View Full Version : exam revision tips

Bad Wolf
15-05-2005, 15:50
its become apparent that loads of us are going through various exams from SATs, GCSE, as levels, a levels, degree, post graduate, and various other qualifications

i thought it would be nice if we had a thread for tips for how to get through them, these can be anything from the type of music (if any) you listen to while revising to tips to cope with exam stress

good luck to everyone, and i hope this helps

Rachy xxxxxx

15-05-2005, 15:53
Dealing With Distractions

"I just start daydreaming"
Become an active learner. Always work with a pen and paper. Focus on a specific task, not a specified time for your study.

"I can't focus because I'm anxious about the exams"
Try to limit yourself to your immediate concerns, the things you have some control over (preparation for the upcoming revision test) rather than the things you cannot determine (like what questions the examiners will choose for this year's English Lit paper.)

"I often fall asleep when I'm supposed to be studying"
Try to get to bed on time over the coming weeks. A tired brain is very unproductive. Get some genuine rest at the weekend. Be sure to get regular exercise, even just a walk around the block at night to clear your head.

"I'm constantly interrupted by other people"
Study in the location most likely to offer peace and quiet. Ask for consideration from family members over the final run up to exams. Never have a TV, phone, computer game, or music system within arm's reach while you are trying to work. Make a rule of not taking phone calls within certain defined periods.

"I keep thinking of other things while I'm studying"
Divide the study session into smaller, short-range goals which demand your full attention e.g. vocabulary or poetry test. Keep a 'reminder pad' beside you, a little notebook to jot down something that strikes you (someone to call, a job to do, etc.) and deal with it after the study period. Having made a note of it, you can more easily re-focus on your work.

15-05-2005, 15:54
I found these on a revision website, hope they help

Kirst xxxx

Bad Wolf
15-05-2005, 15:54
thank you dear xxx

15-05-2005, 17:00
Have you got exams coming up? Here's some advice...

*Make sure you spend enough time revising.
*In the exam make sure you read the question properly.
*If you can't answer a question go onto the next.
*Keep an eye on the clock.
*Don't spend too long on one question.

Hope that helps and good luck for all of you's who are doing your exams!! :thumbsup:

15-05-2005, 17:03
These are some top tips for dealing with stress:

1. Get plenty of sleep
Try to keep your sleep routine as regular as possible

2. Take a break
This is really important, you should give yourself plenty of short breaks as you revise, this keeps you fresher for longer, so you will learn more.

3. Time for yourself
Try to leave enough time in your revision for some fun. You will need to put your books down and do something you enjoy for a while if you want to stay in a good mood.

4. Be realistic
Don't try to do too much work each day. If you overdo it you won't take in the facts you're revising.

5. Eat properly
Make sure your diet includes plenty of fruit and veg. Drink juice or water, avoid too much tea or coffee.

6. Get some exercise
It's a fantastic stress buster. Go running, skateboarding, play a sport, or just take a walk around the block. You will feel more relaxed. If you're not sleeping very well exercise can make a real difference.

7. Be positive
Don't beat yourself up about things, instead be nice to yourself. Make a quick list of five things you've done that you are proud of. This will put you in a good mood and you will learn more.

8. Chill out
If you are starting to lose it, and feel that the studying is getting on top of you - take a bit of time to:

Breathe deeply:
Tell yourself how well you are doing.
Remind yourself that everything is going to turn out alright.
Stand up straight and smile, you will feel a bit better straight away.

15-05-2005, 17:04
Revision DOs

Make yourself a nice work area. You need a flat surface with good light. Gather up plenty of pens and pencils. A ruler, scissors, glue, dictionary and notebook are also useful.

Try and do your revision at the same time each day. Getting into a routine will make it feel less of a chore.

For our guide to exam stress and how to beat it, click here

Explain your revision task to a family member and tell them how it follows on from what you studied at school. Talking about it will give you some ideas.

Eat a healthy snack before settling down to do your revision.

Use a variety of resources including the internet. There are games that can make revision much more fun than just reading from a textbook.

Revise outside the textbook. E.g. if you are studying Shakespeare, watching a play will make it more interesting and reinforce what you have learned at school.

Studying with a friend is a good way to share ideas and motivate one another.

Revision DON'Ts

Don't start revising until you've made a revision plan showing what you need to do and when you will do it.

Don't revise with the TV on. Turn it off but listen to music if you find it helps.

Don't forget to take a break. A 15-20 min break every 90 minutes will refresh your mind. Go for a walk, have a drink or listen to some music.

Don't forget to have a good night's sleep.

Under Pressure? Six Golden Rules

Stick to fulfilling your potential, not other people's expectations.

Ask for help if you need it.

Take time out and relax, it will pay off.

Focus on yourself, not on what anyone else thinks or does.

Remember this is NOT your ONLY chance to prove yourself.

Believe in yourself, you've got no reason not to.

15-05-2005, 18:08
I suffer from nerves in exams, Its like I will get in, I look at the paper and panic, I worry about the time, and my mind goes blank, one of the main reasons why i underperform in exams. It doesn't help that ive had to repeat modules in the past, and its taking me ages to even complete my degree. I worry about doing well, I need to prove myself, but I can't. I choose the wrong degree.

15-05-2005, 18:26
Soapwatcher, is it too late for you to change your degree course?

If you suffer from nerves, there is something you can buy called Rescue Remedy to help you relax, maybe that might help, you can get it from chemists.

15-05-2005, 18:45
No... im in my third year, i should have graduated last year, but i managed to fail, and im having to retake modules.

I have an exam tomorrow...Ill try and see if i can see that in the chemists if I have time. I do suffer from depression and anxiety, but I dont get a lot of help for that, and I think one of the main factors is all the worry I get from this degree. I know many people would have quit my now, but I worry that ill let everyone down I dont try hard. I mean a lot of money has gone into this degree, and I just need to finish it. I mean it shouldn't be difficult, I think its because Im fed up, and Ive never really enjoyed the course.

I really want to try and get away from computing though, and try and get onto a masters , doing something that I will enjoy, I want to start afresh and make new friends and do things differently, but I need to get that 2:2.

15-05-2005, 18:52
I very nearly quit doing my degree, sometimes I used to think "whats the point". I really enjoyed the course, but it was all the assignments, revision and reading that got to me. Now Im glad I didnt, and Im sure you'll feel the same after you graduate. If you are worried about letting other people down then try not to- afterall, you're the most important thing and you should do whats best for you. Stay positive and Im sure you will get the marks you need.

15-05-2005, 19:19
Thank you:-) I think Ive just got to remain positive.

17-05-2005, 19:08
my main problem is coming onto this site and getting myself distracted for hours

and watching too much tv!

Bad Wolf
18-05-2005, 15:16
thanks everyone for all your tips keep them coming,

i'm actually terrified about my exams, i usually only get that funny feeling the day before (when i'm in a mad panic) but i have it now and my first one is a week away! its not good, but i'm sure some of you will be pleased to hear i passed my essay's only two exams and a dissertation to go!!!

di marco
18-05-2005, 20:47
well done for passing your essays rach :)