View Full Version : Colds and their remedies

15-05-2005, 15:51
Has any body else got a :
sore throat
blocked nose
running nose
Or just a cold?
And has any body got any DECENT (not disgusting or hard to do) remedies?
Reply please

15-05-2005, 15:57
Ive got a really bad chesty cough that I cant seem to get rid of, its come on after having a cold. Steam inhalation is supposed to be good for a cold as it clears the airways, so is echinachea, although Ive never tried them so I dont know how effective they are.

15-05-2005, 16:00
Sorry kitz, i have no ideas. But i do have a REALLY sore throat!!!!!!!!! :)

15-05-2005, 16:02
Paracetemol and lemsip drinks apparently.

15-05-2005, 17:13
Cough sweets - it helps me for coughs and sore throats. There is this thing you can put on a tissue near your pillow/tops to help you breath during night and day.

Colds - Can't you get them things called Vicks anymore? You can get it in a tub for colds. You can get it in a tube thing to smell up your nose. Its really good for colds!!


Am I allowed to post a link for this case? :searchme:

15-05-2005, 17:20
Paracetemol and lemsip drinks apparently. If you have a cold steam is ideal, it helps clear the head, with a few menthal crystals added.Take paracetemol with hot lemon 4 hourly keep warm and have plenty of fluids and a cold should go fairly quickly, Dont waste money on lemsip or night nurse.They only contain paracetemol and a small amount of lemon. much cheaper to do your own, and the lemon will be fresh.

15-05-2005, 18:03
I swear by night nurse to help me sleep when I'm not well. Hot water and honey and lemon will help your throat. Drink plenty fluids when you've got a cold, it flushes your system.

di marco
15-05-2005, 18:32
drinking plenty of water will help with a sore throat

15-05-2005, 18:35
Colds - Can't you get them things called Vicks anymore?

Thanks spicy, i just had a root around in my mums medicine cupboard thing and theres this blue and green tub which my mum said was Vicks. IT STINKS!! :D :D Any way, I'm gonna put that stuff on my chest (thats it isn't it?) and hope for the best in the morning!

15-05-2005, 18:51
Water, more water and rest.

23-05-2005, 22:38
Thanks spicy, i just had a root around in my mums medicine cupboard thing and theres this blue and green tub which my mum said was Vicks. IT STINKS!! :D :D Any way, I'm gonna put that stuff on my chest (thats it isn't it?) and hope for the best in the morning!
Your welcome!! :bow: I love the smell of it :moonie: Yep you can put it on you chest, neck, back. Its helps to smell it. Usually mum gets boiling water puts it in a bowl and puts around 2 spoonfulls of it in. Then the smells spreads around the room. Be sure to do this with the room closed and at night mainly for a peaceful sleep!! :thumbsup:

24-05-2005, 08:21
orange juice and paraceomol work great, also you can get a karvol plug in (like one of those air freshners) i use them for the kids and they really help clear your blocked nose, i know this as the baby is still in my room!!! it really works

24-05-2005, 08:30
Your welcome!! :bow: I love the smell of it :moonie: Yep you can put it on you chest, neck, back. Its helps to smell it. Usually mum gets boiling water puts it in a bowl and puts around 2 spoonfulls of it in. Then the smells spreads around the room. Be sure to do this with the room closed and at night mainly for a peaceful sleep!! :thumbsup:

I hate the smell of that vicks :sick:

24-06-2005, 10:33
I use a Vicks tube thing that squirts liquid up your nose. It takes about 5 mins to kick in and really helps.

16-07-2005, 09:47
there it is 200 degrees outside and who gets a cold? me of course.blocked nose and sore throat and every blimmin remedy you pick up says do not take if pregnant or consult your doctor if pregnant.too hot,too ill and too pregnant,fed up! :angry:

16-07-2005, 09:55

16-07-2005, 11:40
If you have sore throat,then suck on several spoons of honey if your preganant or any other medication. I used to have a mildform of anemia so was on medication, and couldn' take anything else. It helps because it sort of coats the throat and stops it hurting so much

di marco
16-07-2005, 12:32
drinking plenty of water is good for sore throats too

18-07-2005, 11:03
yeah, about a gallon works for me!

18-07-2005, 22:50
every time i have a cold i drink cartons and cartons of orange juice. it just really makes me feel better! i dont drink orange juice at any other time as i dont really like it but it really helps my cold!