View Full Version : David Fakes His Own Death

22-08-2007, 12:29
From DS:-

Coronation Street's David Platt is to fake his own suicide to sabotage his sister's wedding.

Weatherfield will be convinced by the teen's scheme in the run up to Sarah's planned marriage to Jason Grimshaw.

He will pull the stunt after his family refuse to allow him to the ceremony - because of his involvement in child Beth taking an ecstasy tablet.

The soap will see David leave a suicide note in mother Gail's house - and leaves an angry message on her answerphone - then drive his car into a canal.

Police will interrupt the wedding, prompting Gail to storm out, but Sarah insists Jason stays to sign the document.

Later David will return to the family and try to explain himself, according to Life Style Extra.

22-08-2007, 12:33
omg good storyline!!! cant wait for this

22-08-2007, 12:36
So David Platt is going to sink to new levels....this sounds like a brilliant storyline! David is one of the best characters on the Street at the moment, he's such a complex character and is a very troubled individual, looking forward to it!

22-08-2007, 12:36
Hahaha, that sounds like a great story! I love David, he's such a great character at the minute. Very unpredictable and hilerious.

22-08-2007, 12:42
god David is just iritating, his storylines are getting more and more far-fetched by the day, how much can happen to one young lad in a lifetime!? It's becoming past a joke the stuff the writers are making him do.

22-08-2007, 12:45
god David is just iritating, his storylines are getting more and more far-fetched by the day, how much can happen to one young lad in a lifetime!? It's becoming past a joke the stuff the writers are making him do.

It is his hair that puts me of watching him but as a character I can see why all this is happening to him.. he has been tramatised (sp) from an early age. His father having countless affairs and eventually leaving for a girl not much older than david.. His mother hooks up with a nutter who tries to kill them all and his sister is not much of a role model for him.. No wonder the guy has lost all his marbles....

22-08-2007, 15:01
I love David Platt's character is the best on the street at the moment

22-08-2007, 20:12
I hope it doesn't get any more OTT than this cos its just getting stupid now. I think the next step in this storyline is for Gail to seek psychiatric help.

22-08-2007, 23:04
sounds intresting, I hope its as good as it sounds

23-08-2007, 00:15
I hope it doesn't get any more OTT than this cos its just getting stupid now. I think the next step in this storyline is for Gail to seek psychiatric help.
She should and when she is there she should get help for Demon Boy as well:rotfl:

23-08-2007, 01:36
It sounds good, but I have to agree with Bry with regard to the farfetched part. I thought it was ridiculous enough that he got the A* after not going to school or revising, and now they have a 16 year old driving a car into the canal! I remember his birthday being in December, and the spoilers are probably in about October now, so it's not like he's going to be legal. How do the writers expect us to believe that he will make it to the canal without being caught or crashing?

David's justification of why he wanted to commit suicide will really be extremely hard to believe. He's worn the bullying record out, and he's left school now. And to do it for the reason he is; his sister marrying and him not being allowed to be there, or because it's Jason who climbed out of the toilet window the last time, are the reasons that someone would give and concequently be labelled a spoilt brat for.

23-08-2007, 10:28
David hasn't really been through anymore than Sarah though has he? And she's not traumatised.

I enjoy the storylines with David but they are getting more and more ridiculous. Surely after the upcoming story line with Bethany and the E pill, Gail would make him move out, that too is unbelievable - the fact that she keeps putting up with his increasingly disturbing behaviour.

23-08-2007, 15:23
I hope it doesn't get any more OTT than this cos its just getting stupid now. I think the next step in this storyline is for Gail to seek psychiatric help.
She should and when she is there she should get help for Demon Boy as well:rotfl:lmao alan :D

23-08-2007, 16:44
I'm not sure that people who have been posting on here understand the nature of mental illness. I think everything that is happening to David is consistent with depressive paranoia brought on by the traumas he's suffered in his life. Of course some of these things have affected Sarah too, but not everyone reacts in the same way.

I think both the storyline and Jack Shepherd's depiction are spot on. He is a bright boy who could easily get an A* in one subject. And as for driving his car in to the canal without being stopped, I don't really see much wrong with that either. 16 year old kids are going out joy riding all the time without getting stopped for a long time.

23-08-2007, 16:52
I see that after everything the pair have been through, that David wouldn't want Sarah marrying Jason after the last wedding, but driving a car into a canal just to get attention isn't a positive message to audiences. At least when Richard did it, he died which showed that the bad don't always win.

David is still quite spoilt, in my opinion. How many parents buy cars for their children when they're not old enough to drive them? Sarah had to deal with all the stuff with Brenda and Bethany, Todd becoming gay, being jilted and losing a baby, on top of what David has. He's younger and so he might take what has happened to the both of them harder than Sarah would, but having your mum think that her ex is back from the dead still seems a bit extreme to me.

23-08-2007, 16:55
That is what I was trying to say.. he has been through so much, so has sarah but Martin is David's dad so his action would have a bigger impact on David. Plus Sarah had to grow up quiet quickly as she has beth so young. David doesn't see to have a positive role model in his life and for what I can see, Gail doesn't seem to make david realise the consequence of his action... for what I see, he just gets a slapped wrist and be on your way kinda disipline

23-08-2007, 16:59
The problem is that it's too late now to discipline David. He is mentally ill. Talk of killing his mother and sister and possibly trying to commit suicide are not the thoughts and actions of a normal boy. He needs to be seen for what he is and be treated for his depression.

23-08-2007, 17:05
The problem is that it's too late now to discipline David. He is mentally ill. Talk of killing his mother and sister and possibly trying to commit suicide are not the thoughts and actions of a normal boy. He needs to be seen for what he is and be treated for his depression.

I agree, it is far to late. He can only be helped by a professional now. I know a lot of teenager who say they hate their parents but not enough to want them dead or to pretend they are dead to get a reaction from them. He is a very disturbed, mixed up kid and he needs to get it sorted now before it is far to late and he does carry out the things going on in his head..
He also needs a stronger male role model in his life too. It doesn't have to be his mum's boyfriend, just a guy who he can talk to and look up to

Chloe O'brien
23-08-2007, 23:45
the way I see it David for a long time now David has usually had to do something bad to get Gail's or any adult's attension and for a long time he has felt neglected due to sarah fallen pregnant and other reason including Nicky coming back from Canada, Martin's relationship with the nurse and with craig's sister and not forgetting almost getting killed by Richard. David has realised that if he was to behave and get good grades at school his mum would just say well done, so with him getting into trouble all the time it's really a cry for help. It's sad but Gail can't help him on her own now it has gone to far he needs professional help. Let's hope Corrie give this mental health storyline justice.

27-08-2007, 22:20
It's also worth pointing out that Sarah is not Martin's daughter, she's Brian's. She was only a toddler when Brian died, but I never felt little Sarah was as attached to Martin as young David was.

27-08-2007, 22:25
I'm not sure that people who have been posting on here understand the nature of mental illness. I think everything that is happening to David is consistent with depressive paranoia brought on by the traumas he's suffered in his life. Of course some of these things have affected Sarah too, but not everyone reacts in the same way.

I think both the storyline and Jack Shepherd's depiction are spot on. He is a bright boy who could easily get an A* in one subject. And as for driving his car in to the canal without being stopped, I don't really see much wrong with that either. 16 year old kids are going out joy riding all the time without getting stopped for a long time.
An excellent and well thought out post. For anyone who has the slightest inkling of Mental Ilness or PTSD they would know how realistic this storyline is. Well researched and excellently portrayed by all involved:clap:

30-08-2007, 13:29
I think David achieving an A* is way too far fetched!
he may be intelligent and be able to achieve one,
However, he didn't go to school nor did he revise, therefore the teacher would never have entered him into the higher paper meaning there would be no possible way to gain a higher grade (unless the GCSE system has changed since i did them)
If the school knew he was some kind of genius child they would have surely told Gail this (earlier on in his school days) and there would have been no reason for her to be so shocked as she would have expected the result!

Where is Martin whilst this is going on? i understand that he has left the show, but David doesn't visit and no phone calls are made, in fact his name is barely mentioned.

I believe in reality David would have been sectioned after the court case (maybe even after the cards where sent) as in both situations the police where involved. And also if my memory is correct the social services where involved and they wouldn't have left the situation how it was.