kill them both. "That's what's so exciting," she replies. Edie finds Victor's "cologne" strangely familiar and he says Gaby gave it to him. She watches Carlos, Gaby and Victor each accept a crab cake from a waiter, and puts two and two together.

Katherine's elderly Aunt Lily comes to stay with her. She's dying and regrets the coverup involving Dylan. Katherine swears she'll never ler her reveal what they did. Lily waits until Katherine has left and rings a little bell to summon Dylan. All she manages to tell her is that there's a reason Dylan doesn't remember living on Wisteria Lane as a child when Katherine unexpectedly returns. Dylan asks Katherine about it later, but she claims that Lily doesn't know what she's saying anymore. Katherine takes away Lily's bell and when she hears her calling for Dylan, reminds her daughter that it's time to practice her cello. The music masks the noises Lily makes as she's dying. But a scribbled note falls from her hand and stays, unseen, under the bed after her body is taken away.

30-10-2007, 11:59
10/28/2007 - "Art Isn't Easy"

Season 4, Episode 5

Bob and Lee install an art sculpture in their front yard and the rest of the neighbors declare it an eyesore except for Susan, who's still trying to get on their good side. But even she has to object when its true function is revealed early the next morning: It's a water fountain, and a noisy one at that. She asks them to move it to the backyard and they refuse, claiming they need it to cover all the noise coming from her house.

Katherine decides to run for president of the homeowner's association, which has languished since the death of its former president, Mary Alice. Bob and Lee try to get Lynette on their side and she only agrees after they convince her that Katherine will object to her kids' treehouse. When Katherine won't promise her that the treehouse will be spared, Lynette decides to run against her.

Lynette expects Susan to vote for her, but she remains firmly anti fountain. The vote comes down to a tie, but Edie points out that Susan voted twice. Susan reluctantly puts in her vote for Katherine. A triumphant Katherine informs Bob and Lee, and Lynette, that she'll be in touch regarding their infractions. Adam refuses to congratulate Katherine on her victory, reminding her that she hasn't exactly made any friends since they moved to Wisteria Lane, and that if she remembers what happened in Chicago, friends can be very handy.

Susan promises Lynette that she'll chain herself to the treehouse rather than let Katherine knock it down and Lynette confesses why it means so much: It's the one place her kids can be kids and not have to hear about her cancer. Just then Katherine comes over and tells her the treehouse can stay. Lynette is puzzled, but happy.

When Katherine tells Bob and Lee the fountain has got to go, they counter by telling they know "all about Chicago," hinting at a medical scandal that forced her and Adam to leave town.

Bree is furious when she finds that Phyllis has taken Danielle out of the convent. Danielle refuses to go back: she wants to deliver the baby at her grandmother's retirement village. Bree is certain Phyllis has had a hand in helping Danielle decided to raise the baby herself.

Bree admits defeat, convinced it's just Danielle's maternal instinct finally kicking in, until Andrew points out that Grandma's giving Danielle a cushier life than Bree's plan of her attending community college. He tells Bree she's going to have to outbid Phyllis if she wants the baby. Bree and Orson tell Danielle how proud they are that she's raising the baby on her own, instead of going to that "party school" in Florida, the one they no longer have any objections to her attending. Once they mention the convertible they were going to give her, and how Phyllis isn't in the best health, Danielle agrees to let Bree raise the baby after all. Bree promises a heartbroken Phyllis that she'll ask her to babysit.

Carlos tells Edie he's going off on a golfing weekend with the guys when he's really sneaking away to meet Gaby. Gaby is just about to leave when she notices that a cable van has been parked across the street for an unusually long time. Guessing that Victor has hired someone to tail her, so she sneaks out of her house in disguise.

She arrives at the hotel for her rendezvous with Carlos and runs into John and his hotel heiress wife, who's pregnant and puts John down at every turn. Carlos is less than pleased when John comes knocking on Gaby's hotel room door that night, but she convinces him to hide, since John's father in law is a friend of Victor's. John tells her he wants to restart their affair. With Carlos listening to every word, John reminds her of the time she faked an orgasm with Carlos when John was hiding in the closet. She firmly tells John she's not interested and sees him out the door. Carlos is furious but Gaby points out that he's the man hiding in the closet now.

Carlos tells Gaby it's time they ended the affair. He wants them to do this right by breaking up with their respective partners and only then getting back together. She agrees, and gives him a kiss to last for the next six months. Unfortunately, that's the kiss that's photographed by the man tailing her. We find out the man was not working for Victor, but for Edie.

06-11-2007, 09:59
11/04/2007 - "Now I Know, Don't Be Scared"
Season 4, Episode 6
Susan is shocked when Mike reveals that his father is still alive, when he'd previously told her he was dead. Mike finally admits that his father is in prison for murder. Susan is floored, but she wants to meet him. Besides, they need to gather genetic data for the sake of the baby. They meet with his father, Nick and he reveals that he killed his boss, who had gotten the job he'd wanted after spreading lies about him.

Susan is appalled that Nick doesn't seem to feel any remorse. Mike says he's a good guy who did an evil thing. When she won't let it go, he says this is why he wanted her to think his father was dead. Susan goes back to see Nick by herself and tells him she can't be carrying a baby with his genes if he has no conscience. He says the only thing he regrets is what he did to Mike, making him the son of a murderer. He tells her Mike has demons and that he isn't sure that that kind of darkness ever goes away."Keep an eye on him," he advises Susan.

Tom wants to take Lynette out to celebrate that she's nearly cancer-free but all she can focus on is getting rid of the possum that's digging up their yard. When none of the traps or poison work, Lynette asks to borrow Bree's gun! Bee advises her to use an air rifle to scare the critter off. Tom is disturbed at how obsessed she's become and she insists that she's going to take down the creature that is trying to destroy them. The next day, her doctor arrives at her house to deliver the good news in person: She's cancer-free! Lynette goes outside to take in the news, where she finds the dead possum and tearfully apologizes to it.

Bob and Lee are hosting a Halloween party and decide to invite Bree first, since she has a gay son and is more likely to accept. They catch a glimpse of Danielle looking out a bedroom window and Bree lies and says that it's just Andrew, trying out his costume as Cher. She forbids Danielle from attending the party. She hopes Danielle might still bond with the baby but Danielle insists she won't. She also wonders why Bree thinks she'd have the same reactions she had on giving birth, insisting that she's nothing like her mother. Bree says that the day she sees a glimmer of herself in Danielle, she'll know she's finally growing up.

At the party, Andrew is explaining why he's dressed like Cher -- it was his mother's idea -- when Danielle enters, dressed up as Bree! Danielle says she's only following her wishes to be more like her. Bree wants her to go home, but it's too late, her water's just broken! They rush her to their house and Bree runs back to the party to get Adam. She swears him to secrecy before she tells him the truth and he says he already knows she's been faking her pregnancy. After the baby, a boy, is delivered, Bree brings it to Danielle and she holds him for the first time. Danielle says Bree should raise him, that it's the right thing to do for everyone, but admits it's harder than she thought to give him up.

Edie catches Carlos moving out and she says she just wants him to tell her the truth: Is there someone else? He lies and says there isn't, and she smiles and thanks him for making this all easier on her. She marches straight to the IRS to report him.

Meanwhile, Gaby is also leaving Victor, but has to do it by voicemail. She comes home to find Victor's father, Milton, waiting for her. He tells her that Victor hasn't even heard the message. He explains how damaging a divorce on the eve of Victor's running for governor would be. He offers her a substantial check, dated for next year, meaning she'd have to stay married to Victor for the next 13 months to get it.

Edie's revenge scheme falls apart when the IRS agent tells her that the offshore account numbers she gave him don't exist. She confronts Carlos over moving the money and he denies ever having the stash in the first place. Edie warns him that he's going to pay for what she's done to him.

Gaby summons Carlos and shows him the check, suggesting they extend their original six-month separation to 13 months. She tells him they need it since he's not working right now, so he tells her about the $10 million. She's ecstatic, until she realizes that he had the money when they were married and during the divorce. She says if she can't trust him she can't be with him.

Gaby plans to go off by herself to think things over but finds Victor waiting for her. He took the first flight out when he heard from the maid that she'd moved out. He vows to make time for her and starts ripping pages out of his appointment book. She says he's only doing it because a divorce would hurt his run for governor and he says he won't run, saying that's his father's dream, but that she's his.

Edie meets with Victor and shows him the photos of Gaby and Carlos. She tells him not to blame Gaby, but Carlos, and that Carlos deserves whatever's coming to him.

13-11-2007, 12:57
11/11/2007 - "You Can't Judge a Book By Its Cover"

Season 4, Episode 7

Lynette's cancer may be gone but she's starting to wish her mother was gone as well, especially when she brings a strange man home that she picked up the night before. Lynette suggests it's time for Stella to leave, but she admits she has nowhere to go since her other daughter, Lucy, kicked her out and that she has no money since loaning it all to Lynette.

Lynette tries to get Lucy to take Stella back, but Lucy, who's still in therapy after the two years Stella spent with her, refuses. Lynette's other sister also refuses to take Stella in, having spent one year with her. Lynette's sisters say that they don't owe Stella anything since she was such a terrible mother to them and Lynette can't believe they don't care. She tells them not to visit for a few years, since it'll take that long for her to stop hating them. Meanwhile, Stella has overheard their heated conversation and taken a taxi to points unknown.

Bree is shocked to hear that Orson doesn't want to get baby Benjamin circumcised. He reveals how traumatic it was when he was circumcised since it happened when he was five years old! Bree sneaks the baby out to the doctor and finds that Orson has written to all the doctors in town to forbid them to perform the procedure. Bree seizes the invitation to a bris to ask the rabbi to perform the circumcision. She has to pretend to be Jewish to and vow to raise the baby as a Jew. "He'll be as devout a Jew as I am," she promises the rabbi. Orson is angry when he finds out she went behind his back and she admits that since Benjamain is related to her by blood, she felt her wishes were more important. He wants to know if she considers him to be the baby's father since he doesn't just want to be a glorified babysitter. "Your son wants you to hold him," she says, handing him the baby.

Dylan uses a school assignment on genealogy to probe for more information on her father. Katherine refuses to help at first. She finally brings her a piece of paper and says it contains all the information she needs to find her father, as long as Dylan swears to never reveal where Katherine is, since the night he left, he'd vowed to kill her for taking his daughter away. She tearfully tells how her husband beat her and she was certain she was going to die. Dylan hands back the piece of paper and says she'll ask her teacher for a different assignment. Katherine smiles in triumph as she unfolds the paper and we see that it's completely blank.

Victor tells Gaby that he's cleared his schedule for a month so that they can take a real honeymoon. First, they're going to start with a boat trip. He makes her promise not to tell any of her friends about it. She's surprised that he's even dismissed the crew and that it'll be just the two of them at sea.

Carlos goes to collect a painting he left at Edie's and she gleefully informs him that she showed Victor an incriminating photo of him and Gaby. Carlos immediately calls Gaby who now sees the romantic boat trip in a sinister new light.

Victor tells Gaby he knows about the affair and tells he "has something for her," as he's reaching into a duffel bag. Gaby assumes he's got a gun and knocks him overboard with an oar. She motors the boat back to the marina, where Carlos is waiting for her. He suggests they call the police to look for Victor, since it was self-defense, but when they look in the bag there's no gun, only a sweater Victor was going to give Gaby because she was cold. They decide they're going to have to retrieve Victor themselves and, luckily, find him and bring him back on board.

He and Carlos start to fight and Gaby, fearing for Carlos's safety, knocks Victor overboard again. Only this time, they can't find him. They look for six hours, but finally face facts: Victor must be dead. They return to the marina and realize that since no one knew that Gaby was with him, if they send the boat back out on its own, it will just look like an accident, or suicide, since Gaby will say that Victor was despondent over her leaving him.

When Susan and Mike are over at Bree's for dinner, Bree finds Mike taking some pills in her kitchen. He tells her it's just aspirin for residual pain from his car accident but she examines a pill he's left behind and determines that it's a highly addictive narcotic. She tells Susan, who's reluctant to believe that Mike's lying to her and is reassured when he says it was the last few pills from an old prescription.

But Bree convinces her that addicts are cunning and resourceful liars, so Susan looks through Mike's things and finds a baggie full of pills hidden in a flashlight. When she confronts him, he says he's been taking them since hurting himself on the job. He didn't think he could take time off, not with all the talk of expenses for the baby. He wants his son to have all the advantages he had, and not to have to be a plumber. Susan says all he needs is a father who's not on drugs. To reassure her of his sincerity to quit, he empties the bag of pills into the kitchen sink. But later that night, he opens up the drain to get the pills back.

27-11-2007, 12:22
Season 4, Episode 8

Victor has been missing for two days and Carlos wants to tell the police what happened and plead self defense. Gaby convinces him to keep quiet since no one will suspect they were on the boat with him. The police find Victor's empty boat and question Gaby, who tries to plant the idea that Victor was despondent over her leaving him and possibly suicidal -- a tough sell since the complete lack of fingerprints on the boat points to foul play.

Edie reads that the mayor is missing and tips off the police that Gabrielle and Carlos were having an affair. Gaby denies it, claiming that Edie's just being spiteful because Carlos dumped her. Just then the police get a call: Victor's been found -- and he's alive! They escort Gaby to the hospital, where she's relieved to find that Victor says he has no memory of his accident, not even of being on the boat. After the police leave, he grabs her by the throat and tells her he remembers everything!

Bree insists on having baby Ben share their bed, which means no sleep and no sex for a cranky Orson. Bree explains that she doesn't want to make the same mistakes she made with her first children, which Andrew overhears and takes as his cue to move out of the house so Bree won't be reminded of her past "mistakes." Bree brings a gourmet meal to his seedy new apartment and asks him to move back home. He says he wants to make it on his own. He points out that she hasn't noticed, since she's so preoccupied with her new husband and new baby, but he's turned into a responsible young adult, with his own job, car and health insurance. He thanks her for kicking him out two years ago and forcing him to grow up. She's astonished that he's forgiven her for that, but happy to see her son is no longer the angry teenager she remembered.

Bree asks Tom how he and Lynette dealt with the lack of sex when their kids were young and he explains how they got creative in finding other places to make love. Bree books an appointment with Orson as "Mrs. Zimmerman," and tells him she "has a cavity she needs filled," and drops her raincoat, revealing nothing underneath, to Orson's delight.

Lynette feels guilty about having run her mother off, so she's glad when her former stepfather, Glen, helps track down Stella. She refuses to come back to live with Lynette after she called her a bad mother. Lynette is prepared to list all the terrible things Stella did, starting with her cheating on Glen, the only stable parental figure Lynette ever knew, when Glen says it's time they tell Lynette the truth. He didn't leave Stella because she cheated on him, he left because he realized he's gay. This changes everything for Lynette, who now can understand her mother's drinking and all the men in her life. She asks her mother to come back once more, but Stella is sure she'll just mess things up again. Glen offers to let her stay with him, as he's lonely since his partner died and he has a free guest room. Stella is thrilled to accept and Lynette is pleased to have both parents back in her life.

Mike needs more pills, but his dealer, a student named Barrett, has raised the price. Barrett shows up at the house to collect and Susan, hearing he's a med student, decides he'd be a perfect match for Julie.

Sylvia, a woman from Adam's past, shows up and he angrily tells her she already ruined his life once. Mike is over fixing a leak, so she leaves, for now. Mike agrees not to tell Katherine, if Adam writes him a prescription for painkillers. Adam really can't, being a gynecologist, so he asks Orson to write one for him. Orson is reluctant and Mike says it's not just the stress and financial burden of being a "suburban dad," but continued pain from the time he was run over by an unknown driver. Orson, clearly feeling guilty, writes the prescription.

When Mike hears that Barrett was at the house, he calls and orders him to stay away, but doesn't realize Susan's already invited him back. Mike finds Barrett chatting happily with Julie and blurts out the truth: he's his drug dealer. Susan assures Julie that Mike's addiction is a thing of the past, but Julie isn't so sure: She saw Mike filling a prescription just that morning.

That evening, Mike sneaks out to his truck when Susan says she'll be in the shower, but she's really watching him out the window. As Mike sleeps, Susan inspects his truck and her worst suspicions are confirmed when she finds the bottle of pills -- and sees who prescribed them.

04-12-2007, 08:34
12/02/2007 - "Something's Coming"

Season 4, Episode 9

Gaby stuns her friends by telling them she's back together with Carlos -- and that they're leaving town to escape Victor, since he knows about their affair and is being released from the hospital tomorrow.

While they're saying their goodbyes, Karen McCluskey alerts them that a tornado is on its way. Lynette asks Karen if the seven Scavos can stay in her basement. and she reluctantly agrees.

Bree stops by to lend Susan some hurricane supplies and Susan says maybe it's time to tell Orson about Mike's addiction problem. Bree admits she'd already told Orson last week. Susan is upset, but doesn't let on why.

Susan confronts Orson, even though he's with a patient. She wants to know why he gave Mike the pills when he knew he had a drug problem. Orson claims he thought he was helping.

Mike finds a note from Susan that says "See me," instead of the pills in his secret stash. As they argue, he pulls at her arm, causing her to fall down the stairs. He rushes her to the hospital, insisting she be seen immediately since she's pregnant, but the staff is swamped and tells them they have to wait. Mike gets impatient and punches out a hospital staffer. Security is called and Mike is restrained until after Susan is examined and released. The baby's fine and she's only suffered a mild sprain. Mike apologizes and Susan tells him she talked to the doctor about a rehab facility. Mike swears he can kick this by himself but she firmly tells him no, he will go to rehab now or she will leave him. Mike gives in to her wishes.

Katherine is alarmed to see Sylvia, Adam's stalker, outside her house. They argue and Sylvia insinuates that Adam was happy to see her when she stopped by yesterday: Didn't Adam tell her? Katherine spits in Sylvia's face in full view of Bree, who invites Sylvia in for tea.

Sylvia tells Bree that Adam is in love with her, not Katherine. As proof they were lovers, she mentions Adam's snake tattoo on his shoulder. Bree tries to get her to leave and Sylvia barricades herself in the bathroom where Bree planned to ride out the tornado.

A neighborhood boy informs Edie that Gaby and Carlos are moving. While she's on Gaby's porch, a courier shows up with the paperwork for the Cayman Islands account that Carlos asked for. Mistaking her for Gabrielle, he hands Edie the papers, which gives her everything she needs to access the funds. Gabrielle sees Edie with the file and runs after her.

Adam apologizes for not warning Katherine that Sylvia had shown up again. Bree asks for Adam to come help lure Sylvia out of their bedroom. She refuses when she hears that Katherine is also there. While Adam tries to reason with her, Katherine assures Bree that what Sylvia said is a lie: There was no affair, only one kiss Adam gave her out of pity, which led to an accusation of sexual assault. Katherine wanted to fight the claim but Adam didn't want to lose his license. Bree says she would have spit in Sylvia's face too.

Lynette wants Karen to kick Ida's cat out of the basement because Tom is extremely allergic, but Karen takes Ida's side. Tom's having trouble breathing so Lynette smuggles the cat upstairs. Karen catches her and Lynette wants to know how she can choose a cat over Tom, especially after all their years of friendship. Karen insists they're not friends since Lynette never asks her over unless she wants something. The door blows open and the cat runs out, so Karen runs after him and Lynette tries to get her back inside. Karen only agrees when sees the ominous funnel cloud at the end of the street. They rush into the bathroom and hide in the tub under a mattress.

Gabrielle breaks a window to get into Edie's place so she can get the file back. Edie says she'll leave them be -- for 60 percent. Gabrielle tackles her and runs outside with the file. As they fight over it, the winds blow the papers out of their hands. Edie looks up in terror as the cyclone approaches and hustles Gabrielle back into the house. Gabrielle reluctantly agrees to hide in Edie's crawl space with her. She tells Edie she's sorry that Carlos and she lied to her. Edie says they're both going to get out of here okay and she's going to go on hating her for years to come. But then she admits she doesn't really hate Gabrielle, just that she fell hard for Carlos, which was stupid since she always knew that he'd go back to Gabrielle. They hear a huge bang and hug each other tight.

Sylvia still refuses to come out so Orson hustles them all into a closet. Trapped in the small room, Katherine and Bree blame each other for their predicament. Katherine apologizes, saying she's tense because of Sylvia. Bree commiserates, relating Sylvia's "insane" ramblings, including the detail about Adam's snake tattoo. Katherine says that Adam used to have such a tattoo, but he had it removed. Katherine coldly asks Adam if that's why they settled the lawsuit and lost everything. Adam tries to explain, but she won't let him. Bree reaches out and squeezes her hand in sympathy.

Carlos rushes to Gaby's house and finds Victor sitting in the living room with a gun. He tells him they're going to wait for Gaby, together. Carlos tries to convince him that he and Gaby hadn't planned to get back together and never meant to hurt him. Victor's response is to start shooting. Carlos runs outside and Victor follows, gun in hand. They struggle for the gun and it falls into the street -- where an airborne car falls on it. Stray objects fly through the air as the two men fight. Carlos knocks Victor out and is trying to get inside the nearest building when Victor comes after him with a lead pipe. Suddenly Victor stops short -- he's been impaled by a flying fence post!

Sylvia finally emerges from the bathroom, giving Adam one last chance to come with her. When he doesn't answer, she opens the front door and promptly gets sucked up by the tornado.

Finally all is quiet on Wisteria Lane. Bree is shocked to find her house has been badly damaged, but Lynette screams in horror when she sees that hers has been completely destroyed.

04-12-2007, 08:39
Blooming 'eck!

I cannot wait for this one!

Though it does look like this might be the last episode for a while - at least until the writers strike ends. :crying:

Chloe O'brien
04-12-2007, 23:08
Doesn't look like a lot of laughs in this episode. I think I will just have to sell the TV after Christmas because of the strike there will be bugger all to watch. :wall:

10-01-2008, 15:14
01/06/2008 - "Welcome to Kanagawa"

Season 4, Episode 10

In the aftermath of the tornado, Susan and Bree try to assure Lynette that her family will be okay as rescue workers slowly excavate the rubble of Karen McCluskey's house. First the children are brought out, safe and sound, then finally Tom, but Karen gets devastating news: Her friend, Ida Greenberg, is dead.

Lynette helps Karen go through Ida's things and Parker wants to help out too. He tells Lynette that it was Ida who saved him. Tom had passed out from his asthma and Ida told the children to hide under the stairs, where they'd be safe, but there wasn't room for her.

Lynette is overcome with guilt and Karen tells her that even if Lynette been there, it wouldn't have made a difference. Karen reveals that Ida was a professional baseball player during the war and that she would want her ashes sprinkled at the local ball field. When Ida's niece shows up, however, all she wants of her aunt's things is a valuable pearl necklace. Lynette tells her of Ida's last wish and the niece says she doesn't have time to sprinkle the ashes, so she'll take them back to Omaha with her. Thinking quickly, Lynette swaps out the ashes for the contents of Ida's vacuum cleaner and the niece is none the wiser.

Since the ball park owner won't allow them to scatter Ida's ashes at the field, Lynette and Karen sneak in at night to do the job. They're caught but let off with a warning. Lynette still feels it wasn't enough, since she didn't even really know the woman who saved her children's lives before she died. Karen says that's something you learn, to appreciate people while they're here. Lynette wants to know why Karen mentioned that an arrest would be a "third strike," and Karen says it's a long tale, best suited to a dark bar and a pitcher of beer. Lynette smiles and says she's got time for that.

Susan invites Bree and Orson to stay with her until their roof can be repaired. She's prepared for it to be an ordeal, but instead she and Julie quickly become addicted to Bree's stellar homemaking skills. Meanwhile, Bree has lined up Walter, the one available contractor in town, to fix her roof and won't take no for an answer when he tells her he can't do the job after all. She learns that he was dumped by his longtime boyfriend and schemes to set him up with her son, Andrew, without letting on that it is a setup.

Susan and Julie happily agree to eat Bree's delicious dinner in their rooms so Bree can wine and dine Walter -- but when Julie overhears Bree's plan, Susan vows to ruin the matchmaking so Bree will stay with her. In the meantime, however, Andrew has realized what's going on. He agrees to flirt with Walter, if Bree coughs up a big-screen plasma TV for him. The deal is on, until Susan bursts into the living room and points out how much older Walter is than Andrew: Maybe his friends will think he's paying for Andrew's company? Walter bows out, saying he's just not ready to date, and Bree is furious. Susan finally admits why she wants Bree to stay: With Mike in rehab, she'd be a wreck right now, if it weren't for Bree taking care of her. Bree softens and announces they need to continue the conversation over homemade chocolate-chip cookies.

At Victor's funeral, his father, Milton, coldly informs Gabrielle that he knows all about the photos of her and Carlos and that she won't be getting a cent from Victor's estate, as it was all in Milton's name. He orders her to leave the funeral and that if she isn't gone by the time he reaches the pulpit to deliver the eulogy, he'll tell everyone that she's a lying, cheating whore. Gabrielle leaves.

She visits Carlos in the hospital; he was conked on the head during the tornado. He can't see her -- his eyes are bandaged -- but he realizes something is wrong when he tries to reassure that they still have his money, at least. She reluctantly tells him how the paperwork the accountant, Al, brought him about the offshore account was lost in the tornado, but she promises him she'll track down Al and get the information. When she arrives at Al's, she finds him in a coffin, as he perished during the storm. Gabrielle inquires where he kept his files and starts going through them. After she's caught, she admits her true reasons but the widow tells her she shredded all of Al's offshore account paperwork to protect him.

Gaby swears she still wants to remarry Carlos, even without the money. What she doesn't know is that the accident caused Carlos to lose his sight. He hasn't told her because he's sure she'll leave him when she learns the truth.

After Adam's admission of infidelity with Sylvia, Katherine orders him to leave, but Dylan begs him to stay, saying she can't bear to be alone with her mother. Adam is packing and drops something on the floor. When he bends down to retrieve it, he finds the note that Aunt Lillian wrote before she died, the one that reveals the secret Katherine has been trying to keep about Dylan's father. Adam tells Katherine he's leaving, not because she wants him to, but because he's walking out on her. He shows her the note and tells her that she's way ahead of him when it comes to betrayal. A distraught Katherine tears up the note and burns it in the fireplace, but Dylan, who overheard their conversation, pieces the note back together and learns the truth for herself.

11-01-2008, 22:41
thanks for the spoilers, however may i be cheeky and ask where you get them from? it dont really matter because i know i can rely on you to find out whats goin to happen, i just wondered if you were willg to share your sources lol! thanks agin

Chloe O'brien
12-01-2008, 00:02
thanks for the spoilers, however may i be cheeky and ask where you get them from? it dont really matter because i know i can rely on you to find out whats goin to happen, i just wondered if you were willg to share your sources lol! thanks agin

Ask no questions, you'll be told no lies :D Bet's it illegal

12-01-2008, 07:38
I would love to keep my air of secrecy and borderline illegality, however the truth is so much more mundane...


ABC post episode recaps a day after the episode is aired in the states.

Chloe - you are spending too much time with Jack Bauer, lol!

12-01-2008, 12:55
Ooh it all sounds so good! :D Can't belive we have to wait until at least March! :crying:

17-01-2008, 18:22
after reading ll these fantastic spoilers posted by the one and only trinity, i just can't help but wonder what the new family's secret is! does anybody know what the secret could be?

22-04-2008, 12:32
Season 4, Episode 11

Lynette sees all her neighbors going off to church one Sunday morning and decides it's time the Scavos join them. Tom, a lapsed Catholic, is resistant but she finally persuades him. Lynette asks Bree if she can go to her church but thoroughly embarrasses her by asking the pastor a series of questions after his sermon -- in front of the whole congregation.

Lynette is gung-ho about her newfound spirituality but Bree tries to tell her that Presbyterians don't ask questions and encourages her to check out different churches.

Bree has been trying to butter up the pastor so he'll ask her to head the ladies' auxiliary, but when she realizes that he didn't mind Lynette -- and in fact was thrilled to see new faces in church -- she rushes to the Catholic church to fetch her. Lynette refuses to go, even when Bree confesses her real motive. She says she sought Bree out because, during her recent trials, she envied Bree's faith, but now she's lost her faith in Bree.

The next day, Bree tells Lynette she's withdrawn her bid for the ladies' auxiliary, and apologizes for letting Lynette down. They're friends again, but Lynette says she's happy where she is -- the Catholics don't judge her for having so many kids!

Gabrielle asks her priest to perform another marriage ceremony for her. He's astonished since Victor's only been dead two weeks, but she insists that since she's remarrying her first husband, Carlos, they are still married in the eyes of the Church. The priest reluctantly agrees.

Edie feels bad that she lost Carlos's money, so she visits him in the hospital to return diamond necklace he once gave her. He's forced to admit that it's worthless, negating all her goodwill towards him and Gaby. A nurse lets it slip to her that Carlos's condition is more serious than he's letting on -- and that not even Gabrielle knows -- and Edie pumps her for all the details.

Gabrielle has a surprise on her next visit to see Carlos: She has the priest with her and they're getting married right now! Carlos tries to tell her the truth but when he says, "I might not get my sight back..." she yanks her hand away, so he adds, "for three, four months tops!" She's a little thrown but asks the priest to resume the ceremony.

Edie congratulates Gabrielle on getting Carlos, and tells her how "heroic" she is to be marrying a blind man. Gabrielle assures her it's only for a few months and Edie gleefully informs her that Carlos condition is permanent.

Carlos admits that he thought Gaby would leave him if she knew the truth. She's furious that he thinks she's that shallow, but declares she still loves him and is not going anywhere.

Susan's cousin, Tim, is helping her with her taxes, since Mike is still in rehab. He reveals that he lost his last job because he couldn't keep his hands off his boss's 18-year-old daughter.

Susan, Lynette, Gabrielle and Bree show up at Kathryn's once they hear that Adam's left her, but she is less than gracious about their offering of muffins and jam. Kathryn joins Dylan on her next study date with Julie, with flowers and an apology to Susan. Tim recognizes Kathryn as the former "Mrs. Davis," and seems -- to Susan -- overly pleased to hear that Dylan is turning 18 next week.

Dylan shows Julie the burnt scrap of paper that she found in the fireplace: Clearly legible are the words, "your father was murdered." She remembers that Aunt Lily wanted to tell her something the day she died and this must have been it. Dylan decides she's going to ask Adam what really happened. When Julie asks why her mother would lie about it, Dylan replies, "She's the one who killed him."

Dylan leaves a voice message for Adam but instead of calling her back, he calls Kathryn. He wants to tell Dylan the truth, but Kathryn is convinced that Dylan will call the police. She wants Adam back but he says that lying to Dylan is the last thing he's going to do for her.

Tim offers to go buy milk when he sees Susan has run out, but she assures him there's no rush -- not until she sees him talking to Dylan and then she decides she needs that milk right now!

When Susan and Julie go to visit Mike in rehab, Tim takes the opportunity to invite someone over. Susan calls with a tax question and hears what she thinks is a girl, so she rushes off, leaving Julie with Mike.

She barges into the bedroom and discovers, to her shock, that the "girl" in bed with Tim is none other than Kathryn. Susan is even more shocked to find out that they're reviving an old relationship -- Kathryn first slept with Tim when he was only 16!

But there's more to the story: Tim says he went back to see Kathryn after their first time 12 years ago, but witnessed her and a man arguing -- and then saw her hit the guy with a heavy candlestick! He's not sure, but he got the idea that it was Kathryn's ex-husband.

When she meets with Adam, Dylan begs him for the truth, but he insists that her mother didn't kill her father.

22-04-2008, 12:34
"In Buddy's Eyes"
Season 4, Episode 12

When Mike asks Orson to visit him in rehab, Orson fears the worst -- that Mike has remembered that it was Orson who ran him down in his car. Instead, Mike asks Orson if he can forgive Mike -- for asking him to write a pain prescription for him before he went to rehab.

Orson is incredibly relieved, but his troubled conscience won't let him be. Susan finds him, naked, in her kitchen in the middle of the night! He says he's sorry but seems to think she is Mike. The next day neither he nor Bree believe her, but think she was simply having a "naughty" dream about Orson because Mike is away. The next time she catches Orson naked, on the lawn, Susan realizes he's sleepwalking and slaps him awake. Orson decides it's time to move out, although their house isn't quite ready.

Everyone is very helpful to Carlos, except for Gabrielle, who is getting bored waiting hand and foot on a blind man. And now that she's poor, she has to shop at a discount warehouse store, where she's annoyed that all the good parking spots are for the handicapped. When Lynette suggests that blind people can also get handicapped placards, Gabrielle does so immediately. A man in a wheelchair wants to know why she's parking in a handicapped spot and Gabrielle explains it's for her blind husband -- who obviously doesn't drive. She refuses to see how she's abusing the system and the argument ends with her giving the man a push that sends him hurtling across the parking lot.

The next time, Gabrielle brings Carlos along on her shopping sprees to legitimize her use of the handicapped spots -- but makes him wait in the car! He's not there when she gets back from her manicure as he got hungry and found someone to lead him to the nearest burger place. When someone asks about if she's leaving the handicapped spot, Carlos is furious to find out that she's been using his condition just to get better parking. She breaks down and says it's harder than she ever expected, worrying about things like leaving the toothpaste where he can find it and that if she can somehow get a perk out of the situation, she's going to take it.

Lynette is surprised to see Rick at the pizzeria. He's there to tell her and Tom that he's opening a rival restaurant around the corner. When Tom comes home late that night, she's sure he's been brooding but he says he's just been thinking up recipes to compete with Rick's. Lynette believes all is well until the police stop by to ask if either of them saw someone hurl a brick through the window of Rick's new restaurant. Lynette realizes that it was Tom and that he's not over his jealousy of Rick. He tells her he never blamed Rick, but he did blame her, even though nothing happened.

Everyone is very excited for the Founders' Ball, which Bree always oversees. Katherine offers to help and all the other women predict a clash of Biblical proportions between the two domineering divas. However, Bree is happy to accept, until Katherine pulls out an event-planning scrapbook to rival hers and starts suggesting they start making some "updates" to the annual affair. Before she knows it, Katherine has changed recipes and even taken over Bree's usual job of presenting the Founders' Ball Award.

The night of the ball, the chef tells Bree that he thinks the dip is "off" and might make someone sick. Bree is about to throw it away when Katherine reminds her she had left instructions not to let any food leave the kitchen without her tasting it first, so Bree hands her the tainted dip. Sure enough, Katherine soon becomes violently ill. Bree offers to present the award, as usual, but Katherine assures her that this is important, so she's going to manage.

As Bree sits at her table, muttering about Katherine's backstabbing ways, she's astonished to hear Katherine name her as the recipient of the Founders' Ball Award. Afterward, Bree tries to apologize, saying she "misunderstood" the situation and Katherine says that no, she misunderstood, because she thought they were becoming friends. Bree explains that among her friends, she has her own niche as the extraordinary housewife and organizer, and that she can't be friends with a woman who's exactly the same. Katherine says it's a shame, since she understands Bree better than anyone, especially the need to set a perfect table when you'd rather curl up in a ball and cry. Bree realizes that they can be friends after all.

Andrew calls Lynette from the pizzeria: Rick's restaurant is going up in flames! Lynette jumps to the obvious conclusion when she sees Tom walk in just then.

Julie has talked Dylan into attending the ball in a ploy to make her forget all the speculation about her real father. Dylan admits she had fun and happily poses for photos with Katherine -- photos that a mysterious stranger circles in red ink in the next day's paper.

Coming home late from the ball, Julie runs into Orson, who's sleepwalking again. She doesn't know what to think when he says he's sorry to Mike for running him over!

23-04-2008, 15:25
is danielle in series 4 or does she leave after she gives birth?

29-04-2008, 12:35
Hello, Little Girl"
Season 4, Episode 13

The Founders' Ball was such a success, Katherine and Bree's services are requested by another client and Katherine talks Bree into starting an event-planning business together.

Dylan is pulled over by a cop who tells her she failed to slow down when passing a construction site. After examining her driver's license, he lets her off with a warning. When he gets back into the squad car, we see the newspaper with the circled photo of Dylan at the Founders' Ball. He shows up later at the park, saying he wants to talk with her. He admits he tracked her down after seeing her picture n the paper. And then he drops the bombshell: he's Wayne Davis, her father.

At a local diner, he admits that he beat her mother, but says that Katherine "gave as good as she got." When Dylan is skeptical, he says he only wanted to make sure she turned out okay and he'll be on his way as he doesn't want to upset her mother. Dylan says Katherine doesn't have to know.

Dylan offers to run errands for Katherine, but she suspects her daughter of having an ulterior motive. Dylan assures her she just wants to help out now that Adam's gone and Katherine believes her. Of course, Dylan's really meeting her father.

Carlos brings home Roxy, his new service dog, and the trainer thinks Gabrielle is joking when she asks if the dog will do things like fetch the remote. She walks off in a huff when she learns Roxy is just there to help Carlos get around. Roxy takes an instant dislike to Gabrielle as well and growls when Gabrielle yells at him. When she finds Roxy on the bed with Carlos, she demands he choose and he chooses the dog.

She retaliates by luring Roxy into her car with her favorite treats and bringing her back to the training center. She tells the trainer that Roxy and Carlos didn't get along. She lies to Carlos that Roxy ran away but Roxy has already followed her home.

Edie shows up to deliver doggie biscuits because Carlos doesn't trust Gaby to do it. Edie warns her that if she doesn't start treating her husband right, there'll be plenty of other women who will. That night finds both Gaby and Roxy in bed with Carlos.

Suspecting it was Tom who torched Rick's restaurant, Lynette quizzes her husband about his whereabouts during the Founders' Ball. He assures her it wasn't him, but she's not convinced.

Rick confronts Tom, asking why a Scavo pizzeria matchbook was found at his burned-out restaurant and they end up in a fistfight that lands them and Lynette at the local police station. While the police grill Tom, Rick tells Lynette that despite everything's that happened, he's glad to see her. She immediately interrupts Tom's interview to tell them Rick is the one who had a motive for revenge because she didn't have an affair with him. Instead of helping Tom out, she's just handed the cops another motive. She then suggests maybe Rick did it to frame Tom but Rick has an alibi. Tom's only alibi is he snuck away from the ball to listen to a game on the radio, so Lynette lies and says she saw him there.

Rick can't believe that the police are going to let Tom go, based on Lynette's say-so. Lynette swears to Rick that she would never lie to protect Tom if she thought he'd done something so terrible. In the car, she tells Tom she knows he was lying and he counters that he knows she was lying about sleeping with Rick. She insists that nothing ever happened between them, so he repeats that he was not the one who set the fire.

The twins want to know why Tom is sleeping on the couch again and she tells him that they're fighting over something Daddy did. They tell her not to be mad at Tom -- they're the ones who set the fire because they were worried Rick would take her away from them.

Susan's hormones are making her cry at the drop of a hat. When Mike returns from rehab, his pointing out that he prefers potatoes au gratin to baked potatoes sends her running off in tears. Julie takes the opportunity to tell Mike about Orson's sleepwalking confession, a secret she's kept from Susan so far. Mike tells her it probably means nothing but goes to ask Orson about it. He is astonished when Orson breaks down and confesses all. That night, Susan takes it personally when Mike doesn't want to have sex so he tells her what's troubling him, as long as she promises to let him handle it on his own.

Instead, Susan barges straight into the Hodges' house and orders Orson to stay away from her family. She tells a shocked Bree that it was Orson who ran over Mike and that the worst part is that he pretended to be their friend in the meantime. Bree can only look at Orson in horror after Susan and Mike leave.

The next day, Susan tells Mike she'd rather move than have to live across from Orson. Mike tells her he's decided to forgive Orson but he understands if she can't. Susan goes to Bree to tell her she's willing to drop what Orson did for the sake of their friendship, but that it's going to be very hard. Bree tells her there's no need. As Orson leaves the house with a packed suitcase, Bree says she thinks it's admirable that Susan can forgive Orson, because she can't.

06-05-2008, 12:34
05/04/2008 - "Opening Doors"

Season 4, Episode 14

Susan is dismayed to find that her ex-husband Karl -- and his new, younger wife -- are in her Lamaze class and bragging about how terrific their life is. Mike's at a rehab meeting, so for the following week, she talks Mike into dressing up to show Karl that their lives are also worth bragging about. Her plans are shot, however, when Mike mentions he's just celebrated 30 days of being sober. Mike insists that being honest is part of recovery and that's more important to him than what her ex thinks.

At the next class, neither Mike nor Karl's wife are there and Susan tells Karl he wins, he's got the perfect life. She admits that she's nervous about having a baby with Mike since she's not entirely sure he's clean. Karl says he thinks Mike will be there for her more than he ever was, and that he admires Mike's honesty. And, he admits that his own life isn't quite as perfect as he was making it out to be.

Lynette and Tom decide to keep the twins' arson in the family, so they punish them with lots of chores. Lynette overhears them say that Kayla should be punished too, since it was all her idea. When Lynette asks Kayla about it, she's unnerved by the girl's eerie calm and convinces Tom to take her to a psychiatrist. She tells Kayla she's there because she can't tell the difference between right and wrong, so Kayla assures her that she does, and that she'll tell the psychiatrist -- and the police -- what the twins did. Lynette hastily informs the pychiatrist they won't be needing his services after all.

Kayla hears Tom and Lynette arguing about her and decides to pull another prank: convincing the twins that she just safely jumped off the roof with an umbrella. Parker jumps and breaks his wrist, to Kayla's delight. They rush hm to the hospital while Mrs. McCluskey stays with the other children.

To make a little extra cash, Gaby and Carlos rent out a room, but Gaby quickly realizes that their new tenant, Ellie, who says she's an art student, has a lot of male visitors-- who pay her in cash! She asks her gay neighbors, Bob and Lee, if one of them will pose as a prospective client to prove that she's a hooker. The sting goes awry when Ellie attacks Lee after he propositions her. Ellie admits that she does have a secret business: She's a tattoo artist. Gaby feels bad for thinking she was a prostitute and decides to let her stay.

Bree gives Orson an ultimatum: She'll only take him back if he confesses his crime to the police. Orson leaves, but comes back later, completely drunk and suggesting the perfect alibi: He'll tell the police he was sleepwalking when he ran Mike over! Edie drives by as Bree is trying to get Orson into his car and offers to drive him home. He doesn't want to go back to his bachelor apartment, so Edie lets him sleep on her couch. The next morning, Bree goes to ask why Orson's car is still there and is alarmed to find that he'd spent the night at Edie's, considering her reputation. Edie is insulted when Bree says she has a habit of "picking at other women's leftovers" and announces she'll let Orson stay as long as he likes, even though she has absolutely no interest in him.

Orson has booked a hotel, but Edie convinces him to stay and make more martinis. She tells him Bree's wrong not to forgive him, whatever he did. They share a brief kiss -- and then both decide it's a bad idea -- but Bree, who's outside retrieving Ida's cat, has seen the whole thing.

Dylan's frequent dates with a mystery boy (actually her father), have aroused Katherine's suspicions, so she decides to follow her. Over dinner, Wayne says maybe it's time to tell her mother the truth because he hopes she'll see he's changed for the better. What he doesn't know is that Katherine is standing outside, watching them together.

When Dylan gets home, she confesses that she's been lying to Katherine and that she's really been meeting her father. She's surprised that Katherine isn't upset, and asks if she can bring Wayne into the house. Katherine tells Dylan to go up to her room so she and Wayne can "catch up." Wayne assures Katherine that he's changed and she says she has too: She's not scared of him anymore. He says he'll come back later and she closes the drawer on her secret source of courage: A gun.

13-05-2008, 12:58
"Mother Said"
Season 4, Episode 15

Bree confronts Edie about having kissed Orson. Edie tries to tell her she's not interested in Orson but that doesn't stop Bree from persuading a prospective client of Edie's to get a new realtor. Orson stops by to see baby Benjamin since Bree isn't returning his calls, and tells her that the kiss was a mistake and that he pushed Edie away. When he insists he has rights as Benjamin's father, Bree icily reminds him that isn't the baby's father and that she's hired a lawyer.

He calls his own lawyer and has written down all the pertinent facts, which he leaves on a table at his hotel as he goes to take a shower. Edie comes to ask him to get Bree off her back and instead finds the notes, which give her all the ammunition she needs to handle Bree on her own.

Edie informs Bree that now that she knows that Danielle is Benjamin's real mother, the stakes have changed. Unless Bree does everything Edie asks -- invite her to all her best parties, make her muffins whenever she wants -- she'll spill the beans.

Bree goes to Lynette, Susan and Gaby and shakily confesses the whole charade about the baby. Her friends are incensed on her behalf and go with her to tell Edie that she's no longer their friend. Edie realizes they're serious and tries to apologize, but they just walk away.

Tom and Lynette hire a psychiatrist to observe the family, although Lynette wants him to just focus on Kayla. Overhearing this, Kayla tries to act like the model daughter when he's around. The therapist catches on to the fact that there's no love lost between Lynette and Kayla and suggests they try "attachment parenting," where the two spend a lot of time together so they can bond.

They go on a shopping trip, which is going well, until Kayla suspects that Lynette's only doing it because the therapist ordered her to. She insists that Lynette buy her an outrageously expensive dress and when Lynette caves, she says Lynette better give her everything she wants or she won't like what happens. She brags that she got Preston to jump off the roof and when she wonders what she could get Penny to do, Lynette slaps her. Kayla's next move is to call the doctor and tell him what happened, but lies and says that it wasn't the first time Lynette hit her.

Mike's mother Adele arrives like a whirlwind. She insists on teaching Susan her family's recipes, despite Susan's insistence that she doesn't cook, and also suggests that maybe Susan should get a "real" job. Susan is tired of the little jabs that "Mama" keeps making and and tells Mike he needs to start defending her. Instead, he sits by quietly over lunch as Mama goes on and on about how she'll stay longer and help Susan "spruce up" the house, although she'll leave as soon as the baby comes.

That's all Susan needs to hear: she pours her glass of water over her feet and announces that her water just broke -- and that it's time for Mama to leave! Once outside, she confesses her deception but tells Mike that it really is time for Mama to go. Mike is finally telling Mama to hold her tongue about Susan when she goes into labor, this time for real!

Carlos and Gaby love their new tenant, Ellie, since she's so helpful around the house and so good with Carlos. But then Gaby discovers that Ellie's sideline isn't tattoos, but drugs, and they realize they need to turn her in or it will violate his parole. When they go to the police, they already know about Ellie. Trouble is, she's smalltime, so they want her dealer, which means they want her to continue dealing and the Solises to continue to pretend everything is okay. Gaby feels even worse when Ellie presents her with flowers on Mother's Day, saying Gaby's treated her better than her own mother ever did.

Katherine tries to warn Dylan about Wayne, but Dylan continues to see her father anyway. Katherine tells Wayne that she got revenge for his abuse during their marriage by having several affairs and that Dylan isn't even his. He takes some gum Dylan was chewing and submits it for a DNA test and is horrified to find that Katherine was telling the truth.

He gets drunk and watches a home video of Dylan as a little girl, after she'd bravely gotten several stitches on her arm. He calls her and asks her to come over: He's got some things to tell her about her mother. When she arrives, he starts examining her arms and then angrily orders her to leave, although he won't say why.

19-05-2008, 21:22
05/18/2008 - "The Gun Song"
Season 4, Episode 16
Child Protective Services shows up at the Scavos to follow up on Kayla's complaint that Lynette has been abusing her. Lynette says Kayla is exaggerating, but there is surveillance video of her slapping Kayla in the store. If anything else happens, it could jeopardize the custody of all her children. Kayla overhears this and burns her arm with a curling iron and blame Lynette, who is immediately placed under arrest.

When Tom visits Lynette at the jail, she says it's up to him to fix this, since Kayla is his daughter. Tom tells Kayla that when Lynette gets out of jail, she and Kayla won't be able to live in the same place anymore. Kayla assumes Lynette will be moving out, but Tom explains that Kayla's the one who'll be moving. Desperate to stay with Tom, Kayla admits that she made up the whole thing and that she burned herself because she hates Lynette so much. She asks if she confesses everything to the police, whether she can stay and Tom tells her, no, she can't. Kayla insists she'll keep lying, in that case, but the psychiatrist has been listening in and the jig is up. Kayla goes to live with her grandparents. As she's being driven away, she sobs, "Daddy, I'm sorry."

Bree runs into Orson at their church and orders him to stop stalking her, insisting there's no chance she'll take him back. While she's at lunch with the recently returned Reverend Green -- who tells her his wife just left him -- Orson shows up. Bree asks if she can take the reverend's hand to convince Orson that it's really over. It works and Orson leaves. Unfortunately, the reverend has been harboring a crush on Bree all along and moves in for a kiss. When she says she's not attracted to him, he is horribly insulted.

Orson arrives at church and when h is told that the reverend has been talking about a "redheaded harlot in their midst," and he goes to talk to Reverend Green. out of giving a sermon denouncing Bree. They accidentally activate the p.a. system, which transmits their argument to the whole congregation, who all hear the reverend call Bree a "flame-haired Jezebel" and Orson defending her honor. Bree is quietly trying to sneak out of church when Orson announces he's not going to let the reverend tell anyone that "Bree Hodge is a slut." Bree rushes to the reverend's office and finds Orson unconscious on the ground. She goes to the hospital to check on Orson, telling them she's his wife. He's resting and she says they needn't tell them she was there, but to take excellent care of him. "He's a good man," she says.

Susan and Mike agree to name their son Conner, but then Mike's grandfather dies and he wants to name the boy after him. Susan agrees, but regrets her decision when he tells her her that his grandfather's name was Maynard. Her friends try to persuade her to change the name since it's so awful. Susan goes to alter the name on the birth certificate, but is told that Mike has to sign it as well. Susan levels with the nurse about why she needs the name changed, but the nurse, whose name is Vanessa, sticks to the rules. Susan sees her chance when a new nurse, named Griselda, takes over her post.

Susan's little change has gone unnoticed, until the hospital arrives with farewell balloons that read "Bon Voyage, Conner." Susan has to confess that she hates the name "Maynard." Mike tells her how his grandfather raised him after his father went to jail and that he wants to give his son someone to live up to, so Susan resigns herself to the name.

An undercover policeman poses as a handyman at Gabrielle's so that when Ellie leaves, they can break into her room. But when Ellie comes back unannounced and finds them there, Gabrielle has no choice but to pretend she's been having an affair with him! Ellie wants to know what she sees in the overweight schlub, and Gaby unconvincingly describes how passionate he is. But Ellie feels sorry for Carlos and tells him about the "affair." He angrily confronts Gaby, who tells him it was just a cover story.

When Gaby tells Ellie that she knows she snitched on her, Ellie reveals her own sad story: Her mother cheated on her father and that led to Ellie ending up on the streets, doing things she hated to survive. She says she'd hate anything bad to happen to Gaby and Carlos, because she loves them. The police call to let Gaby know that the supplier is on his way and they're about to arrest him and Ellie. Gaby warns her that the cops are here and orders her to run for it out the back door.

Wayne confronts Katherine about Dylan's lack of a childhood scar. He demands one of Katherine's hairs to see if Dylan is her daughter at all. Before he gets the hair, Lee and Bob drop in, asking if Katherine can cater their commitment ceremony in a few days.

Adam returns once he hears that Wayne is back and offers to warn him off for Dylan's sake, but Katherine, who's been getting in some target practice at the gun range, says that won't be necessary. Adam next suggests that the three of them still take the graduation trip they once planned for Dylan, but never come back. Wayne shows up at Dylan's recital and asks Adam to help him change his tire. Adam, who's never met Wayne, agrees. While Adam is busy with the tire, Wayne knocks him out with the tire iron. Adam comes to in a shed, tied to a chair. Wayne introduces himself and says, "We're about to have some fun."

19-05-2008, 21:27
05/18/2008 - "Free"
Season 4, Episode 17
Katherine goes to the police to report that Adam has been kidnapped. While she waits for a policeman, we see her in a flashback, when she'd been beaten up yet again by Wayne. When the female officer taking the complaint found out that her husband is a respected patrolman, she advised Katherine to take her daughter and run, since the other cops would all be on Wayne's side.

The cop taking Katherine's statement about Adam turns out to be a friend of Wayne's, and thinks she only wants revenge on her ex. Realizing the police won't help, she runs home to pack and orders Dylan to do the same, but Dylan demands to know what's going on first. Katherine says she'll finally reveal the truth, although we don't hear what she tells Dylan. Whatever it is has Dylan running away in tears. Katherine goes to tell Bree she's sorry, but she has to bail on Bob and Lee's commitment ceremony, although she can't say why. Lynette, Susan, and Gaby smugly point out that Katherine's too aloof to be trusted, and that she'll never be a part of their group. Bree agrees they may be right, but insists that now they all have to help her out. Orson also offers his services, but Bree turns him down.

Lynette has been walking on eggshells since Kayla left and wants to know when Tom's going to stop being angry with her. He insists he's not mad at her, but at the situation.

Meeting with Bree and Lynette at the pizzeria, Bob and Lee fight over what to have as their wedding ice sculpture: Lee wants a castle, while Bob insists a cherub is more tasteful. Lee gives in after Bob calls him a diva, but Tom urges Lee to stand up for what he wants, or else he'll be caving in for the rest of his married life. Tom nods approvingly as Lee insists on the castle. Bob agrees, but tells the women to stick with the cherub. Bree goes to pick up the ice sculpture herself, but loses cell phone coverage and then her tire blows out. The ice sculpture starts to melt, so she commandeers a baby carriage to wheel it to the ceremony. Orson miraculously shows up to give her a ride. She's grateful, but says she still won't take him back, unless he turns himself into the police, as she'd originally asked. He says he just can't because he wouldn't survive it.

Julie is chosen for a student internship at Princeton but Susan tells her they can't afford it, then says she just was panicking about her leaving earlier for college. She lets Julie go, but gives her a cell phone to stay in touch.

When Lee sees the cherub ice sculpture, he announces that the ceremony is off. Lynette and Tom go to talk sense into the couple. Tom says they shouldn't get married if they're breaking up over an ice sculpture. "What are you gonna do when the big stuff happens?" he demands, saying that they better know that the person lying next to them in bed is worth it. As Bob and Lee agree to go on with the ceremony, Lynette kisses Tom, realizing he does still love her.

Wayne's cop friend calls him about Katherine's kidnapping claim and they both laugh it off. And then Wayne goes back to beating the truth about Dylan's whereabouts out of Adam.

Carlos chews Gaby out for maxing out their credit cards. Then Ellie calls to ask Gaby for one last favor, to bring her a teddy bear she left behind as it has sentimental value since her father gave it to her. Suspecting it might be full of drugs, Gaby opens it up and finds over $100,000 in cash instead.

She and Carlos are planning what to do with the money when Ellie calls back and realizes she's found the cash. Gaby offers to split it with her, but Ellie threatens to throw acid in her face if one dime is missing. Gaby warns the police that Ellie is on her way, but she's already in the house. They fight for the duffel bag full of money and Gaby, with the bag in hand, runs out to summon the cops while Ellie escapes.

Katherine returns home to find Wayne waiting for her. She runs for the gun, but Wayne shoves her aside, breaking her wrist, and grabs it. He wants to know what happened to the real Dylan but Katherine swears she won't tell him anything.

Adam escapes from where Wayne was holding him and hijacks a car.

Katherine warns Wayne that he won't have an alibi if he kills her, but then Ellie runs into Katherine's house. She grabs a knife when she sees Wayne, but he shoots her with Katherine's gun. "Now I have an alibi," he says, planning to make it look like the women killed each other. Katherine informs Wayne that Dylan's run off and is probably never coming back.

Bree is incensed to hear that Katherine hasn't left town after all, since Karen McCluskey just saw her. Bree storms over to Katherine's, insisting she needs to talk to her now. Not getting an answer, Bree just goes on in, and becomes Wayne's second hostage -- and his bargaining chip to get Katherine to finally tells the whole story.

Katherine had been hiding at her aunt's, but Wayne found her there. The aunt wanted to call the police, but Katherine told her to let Wayne in, vowing to protect her daughter one way or the other. Wayne insisted on seeing Dylan, but Katherine hit him on the head with a heavy candle holder. He left, but announced he'd be back.

Anxious to play with the doll her daddy left her, little Dylan went to reach for it on the top of a tall cabinet, and it came crashing down on her, killing her. Katherine buried her daughter in the backyard, rather than let Wayne learn the truth, or blame her for Dylan's death. She flew to Romania to find a girl who looked just like Dylan, and raised her as her own.

Adam, in a desperate attempt to reach Katherine, drives right through Bob and Lee's commitment ceremony. Wayne goes to stave off Adam and the two women wait in fear for Wayne's return. But it's Adam, with Wayne's gun, who comes up the stairs. Wayne is lying on the floor with a broken wrist and now Katherine turns the gun on him. He tells her this isn't over and that he'll make her pay when he gets out of jail. "I know," says Katherine, and shoots him.

Katherine refuses to say anything, but Bree tells the police that Katherine shot him in self defense. All her friends confirm how scared she was of Wayne and the same cop who phoned Wayne earlier to laugh about the kidnapping tells Katherine this was obviously self-defense, and orders her cuffs to be taken off. As she's being taken to the hospital, Dylan runs up to hug her.

Cut to five years later: Katherine is now an intrinsic part of the weekly poker game and all other aspects of life on Wisteria Lane. Orson and Bree are back together. And when Susan arrives home, it's not Mike who greets her with a kiss, but a man we've never seen before.